5 were at The Yard for a tour of the back entrance light posts as we had pain in chalk at each pole. Each pole at a letter of THE YARD, but not in order, so that led to some light yogging to find the next letter in the correct order. Everyone enjoyed immensely.

Prayers for Bonsai’s wife and Old Bay’s wife, Twister’s mom, thankful for safe travels for Tater and his M, and for DT’s upcoming trip.

Signups available for yard work at the Care Center.

Thanks to JCruise for the opportunity!

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Yard Work

WARMUP: Yes – stretching, gas pumpahs, SSH, Windmills, Squats, Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers.
THE THANG: DORA ( Derks, Squats and Dips) Hill work with some Bomb Jax and Sumo-Squats followed up with 4 corners (Merkins in cadence and Flying Squirrels (oyo).
MARY: Yes – 4 mins of Mary saved us from 20 Flying Squirrels….
ANNOUNCEMENTS: cSAuP coming, FtMill Care Center signups, Christmas party, etc etc
COT: Yes

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Bus Lane Beatdown

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Picker, Mosey to Bus driveway
THE THANG: using light poles as markers, 10 merkins, run to next pole, 10 big boys, repeat 4 times. 10 squats, run to next pole, 10 flutter kicks, repeat 4 times. Various exercises, runs, planks, etc. until back to COT.
MARY: hip flex
COT: Ball-o-man

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You Can Do Anything For One Minute

15 – SSH
10 – Moroccan Night Club
10 – Windmill
15 – Cherry Pickers
10 – Merkins

Broga with 5 Shoulder Taps, 5 Plank Jack’s

(1) You Can Do Anything For One Minute
60 seconds work, 15 seconds rest
Slow mosey around the track after each round.

Round 1:
• 60 seconds of jumping jacks
• 60 seconds of bodyweight squats
• 60 seconds of push-ups (beginner modification:
kneeling push-ups)
• 60 seconds of high knees sprinting in place (beginner modification: march or jog in place)
• 60 seconds plank

Round 2:
• 60 seconds of burpees (beginner modification: skip the jump and just do a squat and push-up)
• 60 seconds of alternating forward lunges
• 60 seconds of mountain climbers
• 60 seconds of V-ups
• 60 seconds alternating side lunges

Round 3:
• 60 seconds bird dog
• 60 seconds jump squats
• 60 seconds right side plank
• 60 seconds left side plank
• 60 seconds squat hold

(2) Wall sits with bear crawl cycle

(3) 3 Merkin Indian Run
ABC’S of Abs
Murphy Opportunities
Bethel Men’s Shelter Nights
Summer of CSAUP’s
HIM Camp
Shovel Flag Handoff – Seabiscuit
Show To Know.

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Plates of Pain

Low Slow-ish Squats
Tempo Merkins
Moroccan Nightclubs


The plates of pain:
Partner up
One partner does 5 squats, 5 merkins, 5 big boys ad infinitum.
Other partner moseys to one the (paper) plates of pain and does the exercises written on it. Partners then trade off. Once each partner has done the exercises on a plate they move to the next plate. MOT is done out and back.

1. Bear Crawl – 15x Carolina Dry Docks
2. Sprint – 15x Box Jumps
3. Lunge Walk – 20x Bonnie Blairs
4. Broad Jump – 15x Donkey Kicks
5. Duck Walk – 30x Monkey Humpers
6. Nur – 30x Calf Raises (10 regular, 10 wide, 10 pigeon-toed)
7. Karaoke – 10x Side Lunges each leg
8. Crab Walk – 30x Lonely Cowboys

Ab Lab



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What’s In The Cards For Today?

WARMUP: Abe Vigoda, Cherry pickers, merkins, SSH, Imperial Squat Walkers, MNC, Hillbilly Walker
THE THANG: Mosey to gridiron, turn on the “boom box” for some tunes, pick a card at each corner of the field, 10 reps per card, 25 reps per royal, 100 reps per Ace. Run in between each corner.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter July 4th cookout, Care Center lawn maintenance, Cannoli Run next weekend.
COT: Prayers for Brother In Law whose in hospice care. safe travels.

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Mixed bag at the Yard

Started with a short mosey, zig zag thru the bollards, then circle up for a warm up of: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches. All in a variation of 10-15 reps I/C.

Thang 1: Mtn Climber relays. Three cones, do 20 m/c at #1, 30 at #2, and 40 at #4; run back to base line.

Thang 2: Bench work. Did step ups, derkins, butt touch sqts, inline merkins, dips, calf raises.

Thanks 3: Prison yard burpees. At half basketball court, Start with 6 burpees in corner 1, bear crawl to corner 2, 5 burpees, keep going around/down in burpees.

Thang 4: Four-corners Street walker style
Four corners/cones: 1st= 10 merkins, 2nd=20 LBCs, 3rd=30 monkey hmprs, 4th=40 SSH. Routine is: cone 1, then back to start line, then cone 1, cone 2, then reverse to cone 1 again and back to start line; then cone 1, cone 2, cone 3, then reverse: cone 2, cone 1, start line; then cone 1, cone 2, cone 3, cone 4, then reverse: cone 3, cone 2, cone 1 then start line. Results in: 70 merkins, 100 LBCs, 90 Monkeys, 40 SSH.

Short Mary round


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Bubbles Everywhere

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Picker, Mosey
THE THANG: Mosey to A: 11s with Merkins & Big Boys; Mosey to B: Wall Sit while each PAX runs a lap including 3 Burpees; Mosey to C: Partner for a Mosey/Squat/Al Gore DORA; Mosey to COT
MARY: A few to add reps
COT: Life shared, prayers lifted

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Hard Core

WARMUP: Disclaimed the group and we started to Mosey around the COT parking lot. While moseying we did some buttkickers, high knees, & karaoke. Made it to the 1/8 mile track area and circled up. Performed SSHx7inCadence, 1 burpee oyo, WindMillsx7inCadence, 2 burpees oyo, CherryPickersx7inCadence, 3 burpees oyo, HillbillyWalkersx7inCadence, 4 burpees oyo, & ImperialWalkersx7inCadence. Group was ready to roll.

100 – LBCs
90 – Flutters
80 – Freddy Ms
70 – American Hs
60 – Mountain Climbers
50 – Reverse Crunches
40 – BigBoySitups
30 – Straight Lower Leg Lifts
20 – V-Ups
1 minute plank

Starting at the top of the list PAX were asked to take a lap around the 1/8mile track after completing the 1st exercise. While running the lap PAX started with 1 burpee and then half way around completed 1 burpee. Burpee counts increased by 1 for every lap. 10 Exercises = 520 total reps, 10 laps = 110 total burpees. Add in the warmup mosey and we covered 1.5miles.

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: AMRAP for Autism, Mike Doty Memorial Run, 427 burpees on 4/27, Rock Hill 10yr Anniversary, Trash Pick Up o 4/27, Jaegar on 5/11.

COT: Show to know.

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