What a turnout

Word for the day was “consistency”. Anyone can do it in bursts or for a short while but a consistent performance will take you further. When you are tired or disinterested, that consistency will help you to focus.
WARMUP: Seal Jacks, IW, Windmill, Mountain Climbers, MNC and, of course, SSHs
THE THANG: mosey to back of Lowe’s. Partner up for Dora: 100 Merks, 200 Gas Pumpers (just for Twister) & 300 Sumo Squats.
10 partner hand slap Merkins, 10 partner Derkins (real crowd pleaser) and 5 Partner Giddy-ups per side.
Mosey to Persis wall, pax jumps out to do 5 bombjacks then 3 flying Squirrels. Ended with Jack Webb and the Q was gassed.
MARY: 2 rounds
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Summer of CSAUPs, FM Care Center lawn care
COT: Prayers for Destiny’s Father in law and a friend of Assassin’s wife with a brain tumor.
What a glorious humid day to be amongst the Pax. Honored and humbled by the great turnout.

TClap |

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