Looongest shuttle run ever

WARMUP: yes, we did some after a quick mosey
THE THANG: ran suicides across the ENTIRE parking lot, over 1 mile

Ran over to cindies and lined up in a straight line where we did 25 reps of a particular exercise then ran across to halfway point of parking lot and back. We got through 9 or 10 sets
MARY: yes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel shelter, gremlin 2/17, eggstravaganza
COT: yes

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Dawn Patrol On the Rise

When: 0615 Tuesdays and Thursdays

Site Q: Double D and Jekyll

Where: Tuesdays: Veteran Park; Thursdays: Kingsley Amphitheater

Slack channel: #ao-dawn-patrol

The Thang:

One of the opportunities we are afforded as leaders is to step up and lean in when there is a vacuum, or an opportunity presents itself.  We have identified a need for a later posting time.  You name the reason: fartsack, Kotter, work from home, kids schedules, etc. For going on 12 years, The Fort has been Open to All Men (willing to workout at 0515).  We’re expanding the access in 2024!

We now have 2x per week 0615 workouts.

Tuesdays: Fort Mill Veterans Park: Run or Ruck

Thursdays: Kingsley Amphitheater: Bootcamp

If you feel the 0615 time will work for you, we look forward to seeing you in the Gloom.

Also- this is a great opportunity for a double down!


Double D & Jekyll

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Q vs Q 2024

Q versus Q is back for 24! This year we’re going to mix it up and it’s going to be SLT versus SLT. Each nantan has selected three other SLT members to represent their region with them. YHC will draw names for the matchups of the teams and the two nantans will face off on the last week of March. I’m excited to see how this different dynamic plays out and allows us to interact with some of the leadership from the other regions. The format will run the same as the previous years.

Each week there will be two Q’s, one from The Fort and one from Rock Hill. Each Q will have a total of 20 minutes broken up into two 10 minute blocks. YHC will lead the warm up in facilitate the crossover.

The PAX will judge each Q on three categories:
Usage of the AO

The total score from all categories will determine the winner each week.
The 5th week will be the finals where we will have four Q’s, each with a 10 minute block of time. The winner of that week will be crowned the champion.

Q versus Q has been a stellar way to mix with the different regions, meet new people, and receive a thorough beat down. I hope that you will plan to join us for some or all of the weeks!

Feb 28th : Preview Week
March (weeks 1-4 on Wednesday’s)
April 3rd: Finals

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On the X

WARMUP: Side straddle hops in cadence to 20, Imperial Walker in cadence to 20, Abe Vigota (slow old man windmill in cadence to 20.
THE THANG: On the X :

Each line 12,3,6,9 o’clock gets 5 hand release merkins at the end of each rotation you go all the way around on hands to next quadrant line once you are there get on your feet and jog in place until all PAX done

Q1: Shoulders : All exercises to 15 in cadence
Baby arm circles front
Baby arm circles back
Moracan night club
Overhead arm clap
Carolina dry docks 15 OYO then do Merkin circle 12, 3,6, 9 o’clock position hand walking to each jog in place when done.

Lap around the parking lot Indian Run last the whole way
Q2: Legs : All exercises to 15 in cadence

Alternating side squats
Blart: riding your motorcycle hands on handle bars sway forward left right then back
Cracker jacks= side straddle hops in squat position
Single leg RDL 15 per leg
Bolt 45’s half way down from standing, all the way down from halfway then 15 full squats

Q3: Abs
Plank 30 seconds
Side plank 30 seconds
Knalp 30 seconds
American Hammer 15  4 count
Box cutter 15
Gas pumper 15 OYO

Mosey back to COT

MARY:Two minutes all the way up 30 seconds halfway 30 seconds all the way without touching ground 10 then all the way up 10 repeat until time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D final push, Mint Hill CSAUP @Goose will post details
COT: Shout out to all the Men of F3 who have kept coming out into the gloom and have not only kept this thing up for over a decade but have grown F3 through there witnessing in there spheres of influence. It has been more than a blessing to so many!!

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Q School – 2024

One of F3’s core principles is that our workouts are peer led on a rotating basis. Leading a workout is one of most fundamental pieces of getting the full F3 experience. By developing and honing skills a Q you in turn, are developing as a leader. With that in mind coming soon to the Stockade we will be hosting the first Q school of 2024.   Q school will look to hone workout skills that any Q would use like calling cadence, setting routines, and planning on how to wrap it all up in 45 minutes. Whether you are a seasoned vet or still in your rookie year it’s always good to learn new things and push yourself. Hope to see you all there!

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Springtime Invergence

It’s that time again for an Invergence where we all can take the opportunity to accelerate all 3Fs.  All 4 workout options will be available so if you want to run, ruck, gear or bootcamp we will have a 1F option for you. Following the bootcamp you are all welcome to stick around and enjoy some 2nd and 3rd F as we discuss relevant topics that affect us in the gloom. More details to come in the next few weeks. Hope to see you all there!

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Morning Matinee @ Lazarus


Mosey to front of theater

-20 SSH (IC)
-10 Windmill (IC)
-20 SSH (IC)
-10 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)


DORA – partner runs a lap while other partner:

-50 Burpees
-100 Derkins
-150 Dips
-200 Step Ups

Mosey to cinderblocks/coupons exercise rotations between partner with cinderblock and partner without.

Mosey back to COT

MARY: A little

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D Bar. Blood drive.

COT: Illness circling around schools/homes. Mental Illness and Addicton.

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Tribute to Cardinal


Brief description of workout today and shared a bit about Cardinal.


15 Side Straddle Hops
10 Tempo Merkins
10 Flutter Kicks
10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward
10 Little Baby Arm Circles Backward
10 Hallelujahs *
10 Knoxville Cherry Pickers
20  Sec. Samson Hold**
10 Willie Mays Hayes
The Thang:

Set 1
5 Burpees
5 Big Boys
5 Heels to Heaven
Set 2
10 Burpees                                                
10 Little Baby Crunches
10 Mt. Climbers Double Count
Set 3
15 Burpees                                                
15 Air Squats
15 Freddy Mercury’s
Set 4
20 Burpees
* Hallelujahs = a shoulder burn exercise. Hands up at ear level. Raise up to full extension I cadence. 1 up, 2 down, 3 up, 4 down.
** Samson Hold = Arms extended straight out like your pushing against two pillars.

We had time left so we did some trips up the stairs at the movie theater and did some “pull ups” with the railing. “Reverse merkins”

MARY: lots
ANNOUNCEMENTS: prayers for marriages and families suffering loss
COT: yes

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No Dark Helmet

WARMUP: Merks SSH Cherry Pickers Nightclubs Squats Mosey w Toy Soldiers
THE THANG: Parking Spot Cinderblock Ladder- stack em up with a Run and Nur back between reps.
RND 1 – Iron Mikes Bomb Jax and Squats
RND 2 – Dips BBS Swings
RND 3 – Derks Dips Manmakers
Head Back to COT with a few stops on way back. Steps up burps Donk kicks Diamond Merks BBs Plank Jacks

MARY: Drop Thrill took the lead and lead the Pax.
COT: Positive and Encouraging

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