Blind Date at the Fort

The Gloom

12 men gathered in the gloom at the Fort. 6 of which were destined for Milllllllkshake and the other six submit themselves to a beatdown by Keiser and YHC.  I will not attempt to begin to understand the inner workings of Millllllllllllkshake, and will let their Q write more about that later.

Keiser looked for any new faces and dispensed the disclaimer to the crowd of veterans.


Despite having never met Keiser, this co-Q worked out very well.  Keiser started us off with some tappy taps, windmills, SSH, and imperial walkers. Then passed the baton to YHC who added some low, very veeerrry slow, squats, and hillbilly walkers. Then gave the baton back to Keiser.

The thang – keiser

Immediately moseyed straight to the playground and paired up for an arm-burning dora.
50x pullups
100x derkins
200x dips
The run was around the playground (roughly 160m).

As the workout continued to move along we noticed that a large group of people were gathering on the Eastern field. Turns out they were wearing Krav Maga shirts and eventually running in circles around the park.

That wasn’t enough to pad out Keiser’s half of the workout, and he knew it, because there was a round two.
100x hello dolly
200x LBC
300x flutter

With one minute left, there was a 6″ plank called.

The thang – yhc

The first thing YHC said was that Keiser must have overheard him talking at the Christmas party because the dora (which is an old standby for a darn good reason) was my idea, too. No matter, let’s do AMRAP and run even farther!

Split the group up according to the original partners and instructed the 3 PAC running and doing the exercise to work as a group.  We did all of our reps at the picnic table just outside the SE side of the playground.  The runners would B-line from picnic table to the white mile marker thing seen just over the trash can here. Then turn right and run to the top of the hill turn around and head back on the same path. In total about 530m.  The exercises were (again, AMRAP):

  1. Step ups
  2. One leg down, the other on the bench behind you, squat (these have a name but I can’t find it)
  3. V-Ups
  4. Pistols

YHC was pleased to hear mublechatter amongst the PAX as they ran together and learned about Big Ben’s graduation from AIT recently.  When YHC mused, “I suppose these runs are easy mode for you.” Big Ben responded with a smile and an enthusiastic “Yes, sir!”  YHC is always honored to work out with veterans and those actively serving and Big Ben was no exception.

Five minutes left, not quite enough time for one more round, so YHC announced a mosey back to COT for 5 minutes of Mary. But that seemed like a darn waste of such a fine field. So we stopped 4 times for 5 OYO burpees.


Met up with the Milllllllllllllkshakers and noticed there was a WHOLE MINUTE left and did 10 windshield wipers. There were some park maintenance people who were (im)patiently waiting for us to vacate the parking lot so we kept it quick. But first we renamed Big Ben to Screaming Eagle.

Read your newsletter and prayed for the pax who are hurting.

TClap |

Rust Removal

8 HIM decided to shake off some Thanksgiving Holiday Rust at Quagmire.  After observing a missing flag due to a notably absent site Q (cough cough, Mile High, cough cough), disclaimers were given, 5 core principles of the workout were spoken by the PAX in proper order.  Off we moseyed.  Here’s what happened:

COP – 1)  SSH x 20, 5 burpees  2) Imperial Walkers x 15, 5 burpees  3) low slow squat x 15, 5 burpees, 4) merkins x 10, 5 burpees  5) hillbilly walkers x 15, 5 burpees

Moseyed to Target for Partner DORA – 1,2,3,4.  Having 8 led to even numbers and pairing off evenly.

100 – Jumping lunges (crowd favorite)

200 – Squats

300 – LBC’s

400 – Clave Raises

A 10 count was given, 5 more burpees were done (just because) and off we moseyed to the fountain for some 30 on 30 on 30

At the fountain – 30 dips, 30 derkins, 30 step ups.  Time to mosey to the Marshalls lot

Partners were found again for a quick DORA 1 – 100 merkins while partners ran 40(ish) yard sprints – 20 down and 20 back.   5 burpees were done (to be consistent) and we moved on.

Mosey again to COT for a few minutes of Mary:  American Hammers x 21, Box Cutters x 20 and some protractor work to keep people sharp on their geometry.  COT brought things to a close.

Announcements – Read your newsletter, XMas Party this Friday at Baxter Mushroom Pool Clubhouse, Convergence and Clave Boos 5K/10K on Christmas Eve at Colosseum.

Prayers and Praises were offered.

YHC is admittedly not a regular at Quagmire.  Monday was a great experience and my thanks goes out to Mile High (despite his absence) for the opportunity to Q and to get better around some very high impact men.  It was a honor to post this morning and start December off right.  The message to us all was to remember why we are here – for others first, ourselves last.   For it is true that when we are right, we can be right for others to make the impact we are called to bring as leaders.




TClap |

“OCBAL” at Quagmire

PAX: Mile High, DaVinci, Bones, Slap Shot, Wrangler, Cha Ching, Copywriter, Gears, Pothole, Grout, Deacon, Half Shell


12 HIMs gathered at Quagmire for their DRP and to help create a calorie deficit as part of Thanksgiving week preparations.  In putting together the plan, YHC asked his three boys (ages 4 – 7) what they thought we should do for a warmup.  It provided some insights into exactly what they think we do when we post.  As I explained when we circled-up, it was a heavy dose of favorites with a “dash of random”.  And our warmup began, in three parts:

Part One:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 SSHs
  • 10 Burpees – OYO
  • Mosey to the fountain

Part Two:

  • 10 Merkins
  • Partner wheelbarrows from the fountain to the stop sign.  Swap at the end, switch partners and wheelbarrow back to the fountain.  (Small dash of random, larger dose of pain)
  • Both partners then run one half lap around the traffic circle back to the fountain.
  • Rinse and repeat including the fountain run

Part Three:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 SSHs

After the warmup we moseyed over to the Target parking lot.  No red balls of pain but instead, we stopped in one corner of the parking lot for a brief explanation.  At our starting point we were to do two sets of exercises (one on the ground and one standing up) in a ladder format up to 10  (1,1, 2,2, 3,3, 4,4…. etc.) followed by a lap, a very big lap, around all four corners of the parking lot until we reached the starting point again.  YHC wasn’t sure exactly what to call it so I referred to it as a “four corners” which DaVinci later appropriately renamed “The OCBAL”.  (More on that later)  And we began:

  • Set #1: Merkins & Squats followed by a lap
  • Set #2: LBCs & Side Straddle Hops followed by a lap
  • Set #3: Carolina Dry Docks & Imperial Walker Squats followed by a lap
  • Set #3: Plank Jacks & Monkey Humpers followed by a lap

We ended up doing 55 reps of each exercise and by the time we returned to COT we had put in over 2.5 miles of fun.  There was good mumble chatter along the way and one or two comments about Quagmire becoming a “running AO”.

As I mentioned, YHC incorrectly said that the workout we were doing was going to be a “four corners”.  It certainly wasn’t a traditional four corners.  We did multiple exercises and counted up rather than a single countdown exercise.  Oh… and we ran… a lot for a bootcamp AO.  DaVinci nailed it when he coined the new term “OCBAL”.  One Corner followed by a Big Ass Lap.  OCBAL… submitting soon for official exercise routine status.

Announcements included the Thanksgiving Day convergence, sign-ups for the Holiday party and the always popular “read your newsletter”.  Prayers included ailing coworkers and friends, safe holiday travels and patience with family.  Thanks for the honor to lead.

Half Shell



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Colosseum- KISS (you know what it stands for)

Always one of my favorite AOS in the Fort. A great place that makes you want to work. I like to KISS (keep it simple st&#%d)
We had a little disclaimer and intro and were off.
couple laps around the parking lot and circle up for a quick warmup.
22 SSHs
10 windmills
22 Mtn Climbers
6 inches with slow 10 count x 2
head down road for dynamic stretching and let the games begin.
light poles
1. 5 burpees.
2. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks.
3. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15 merkins
4. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15merkins, 20 squats
5. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15merkins, 20 squats, 25 LBCs
Mosey down road. Pick up piece of rip rap
10 chest presses, 10 curls, 10 shoulder presses x 3 sets
Hill repeats mosey to top 10 merkins, 15 squats mosey to bottom 5 burpees. flutter kicks until 6 finishes 3 sets.
Indian run back to light poles.
1. 5 burpees.
2. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks.
3. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15 merkins
4. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15merkins, 20 squats
5. 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15merkins, 20 squats, 25 LBCs
COT- like I said KISS.
announcements- thanksgiving convergence
Christmas Party sign up by Sat. Dec. 30th
Prayers and Praises

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Watch D.O.G.S. PAX volunteer effort at Tega Cay Elementary ( Pantheon )

Watch D.O.G.S.

Whether you attended our Watch DOGS kickoff event or not, we hope that you will participate in this exciting program by volunteering one or more days this school year as a Watch DOG. Please visit our Sign Up Calendar for more information and to choose a date to volunteer that works for you. You must complete a FMSD Volunteer Screening and sign up for a duty date on the sign up calendar to serve as a Watch DOG.

CLICK HERE for the calendar link to sign up to be a Watch DOG!

CLICK HERE to complete a FMSD Volunteer Screening

CLICK HERE to watch the Today Show segment about Watch D.O.G.S.

If you did not order your shirt, you may purchase one on the day you serve as a Watch DOG for $20 (credit/debit preferred, exact cash/check accepted). Uniform shirts are required so you will be easily identifiable by teachers, staff, and students. Financial assistance available upon request.

If you have any questions about this opportunity to make an impact at Tega Cay Elementary School, please contact Kristen Motte (School Counselor & Watch DOG Program Coordinator) at

TClap |

11/20/2019 Pantheon Backblast

‘BACK-blast’ or rather Back workout day at Pantheon.  Brought out Pandoras Box ( travel trailer with gym equipment ) for alternating partner work.

Warmup:  2 rounds of Side Straddle hops, Low Slow Squats and Carolina Dry docks x 10 reps in cadence.  2nd set at faster cadence.  Add’l set of Front Straddle hops ( seal jacks ) with tight body to activate the back muscles.

The Thang:  2 Full rounds

  • TRX – 15 reps of wide, med, and close grip x15 reps – Partner:  mac tar jai,
  • 35lb battle ropes – 15 reps of full, medium and close motion – Partner:  plank hold,
  • Slam ballz – 3 sets of 5 reps w/ 20, 16, and 12 lb ballz – Partner:  25lb standing chair DB rows
  • Pullups – 3 sets of 5 reps – Partner:  25lb DB pullover,
  • Deadlift – 3 sets of 5 reps w/105lb barbell – Partner:  12lb wide range American Hammer

Intermezzo:  3 sets – Reverse ballz to the wall walks – Partner:  5 sec fence pull-up hold

Cool down – Back stretches – 10 reps each of wide arm circles ( backward/forward ), body huggerz, Carolina Dry Dock stretch, Honeymooner stretch.

Prayers/Praises – Clean Cancer Scans, Patience around holidays with family, work travel.

Announcements – Clave Boss Christmas festivities.

Thank you for the assistance in repacking the trailer.

TClap |

Pre-Blast F3 The Fort 2019 Christmas Party

The Thang:

Meet up at Baxter Community Center- Mushroom Pool Clubhouse.

Warmup with some meetin’ and greetin’.

Mosey to the buffet line for catered fine foods (Improper Pig). Partner carry plate to table and fellowship.

3 hrs of Music- Dance if you want to. Mumble chatter welcome.


F3 is awesome and it makes us all better. We have such an awesome community of PAX and so many new men, that we need to come together and celebrate. 2nd ‘F’ is Fellowship. That means hanging together, enjoying conversation and having a good time. Make every effort to be part of events like this. Let your Ms meet the guys and their better halves.


Place: Mushroom Pool Clubhouse- 3387 Richards Crossing, Fort Mill, SC 29708
Date: Friday December 6th
Time: 7:00pm-10:00pm
Cost: $30/person——->$60 per couple deadline to sign up Nov 30th 12pm
pay here:
Sign up here:
Includes: Facility, Tables/Chairs, Food, Music

Catering by: THE IMPROPER PIG (you know you want some of that)
Pulled Pork
Pulled Chicken
Baked Beans
Mac & Cheese
Asian and House slaw
Southern Hushpuppies
Your choice of Queen Bee or Eastern BBQ sauce
Sweet Tea

Please bring a dessert
BYOB – No bar this year…responsible for own drinks

Dessert Contest – Voted by ballot and awarded after dinner (cookies, cakes, pies)

Dress: Nice Casual or crushed velvet red suit

Instructions – RSVP is required, so please follow these steps:

Sign up using this form:
Pay ($60/couple or $30/person) via the PayPal page.

Questions? Contact Wegmans, Backdraft or Crab Cakes

TClap |

Moving to keep warm on a windy day

Cyclops and YHC(Bass-o-Matic)  were blessed with the opportunity to have the Q at the Fort.  As we discussed that we had nothing really planned, nobody would have believed it as it came together nicely.

A brief intro, disclaimer and welcome Slim Jim from the New Bern PAX we started right into the warmup as we waited for stragglers to roll in.  We did the typical SSH, Windmills, merkins, imperial walkers, peter parkers and plank jacks.  A brief challenge to the group on how do you plan for the unexpected and how do you respond to those situations?  Now that everyone was ready we split off with Milkshake and moseyed to one of my favorite walls across from the memorial park.

Since the PAX looked a little tired we started of with some wall sits.  This is where it started getting a little saucy.  Round 1 each PAX did a 10 count with an arm variation until we go to the end.  Short 20 second break.  Round 2 Each PAX did 10 bombjacks till we made it down the line.  Saw some great form from the pax.

Changed it up and went to the plan position.  Each PAX held the plan until we went down the line with plank jacks.  20 second recovery and then repeated with mtn. climbers.

Rinse and repeat.  Went back to wall sits with squats for round 1 and SSH for round two.  Funny how quick 30 minutes went and then it was time to hand it over to Cyclops.

We moseyed from the Springs lot to Footloose – a good sojourn.  Once all PAX came in, we circled up for a 10-20-30 pyramid:

10 burpees OYO, 20 squats in cadence (because Bass-o-Matic did no leg work in his half of the Q ; – ) and 15 double count merkins in cadence.  After merkin completion, PAX stretched out from the plank with salutations to the left and right then holding 6 inches off the ground while Tesh gave an efficient 10 count.

We moseyed from Footloose to the front of the Fort Mill Police Department, held a belated veterans day Pledge of Allegiance to honor all who serve, and then moseyed on to Main street for more “fun”.

On the main street benches, PAX did 20 dips and 20 derkins OYO and then we moseyed to the Founders Bank lot for the “main act”

7’s –  6 Kracken Burpees on the horizontal parking space line, lunge walk to the opposite side (because we needed more leg work), 1 Carolina Dry Dock, mosey back to the line, 5 kracken burpees, lunge walk, 2 CDD’s, mosey back……etc. etc. etc. all the way down too 1 KB and 6 CDD’s to finish. PAX finished at this lot before moseying by holding a squat position and did 10 Moroccan night clubs in cadence.  A quick recovery via a 10-count and we moseyed back to the East side of WEP.

At the .1 mile drill bit – Pax bunched up for some more work:  15 double count flutters in cadence, 10 burpees OYO (just because) and 10 double count diamond merkins.  A little mumble chatter came about…but just a little – likely due to the love of burpees and diamond merkins.

A quick mosey back to COT brought us to a few minutes of Mary – which included 15 box cutters in cadence and 45 (ish) seconds worth of protractor work – PAX seemed to enjoy holding legs 6 inches off the ground after completing box cutters making the transition to the protractor more “fun”.  For some reason, pre-mature a count off started at this point – I don’t know why.

We wrapped up at 0730 per custom and moved to name-o-rama, announcements. praises and prayers.

Praise for the health care providers who are caring for many sick friends and family, who are in our thoughts, including Tesla’s Mom and Cyclops’ Dad who are battling forms of cancer.  And for Assassin who is working through an infection and awaiting biopsy results. Slim Jims grandson who is recovering from illness. Kenyan’s loss of his M; prayers for comfort and peace.

Read your newsletter.


TClap |

Two Shared A Milkshake

Today at Milkshake,  we only had to show up.

So I decided just to make it pretty simple and what we did was a tour of Fort Mill.

Crab Cakes and I  walked down toward the churches and the gun shop and stopped alongthe way to do a few exercises here and there.

We talked about where we grew up and talked about the crazy wind this morning.

We met up with The Fort main group at one point and hung out for a bit and then headed back to COT.

Thankfully the rain held off until we were almost finished.

Thanks  Shady  for the chance to lead.

Remember Kenyan in your prayers.

DT out.

TClap |

Halloween Rain- The Ranch

It was a warm dark morning, rain heavy as I drove to The Ranch. One of my personal favorite AOs in The Fort. Maybe becouse it is where I was the site Q for awhile or maybe just becouse there are lots of areas to torture people when I am on the Q.
I was first to arrive and wondered how many would join me in the rainy gloom. Couple cars roll in just before zero dark start time.
Disclaimer. Mosey around parking lot and get a quick warmup. SSHs, LBACs, windmills, IWs.
Mosey to front of middle school- partner up by benches- 20 derkins, 20 alternating stepups, 20 dips.
Partner wheel barrow to end of side walk and back. repeat x’s 3.
Mosey to back of school- chair sits in cadence- Balls to wall incadence- bearcrawl out to edge of parking lot and back- 3 sets.
Mosey to play ground- 3 sets 5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats.
Mosey to bus loop- duck walks 10 diamond merkins, bunny hops 10 wide arm merkins, 1 leg jumps 5 pistol squats, switch to other leg repeat.
Mosey to COT.
announcements, prayers and praises.
Backdraft out.

TClap |