8 counts to quit

SSH x15
IW x10
HW x10
Slow count merkin x15
Mosey to basketball hoops
Carioca down and back
Toy soldier
High knees
Butt kickers
Run the entire light post hill with 1 burpee at each light pole
Mosey back

8 count burpees in cadence every time
10 8-count burpees
Bear crawl
Lunge walk
Crawl bear
Modified due to the food truck delivery

30 Bulgarian split squats (15 each leg)
Run to cones and back
20 Jump squats
To cones and back
10 tuck jumps
Down and back

Modified for time to:
30 Bulgarian split squats
20 jump squats
10 tuck jumps
With no break….that was hard

Headed towards COT
6 – 8 count burpees
5 – 8 count burpees
Hello Dolly
4 – 8 count burpees
Some yoga to close

9/24 – trash pickup
10/22 – Diabetes fundraiser at Amor

Praise for a great 10-year celebration
Prayers for teachers and students hitting a stride
Prayers for DD’s father-in-law

Often all that’s necessary to succeed is to just not quit. But often I’ll quit on my parenting priorities because a screen is easier, or I’ll quit on house work cause there will be more laundry tomorrow….why do I refuse to quit on 8-count burpees, but don’t transfer that over to other areas of my life? Need to work on transferring the durability we build on the gloom to my entire life

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It hurt me more that it hurt you

The intention was a traditional bootcamp and not a minnie pond-esque run and gun (yes, that’s a shot)

Dynamic warm-up
butt kickers, high knees, toy soldiers, overhead claps walking, shuffle L and R, karaoke L and R, lunge walk, bear crawl

Circle up (various counts between 11 and 18)
low slow squat, shoulder tap, imperial walker, LBC, hillbilly walker, plank-elbow-plank-elbow (yes long sleeves are recommended, its getting chilly in the morning anyway), SSHop, dying cockroach, bobby hurley with a pause by al gore, merkins (instead of mahktar n’diayes, note long sleeves)

1st ramp up, with run in between
5 burpees
5 burpees, 10 big boys
5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 merkins
5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 merkins, 20 squat jumps
5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 merkins, 20 squat jumps, 25-2ct flutters
5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 merkins, 20 squat jumps, 25-2ct flutters, 30 SSHops

to the grass (elbows)
10 mahktar n’diayes
10 kneetar n’diayes

2nd ramp up with shorter wog in between
5 flying squirrel
5 flying squirrel, 10 HR merkins
5 flying squirrel, 10 HR merkins, 15 gas pumpers
5 flying squirrel, 10 HR merkins, 15 gas pumpers, 20 LSSquats

back to the grass
JACK WEBB (yes, a traditional Jack Webb, a complete Jack Webb)

Get off my lawn!


Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Mack Daddy debut

WARMUP: Mosey towards athletic entrance hill

SSH, IW, WM, Mtn Climbers, MNC all in cadence

Part 1:
Progressive light pole work with CDDs, Plank Jacks, Air Squats

pole 1: 5reps each exercise, pole 2: 10reps each exercise, etc. finished at pole 5 with 25reps each exercise

After last pole, took brief pause to talk 5 core principles of F3

Mosey back to school overhang to find dry land

Part 2:
Lazy Dora 1, 2, 3
partner up-
partner 1 performs 10 merkins while partner 2 planks, switch and repeat to 100 total merkins

partner 1 performs 20 monkey humpers while partner 2 wall sits, switch and repeat to 200 total monkey humpers

partner 1 performs 30 LBCs while partner 2 holds laying 6in leg raise, switch and repeat to 300 total LBCs

MARY: Flutters, AHs, Hello Dolly to finish off

ANNOUNCEMENTS: welcome FNG Mack Daddy

10 yr anniversary stuff kicks off tomorrow for PAINtheon Games 0500

COT: Be There.

Miss you Shower Curtain. Keep getting better brother – See you soon

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Convergence For Our Brother Shower Curtain

Four Lines: Toy Soldiers, Butt Kickers, High Knees, mosey with Q to first of four rotations

Slapshot’s Pain Station:

Each Pax performs

50 Merkins
100 LBCS
50 HR Merkins
100 4-CT Flutters

Every minute a timer would go off and we’d run from one side of the “track” to the other. We would then do two burpees and resume the exercises.
Group 4 only had 3-4 minutes left so we did 10 Burpees OYO then Captain Thor until 5:55.

Badland’s Pain Station:

10 rounds Tabata – 45sec work 15sec rest –
SSHs, Freddy Mercuries, high knees taps, American Hammers, mtn climbers, laying Leg Raises, In and Out Plank Jacks, J-Los, star crunches, high knee goofballs

Punchlist’s Pain Station:

Light Pole Speed Drills –

5/10/15 Merkins
5/10/15 CDD’s
5/10/15 Bonnie Blairs

Bear-pees to finish

Shady’s Pain Station:

Sheet 1: 10 diamond Merkins, 20 Merkins, 30 Mountain Climbers, 40 Seal Jacks, 50 American Hammers, 50 Shoulder Presses, 40 Crab Cakes, 30 Flutters, 20 Big Boy Situps, 10 Flying Squirrels

Sheet 2: 10 Burpees, 20 Knee to Chest jumps, 30 Carolina Dry Docks, 40 Plank Jacks, 50 LBCs, 50 Squats, 40 Dips, 30 Calf Raises, 20 Wide Arm Merkins, 10 Dive Bombers

Each sheet ~50 yards apart. Do the top exercise on sheet 1, run to sheet 2 for first exercise, then run back to sheet 1 and do 2nd exercise…and so on. Furthest we got was 50 shoulder presses and 50 squats. And we had awesome music courtesy of Detroit.

Great job Qs


Today we came to support our brother, Shower Curtain. He is recovering from his injuries and will need our help and support for several months to come. More than a workout!

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All Over the Place

Seven men posted at Colosseum. Began with disclaimer and a run up to the bank (1/2 mile distance).
SSH (15x I/C)
Windmills (10x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (15x I/C)
Moroccan N/C (15x I/C)
Low slow squats (10x I/C)
Big Arm Circles (7 forward, 7 backwards)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog, upward dog)

Run back to school.
Thang 1 (at the bus loop on backside of school):
Prison Yard Burpees: using the four-square ball outlines, start at one corner and do 8 burpees. Bear crawl to next corner and do 7 burpees, progress down to 1 burpee and use bear crawl as mode of transportation between the four corners. Total is 36 burpees.
Run a loop.
Thang 2 (at the benches):
Bench work:
Butt touch squats
Step ups
Incline Merks
Calf raises

Short run.
Thang 3 (at the short wall):
Starting line is about 50’from the wall, run to wall, climb over it, turn around, climb it again, run back to start line. Repeat for a total of 3 iterations.

Short run.
Thang 4: Wall sits; pax do ten counts, then did 1 inch lower and pax all did 5 counts.

Nice work by all!

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Partner Work Up The Hill

Mosey around “pick up” line to back parking lot.
Moroccan Night Club
Slow Low Squat
Peter Parker’s
Downward Dog
Honey Mooner
Wide Arm Merkins

Mosey over to the “Hill”
Asked all PAX to grab a partner
Partner work from light pole to light pole. Partner 1 began “movement” while partner 2 ran to next light pole and back. When they returned they switched and Partner 2 began “movement” while Partner 1 ran to light pole and back. Continue to switch until pair reaches light pole.
“Movements”: Bear Crawl, Lunge Walk, Crab Walk, Burpee Broad Jumps, Crawl Bear, NUR, Karaoke x2
Once we reached the top we reversed down the hill. We went as a group and stopped when 1st PAX reached the next light pole.
A couple of minutes to close out the workout.
Read your Newsletter. Ruck with Pothole for charity.
Prayers for children and safe travels.

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The Dough Muscles

9 men did the hard thing this morning at Colosseum. Conditions were alright, alright, alright as we welcomed our newest FNG (Excite Bike) with a workout designed to smoke even the fittest of men. Here’s what we did:

The Thang

10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
10 SSHs (IC)

Mosey to the Elementary School drop-off loop

Pattern was 10 at the first stop, 15 at the second, 20 at the third, and 25 at the fourth
Exercises were:

Calf Raises
Overhead Claps

Grab a chair for the Mr. McConaughey Workout (11s with Incline Merkins (IC) and Dips).

From the book “Greenlights” by Matthew McConaughey, pages 43-44: As a kid, my favorite TV show was The Incredible Hulk starring Lou Ferrigno. I marveled at his muscles and would pose in front of the TV with my shirt off, arms bent, fists high, doing my best bulging body-builder biceps impersonation. One night Dad saw me. “What are you doin, son?” he asked. “One day I’m gonna have muscles like that, Dad,” I said, motioning to the TV screen. “Big baseball-size biceps!” Dad chuckled, then took off his shirt, matched my pose in front of the tube, and said, “Yeah, big biceps make the girls scream and they sure look good, but that ol’ boy on the TV, he’s so muscle-bound he can’t even reach around to wipe his own ass…the biceps? They’re just for show.” He then slowly lowered both his arms in front of him, straightened them out with his fists to the floor, then he twisted his arms to the inside, and flexed a pair of massive triceps muscles. “Now the tri-cep, son,” he said, this time pointing his nose back and forth toward the bulging muscles on the back of his upper arms, “that’s the work muscle, that’s the muscle that puts food on the table and the roof over your head. The tri-ceps? They’re for dough.” My dad would take the stockroom over the showroom any day.

Mosey to the track

Run a lap and 10 Burpees (x4)

Mosey to Covered Walkway

Peoples Chair
10 Head, Knees, Toes (IC)
BTTW on a long 10-Count
10 Australian Mountain Climbers (IC)

Mosey to COT

The Mr. McConaughey story resonated with me. How much emphasis do we men put on the “show” muscles? You know, the new car, the house, the vacation…the good stuff we put on social media. How much time do we spend trying to impress others with the highlights we put online? Shouldn’t we instead focus on the “dough” muscles? You know, providing love, comfort, and support for our wife and children. At the end of the day, what really matters is those moments with the ones we love. My kids don’t care what I drive. They just want me to play with them. My wife doesn’t require a Caribbean vacation. She just wants me to listen and be plugged in to my family, and not my phone.

Maybe we are focusing on the wrong muscles. Maybe we should be working our “try”ceps a little more. Maybe Mr. McConaughey was onto something.

Italian Job

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Co-Q at the Colosseum

It was warm and humid this morning at the Colosseum. I led the first 22.5 and Dark Helmet was set to take the second half. 10 Bootcampers were joined by Maximas, Gears and Vuvuzela who went running OYO.  

I led us off with a quick 10 SSH and then moseyed to my portion of the workout.

I wanted to do something hard but self contained. The first workout that came to mind was Iron Pax 2019 Week 1: The Killer B’s.  

Starting at Cone 1 you broad jump 10 yards to cone 2. Complete 10 burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs, and 10 Big Boy Situps-
Broad Jump to cone 3 and repeat the exercises and the reps. Broad Jump to Cone 4 repeat the exercises and the reps.

Once through the cones YHC gave everyone the option to either BearCrawl back or Sprint back. (if you were seen not sprinting I blew the whistle and the offending PAX was given 5 burpees OYO) I only blew the whistle once….on myself because I love burpees apparently.

Our goal was to get through 4 times in the 20ish minutes. I’m happy to say everyone worked hard and we got through it.

Once my time was up Dark Helmet took over and we moseyed down towards the school entrance. He handed us all a pen/marker and some paper and asked us to write a message to Decibel and his son Noah who is recovering from an operation. Once we all wrote down our messages we then raced to his office to put the messages on the door. The first one there got to pick the routine for the next portion of the workout.

After a loooong mosey up the hill where YHC HR hit 190 I was able to get to the office first and got the chance to pick the next part of the workout. Starting at the top of the hill we ran back and did 15 merkins and 25 4-CT clutters 4 different cones.

At that point we were getting close to 6 and we all made a jailbreak to COT. We were reunited with the runners who I think did 7ish miles and joined in on some LBC’s and Hello Dolly’s as we hit 6:00.

Announcements included F3 Dads, the Site Change of the Swamp, and a makeup of the Misogi. Prayers for health, mental, physical and spiritual.

Always great to Q and especially grateful for partnering with DOAH today. Thanks to all who showed!

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parking space shuffle

WARMUP: 1/2 Mile and exercise
THE THANG: elevens burpes and bomb jacks.. then to the 9 parking spaces with a select extreme reps x8 run a .02 between each
MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: shower Curtain getting married Friday
COT: God’s will not mine, The power of positive thinking. Be careful what we feed our minds

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