To celebrate their newfound friendship and the Tortoise and the Hare decided to organize an annual relay race for all the animals in the forest. This relay race would commemorate their initial rivalry and highlight the importance of both speed and persistence.The relay race became a beloved tradition. The friendship between the Tortoise and the Hare remained a symbol of unity and cooperation, reminding everyone that they could achieve great things by appreciating and supporting each other.
The Tortoise and The Hare will be a relay CSAUP with equal amounts of Ruckers(Tortoises) and Runners (Hares). Teams can consist of 2 or 4 players.
No team? Show up and you’ll be added onto one!
No team? Show up and you’ll be added onto one!
Each person runs a lap on a track as fast as possible, handing off to the next leg. Ruck weight has to be at least 30#. The distance covered will be 13 miles.2 man team – 6.5 miles (26 laps)/person
4 man team – 3.25 miles (13 laps)/person
4 man team – 3.25 miles (13 laps)/person
Teams can mix and match who runs and who rucks, but it has to alternate between running slick and rucking.
E.g., Person 1 runs lap 1 slick. Person 2 rucks lap 2. Person 3 runs slick, person 4 rucks, etc. until all laps are complete.
REGISTRATION:Pick your team size, name, and members and register at the link below

(why didn’t you just click the Register link at the top of the page? Come on! Get to it!!!)
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