Keep Going

WARMUP: 100yds down the field: Toy Soldier x 20yds, Lunge Walk x 20yds, Duck Walk x 20yds, Right Shuffle x 20yds, Left Shuffle x 20yds
THE THANG: 1. Mosey the long way to pull up bars–come back for 6 OR LBCs–5 & dime (5 pull ups, 10 merkins);
2. Mosey the long way to ticket booth at stadium–pick up 6 OR LBCs;
3. Mosey up the hill to the road and back down to the field entrance, Bear Crawl back up the drive–pick up 6 OR Flutter;
4. Mosey to band lot–pick up 6 OR Flutter;
5. Up/Downs and sprint across the field x 4
6. 100yds down the field 20yds at a time x 4: Chosen from the following: Lunge Walk, Toy Solder, Bear Crawl, Duck Walk, Karaoke (right & left), NUR, Reverse Lunge Walk, Sprint 50 with 25 Merkins x 2, Frog Jump

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