Recon our Region – Spitz’s Army

Disclaimer: YHC did not come up with this idea. Spitz has led the charge on this for the last 2 years and deserves full credit hence the name.

As many of you know, F3 the Fort has seen tremendous growth over the past 3.5 years. In 2016 alone, we have welcomed 180 FNGs, expanded our numbers to ~700 PAX and added several AOs.

What has been consistent and a hallmark of F3 the Fort has been several key characteristics:

  1. Living the mission and core principles of F3
  2. A commitment to accountability and brotherhood amongst the PAX
  3. A strong desire to give back to the community where we serve
  4. A constant helping hand to members of the PAX who are struggling or in need

With all of this growth, the one thing that has been stretched is who you post regularly with. Even if you post 5+ times a week (CSPAN, Dark Helmet, etc.) you just don’t get to see all of the guys. This is particularly true of those PAX who started and built F3 the Fort back in 2012. In addition, the Fort boasts a tremendous amount of #HIMs throughout the region. These PAX continue to inspire me and quite frankly have some really tough workouts too! This is an opportunity to connect with these men and I guarantee all 3 Fs across the region.

So I asked myself, “what’s the best way to fix this? How about a challenge to all members of F3 the Fort? The Fort loves challenges!” My good friend Spitz had the idea to post at all of the workouts in our region and away we went.

So here is the challenge:

Your goal, should you choose to accept it, is to post at all 45 over the summer. YHC will create a list of those who HC and document the process each week. Here is the link for tracking your attendance:  Spitz Army Tracking

Except thats not all! Any man can do that! A real Fort Pax would also post at all of the 3rd F sites this summer too. So add (5) more AOs to the list for an even 50!

One of the lessons learned at the Fort is there is strength in numbers. HC to join Spitz’s Army via Twitter or the F3 Nation website. I look forward to seeing you in the Gloom!

TClap |

Your word is truth

“Logically, that meant that the Q of each workout had to be a self sustaining leader , with all of the authority and resources he needed for his group to flourish. Each workout Q had to be big, and the center of the Starfish (what we came to call F3 Nation) had to be small. We needed to create a culture and a system for transferring PAX into Qs.”

Excerpt from Freed to Lead by Dave Redding and Tim Whitmire

YHC was thrilled to be asked to Q the Ballroom by Change Order. Since Atticus had not yet Q’ed a 1st F, we decided to partner up and go for it. Atticus was clearly excited and this was a fantastic opportunity to bring some new exercises to the AO.

10 PAX (including 1 FNG) posted and away we went…

Atticus on Q

Mosey to industrial parking lot and circle up

COP – all exercises done to 17 IC


Moroccan NC



Mtn Climbers

Russian Twists

Freddy Mercury

Atticus discussed the upcoming 3rd F where we will be discussing common questions of the Bible. Specifically he mentioned John 17:17 “sanctify them by the truth, your word is truth” in reference to those who question the Bible and its teachings. A good reminder for all and another reason to post at Chicken and Wisdom

Mosey to end of lot, partner up

Partner 1 runs to end of lot while Partner 2 does Burpees – aggregate 100 (A real crowd pleaser)

Mosey back to end of the lot, circle up

Duck, Duck, Goose – duck runs around Circle while PAX are completing exercises. Once he picks a goose, he sprints around hoping to not be caught. If caught, he has to do Diamond Merkins or Bombjacks in the middle until next goose is chosen.

Handoff to Pusher.

Mosey back to end of lot

Bear crawl up hill 3 times

Lunge walk to 2nd light, sprint to end x 2

Bear crawl to 2nd light, spring to end x 2

AYG Spring

6 Minutes of Mary




  • F3 Dads starts this weekend at 9 AM – Anchorman on Q
  • Hog and Coyote on June 18th
  • Read your newsletter

Glad to have Wheels and Anchorman back from injury. Glad to have Atticus as a neighbor and a friend.

Pusher out!

TClap |

Memorial Day Murph at The Fort

Step 1: Finish your regular Monday Post
Step 2: Show up at The Coop (Nation Ford High School, Ft. Mill) and do The Murph.
Step 3: Remember that Memorial Day isn’t just cookouts and pool time…

The Thang:
We began with a warm-up led by each of the Veterans who were in attendance (CSPAN, Blackhawk, Howitzer, and Apache – my apologies if I missed anyone, but that’s all I could remember). There were a number of Seal Jacks, SSHs, Imperial Walkers, and some Bro-ga…

We then brought it in to be reminded of why were really there. The workout is good, but Freedom isn’t free, and we were there to honor men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. So, after a lesson from CSPAN on how to count to 4, we moseyed to the track to begin.

47 Pax completed the following for time (some with 20lb weight vests, and some with our built in weight vests who competed in the “modified” category):
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Merkins
300 Squats
Another 1 Mile Run

And there you have it… Workout complete. Then we circled up and each man present read the name (either one that they brought or one that CSPAN provided) of a fallen serviceman/woman so we could memorialize them.

It’s always humbling to do The Murph for me. Not just because it is very physically demanding and I get to see how many times guys like Mary Lou can lap me on a mile track, but also because I am reminded of the men and women that gave all so that regular folks like me can live free. It is a gift that is unmatchable, unrepayable, and undeserved, and for it, I am grateful.

I can’t speak for everyone’s faith tradition, but in my personal belief system, Jesus Christ gave His life willingly to pay for my sins, my stupidity, and my weakness that I may live again in the presence of my Heavenly Father with my wife and family for eternity. Through His sacrifice, He has made me free from the tyranny of the Devil, free from pain, from death, and from Hell. He did something for me (and all of us) that we could not do for ourselves. It is my feeling that in keeping with that pattern, anyone who performs a service for another that they could not perform for themselves is acting in a Christlike way. The fallen soldiers that we honored today (and the many, many more that went unnamed this morning) did much that same thing. They willingly gave their lives and sacrificed that I may live on Earth in this country with my wife and family. They have provided me freedom from the tyranny of evil men, and they have done for me things that I could not do for myself. Reading their names after a workout is small in comparison, but I like to think that they are looking down and that maybe they appreciate the fact that we are trying, in our feeble ways, to honor them. To acknowledge that we rise and sleep in a country that their sacrifice made possible…

Helmet, out…

TClap |

Pre-Blast for Memorial Day MURPH “FunHouse FunRun”

If you don’t know by now, The Fort will be conducting the Annual Memorial Day Murph at NAFO high school (The Coop and Varsity AO).  This is a great opportunity to work out with The PAX to honor our service men and women. Post to your regular AO, then head over to NAFO for the double-down.  In addition to the workout, there will be awards handed out to those who perform at the top of the group.

However, there is one award that perked my ears, the Funhouse Pull Up award.  I assumed this award was for the PAX who increased their pull up count exponentially from the last go around (go search the last Fitness Test).  This was not the case.  ‘Casa de diversion’ (modified pull-up version aka the FUNHOUSE award)…..  “Don’t fall short, if you cannot or do not have a vest at least strive to perform your pull-ups without variation or as we stated above – try not to perform a #Funhouse so start working on those pull-ups today – you have time!”  So yes, YHC likes to modify.  Especially a freaking pull up. So why not “modify” the MURPH with a typical “FunHouse FunRun”?  Call it a triple-down.

So if you’re not afraid of modifying (CSPAN I see your “burpees” so I KNOW you love to modify) join me for this THANG:

Memorial Day – Monday, May 30th 0430

Start (Leg #1): 0430 at Trailhead Park in Tega Cay for a run to Flight Plan (Baxter Startbucks) ~ 4.2 miles

Leg #2: Flight Plan 0515 (YHC the Q) – I will find a suitable 4.5 mile loop that will get everyone ready to go do the MURPH- Total so far ~ 8.7 miles

Leg #3: Run to NAFO 0600 – There will be little time for COT at Flight Plan for those on the #FunRun, so I may hand this off to someone staying behind.  We must get on our horses and head out to make the 5.5 miles to NAFO in 50 minutes before the MURPH starts. The route is down 160 and take a left on 21 and then a right on 460 to NAFO. – Total so far ~ 14.2 miles

Leg #4: The MURPH – 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats and a final 1 mile run. Ugh. So final total mileage ~ 16.2 miles

So join YHC to “modify” your typical day.


TClap |

Truth speaks, but you have to listen

  • QIC: Double D
  • When: 05/24/16
  • Pax: Change Order, Sen T, Huckleberry, McGruff, Solid State, Old Bay, Handy Manny, Cotton Eye, Gopher, Pin-up, Wildcat, Barry Manilow, Gilmore
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

14 pax posted to The Ballroom for the moderate option on a weekday morning packed with activity across the entire region of The Fort.

The Thang

Mosey to Postal Route parking lot

COP — Mtn climbers, Peter Parkers, Windmills, IWs, Merkins, CDDs

Plank sequence

Mosey to Founders Credit Union parking lot

COP — Low slow squat, Monkey humpers, Fwd lunge, Side lunge, Backward lunge, Parker Peters

Plank sequence

Mosey to KOA parking lot

Burpees x20 OYO

Mosey to Publix & partner up
Partner 1: People’s chair
Partner 2: Derkins x20
Rinse & repeat for 5 cycles total, alternating b/t Derkins & Dips; replace People’s Chair w/Balls to the Wall for the last 2 cycles

Mosey to far end of Publix & keep partner
Partner 1: People’s chair
Partner 2: Step ups (10x each leg)
Rinse & repeat

Plank sequence

Mosey to Allen Tate parking lot

COP — Russian Twist, Flutter, Chopsticks, Hello Dolly

Mosey back home

Plank sequence

Burpees x20 OYO

Plank sequence


Naked man moleskin

107 pax posted to workouts today across the region — thanks to all the pax at The Ballroom today for taking the #DRP! #TheFortCounts

Shout out to McGruff who’s hanging tough as he regains form from months of recovery — great to have you back in the gloom!

Solid effort from Wildcat on his VBC (Virgin Boot Camp) after posting Monday as FNG at Flight Plan — welcome aboard!

It was a pleasure to be graced by the presence of Sen T, thanks to a late start that did not allow time for him to make it to WEP.  Second fiddle is still in the orchestra!

Today felt a little like a music festival as we toured the smaller stages leading up to the marquee lights at Publix with Barry Manilow and Culture Club in tow.

The brief message today focused on Truth — especially the Truth that exists deep in our hearts.  It is a challenge to listen for the Truth in the heart (which is rooted in goodness) and avoid being distracted by the Voices in our heads.  Since the theme for May is marriage, the challenge to the pax is to listen for Truth as it relates to marriage and don’t let the negative voices keep us from appreciating the love that is the center of the relationship with our Ms.

Thanks to Change Order for the opportunity to Q — always an honor and a privilege!

TClap |

The Ballroom Blitz (Sweet, 1973)

  • QIC: Barry Manilow
  • When: 05/17/16
  • Pax: Change Order, Deacon, Gilmore, Pin Up, Hasselhoff, Mainframe, Culture Club, Cotton Eye, MASH, Beacon, Geronimo
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

12 PAX joined the moderate dance at The Ballroom on a perfect Tuesday morning, only 2 could name a song by Barry Manilow … study up. Welcome, Disclaimer …

The Thang
Mosey downhill, 1/2 way to the circle
SSHx10, LBCx10, SSHx10, LBCx10
Mosey to the circle
IWx10, Dying Cockroachx10, IWx10, Dying Cockroachx10
Mosey to the far end of the lot
MN Clubx10, Squatx10, MN Clubx10, Squatx10
Mosey back to the circle
Windmillx10, CDDx10, Windmillx10, CDDx10
Mosey 1/2 way back up the road
BoxCutx10, MonkeyHx10, BoxCutx10, MonkeyHx10
Mosey to the bottom of the lot
Bear Crawl to the top

Pseudo Suicides in the lot
Squatsx10, run 4 lines, Scorpion DDx10, back to Squatsx10, add 4 lines … continue for 5 runs.

Mosey to the other end of the lot (by the grass … soft on the knees)
Split the group in half, group 1 starts 75 SSH in cadence while the other runs 50ft up, 50ft back, they pick up the cadence while group 2 runs, back and forth, continuous cadence to 75
Same with 100 LBCs in cadence
Same with 100 Squats in cadence

To the grass for Makhtar N’Diayesx10, mosey 50 ft, Bombjacksx10, mosey back to grass, Kneetar N’Diayesx10 (included was a short explanation of Senator Tressel’s flawless form and execution one morning at The Armory when everyone else was near death), mosey 50ft, 10xMerkins, 10xDips

Back to COT. Thanks to Change Order for letting me lead at The Ballroom, one of my personal favorite AO’s.

Looks Like We Made It,
Barry Manilow

TClap |

18 Years and A Ring

  • QIC: Old Bay
  • When: 04/19/16
  • Pax: Solid State, Gopher, Gilmore, MainFrame, Chickhawk, Mash, Barry Manilow, Change Order, Wight Lightning, Anchorman, Cake Boss, Deacon, Bassomatic, Old Bay
  • Posted In: The Ballroom

This backblast might be “better late than never”, but just barely. My apologies to the pax for being so tardy.

YHC got to the AO early to set up some cones for the main part of the workout, down in the parking lot at the bottom of the hill. While setting up, a security guard approached with flashlight in hand asking “Are you one of those workout guys?” My response in the affirmative brought his approval, and he carried on. Moments after, it occurred to me that an invite to join us sometime would have been good, and giving him an F3Nation “EH” business card would have been even better. I’m going to keep a stack of them to my car from now on, so if anyone would like a dozen or so assist with your EH’ing, let me know next time we cross paths.

At 0515, a quick disclaimer was issued to the solid group of veteran #HIMs, and off we moseyed to a nearby parking lot. A last minute text signaled CakeBoss would be coming in hot, so we stayed within visual range from the shovel flag for warm up.
COP Warmup:

– Windmills x10 (IC)
– Imperial Squats x10 (IC)
– SSH x 20 (IC) >> Lunges in/out
– Sealjacks x20 (IC) >> Lunges in/out
– Plank Jacks x15 (IC)
– Mountain Climbers x10 (IC)
– Alternating Shoulder taps x10 (IC)

The pax moseyed down to the parking lot at the bottom of the service road. Before starting the main event, I spoke briefly about Fatherhood, somewhat continuing on the discussion from the 3rdF event the Friday before.

Main Event: Ring of Fire
Not the Jekyll version (which involves cinder blocks and bear crawls), this modified version required pax to work their way around 12 cones (set up in a circle), each with a different exercise and count. Four steps to this, really.

– Perform exercise written on cone
– Run to cone on opposite side & back to middle
– In the middle, plant for 10 sec, then do 5 bomb jacks or squats
– Run to next cone and repeato

More discussions about Fatherhood, and we moseyed to a parking lot about half-way up the service road. Pax spread out about arm’s length apart and planked for Railroad Tracks, where each pax takes a turn jumping down the line, over the legs of all the pax, the dropping back down into a plank.

We moseyed further up the service road and found some wall for People’s Chair with Jack Reachers to 10. Repeato.

Mosey back to where we started for a bit of Mary
– Low slow flutters (10x)
– Hello Dollies (10x)
– Rosaletta (10x)
– Chopsticks (10x)
– LBCs (10x)

Just before COT, I wrapped up the discussion on Fatherhood with a quick review of the questions ChickenHawk provided in the 3rdF theme of the month slide for the newsletter (see below).

Naked Man Moleskin:
Just like leading workouts, I am no professional when it comes to being a father. I think most of us would admit that. But the fellowship and experience we share in F3 can help dads like me be better than I would be on my own. Studies have shown that daughters have tendency to marry a man of similar qualities to their father. Dads with daughters, how does knowing this affect the way you father your little girl? When your child is born, they are fully dependent on you and your M. By the time your girl grows up and moves out, she will be full dependent on something other than you. You have 18 years to make sure that dependency is on God, and not some knucklehead that can’t possibly fill the God-shaped hole in her heart.

While girls often grow up to marry a man like their dad, boys will often grow up to *become* their dad. It’s been said that we are each a copy of our dad, with a bunch of stuff we’ve put on top to cover up the things we don’t like about our dad. Sons model our heart’s behavior, not just what we say we are doing or what we tell them they should do. It’s ok to tell my son he should be reading his Bible. It’s better if he sees me reading it myself. But it’s best if he see me learning and living out what I read from His Word. And, for the record, I fall short of this very often.

Finally, be sure you check out these questions from ChickenHawk about fatherhood. And, for that matter, check out the entire document he put together (look in the 3rdF section of the last newsletter).
– What is your view of a Father’s role to your children?
– What mistakes, successes, lessons and/or wisdom would you share?
– How has your life experience shaped your approach to fatherhood?
– How do you approach fatherhood differently than your father?
– How has God/Jesus shaped your view of fatherhood?
– What do you think is the one, single most important attribute of a Father?
– What advice do you wish you had when you started?

An honor, as always, to lead the pax in a workout. Thanks so much to Change Order for allowing me the privilege.

-old bay

TClap |


Highly anticipated… and I anticipate your attendance to make it a launch of epic proportions… SO HC NOW. We will be looking for your support over the coming weeks as we launch this newest Region of F3. That support will come in the form of your willingness to Q, in your attendance at workouts, in your talking it up in COTs, and in EHing those guys that you KNOW desperately need the multitude of goodness that comes from F3. Someone gave it to you… Now it’s your turn… Call that buddy that lives in Lake Wylie or in Steele Creek area that you haven’t talked to in a while. Tell him your story. Then drag his a$$ to the AO for a glorious beatdown…

Where: Oak Ridge Middle School in Lake Wylie (5657 Oakridge Rd, Clover, SC 29710)
When: 0700 – 0800 on April 9th, and every Saturday thereafter until we either die or the Earth passes away…
Who: All Pax of F3 Nation that are up for it… (But particularly those in Lake Wylie and Steele Creek and surrounding areas)
What: Horribles. Lots of them.
Why: Oh… You know why…

Weinke sneek peak…
Let’s see… what should I tell you??? Let’s just say that there will be lots of speed work… Bear crawls… Oh, and a new exercise, called THE KRAKEN. You won’t want to miss that…

Helmet, out.

TClap |

Last chance to order a FORT Region shirt (new colors)

We will be doing a redesign of the FORT logo later this year, so this is your last chance to order the current FORT design before then. Think of it as a way to say you are a FORT region original before all the newbies arrive. For all of you wondering if we would ever have another option other than gray, you are in luck. MudGear just released red and royal blue!

The MudGear obstacle race jersey fits close to the skin without compression (tapered cut). Its highly breathable, wicks sweat, and has excellent drainage capability. This is the style all regions wear across this great nation of ours. Don’t you want to be a great American? Aren’t you proud of the hours of pain and gallons of sweat you lose with your F3 brothers? Why wouldn’t you get this shirt? Also available in badass black (standard F3 Nation uniform color for our workout ninjas). Is it visible to oncoming traffic at 0515? Nah. Does it need to be? Meh. Will you blend in with your surroundings? Probably. Will you look good wearing it? Heck yes!

Price: $33 (MudGear red, blue, black)

Also available is the black Sport-Tek Adult Competitor Tee. This one is lightweight, moisture-wicking, and breathable. It has a looser fit. This is the more cost-effective version. Not as durable, but just as sweet. Ladies cannot resist a man in black. Heck, there was even a movie (or 3) about men in black. Don’t you want to impress the ladies? Why wouldn’t you want to rock out a bad mama jama black F3 shirt? Show the CrossFitters what a real shirt looks like on a real #HIM! I hear it actually makes you do better merkins.

Price: $24 (Sport-Tek black)

The grey on black looks pretty sweet. Last day to order is 4/3/16. To save you shipping charges, I’ll deliver them to you when they arrive in late April. Get them before they are gone! Don’t look back on this and say, “I wish I would have gotten the shirt.” Just click below and order it now. Operators are standing by. Do it!

F3 The Fort Shirts Pre-Order

TClap |

The Yeti 2016, No One Died…

If there was one phrase that rang true for this epic CSAUP, it was this…”Don’t die!” There was a lot of excitement leading up to The Yeti and possibly a little training. There were whispers of “I’m a little nervous” and “17+ miles is a lot” and “I wonder what the pain stations will be like.” All that said, 60 #HIM from 5 Regions (Fort, Rock Hill, SOB/Indian Land, Gastonia and Area 51) wanted a taste of this beast of a track! Categories ranged from running the whole thing (Yeti), Running and Biking (Iceman), various relay options, as well as a couple of made-up categories.

Temperatures were perfect for this thing to happen. PAX started arriving at Pantheon at 0530 to kick this thing off. But before we get to The Thang, there is a cast of characters that needs to be recognized:

Your Qs: YHC (Yeti Warmup), Crash (Iceman Warmup), Package, Spitz and Cable Guy
Paxarazzi: Solid State, Bolt and Spud
Support: Hasselhoff, Cobra Kai & Professor (While they did the relay)

Thanks to all of the PAX that made this CSAUP a success. It’s your event and you made it happen! And now…

The Thang (0600 Yeti & 0700 Iceman):


Mosey around the carpool lane at Pantheon w/ dynamic stretches (Butt Kickers, High Knees, Karaoke both sides) and then circle up on the field:

• SSH X25
• IW X25
• Low Slow Squats X25
• Windmills X 25
• Merkins X15
• Mountain Climbers X25
• Burpees X10 OYO

Mosey to the parking lot, mention “Don’t Die” one more time and then begin the Yeti route

Run: Pantheon to Ballroom (3.0 Miles)

Ballroom Painstation (Package)
1 Minute Each w/ 15 second Recovery
• Plank Jacks
• Shoulder Taps
• Merkins
• Parker Peter
• Wide Merkins
• Peter Parker
• SpiderMan Merkins
• Mountain Climbers
• Right Arm High
• Left Arm High
• Merkins
• 25 Burpees OYO (Crowd Pleaser)

Run: Ballroom to Coop (3.0 Miles)

Coop Painstation (Spitz)
100 Merkins
200 LBCs

Run or Bike: Coop to Run N Gun (6.5 Miles)

Run N Gun Painstation (Cable Guy)
10 Merkins
20 LBCs
30 SSH
Repeat 10 Times (Another Crowd Pleaser)

Run or Bike: Run N Gun to Pantheon (5.0 Miles)

Wait (or collapse into a pile) for the 6 and then mosey to Fort Mill BBQ for some Grub!

Total Mileage: Yeti – 17.5 Miles Run / Iceman – 6 Miles Run & 11.5 Miles Biked

The Yeti is just another great example of PAX coming together and supporting each other. This event would not have happened without a lot of energy from several people. I am humbled how it all came together. But let’s get to some facts and “special” moments as reported by the Pax.

• Fact: Several PAX reported that this was the furthest they’ve ever run at one time. Tclaps!
• Fact: Several PAX also reported that this was their first CSAUP
• Fact: This CSAUP counts as 1 workout towards your 250
• Fact: PAX ran over 650 miles and biked over 200 miles
• Fact: The Yeti Route does resemble our great state of South Carolina and was unintentional…but cool nonetheless
• #HIM Longshanks ran the entire Yeti supporting #HIM Dark Helmet (quoting Longshanks, “At one point Dark Helmet told me he was “excited” as he had been staring at my ass for the previous 12 miles”). According to DH, “No one told me I couldn’t do it (The Yeti), so I did it!” Awesome job brother!
• Geronimo’s Family met him at every AO. He thought it was so nice that some family came out in the gloom to support, then he realized it was his.
• Apparently Cake Boss picked up a cigarette rolling in to the Coop and told the PAX he picked a bad week to stop smoking
• Cobra Kai and Professor Handing out water on 160 while competing in the Yeti Relay
• One Word: Tatanka! This guy came all the way from Florida to spill Merlot (twice) with his closest friends. Several reports came in from separate sources that his form was suffering at the painstations. Alas, brothers CSPAN and Chaser were there to comfort!
• Run N Gun, Sir Topham Hat, Spandex!
• CSPAN stopping by his daughter’s bridal shower…awkward
• FNG Sloppy Joe
• Riddler not understanding Cable Guy’s Instructions and doing far too many Merkins, LBCs and SSH
• 2nd F at Fort Mill BBQ had over 75 PAX, Ms and 2.0s. Thanks to Sloppy Joe for opening early and supporting The Fort. Let’s do what we can to support him in the future.
• Maximus (with Walker) ran 2.5 more miles just to see if he could
• Tclaps to Gridlock on his mileage
• Tclaps to those who could not commit to the whole event but did what they could
• Tclaps to all the support PAX for water, gatorade, bananas, gels, gummies, and the list goes on

I apologize if I left anyone out or missed a “special moment.” All errors fall on my shoulders!

Here is a link to pictures from the event -> Yeti Pictures

So glad everyone enjoyed the beatdown and I’m glad that no one died. Don’t forget the Hog & Coyote later this year! Here are the times as reported:

F3 Name Type Time Notes
Sir Topham Hat Iceman 2:10:00
Defib Iceman 2:35:00
Dolph Iceman 2:35:00
Brownstreak Iceman 2:37:00
Whoopee Iceman 2:40:00
High Life Iceman 2:42:49
Atlas Iceman 2:45:00
One-Niner Iceman 2:45:00
World Wide Leader Iceman 2:47:00
Bounty hunter Iceman 2:47:00
Italian Job Iceman 2:47:00
Chaser Iceman 2:53:00
Ringer Iceman 2:53:00
ColdCuts Iceman 2:53:00
Royale Iceman 2:57:00
Cornhole Iceman 3:02:00
CSPAN Iceman 3:02:00
Tatanka Iceman 3:02:00
Atticus Iceman
Decibel Modified Run 6.50 Miles
White Lightning Modified Run 1:17:26 8.15 Miles
Free Bird Modified Run 1:21:30 8.15 Miles
Pusher Modified Run  8.15 Miles
Cake Boss Modified Run 1:28:17 8.15 Miles
Spiderman Modified Run 2:14:44 14.46 Miles
GridLock Modified Run 2:47:00 13.92 Miles
Photobomb Modified Run
Boeheim Yeti 3:23:00
Cerrano Yeti 3:24:00
Geronimo Yeti 3:24:00
Sasquatch Yeti 3:24:00
Tater Yeti 3:24:00
Gekko Yeti 3:25:00
Maximus Yeti 3:25:00
Corruption Yeti 3:27:00
Gears Yeti 3:36:00
Rooney Yeti 3:40:00
Senator Tressel Yeti 3:40:00
Zima Yeti 3:40:00
Fish Sticks Yeti 3:42:00
Minuteman Yeti 3:45:00
Ginsu Yeti 3:45:00
Copay Yeti 3:45:00
Axl Yeti 3:45:50
WhatDid Yeti 3:47:00
The Riddler Yeti 3:49:00
Javert Yeti 3:53:09
Seacrest Yeti 3:55:00
Dark Helmet Yeti 4:04:00
Longshanks Yeti 4:04:00
Belding Yeti
Catfish/Guage Yeti (Relay) 3:00:00
Burgundy/Walker Yeti (Relay) 3:04:00
Cobra Kai/Professor Yeti (Relay) 3:07:00
Smuggler/Bing Yeti (Relay) 3:27:00


TClap |