Board of Pain

Imperial Walkers
Stretchy Things

We moseyed down to the parking lot next to the float spa.
Thang 1 – 600 Rep Circuit
– 20 Mtn. Climbers
– 10 Merkins
– 20 Shoulder taps (total)
– 10 Merkins
– 20 Commandos (high to low plank)
– 10 Merkins
– 20 Squat Thrusts
– 10 Merkins
Exercises performed back to back with minimal to no rest in between for 5 rounds.

We definitely could have used the spa after that but they were not open yet.

Thang 2 – Starfish
I asked the Pax for a number between 1 and 5. Tomb Raider(@Damien Croft) called out 4 and this became the number of burpees in the center of our 4 corners.

We started with the 4 Burpees then ran to each corner for a set of exercises returning to the center for 4 burpees.
– Corner 1 – 10 CDDs
– Corner 2 – 20 Lunges
– Corner 3 – 30 Squats
– Corner 4 – 40 LBCs

Moseyed back to COT.

Box cutters
Freddy Mercury’s
Big Boys

Announcements and Prayers were made.

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Movie Theatre Shenanigans

Low slow squats
Mosey to movie theater parking lot
Round 1:
Sprint 100 yards, do 10 burpees, sprint back
13 squat jumps
13 lunges each leg
13 monkey humpers
Repeat 3x starting with run

Round 2:
Sprint 50 yards, do 10 burpees, sprint back
13 hand release merkins
13 CDD
13 diamond merkins
Repeat 3x

Round 3:
Bear crawl 20ish yards, bear crawl back
13 big boy sit-ups
13 flutters each leg
13 Freddy mercury each leg
Repeat 3x

Mosey back to COT

MARY: 5 mins of Mary

Pizza tonight at Emilio’s
Luka 5K

COT: prayers up for Luka, aging parents/grandparents


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The Hills have Crawls


Mosey to sausage hill
7s MOT bear crawl up run down

Mosey to movies

20 Dips

70 Merkins
140 Squats
220 LBCs

Parking lot lunges
2 Merkins at each stripe compounded


Box cutters
Peter Pointers
Vuvu Run
Mental health

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Fire Hydrant

WARMUP: Yea, of course. Warm up is important

4 corners at the Tide place
Bomb Jacks
changed mode of transport around

Mosey to Red Ventures
Stopped for Kracken Burpees
additive merkins for the first 9 light poles on the right (45 total merkins)
Stopped for leg raises on all fours at the fire hydrants, cause when was the last time you did that?

Got past the parking deck and found a nice set of curbs

Mike Tysons and Curb Alberts
kinda did 11s for a while until I felt like we should head back

Did additive lunges at the light poles on the way back (45)

MARY: No time. Quack Attack always tells me I don’t have enough core work in my weinke’s. he’s probably right. Wish he’d post more.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence 3/14 at the Hive
Jaegar 3/15 GHMS
Luka Fast 5 4/12 PKMS

COT: Was held. Prayers lifted.

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Pendulum of pain

WARMUP: grandpa jacks, hillbilly walkers, dynamic plank stretching, gravediggas
THE THANG: ran towards RedVentures, stopped at Handels to do a quick set of Dark Helmets favorite lifting heavy chairs over head a few times:


Then we moseyed to the road with lightpoles headed down to RV where I explained the thang

Starting at bottom of hill, we ran up back to top of hill by Carolina Butcher, performed 1 Kraken Burpee then ran back to bottom of hill.

From there we bear crawled the other direction up the hill to first tree where we performed what I called a crab dip, from the crab position take hand and touch opposite foot, then flip flop and then do a dip.

We did 10 of those and then crab walked back to bottom of hill.

Then we ran back up hill towards other side and dropped off one light pole and performed 2 kraken burpees, ran back down to bottom of hill and then bear crawled to second tree up other side of hill, then performed 9 “crab dips”
Then instead of crab walking we changed to NUR (good feedback from pax)
Kept doing this until we achieved 5 kraken burpees and we ran short on time so had to mosey back, stopping to bear crawl up hill by Carolina butcher.


Flutters until 6
Bethel, battle bot send off, convergence
Honor to lead the men today, asked for feedback which we don’t do enough of. I personally felt it was a bit sloppy and not super well adjusted for time but it’s hard to tell sometimes how long a plan will take to execute…so get me on your Q schedules men! Lastly we talked about keeping the Sad clown at bay, he never actually goes away, we just keep beating him into submission every day we take the DRP.

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Eastside Mafia Snot Woggler

WARMUP: in cadence – SSH, windmill,
Hillbilly Walkers, imperials, merkins
THE THANG: mosey to the Farm house hill, partner Dora x 4:
100 SSH
200 marks
300 squats
400 lbc
Mosey back corner of red stone parking lot

4 Corners of Pain
25 hand release merk
50 jump squats
75 big boy sit-ups
100 flutters

MARY: pax called Marvelous mary exercises

Tomorrow for <@U087NCUTMPT> at <#C02P7E6JT55>
Get ready for American jackal gear coming to f3 store
Convergence coming to hive

COT: long and distinguished

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Due to lightning in the area YHC called an audible and we took it to the parking deck for a simple but effective beatdown.

We warmed up with SSH, Imperial Walkers. Windmills and Mountain Climbers.

The Thang:
Lunge Walk 20 Paces
10 Star Jumps
Repeat for 5 rounds

Lunge walk 20 Paces
15 Merkins
Repeat 5 rounds

Bear Crawl 20 Paces
20 Squats
Repeat 5 rounds

Lunge Walk 20 Paces
10 Carolina Dry Docks
Repeat 5 rounds then back to the lunge walks and Star Jumps.

Back to COT for a little Mary.

Announcements and prayers were made.

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Med balls, sandbags and sledgehammers

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, low slow merkins. Windmills
THE THANG: mes balls and sandbags were lined up. Pax formed a line and started tossing them over the shoulder, rotate, we had 9 bags of different weights for the rotation.

Bring bags to bottom of parking lot. 4 pax will bear crawl and push/roll the medballs up the hill while rest of pax will toss sandbags forward, rotate as needed between to complete 2 circuits.

We had 3 sledgehammers waiting for us…

Next. 3 pax with hold one sledgehammer each with one hand with arm straight out and hold it while rest of pax mosey around parking lot carrying, sandbags, medballs and rucks. Rotate as needed for 10 minutes alternating between hammers and mosey.

Back to pushing medballs up the hill while bear crawling, 10 pax bear crawled up and down the hill in a rotating form while 3 pax made “halos” with the hammers, rotate again between hammers and med balls. another 10 minutes.

I’ve been wanting to try the bear crawl /med ball push for a while and now it’s one of my favorite modes of transportation.

Shoulders will be smoking tomorrow.

MARY: broga
ANNOUNCEMENTS: jaeger, Q source happening once a month at Sweetwaters.
COT: fifth core principle.

Tinsel OUT

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