45 min miles

Yes, we did that. Solid mosey for a while. Plank/yoga for the 6. Then the “Cha Ching” warmup, 5 minutes with 35 SSH and 8 burpees each minute. Followed by, IW, HW, Squats

mosey to picnic tables
11 merkins, 10 diamond merkins, 9 merkins, 8 diamond merkins, 7 merkins, 6 diamond merkins, 5 merkins (then YHC had to tap out….if you can’t do it, don’t Q it. Attempting the remaining 10 merkins could have resulted in a face plant)
Bulgarian Split Squats 10
Low Slow Squats 10
Bulgarian Split Squats 10
Jump Squats 10
Bulgarian Split Squats 10
Alternating Lunges 10 (each leg)
Pistol Squats (just 2)

Jack Webb w/ 4 count bear crawl and 1 burpee, 8/2, etc.
When we got to 7 burpees we did them in cadence.
When we got to 10 burpees we modified to an 8-count burpee with a plank jack before the merkin.

Flutters in cadence to 35
QL stretch
Seated forward bend
Pigeon Lunge
Wide angle forward bend

ANNOUNCEMENTS: the Jaeger is coming 3/11

All told we only covered a mile in distance today. YHC hopes the PAX still got their money’s worth of out this free workout, open to all men, held outdoors, peer led with no assumption of expertise, that ended in a COT.

Shot for the Prayer of St. Francis, but didn’t quite have the thing memorized. Memorize is my word of the year, I’m working on it.

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

An honor to lead such a solid crew.

TClap |

2023.08 Kitchen Sink

2 rounds (3 laps each round) of 4 corners around the soccer field (~1/3 mile)

1st Rd: 20yd Bear Crawl, Squats, Merkins, Flutters
2nd Rd: 20yd Burpee Broad Jumps, Bob Hurleys, Carolina Dry Dox, American Hammers

2+ miles, some exercises, and fun had by all.

TClap |

The Kitchen Sink – 01FEB2023

We stretched a bit, some windmills, light jogging, tappy-taps, some SSH, you get the idea…

Sandbags required. YHC had and recommended a 60lb, but no one was weighing anything…
– First it was a long, bagless loop around the parking lot/car loop with some stops to do things like Merkins, squats, and the like.
– Then we grabbed our sandbags and partnered up for a little catch me if you can from the flag to the top of Hubert Graham — 5 burpees while your partner farmer carried your bags, catch and switch
– At every manhole cover on the way down the hill (for 7 covers), do 5 manmakers
– On the way back up the hill, do 20 flutters (2-count) with press at each manhole cover
– Next round, 3 curls on the way down and up
– REPEAT as time allows… time didn’t allow…
– Back to flag for cool-down and Mary

MARY: No Chicks Allowed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.

COT: The 5th Core Principle

TClap |

The Battle: Kitchen Sink edition

Nice cool morning here in the greater Tega Cay area. As we were waiting in the parking lot YHC was hoping for at least 1 more pax to show up for what I had planned. Thankfully PETA pulled in at 5:14 and we were ready to go!


25 Merkins IC ( I’m a little disappointed in myself when I struggled with my last rep. I will do better next time)
25 Flutters IC
10 Merkins IC
10 Flutters IC
5 Merkins IC
5 Flutters IC

Mosey to the Tree within the Traffic Circle

Counted off the pax into team 1 and team 2. Facing opposite ways we did a competitive “challenge run” running around the large traffic circle in front of the school. This run required the 6 to do 2 burpees before running to the front. To win each team had to complete 4 laps. Winners got to do 10 Burpees and losers had to do 20. Pax pushed and it was a VERY close race as a result we both won and did 10 burpees.

Mosey to the front of the school.

We began the 2nd portion of the workout doing a Tabata style sequence 45 seconds of work 15 seconds of rest.

2 Rounds of :
HR Merkins
Diamond Merkins

After the second round we did a recovery lap and got into the mental battle known as “last man planking” In short we circled up and held plank as long as we could until no one could plank anymore. I would periodically call merkins to “thin the herd”. After calling 5 merkins IC everyone held fast. After calling 6 merkins IC we had 4-5 drop. After calling 7 Merkins IC we had everyone else drop except for YHC and Maximas. With that Maximas was declared the winner and we moved on to COT with just about 7 minutes to go.

With a little under 7 minutes to go of course I called a Burpee EMOM. Started with a round of 10, moved to 11, moved to 12, back down to 11, down to 10, and then one last round of 10. With only 30 seconds left we did a light stretch and 1 more HR merkin for good measure.

Great work by all the men who showed especially Flounder as he sets a great example for all the other PAX.

The Theme today was “the Battle”. Not only the battle we face with competition, or each other but mostly the battle we have with ourselves. How much can you push yourself and how far are you willing to go? Chances are you can go at least “one more rep” you just need to believe you can and people to help push you further.

Thanks for the opportunity! Until Next Time!

TClap |

Playing Cards at The Kitchen Sink

WARMUP: Run the large loop around the field stopping for a few exercises at a few points.
THE THANG: We’re playing cards:
Spades = Diamond Merkins
Diamonds = Mountain Climbers
Clubs = Jump Squats
Hearts = 8ct Burpees
(4) Other Cards = 25 Flutters I/C
Twice during the deck, we took a run around the parking lot.
MARY: See Flutters & Burpees above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: All the things.
COT: You should’ve been there. It was strong.

TClap |

Cardio & A Little Failure

WARMUP: Run to the bottom of the first hill on Hubert Graham.
Wind Mills, Low Slow Squats, More Wind Mills
10 Burpees
NUR 1/2 way back up the hill
Fixed Leg Lunges x 10ea leg
Run back down for 100 Calf Raises
NUR 1/2 way back up
Dips on the guardrail until failure. BTW, Senator took charity on the rest of us and stopped once we failed but he had some left. So, as a group, we did more.
Run around the back of the school to the parking lot on the far right side.
Bear crawl from island to island with 10 Diamond Merkins every other parking space line.
Mike Tysons on the curb until failure.
Crawl bear back to the starting point with 10 Mountain Climbers every other line.
Sprint to the entrance of the playground, 5 Burpees, sprint back. As I mentioned to the PAX, this is where I almost splashed, at my own Q.
LBC’s to failure.
This is where I had a moment of transparency with the PAX. You see, if I were here by myself, I would have absolutely quit on myself and not done what I had written down. I told the PAX what was written and with that spoken, we did it and it wasn’t that bad. We sprinted (or ran) back to the playground entrance.
Sucking wind, we did a long set of heels to Heaven but the legs never came down.
Run to the front lot for a set of suicides with a few Burpees at the end for good measure.

MARY: Performed throughout.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB…quit delaying and sign up. Tell your friends, too.
COT: It happened.

TClap |

Cardio & Coupons at The Sink

WARMUP: 8min warm up run wherever you choose but be back for the rest of the warmup.
Windmills & Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: 30yd Crab Walk to the coupons (sounds a lot like last week) and grab a coupon of your liking, or disliking. Options were sandbags, kettle bells, rucks and cinderblocks.
1min Thrusters then a 10sec rest
1min Chest Press then a 10sec rest
1min Overhead Press then a 10sec rest
1min Derkins then a 10sec rest
1min Dips then a 10sec rest
1min Thrusters then a 10sec rest

Run a lap around the parking lot.
With coupon, 12 fixed leg lunges, each leg
20yd Partner Pushes, twice

Run a lap around the parking lot.
With coupon up in the air, leg lifts, bicycles and flutters w/ the press.
6ct Burpees
More Thrusters
Run another lap
MARY: Incorporated throughout
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Divac articulated the meaning of having Autism Strong as a organization we’re fundraising for with D2D. Read your newsletter and engage in one of the many outreach opportunities.
COT: It happened and it was powerful.

TClap |

Kitchen Sink Kick Off

WARMUP: 8min run. Some went off campus while some went around the school.
Moroccan Night Clubs, Wind Mills, Squats, Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: Bear crawl ~75yds to the coupons in the truck. Grab a coupon of your choice. Choices included 60lb sand bag, 45lb ruck, 35lb kettle bell and cinder blocks. With your coupon:
1min Upright Rows then 10sec rest
1min Curls then 10sec rest
1min Bent-Over Rows then 10sec rest
1min 4-count Curls then 10sec rest
Run to Trailhead Park
10 Pull-Ups
10 Knees to Chest on the bar
10 V-Ups on the ground
5 Burpees
Run back to the coupons at the school
Partner 1: 10 Man Makers
Partner 2: Mountain Climbers

Partner 1: 10 Big Boy Sit Ups with Coupon
Partner 2: Plank Jacks
No time to repeat
MARY: Incorporated into the workout.
COT: You should’ve been there.

TClap |