Hootie’s first Q

I had plenty of time to prepare for my first Q. I had no idea how to gauge whether or not the workout would be considered moderate of more like a boot camp. I had hoped to push the edge. In the end, we all got a good sweat. But it probably wasn’t hard enough.

It had rained all night. It was cool and damp, but the rain had ended. We moseyed for a bit and then did 7 warm up exercises. Then we moseyed some more to the wall in the back of the building where we did wall squats while each of us took turns doing 2 burpees. We did another round of wall squats where everyone stepped out to do two bomb jacks.

Then we moseyed to the front parking lot where we did a 4 corners workout. Since we only had 8, we broke up into two groups of 4. We started at opposite corners. We did 5 rounds where we hit all body parts in each round of 4. After completing each set of 4 exercises, we would meet in the middle to do 5 bomb jacks.

We finished back at the Q with each of us leading an ab exercise.

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Five PAX gathered at a rather chilly Ballroom for a substitute Q – YHC.


The Warm Up

25 SSH, 25 Seal Jack, 20 Plank Jack and 25 OH Claps

Mosey down to the athletic field parking lot for a modified starfish.  With feach excercise followed by a trip to the middle for burpees


Center – 3 Burpees

Leg #1 – 10 Merkins, 10 Diamond Merkins and 10 WAM

Leg#2 – 20 SSH, 20 Seal Jacks and 20 OH Claps

Leg #3 25 LSS, 2, 20 count Peoples Chair and 20 Peter Parkers

Leg #4 20 American Hammers, 20 Flutters and 20 four count LBC

We had enough time to do all three rounds and one additional after we threw in 50 calf raises


The thang – a revisit to last month’s theme of worry.  We can all worry, worry ourselves sick, but to what avail??  Let’s try to focus on the idea that worry never solved anything, it just makes us sick, cranky and irritable.  Let’s recall 6:34  Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.  Sufficient for a day is its own evil.

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Chasing Blue Zones

Nine of the fine regulars of The Ballroom posted for YHC’s first time Q’ing at the AO’s new locale of PKMS.  The temp was mid-40s, but the breeze seemed to bring a chill that made a few spend just a half second wondering if they’d be better off hopping back in the car.  But the thought evaporated as the disclaimer was given, and then we were off…

We took a warm-up mosey around the parking lot, then to the very front of the school for warm-up COP.

  • Seal jacks x20 (IC)
  • Mountain Climbers x15 (IC)
  • Tunnel Touches x10 (IC)
  • Wind Mills x10 (IC)
  • Plank jacks x15 (IC)
  • Speed Skaters x10 (OYO)

The Thang

We then moseyed to the parking lot on the south side of the school where 4 cones were set up in a rectangle (about 15yards by 40 yards.  Pax were told to partner up, size not mattering.  We then engaged in 8 rounds “Catch Me If You Can”, which worked like this: Partner 1 did the stationary exercises, while partner 2 did the moving exercise on a path toward the next cone.  Once Partner 1 was done, he ran to catch Partner 2.  Once caught, they flapjacked.  The round was complete when both partners got all the way around all 4 cones.  In between each round, we talked about what Blue Zones are, and what people can learn from them.  See further down for more details.

Catch me if you can  rounds:

  1. 20 SSH and toy soldiers
  2. 20 LBCs and lunges
  3. 10 squats and power skips
  4. 10 merkins and butt kickers
  5. 10 crab cakes and high knees
  6. 3 burpees and karaoke (alternate left/right)
  7. 10 Imperial Walkers and bear crawls
  8. 10 Monkey Hummers and backwards jogs

To the wall for People’s Chair – one round of Jack Reachers, and a follow-up round of arms up, arms out.

Moseyed back near the shovel flag for some Mary

  • Flutters x15 (IC)
  • Hello Dollys x10 (IC)
  • Russian Twists x15 (IC)
  • LBCs x10 (IC)

6am – Time’s up.  Take a few steps to gather at COT.

Blue Zones
During the main part of the workout, I shared some information I had originally heard about a few years ago.  The cover of National Geographic, November 2005, highlighted their feature article on Blue Zones.  These Zones are 5 areas in the world where people statistically live the longest.  Researchers identified 9 lifestyle “principles” in these areas that, they claim, contributes to their long lifespans.  Small spoiler alert: all 3 F’s of F3 are in the list.

Before covering the principles, it’s important to remember that from the Christian perspective, God is in control of everything.  If we pursue any fountains of youth for the sake of trying to be in control and god-like, I believe that would be a case of doing good things for the wrong reasons.  My personal perspective is that God has blessed us with these bodies (healthy or not), and we should be good stewards of them, treating them like temples.  Most PAX probably already feel this way, but I deemed it worth mentioning, given how this topic has a very “self-help” feel to it.  Now, for the 9 principles (my comments follow the [ob] tag).  These items were taken from a QCTimes article.

  1. Move naturally – Get more physically active by walking in the community, do manual labor around the house and yard, and grow gardens. [ob] This is our 1st F in F3.  Many might say there is nothing natural about burpees. But I’d argue the calisthenic-style bootcamp workouts actually mimic natural movements, at least more-so than you’d see in a weight room.
  2. Know your purpose – People who know why they get up in the morning live up to seven years longer than those who don’t. [ob] For those of use that follow Jesus, our purpose should be a little easier to identify.  But not always. If you don’t know your purpose, it’s important you start looking!
  3. Down shift – To reverse inflammation related to every major age-related disease, find time each day to meditate, nap, pray or enjoy a happy hour. [ob] This even includes making efforts to reduce worry!
  4. 80 percent rule – It takes the stomach 20 minutes to tell the brain it is full, causing most people to accidentally overeat. Stop eating when 80 percent full. [ob] Not much more to say here, except that I can think of other areas of my life where 80% is all I really need.
  5. Plant Foods – Eat a mostly plant-based diet heavy on beans, nuts and green plants. This is consistent with U.S. Department of Agriculture recommendations. [ob] This one sounds really good to me, as long as BBQ is consider a plant food.  Seriously though, this is exactly what my doctor recommend to me after my last blood test results.
  6. Wine at 5 – For those who have a healthy relationship with alcohol, 1-2 glasses of wine daily can add years to a life, especially when combined with a healthy diet.
  7. Family first – Living in a thriving family is worth six extra years of life expectancy. [ob] Early morning F3 workouts can sometimes result in taking time away from family the evening before.  Workouts are important, but quality family time is critical.
  8. Belong – Recommit, reconnect or explore a faith-based community. No matter which faith, studies show that people who show up to their faith community four times a month live an extra four to 14 years. [ob] This is our 3rd F in F3.
  9. Right tribe – Friends have a long-term impact on well-being. Expand a social circle to include healthy-minded, supportive people. This could be the most powerful way to add years to a life. [ob] This is our 2nd F in F3. And I’m not at all surprised at their claim that this could be the most powerful way to extend life.  Just remember, you get out of it what you put into it.


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Ballroom with Fogerty VQ in the Fort!

Had a little co Q action going on at the Ballroom.  YHC did the disclaimer and a brief intro on the words of the month Worry/Anxiety.

Off for a short mosey around the parking lot.  Didn’t take long for the complaining to start about the mosey.  Circled up for a quick warm-up:

SSH, Merkins, Mtn. Climbers, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan night clubs, Yoga stretching etc.

Turned it over to Fogerty for the good stuff.

The ThanG :

Word of the Year for Fogerty :  “ Grateful” – my goal is to be reminded daily – to be grateful for what I have each and every day and never take it for granted!

Here we Go!!  (Trying to Keep  “ Moderate” in mind….. )

Extension Ladder  : (football field locked : modified to parking lot  – made the Mosey between “rungs”  a little bit longer……but the lack of Chatter during the sets showed the Pax were focused!

First Rung :   Sets of 3:   Squats : consisting of  5 count   / 10 count / 15 count –– mosey to –  Second Rung :  Merkins : 5 /10 /15 – Mosey back to first Rung

Extend Ladder

Add a Rung  :  Sets of 3 :   Squats : consisting of 3 count / 6 count / 9 count – Mosey to Second Rung  : Merkins 3 / 6 / 9 – Mosey to Third Rung :  Bomb Jacks 3 /6 / 9 – Mosey back to First Rung

Extend Ladder

Add a Rung : Set of 2 : Squats : consisting of 5 count / 10 count  – Mosey to Second Rung : Merkins 5 / 10  – Mosey to Third Rung : Bomb Jacks 5 / 10  : Mosey to 4th Rung : Burpees 5 / 10 – Mosey back to Bottom of ladder – recover

Mosey back up to the Parking lot – front of School – : Partner up

100 Derkins

100 Dips

100 Step ups

One partner took a lap while other Pax knocked out as many reps……till they reached the goal :

Turned it back over to Bass for the last five minutes….  Did some Mary and CakeBoss finished us up with some Mac-tar-jis.

Thanks for the Opportunity!

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A Primer on The Mission and Principles of F3 served with a side of pain.

Another day at The Ballroom dawned clear, cold and windy. Kept the Shovel Flag in the trunk for fear it would be blown away. Excellent mixture of veteran and new pax were ready to get warmed up and take on the Weinke. Think that we got some Pax scared away from Jedi’s Q at Golden Corral.

Mosey around the school for  COP:

  • Windmill* 10
  • IW * 15
  • SSH * 20
  • Merkin * 10
  • Squats * 15
  • Plank-O-rama

Mosey to hill between PKES and PKMS. Word on the Misssion of F3: For our NEWER PAX: WHAT IS THE MISSION OF F3? PLANT, GROW AND SERVE MEN’S SMALL WORKOUT GROUPS FOR THE INVIGORATION OF MALE COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP.  The Nation is here to serve the Pax not the other way around.

Partner up FOR MODIFIED DORA 1,2,3


54 Donkey Kicks TOGETHER with your Paartner, 108 MERKINS, 216 LBCs, 324 SQUATS. PLANK ON THE 6

Mosey to wall- Word on the  Core Principles of F3:

  1. Free
  2. Open to Men of all ages, fitness levels
  3. Outdoors, rain or shine
  4. Peer Led
  5. Ends with a COT

Peoples Chair while each Pax does 5 Bombjacks. Mosey to field-partners do 20 leg throws, 20 cherry pickers, 20 Big Boy sit ups (ouch)

Circle up for some scorpion dry docks & Jack Webb.  Back to COT and a word on one of my favorite F3 themes- PROVERBS 27:17-AS IRON SHARPENS IRON, SO DOES ONE MAN SHARPEN ANOTHER.

The camaraderie and banter among the Pax today was great to experience. Never hurts to remind the group how this crazy thing called F3 came to be and, more importantly, what it stands for. Always a pleasure to lead even when the Q-drenaline means a night of fitful sleep.

This is Short Sale bidding you a pleasant adieu.


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No Rain At The Ballroom

I awoke to the sound of raindrops outside my window and mumbled a bit and got after it and I’m thankful eight other brothers decided to do the same.

This morning was pretty simple but it resulted in a bit of complaining, but I won’t talk about Destiny yet.

After your typical COP we ran a double circuit as follows:

Circuit 1 – 10 bombjacks in the middle, 10 merkins at one end and 10 squats at the other end of the parking lot.  Repeat until you’ve completed ten sets.

Circuit 2 – 10 SSH’s instead of bombjacks but otherwise the same thang.

We completed those two circuits and made our way to the wall for some people’s chair and arm raises.  There was much rejoicing.

We stretched a little, worked our core a bit and then it was time!

Thanks Short Sale for the opportunity to lead at The Ballroom for the first time.   I think the rain scared away people but it didn’t even rain at all the whole time we worked.

Destiny mentioned a 5k coming up and there were a few other announcements.  Shout out what I forgot.

Strong work brothers.  Have a great week.

DT out.

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The Ballroom_ Moon River and some CakeBoss!

6 PAX joined YHC at The Ballroom on this 12 degree morning. We all have a choice and if we think its cold outside, you need to ask yourself what is colder….the temperature or leaving your brother alone at an AO? I know some are sick and injured, but its also the easy choice to stay in the fartsack….I been there. However if you are choosing the easy route each day…..when faced with two tough choices you won’t be prepared. Yes, posting with your brothers in cold, rain miserable conditions…..makes you better prepared. 5 years of this, I can tell you that making the hard decisions and converstations that I don’t want to have but need to have…..have come easier because I posted with my brothers in all conditions.

Enough on that!

The Thang:

Immediate COP:

  • SSHs
  • Low Slow Squats
  • Moracan Night Clubs
  • Merkins
  • LBCs
  • Parker Peters

Mosey to school benches

  • 2 x 15 derkins
  • 2x 20 dips

Mosey to side of school

  • People’s Chair
  • Each PAX run around set of cones, until all complete

Mosey to football bleachers

  • Gaze at Super Moon

Mosey to endzone of football field

  • Run field to cones on field an do exercise to reps of yard marker 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
    • Run to 10 – 10 burpees and run back to end zone
    • Run to 20 – 20 donky kicks and run back to end zone
    • Run to 30 – 30 Merkins and run back to end zone
    • Run to 40 – 40 Lunge Hops and run back to end zone
    • Run to 50 – 50 Sumo Squats and run back to end zone
    • Run to 40 – 40 Ski Hops and run back to end zone
    • Run to 30 – 30 Wide Arm Merkins and run back to end zone
    • Run to 20 – 20 Leg Lifts and run back to end zone
    • Run to 10 – 10 Inch Worm Merkins and run back to end zone

On 6

  • Freddy Mercury’s
    • Bearcrawl to 5 yrd line and back
  • Rosalitas
    • Bearcrawl to 5 yrd line and back
  • Hello Dollys
    • Bearcrawl to 5 yrd line and back

Mosey to COT

  • Moracan Night Clubs
  • Squats
  • SSHs

YHC talked to the guys about not waiting for the calendar to flip, the next day or year but choose to make the changes needed in your life. Do it now! Get started on getting better now and don’t wait. Especially if you need to know Sky Q. I made the decision to put him first in my life and all other areas have benefited since making that change…..and not waiting to do it. Get better today and don’t hesitate!

  1. Joe Davis run Saturday with warm up at 0715
  2. 1/12 convergence at Baxter Harris Teeter 3rd F after
  3. Yeti 2/24


  1. Kids, patience, health, injuries, being better men and leaders in our lives

Thanks Short Sale for the opportunity

Cake Boss

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In just under a month, we will have an opportunity to run one of the best races of the year which has become our Signature Fort Race, The Joe Davis Run for Recovery.

This year is going to be particularly special in that we will also be adding the opportunity to push race chariots for SPEED FOR NEED.

Here’s how you get involved, if you know of someone who has a child with a disability, someone who has a child whose home has been affected by addiction, or a child in some other kind of need, then DM Dark Helmet on Twitter and let him know. If you would like to help push, let him know.

We have a chance to have as many as 6 chairs there (several are already spoken for, but some are empty). That’s the most of any race yet…

So man up! Register, find a “Track Commander” to push, and let’s get after it!

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Ballroom Beatdown

So as I stepped outside this morning my first thought was “this is 44 degrees?” As the wind cut straight through my workout gear.  I was cold…so I guess we need to keep moving to stay warm.

At 5:15 sharp we stared off with a mosey down the entrance road to the bend by the field for our warmup. The warmup consisted of the following, all in cadence:

  • SSH – 15
  • Imperial Walkers – 15 (in honor of the new Star Wars movie coming out this week)
  • Move aside for a better late than never greatly missed kotter, Uncle Cracker (who EH’d me into F3 just 10 short months ago)…treated with a wave
  • Windmills – 10
  • Low Slow Squat – 10

Then it was time to mosey around to the wall at the back of the school for The start of The Thang

  • Everyone grab some walls for The People’s Chair as each PAX took their turn with a 10 count
  • A little talk about the word of the month, Gifts
  • Balls to the Wall in the same fashion as The People’s Chair…each PAX with a 10 count (the counting pace was MUCH faster this time around…Hmmm)
  • A couple of 10 counts to recover
  • Another round of People’s Chair, same as before
  • Another round of Balls to the Wall, only this time a single count like when we count off at COT

Mosey across the bridge to the football field and partner up…size does not matter

For a series of 3 exercises one PAX will stay in the end zone while the partner runs to the 50 yard line and back, then switch.  Plank for the six.

  • LBC’s
  • Merkins
  • Flutter Kicks


  • Carolina Dry Dock’s
  • Hello Dolly’s
  • Wide-Arm Merkins

We still had some time left, so it was perfect for a little Reince and repeat.  The only difference was on the last set of 3 we ran to the 30 yard line, but ran back at 75%

After a couple of 10 Counts I had one more beatdown attempt.  We all lined up on the goal line, and ran to the 50 yard line like normal, then continued to the other goal line at full out sprint…100%.

Took a couple 10 Counts and did the same thing back to the other goal line.  At this point I was so close to passing out, I honestly don’t know how any of the PAX was doing.  I just know they all beat me back to COT!

Mosey back to COT for a few minutes of Mary where we got the following exercises in (Probably a few others) all in cadence:

  • Mahktar Jai – 10
  • Side Stradle Hop (Twister style) – 10
  • Peter Parker – 10
  • Superman’s
  • LBC’s – 10
  • Imperial Walkers – 10
  • Morrocan Night Club’s – 15

Name-o-Rama, Announcements, Prayers and Praises

Then off to the cars…


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Its Christmas time and the word of the month is giving so I am asking if you would take moments pray about giving to help a fellow pax. Last year Stang got the Fort and the Rock pax to donate gift cards, cash and presents for me and my family.  This was huge for me and my family, with that  being said I feel the need to help a fellow pax and give back. I have been in touch with our pax of the Fort looking for someone to help out. This morning in COT it was mentioned by Destiny that a fellow pax’s son has just been diagnosed with leukemia and his wife is pregnant with twins. Then again Ginsu and Rock thrill had a tweet about it and come to find out it is an Area51  pax named Bout time his sons name is Jennings. This hits close to home and just knew this is who we need to help this year. a few

If I have never had the pleasure of posting with you in the Gloom I would like to take a second and share my story, Dec 2015 on Christmas eve my 2.5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia ALL Type B, on Christmas day she had surgery to have a port installed and her first 3 rounds of chemo. We spent Christmas in the hospital and I broke down never cried so hard in my life. I reached out to God prayed that everything will be okay and about 10 min later after the took my daughter back for surgery he answered my pray because a peace just came over me and heard the words its going to be okay.  The last 2 years have been a hard 2 years with ups and downs but also have enlightened me, allowed me to get closer to God.  It also allowed me to become apart of F3 with out the men of this group not sure where I would be mentally and physically today. I like to thank you for the push the words of encouragement.


I am asking pax to give what your heart tells you. Prayers gift cards, cash etc. I have seen what awesome pax you can be when challenged to give you all always go above and beyond.

See your site Q’s for collections and or Dark helmet , Stang, Witch hunt, Royale and Cornerstone, we want to wrap it up by 12/22/17


2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Proverbs 18:16

A gift opens the way
and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Luke 6:38

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


Thanks Again HIMS


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