A run to nowhere

WARMUP: None. Do it yourself. 5 am start.
THE THANG: We ran behind and in front of Gold Hill Middle exploring some new “sites” and exploring a new .3 area through the woods. It was nice and flat and soft. Overall, PAX felt we were running to nowhere – which makes sense since we went everywhere in the dark. Just when you thought we were done with hills, we were not. Mumblechatter was as at a minimum today, but probably due to pace, although Rolloff had no trouble talking while running and Skate-or-die was faking that he was tired as he sprinted the last .1 like he was the Tyreek Hill. For the record, Rolloff probably felt we were not running fast enough.

Thanks to the runners for joining me at Pathfinder this morning!

MARY: Who is she?
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Combined with Colosseum.
COT: Combined with Colosseum. Cool new FNG named Knock Knock. Welcome!

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Sandbag Share

THE THANG: Rucked 1.84 miles. Stopped every 0.3 miles and did two PT exercises at each stop with ruck and passed along #40 sandbag
Stop 1 – 20 ruck squats, 15 ruck merkins
Stop 2 – 20 overhead presses, 15 curls
Stop 3 – 20 4ct flutters presses, 15 ruck big boys
Stop 4 – 20 2ct mounting climbers with ruck mtn climbers, 15 lunges each leg
Stop 5 – 20 upward rows , 15 overhead presses

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WARMUP: sure
THE THANG: 6 miles @ 10ish pace
MARY: 25 flutters IC, 10 dying cockroaches IC, and some Simpsons
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter
COT: praise: time w/ family, getting to be dads, Squatch’s g-mom discharged from hospital prayers: Squatch’s sister in law’s medical issue, kids

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Wait…you want me to Q a ruck workout?

WARMUP: Made our way to the upper parking lot for SSH, Mountain Climbers, Plank work, Windmills, and more SSH without ruck

THE THANG: FYI…this was my VQ (ruck)! I felt WAY outside my comfort zone, which is where we as leaders are meant to be…but like most any challenge we face, the way through it is my taking the next step.

Remaining work with ruck – relocated to the sidewalk just outside the entrance to the BMX track and started at the first light pole with 10 squats, lunge walk to next pole for merkins, reverse lunge walk to the next pole for curls, lunge walk to the next pole for thrusters.  Now at the bottom of the hill, we discussed my #OneWord for 2023 of #Intentionality and proceeded to use the hill for a Jacobs Ladder – starting with 10 burpees at the top and 1 big boy sit-up with the ruck overhead at the bottom.  The group completed this with just enough time to make our way back to COT
MARY: nothing other than the big boys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mens shelter, blood drive, d2d fundraising, newsletter
COT: What’s share in COT stays in COT

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Circle of death

Moroccan Night Club
Imperial Walkers
Mountain Climbers
10 man makers
squat hold with the bell
Turkish get ups
10 man makers

The Thang:
Partner up for Catch me if you can. One partner did 10 merkins and the other partner carried both bells. The first partner then caught up and swapped.

Next up was 6 cones with exercises that we rotated through.
20 Burpees
20 Curls
20 Seated one arm presses
20 American Hanmmers
20 Goblet Squats
20 Single Leg Dead lifts(oil derricks)

The PAX got in 3 rotations or more around the circle.

Overhead one arm carry the bell back to the COT.

10 V-ups with bell
LBC’s in Cadence

The Site Q duties were passed from @airborne to @happy hour. Airborne has done a great job with this site and we look forward to Happy Hour’s leadership. We had 2 FNG’s which was great.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

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DORA Ready with an unexpected whistle

Disclaimer: when you hear a whistle you owe 10 burpees; intermittent whistles throughout (maybe 10 times)

WARMUP: 50 SSH, of course, and a few others warmup type stuff

– Dora #1
— 200 Merk’s
— 200 Dips
— 100 Derkins
— 100 Wide grip merks
* Partner did a 50’ish yd Bear Crawl [lots of mummblechatter here?!? Some preferring the bear crawl over merks?, guessing the holidays make some of the pax soft?? 🙂 ]

– DORA #2
— 100 squats
— 150 Monkey humpers
— whatever was next nobody got to…
* Partner did a 40ish yd Duck walk

MESSAGE: we do dumb stuff in the gloom to prepare for the unexpected; the whistle, the burpees represents the unexpected in life; continue your preparedness

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last JOC ruck 2022

– ruck, share sandbag, stop along the way to do various ruck exercises and rotate sandbag amongst PAX.
– close 2022 with a total of 22 Man-Makers
– read your newsletter
– was held

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Pathfinder but on a bike

Skate or die had to last minute bail on running. My ankle was not 100%, so I brought a mountain bike and road the trails solo. explored some new routes and enjoyed the quiet.

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Trail run at the Whitewater Center

The kids are off school and we need to get on some trails. The Nash van is making a trip to the Whitewater Center on Thursday morning to run some trails. Leo and Half Tights are leading a group on a 9 mile route(same one as the CRC Trail race) and I will be leading a shorter 5-ish mile route. I have room in my van and a parking pass so plan to hop in and ride the big black bus up there. Meet in Kingsley at 0745. Message me for details.

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