Golden Corral , buffet of choices

It was a humid July morning at 18 HIM met for a assortment of pain.  12 choose YHC for BC and 4 WhatDid ruck beat down.  Zima and MacGivor went for a sweat fest run.  The 12 boot campers went off with me.

20 SSH

  1. 20IW

20 Moroccan Nightclubs

run 100% across parking lot, 10 bombjacks

Set up for a Rock Hill Wakkers Starfish (Change Order new what was coming):

100 merkins

100 LBC

100  Squats

50 Pike Presses, between each stations 10 burpies

Next up a Merkin Wave for 7 rounds . Crowd pleaser.

Jack Webb

Sprint back across parking lot for 10 more bombjacks.

series of Wall Sits including each PAx doing Bear Crawls.

finish up with another set of merkin wave.

.Annoucements, praises and prayers.

read your newsletter.

Always an honor to lead.






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Fast 5 Training @ LO = Bad Idea

Pretty sure my favorite style of running is trails but for some reason, I love using the track. Schedule was being drawn up a few weeks back and I got pulled in early.  Thus it was my turn to Q Laces Out and like usual, I did a bad thing.

The Thang

  • Warmup Run 1 Mile
  • Partner Up for Fast 5 Training
    • Fast 5 Training is basically Catch Me if You Can on the track. Partner 1 starts walking/light jog while Partner 2 runs as fast as he can around the track. Once he catches Partner 1, they switch. It’s about 2 laps of sprinting, 1 recover
  • Cool Down 1/2 Mile
  • No Yoga or Stretching


  • Great group out there today
  • I earn the 6 award for just under 5 miles
  • I believe Trojan takes the cake for most miles (just over 6)
  • It’s Chippendales (muggy muggy muggy) season y’all
  • Gears did his typical anti-establishment run (if you want to get better, click HERE)
  • Fast group this AM, thanks for the push guys
  • Thanks for indulging my bad ideas
  • Planning Fast 5 for mid-late October

Prayer & Praises

  • Prayers for Gears work situation (He’s fine just dealing with a lot)
  • Prayers for families
  • Prayers for Injured Pax

Always an Honor. Aye!


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