Progress over Perfection

It was a nice warm morning at ROF where we had 4…yes 4 FNG’s


Since tomorrow would’ve been my grandmothers 103’rd birthday we went ahead and did 103 burpees.

12 Burpees on EMOM for 8 minutes + 7 more for 103

At ROF Cousin Eddie is asking us to bring our story/challenges to our Q’s so I incorporated my story into the workout. First was laying the groundwork with what I struggle with.


Ten years ago on paper I was “good”. Had a great job, house, finishing my MBA and my first child was born. Underneath though, I was far from good. I constantly doubted myself, truth be told I didn’t like myself. While I had family and some friends I didn’t have “friends” not like F3. In a word, even though I was surrounded by ppl in a lot of ways I was alone. When stress came, and it did, I wasn’t equipped physically, mentally, or spiritually to deal with it. I didn’t have the positive outlets I needed. So I did the wrong things. I kept it inside, I ate or drank and escaped into lazy excuses. Long story short, I was at least 50-60lbs heavier then compared to what I am now. My first 5 K I finished around 40 minutes. So one day I made the call to get help. I made the call to talk to a therapist. It wasn’t an easy thing to admit but I needed it. Making that call was one of the best decisions of my life. It was the very start of me being able to turn my physical, mental, and spiritual health around. But a lot like a rock just starting to go downhill……that journey didn’t accelerate until about 4 years ago when I joined up with F3.

The doubts still remain….I weigh myself multiple times a day. It’s sounds dumb and unnecessary but it’s just how I check myself. For work I make it a point to be the first to log on/show up on my team each day. For faith I have my SL to continue to inspire me and give me perspective. I can say I am better now than I was….but that journey continues, there’s always a hill to climb and it’ll never end.

So With that, I incorporated 5 sayings/rules that have helped me along the way with different exercises.

Progress over Perfection
4 minutes Tabata Flutters /Lbcs Each Minute increase your total rep count. Push yourselves
Any Great thing isn’t accomplished alone
Bear Crawl Web 1 merkin to 4 bear crawl steps. All the way to 10-40. This was on the Football Field.
Anything worth doing is going to be hard.
25 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
Occham’s Razor – the simplest explanation/solution is usually the right one
Sprint to the 50 Do 10 Burpees
Sprint to the Goal Line and do 10 burpees
Staring at a hill….doesn’t make it smaller or easier.
Run to the top of the hill by the entrance and do 5 Merkins and 5 LBCS at the top of the hill. Run back down to the bottom and repeat running all the way to COT.

With 10 seconds left I let the Pax know how much I’m thankful for them and that I love them………then I asked them for 5 more burpees.

Honored to lead and to share!

Thank you all!

TClap |

Abide in me, and I in you!

WARMUP: Shared with the group some of my life experiences when trusting in something greater than myself vs. just trusting in myself. Show to know the details!
Mosey to the track
Completed 1 lap warm up with high knees, karaoke, & butt kickers.
Next phase of warm up routine had us standing on the goal line of the football field for sprints.
1st Sprint – 50 yard runway ( building up to top speed ) and then 50 yard sprint followed by 10 reps of each – merkins, big boys, squats
2nd Sprint – 25 yard runway and then 75 yard sprint followed by 10 reps of each – Shoulder Taps, V-Sits, Lunges
3rd Sprint – 20 yard runway and then 80 yard sprint followed by 10 reps of each – Alternating toe touches from plank position, Straight lower leg lifts, Jump Squats.
Group was adequately warmed.

THE THANG: As with the warm-up the theme was 100, as I need to be constantly reminded to completely trust ( 100% ).

1st Routine; 100 yard Bear Crawl with 100 merkins
Start on goal line of football field, bear crawl 25 yards and then perform 25 merkins, continue down the field until reaching the other goal line.

2nd Routine: 100 Burpee Mile
Complete 40 Burpees and then run a lap around the track
Complete 30 Burpees and then run a lap around the track
Complete 20 Burpees and then run a lap around the track
Complete 10 Burpees and then run a lap around the track

MARY: While others were finishing the main event routines, those that finished a little earlier did the following:
Choose 2 ab exercises that are easy to transition into
1st exercise conduct reps of 30
Go right into the 2nd exercise and keep going until time is called. Chose time interval of 90 seconds. Only had time to do 1 round – LBCs -> Flutters
Next rounds would have included Gas Pumpers -> Penguins and then Heels to Heaven -> Xs&Os

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter!!!
COT: Shared a few more tid bits of my story, prayers & praises!!!

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You don’t feel rain when you are putting in the work!

– Mosey around the parking lot
– 40 SSH
– Plank for a message (had to be there to hear it)


At the pull up bars – Dora
– Each partner pair gets a coupon and a pull-up bar station
– 100 Derkins (feet on the coupon)
– 200 Bentover Rows
– 300 Curls
– While Partner A is doing Dora work, Partner B runs down the hill to the stop sign and Nur back. Perform 3 pull-ups before starting the Dora work. Continue switching until all reps are completed

Mosey to the football field

Cross the football field width wise down the yard lines. 5 burpees at each sideline
– [ ] Partner carry 10 & 20
– [ ] Bear crawl 30
– [ ] Crawl Bear 40

– 10 American Hammers
– 10 Flutters

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Ring-O-Fire and Ice

WARMUP: 10 SSH then mosey to field for 100 yard sprint and 100 yards of bear crawl
THE THANG: up and down the bleachers with a set of 15 dips at the end of each row, then to the hill for suicides, 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Big boys, 20 lunges (each leg) 25 squats, 20 Pull ups
MARY: Rebel merkins, upright flutters
COT: Shovel-flag hand off from Kaiser to Cousin Eddie

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Kaisers last Hoo-rah

Mosey to football field, to 50 and back to end zone
10 Windmills IC
10 HW IC

20x everything IC – start on goal line
Squats IC -> toy soldier to 20
Monkey Humpers IC -> lunges to 40
Jump Squats IC -> broad jumps to 40
Calf Raises IC -> butt kickers to 20
LSS IC -> duck walk to end zone
Jog to 50, sprint back to end zone

Rinse and repeat with 15x, 10x, 5x IC

Moseyed to pull up bars
3 rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 20 Big Boys

Flutters, v-ups, Freddie mercury’s, box cutters and stretching

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Eve convergence


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12 Days of Christmas


Windmills (sloooow)
Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Upward dog
Downward dog
Peter Parker’s
Upward dog
Downward dog
Wide arm merkins


Mosey to pull up bars, had board set up with 12 days of Christmas…

Start with first day of Christmas, run to bottom of hill come back and do first and second day, so on and so forth

Kraken burpee
Knee tar jai
Sumo squats
Cindy press
Toes to bar
Diamond merkins
Calf raises
Man makers
Hello dollys
Freddy mercurys
Monkey humpers

No need
Christmas party, dam to dam

Discussion about patience and God’s timing, other prayers, had to be there

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Pearl Harbor day

WARMUP: 10 of each: windmills, LSS, IW, Moroccan Nightclubs, SSH

Round 1 for the actual day of Pearl Harbor – 12 rounds of 7 toe touches, 1 pull up, 9merkins, 4 squats, 1 pull up (12 7, 1941 – see what I did there?)

23 CCD run to bottom and complete 35 flutters and run back to top of hill for 2,335 servicemen who died

24 LBCs run to bottom and complete 3 burpees and run back to top of hill for 2,403 total people killed

20 wide arm merkins run to bottom hill and complete 26 WW2 sit ups and run back to top of hill for 2,026 sailors/marines killed

16 diamond merkins run to bottom hill and compete 6 burpees and run back to top of hill for 1,606 sailors who died aboard the ships

11 ranger merkins run to bottom hill and complete 78 hello dollys and run back to top of hill for 1,178 wounded Americans

6 burpees run to bottom of hill and complete 8 burpees and run back to top of hill for 68 ships destroyed

3 pull ups, 5 squats and 3 LBCs at the pull up bars for 353 aircraft destroyed

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter!!
COT: prayers for marriages and Truckers cousins new born in hospital

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Slippery When Wet

WARMUP: mosey to School Gym e trance
SSHs, Squats, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, windmills,
Mosey to main entrance of school
15 Dips, 10 Derkins, 10 step ups each leg
Mosey to front of school
10merkins, 10hillbilly walkers
Mosey to back of school
10merkins, 10imperial walkers
Mosey to back entrance of school
10merkins, 10hillbilly walkers
Mosey to Gym entrance
10merkins, 10Imperialwalkers
Mosey to main entrance
Perform 9 exercises while 1 pax acts as timer going around the iseloles triangle
Step ups
Shoulder Taps (plank)
Calf raises

3 rounds of each
Timer PAX did 1 mosey, 1 bear crawl, 1 backwards run
LBCS, Dying Cockroaches, Diamond Merkins, Freddy Mercury’s
Christmas party 12/16 at Airbornes
Happy Hour 5k for St Jude’s

YHC talked about topic on slack around disappointment and how it’s part of everyday because of the brokenness we live in. If we lived in Sky Qs intended paradise disappointment would not exist but because of The Fall, we live in disappointment. Question and challenge for each of us is how will we lead through it and rise above it and shine light into that disappointment. Be a leader and don’t swim in the missed opportunities but rejoice in moving forward.
Thank you Kaiser for the Q stick! Humbled and Grateful

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Keep it simple

WARMUP: running, stretching, etc
THE THANG: pull ups, merkins, curls, dips, running, swings, overhead press, squats
MARY: ab work
ANNOUNCEMENTS: thanksgiving convergence
COT: keep it simple – Ecclesiastes Chp 7

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SL Challenge Friendly

WARMUP: Mosey to the track. Did 10 bomb jacks while we waited for the gate to open.

Moseyed to the goaline and did a 100yrd bearcrawl. Jogged back to the start.

5 windmills IC

Simple workout design for miles and merkins.

1 lap
10 Merkins
10 Werkins
10 LBCs
10 HR Merkins

2 Laps

20 Reps of all the exercises

3 Laps

30 Reps of all the exercises

4 Laps

40 Reps of all the Exercises

Back to 1

I also used a whistle that when blown meant 5 bomb jacks.

Solid effort by everyone as we all got plenty of miles and merkins.

Thanks to all who came out!

TClap |