Tortoise and Hare 2025

Preblast: The Tortoise And The Hare
Date: 2025-06-14
Time: 08:00
Q: @Beaker


30# Ruck
To celebrate their newfound friendship and the Tortoise and the Hare decided to organize an annual relay race for all the animals in the forest. This relay race would commemorate their initial rivalry and highlight the importance of both speed and persistence.The relay race became a beloved tradition. The friendship between the Tortoise and the Hare remained a symbol of unity and cooperation, reminding everyone that they could achieve great things by appreciating and supporting each other.
The Tortoise and The Hare will be a relay CSAUP with equal amounts of Ruckers(Tortoises) and Runners (Hares). Teams can consist of 2 or 4 players.
No team? Show up and you’ll be added onto one!
Each person runs a lap on a track as fast as possible, handing off to the next leg. Ruck weight has to be at least 30#. The distance covered will be 13 miles.2 man team – 6.5 miles (26 laps)/person
4 man team – 3.25 miles (13 laps)/person
Teams can mix and match who runs and who rucks, but it has to alternate between running slick and rucking.
E.g., Person 1 runs lap 1 slick. Person 2 rucks lap 2. Person 3 runs slick, person 4 rucks, etc. until all laps are complete.
REGISTRATION:Pick your team size, name, and members and register at the link below


(why didn’t you just click the Register link at the top of the page? Come on! Get to it!!!)

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🚨 Leaders on the Links Golf Tournament 10/28/2024 At 1:30PM 🚨

Ready to hit the greens and support an incredible cause? The Leaders on the Links Golf Tournament is happening at Fort Mill Golf Club on October 28th, and we want YOU to be part of it! All proceeds will benefit the Children’s Attention Home and the F3 Fort Mill Community Scholarship—two amazing organizations making a real difference in our community.

⏰ Don’t wait—team registration is $500, but after 10/21, fees go up to $600. Get your team locked in now!

🏌️‍♂️ Sponsorships Available (deadline 10/14):

  • Hole Sponsor: $150 – Custom sign at one of the holes.
  • Silver Sponsor: $300 – Custom sign at one of the holes + banner recognition at the event.
  • Gold Sponsor: $600 – 1 golf team (4 players) + custom sign at one of the holes + banner recognition.
  • Platinum Sponsor: $1,000 – 2 golf teams (8 players) + custom sign at one of the holes + banner recognition + special recognition at the check presentation + social media shoutouts.

🎁 We need your help! We’re also looking for raffle prize donations—every contribution counts toward making this event a big success!

📅 Mark the date:
🗓 October 28th
📍 Fort Mill Golf Club

🔗 Register or sponsor today at before spots fill up and prices increase!

🔗Looking to volunteer?  Sign up at

Don’t miss out—get involved, have some fun, and make a difference for Children’s Attention Home and the F3 Fort Mill Community Scholarship! 💥

TClap |

The Tortoise and The Hare

A Hare was making fun of the Tortoise one day for being so slow.
‘Do you ever get anywhere?’ he asked with a mocking laugh.
‘Yes,’ replied the Tortoise, ‘and I get there sooner than you think. I’ll run you a race and prove it.’

The Hare was much amused at the idea of running a race with the Tortoise, but for the fun of the thing he agreed. So the Fox, who had consented to act as judge, marked the distance and started the runners off.

The Hare was soon far out of sight, and to make the Tortoise feel very deeply how ridiculous it was for him to try a race with a Hare, he lay down beside the course to take a nap until the Tortoise should catch up.

The Tortoise meanwhile kept going slowly but steadily, and, after a time, passed the place where the Hare was sleeping. But the Hare slept on very peacefully; and when at last he did wake up, the Tortoise was near the goal. The Hare now ran his swiftest, but he could not overtake the Tortoise in time.

After the race, the Tortoise and the Hare reflected on their experience and realized that they could learn from each other. The Tortoise admired the Hare’s speed and agility, while the Hare respected the Tortoise’s determination and steady pace. Over time, they became good friends.

To celebrate their newfound friendship and the lesson they learned, the Tortoise and the Hare decided to organize an annual relay race for all the animals in the forest. This relay race would commemorate their initial rivalry and highlight the importance of both speed and persistence.

In the relay race, teams of animals would pair up with one fast runner and one steady runner, working together to complete the course. The Tortoise and the Hare served as ambassadors for the event, encouraging all the animals to participate and cheering on every team, regardless of their speed.

The relay race became a beloved tradition. The friendship between the Tortoise and the Hare remained a symbol of unity and cooperation, reminding everyone that they could achieve great things by appreciating and supporting each other.

Team Registration

The Tortoise and The Hare will be a relay CSAUP with equal amounts of Ruckers(Tortoises) and Runners (Hares). Teams can consist of 2, 4 or 6 players.
No team? Show up and you’ll be added onto one!


Each person runs a lap on a track as fast as possible, handing off to the next leg. Ruck weight has to be at least 30#. The distance covered will be 12 miles.

  • 2 man team – 6 miles (24 laps)/person
  • 4 man team – 3 miles (12 laps)/person
  • 6 man team – 2 miles (8 laps)/person


  • Teams can mix and match who runs and who rucks, but it has to alternate between running slick and rucking.
  • E.g. Person 1 runs lap 1 slick. Person 2 rucks lap 2. Person 3 runs slick, person 4 rucks, etc. until all laps are complete.


Pick your team size, name, and members and register at the link below

Team Registration

No team? Show up and you’ll be added onto one!

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Jaeger 2024


Sign Up

TL/DR details:

  • Time 0700-1100(ish)
  • Start: GHMS –> Finish: Print Shop
  • Teams of 4(ish)
    • 2 runners, 2 ruckers (recommended); but at least 1 rucker and 1 runner to form a team. (Optional: A team’s Runners & Ruckers can alternate/switch roles at each pain station)
      • runners stay together
      • ruckers stay together
    • Themed pain stations/team meet points for team challenges (stay tuned for exact route map)
      • Start/Station 1: GHMS (Chase)
      • Station 2: Catawba Park (Hunt)
      • Station 3: Allison Park (Kill)
      • Station 4: WEP (Carry)
      • Finish: Print Shop
    • Mileage – runners and ruckers travel different routes
      • Runners: slightly more than 14 miles
      • Ruckers: slightly less than 10 miles
    • Scoring the Race
      1. Team “card” to be time stamped at each pain station when team has
        completed the “team pain-station exercise”
      2. Time credit for overall scoring
      3. Possible…time credit for FNG / Kotter / Respectable / etc. per team?
      4. Teams will Sign Up!
      5. “winning trophy” = show to know
      6. “loser trophy” = show to know
    • Pain Stations:
      1. “faster” part of team can build up credit for other part of the team (e.g.
        ruckers can finish the exercises for the runners)
      2. Time goal for each pain station: 10 minutes (e.g. 8 min individual and 2
        min JOINT TEAM exercise)!
      3. Pain Station Q chooses WOD
      4. “JOINT TEAM exercise”: show to know! After this is completed the Operator will timestamp the TEAM card before departing

Coming in from out of the region? Have questions? Send a message to:


TClap |




Saturday April 20th there will be a #BEATDOWN of epic proportions (AMRAP style) at Alcatraz.  This #SNOTWOGGLER is being delivered to support families with autism (like mine) get the resources they need.  The average cost for ABA therapy is $60,000 per year and can be much higher depending on the severity and need.  Autism Strong Foundation is a local non-profit that is “Founded on faith and led by inclusion, our mission is to provide the strongest support, community, and hope for those touched by autism. All funds raised by Autism Strong are mindfully donated to our community in the way that will make the greatest impact; connecting families and children to the resources they desperately need.” Give HERE if you feel so lead.  Also shirts are live on Mudgear HERE (First order ends March 27 for delivery by event day – second order will launch soon after this one closes)


This fundraiser supports the Autism Strong Foundation, aiding families grappling with the financial strain of raising autistic children.  You may have heard me advocate for this fundraiser in years past, as this is the 3rd year my M and I have done this fundraiser.  However, this year feels different.  It feels different for two reasons.  First, the diagnosis rate has increased to 1 in 36 children diagnosed in the U.S. with ASD.  This is up from 1 in 54 just 10 years ago!  Secondly, this year feels more personal.  You see, last year we lost our insurance coverage for Noah’s ABA therapy.  After fighting with insurance for months to no avail we were left feeling discouraged and unsure of how we would continue to provide Noah with the therapy that he needed and that has been SO SIGNIFICANT.  Then, the Autism Strong Foundation stepped in, and I am very happy to say that Noah is a recipient of the Landon’s Hope Scholarship for 2023 which will cover the FULL YEAR of ABA therapy cost in 2024 for our family!  So, yea…this year feels a bit different.

Did you know that ABA therapy, a crucial intervention for autism, costs families on average $60,000 per year per the CDC?  The long-term commitment and limited availability exacerbate this burden. Families face additional expenses for education, medical care, and support services, leaving some faced with the unthinkable decision of paying the light bill or paying for their child’s therapy.  No parent should have to make this decision.

Through AMRAP 4 Autism, we aim to alleviate some of these challenges. Your support, whether through donations or spreading awareness, can make a real difference in the lives of these families.

I know that you have ample opportunity to “give to charity” throughout the year.  I’m asking you to seriously consider this opportunity this year.  My personal goal is to raise $25,000 during the month of April (Autism Awareness Month).


  • F3 AMRAP 4 AUTISM is taking over Alcatraz on Saturday April 20.
  • 0630 launch with brief warmup and explanation of the day’s event
  • 0640 Event Start. AMRAP below workout for 45 minutes with coupon.  Partners recommended!
    • 54 Burpee Coupon Jump Overs
    • 54 Yard Murder Bunnies (down and back)
    • 54 Curls For The Girls
    • 54 Squat Thrusters
    • Run 1 lap around field – each partner
  • 0725 Clock Stops
  • 0730 COT & Winners Announced
  • 0745 Coffeteria

 Other Details

  • Workout is open to ALL MEN – regardless of if you donate. #CorePrinciple and all…
  • We will be gathering as many coupons as we can. If you have a sandbag, kettlebell or cinderblock please bring it. Recommend no more than 50 lbs.
  • AMRAP 4 AUTISM is an annual event started by Autism Strong Foundation in 2013. This year’s event will be in August and held in Charlotte.  YHC will share registration details as they come available.

 How you can help

  • You can donate with your credit card by visiting the website linked below:
TClap |

Winter CSAUP 2024

  • QIC: Slapshot
  • When: 01/13/2024
  • Posted In: 1st f, CSAUP

Winter CSAUP 2024


Do you have the resolve, resiliency, and commitment to accelerate into the new year…and maintain it.

This CSAUP will test you, and 3 of your fellow pax to push yourselves physically and mentally.

For 2 hours you will push yourself to do as many miles and as many reps as you possibly can. Each mile/Each rep will score a point for yourself and your team.

Come ready to push yourself and push each other!

TClap |

Winter is Coming…CSAUP 2023

IMPORTANT MESSAGE INCOMING……………… This holiday season, you may be indulging in a lot of cookies, pies, candy, and other calorie rich treats which is totally expected. That said, you may be looking and needing an opportunity to burn those calories in a way that’ll justify all of those cookies.

Well men…YOU ARE IN LUCK because on 12/16…that’s 12/16 we will be hosting a Winter CSAUP that will guarantee to burn some of those empty calories!

WHERE is this amazing opportunity? Why Tega Cay Elementary School of course. Please come ready to compete and push yourself in the winter CSAUP that will leave you sore but thankful!

HOW will I be able to burn these calories? Get your team of 4 for a competition that will push you physically and mentally (because there will be math).

WHAT are the Details I need to know?

Cliff Notes version: 4 man teams 12 stations of pain 2 hours AMRAMP (that’s right this will only be 2 hours of your day with maybe some coffee and cookies afterwards…maybe…)

Each team will compete against the other to see which team can get the most Points/Reps in the time allotted. (1 rep = 1 point)

The prize…..well that’s TBD but it’ll mostly be bragging rights.

WHY are we even doing this?????????? Well because we GET TO GUYS…..we GET TO!!!!!

More details to come in the next few weeks. Signup Genius link will be coming. Hope to you see you there!

TClap |

Dam to Dam 2024 – Preblast

The mission of F3 involves the invigoration of male community leadership. This leadership leads to impact and influence within our community. Consistent with this mission, F3 the Fort has impacted our community over the past 4 years through our fundraising efforts tied to the Dam 2 Dam relay. In total, we have raised over $100,000 towards Harlans Heroes, St. Jude, Autism Strong, Defend the Fatherless as well as created a scholarship for local high school seniors at all 3 schools in the Fort Mill area.

This year, we are requesting your support by participating in the Dam 2 Dam relay which will be held on Saturday, February 17th. The relay consists of 100km run from Lake Murray Dam to Lake Greenwood Dam and can include 4-6 runners. Registration will open on September 1st at 7 AM and will likely be sold out by 8 AM so there is a high sense of urgency. Below is the link to the website where you can find the registration:

Our goal is to raise $50,000 to support the ongoing local F3 scholarships as well as an additional local charity yet to be identified (Coming soon). To meet this goal, we have the following planned events:

September – TBD

October – TBD

November – BBQ and Bourbon 11/10/23

December – Shanking with Stang

January – Dam 2 Dam Bar 10k

There will be more details to follow via Slack. Please reach out if you have any questions or ideas to support. Look forward to continuing to impact our community!

TClap |

HIM Camp

The Fort Retreat – Pre-Blast


  • Who: PAX of the Fort (This could always include an FNG…..)
  • What: “HIM Camp”
  • Why: A weekend of dirty, dangerous, and difficult things that forge bonds and accelerate us to live right and lead right. Will include specialized skilled training, retreat content campfires, and hikes in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
  • Where: CRI Base: (Clickbait’s Headquarters)
  • When: 8/11-8/13
      • Arrival window Friday, 8/11, 2-10 pm
      • Opening session at 7 pm
      • Depart Sunday, 8/13, by 10 am
  •  How:
      • Register at:
        • $50 fee covers cost of training sessions
      • Shieldlocks / PAX are preparing meals onsite to keep costs low.
      • Transportation OYO or group together.
      • There is an option on the registration page to join a 12-passenger van departing at 10 AM on Friday.
  • Packing List: (The facility has a dining facility, showers, Dorms, and A.C.)
      • Bedding (pillow, sheets/blankets, or sleeping bag)
      • Bathing suit
      • Sturdy shoes for hiking, flip-flops for showers
      • Backpack or Ruck
      • Water Bottle or Hydration Pack
      • Headlamp
      • Personal Snacks
      • Bug Spray

F3’s mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men to invigorate male community leadership.

Toward this end, we’re carving out time to be prepared for the challenges that may come our way, that we would lead well, serve and overcome them.

Your August 2023 Saturdays:

8/5 – Stuff the Bus
8/12 – The Fort Retreat
8/19 – Get your 2.0s ready for school on 8/21!!
8/26 – I don’t know, man. Make some decisions on your own.


Parking Lot (TL/DR)

  • Epic workouts, hikes, and the completely unexpected.
  • Active Shooter Response Training
  • CPR and AED training
  • Continue awakening our ability to accelerate together
  • 3rd F element Qed by Kaiser
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