- QIC: Pebbles
- When: 02/10/2016
- Pax: Mr. Bean, Mario, Wild Turkey, Fire Hazard, Outback, JRR Tolken, Lex Luther, Soft Pretzel
- Posted In: Uncategorized
A solid group of nine men decided reignite the Black Diamond Torch and beat down the path for all future Black Diamond PAX.
YHC promised a solid beatdown and hopefully came through.
I would prefer to just jump right in, but a warm-up is a necessary evil with all the blue hairs that showed up. I tried to keep it short. Just enough to get the blood moving.
SSH x 20
Imperial Walker x20
Windmill x 10
Squat x 20 (double counts)
The Thang
The first exercise was called “The 6 minute mile”. No demo needed.
3 laps around Loch Ness with a target time of 6 minutes.
This exercise on had a 30% success rate. JRR Token took an impressive lead and showed what he can do with some fresh wheels. He easily finished under the 6 minute mark.
The remaining PAX were not given the privilege of finishing and were intercepted and quickly ushered to the next station.
There was a little confusion during the mosey (potentially intentional on the part of the PAX) which led to a little more recovery than YHC would have preferred. Once we regrouped, we completed 10 muscle ups on the retaining wall along the south side of Brixham Hill Ave. The section of wall we used was between 5 and 6 ft and height.
After completing the the muscle ups, the PAX were ready to increase the difficulty and tackle the next challenge.
Mosey to the retaining wall on Conlan Cir.
The retaining wall on Conlan circle is approximately 200 feet in length. It comprised of 11 sections that increase by approximately 1ft in height as the PAX travel from east to west along Conlan Cir. The PAX used their muscle up technique to vault themselves over the wall beginning with the shortest wall (~3ft) and running around to the next wall section until failure.
Most PAX put in a Superhuman effort, typically reaching failure around 8 – 8.5 ft; however, Mario and Lex Luther, set the bar high with a maximum height of approximately 9.5 ft.
After completing the Zombie Apocalypse training portion of the workout. YHC had the PAX stop for 10 more muscle ups (set at 7ft) at the Brixham Hill retaining wall while I thought of what to do next.
The following evolution was thrown together-
Begin on the east side of Loch Ness and run counter clockwise, stopping to complete the following stations:
station 1 – (south patio) 10 burpees
station 2- (west patio) 10 box jumps
station 3- (fit trail) 20 dips
station 4- (fit trail) 10 pull-ups
run out to the marriot parking lot
The PAX were given 6 minutes to complete the exercise.
This exercise had about a 50% graduation rate- much better than before.
With some impending gloom, I gave the PAX a little rest: aka 3 minutes of Mary
Following the Mary, we moseyed to a quiet, well lit corner of the parking lot, and got in a tight circle as I announced the closer.
The 10 minute 100 burpee challenge
Complete 10 1-minute rounds of burpees in the following set scheme. Any time left over in the round is yours for rest. (typically PAX finish the set between 25 and 40 seconds)
Rd1- 8
Rd2- 9
Rd3- 10
Rd4- 11
Rd9- 9
Rd10- 8
Total – 100
I saw some men beginning to fall out around round 4 and 5, but they re-established themselves after some encouragement from Mr. Bean and others and powered through.
After the 100 Burpee Challenge, the PAX came in for a quick huddle while I tried my best to speak some words of encouragement. Following the Pep talk, the PAX were instructed to run to the top of the B-village parking deck, where we would rendezvous and call it a day. With only 4 minutes left, the PAX new they would have to be fast.
Everyone took off in a impressive manner…and then my calf exploded….
I was left in the dust, but was happy to see my F3 brothers waiting for me at the top of the parking deck returning their own words of encouragement as I hobbled to the top.
At this point, we were beyond the 615 deadline and completed a mobile COT.
Soft Pretzel is nominated for your next BD Q. Its sure to be a good one…as long as he doesn’t launch down in Lancaster, or where ever the hell he lives.
JRR Tolken is throwing down his “Lord of the Rings Trilogy Challenge”…if your not sure what that is, just stand next to him for about three minutes…I’m sure he’ll mention it.
Please pray for MT’s sister and her new baby.