Man U The Otherside

  • QIC: The Riddler
  • When: 02/18/16
  • Pax: Catfish, The Riddler, Italian Job, Waterboy, Van Wilder, Apache, Popeye, Sgt. York, Posh, Smoke Wagon, Schrute
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Great group of guys showed this morning, for what turned into a run across Dave Lyle, then run this whole AO situation.

The Thang

Mosey To our favorite fountain
Mosey over to target across the street,
Left over right, right over left stretches
20 Merkins OYO
10 Windmills

Mosey to other side of parking lot
Repeat Stretches and Merkins

Work out
Mosey back across the street
To front of Dicks Sporting Goods
Wall sits two 10 counts

20x head shoulders knees and toes taps via Italian Job

Mosey to middle of main Parking lot

Partner up
300 LBCs
200 Squats
100 Merkins
First partner starts exercise
Other Partner runs to the end of the parking lot does 10 jumping lunges, then runs back and takes over for partner.
Rinse and Repeat until done.

Stretch while you wait for the six.

Mosey over to front of the Manchester Cinemas

Partner up again
6 times Wheel Barrow up stairs
Each partner climbs steps 3 times

Long mosey around the event center down the hill, then back to the Main fountain

20x steps ups

Mosey back to COT
20x Flutter Kicks

Right leg is hurting but I gotta be ready to take on the full Yeti.
Water-boy’s son made the baseball team!
Several other prayers for Pax and all of those taking in the Yeti this weekend.

The Riddler

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Back by Popular Demand: Stoplight Shuffle!

When: 2/16/2016


The PAX: Sgt York, Van Wilder, Catfish, Apache, Gauge, CoPay, Schrute, Bull, and Turbine

YHC was honored to lead the PAX at #EaglesNest! The rain was absent, and the temps had risen so it was perfect weather for a Stoplight Shuffle Beatdown! Being CoPay’s birthday, and especially the fact that he was good on his word that he would travel from Indian Land to POST, we had to go with the number 32!!


Warm Up

  • 32 SSH
  • 32 WM
  • 32 MNC
  • 32/2=16…We moved 16 Cinder Blocks from Vehicle A to Vehicle B

Let the Mosey Begin! –

We traveled around the Winthrop area, stopping at each light to endure some wonderful pain-stations!

  • 32/2=16…16 Bobby Hurleys and 16 Squats
  • 32 Merkins
  • 32 Flying Squirrels
  • 32 Derkins
  • 32×2= 64 Dips
  • Mosey on to the Scholar’s Walk
  • Train Tracks- PAX Planked while the first #HIM bunny hopped the tracks, repeated 3.2 times
  • Long slow mosey back to AO
  • 32x a 4 Count = 128 American Hammers to wrap it up.
  • And if you are wondering…we ran 3.2 miles……

GREAT work by all! YHC would like to give a special shout out to Van Wilder and Bull; absolute beasts this morning! I see you guys getting stronger at every single WO. Keep it up Brothers!

Prayers sent up this morning for:

  • York’s FnL
  • Van Wilder’s nephew on his #BIGMOVE
  • All the families that have been recently experiencing the passing of friends or other family members
  • Our Military around the world protecting our freedom, as we know and understanding FREEDOM IS NOT FREE

Until Next Time,


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Ring of Fire at the Patriot

Sorry guys, for the delay.  I was sore.  Very sore.  Remember- you cant get better by doing the same thing.  You’re muscles are sore because they havent been used like that recently.  You’re body is better. And hopefully your heart.  More on that later.

8 men and YHC (the one in shorts- HOLLA @Stang, @Senator Tressel, @Fishsticks) posted to a chilly but otherwise perfect Carolina day.  Disclaimer dispensed.  Carrying the #shovelflag with me…”follow me”

Stopping off at field #2 (or #3 or whatever it is): warm up sprints 50%, 60%, 75%, 85%, 100% SSH, maracan night clubs.

On to field #2 (or #3 or whatever it is): #ringoffire

8 cones each 30 paces from #shovelflag in the center.  Each cone had an exercise with varying count: (CCD, Freddie, Merkins, lunges, squats, lbc, mountain climber, peter parker)

  • do excercise
  • bear crawl to center
  • 10 burpees
  • run out to next cone(clockwise)
  • AMRAP to 0800

Most PAX got 2.5 turns on the wheel.  If burpees done each time: +/- 180 burpees


Theme today was character.  It is inherent within High Impact Men to be a man of character.  Challenge yourselves to make the right decision when no one is looking.  Be a man of high character in the home and in the community.  Your family will notice.  Your peers will notice.

“Your reputation is what others think of you.  Your character is what you think of yourself.” – Dean Smith

Enjoyed seeing many veteran Rock Hill Pax that I have not yet had the honor to meet.  Thanks for the #conch and we’ll see you soon.


Happy Birthday to Van Wilder: #respect-1(49)

Prayers for LB’s niece, Emma

Prayers for Emily Farris

5 year F3 party MARCH 5th- get your head




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The Dragon; Blackjack or Masonry Work?

  • When: 2/13/2016
  • QIC: Italian Job and Turbine
  • The PAX: Bull, Apache, Mayflower, Nunchuck, Popeye, High Pockets, Twister, Orvis, Realtree, Royale, Smokewagon, Gauge, Opie, and Shamrock. Welcome FNGs: Uhaul, Drifter, and Chappie!

The Thang


Italian Job lead the PAX with a short Mosey to the Flagpole, then proceeded to warm up while a little excitement mumble chatter began.

33 SSH

33 Imperial Wlakers

33 Moroccan Night Clubs

A little Mosey to the pain alley

Peoples chair and calf raises alternated; regular, inward, and outward

Blackjack -All adding up to 21, we started with 1 Merkin and 20 LCBs.

Reflection: Great word from Italian Job utilizing the “God ask the farmer to push the boulder, not move the boulder” analogy to educate FNGs (Fairly New Guys and Friendly New Guys!). He continued to express the impact that F3 had on the Columbia floods and the significance of us getting stronger together and preparing us for God has in store.

YHC took over the second half and started with a mosey beyond the AO to the lower parking lot where YHC and Bull left a little surprise for the PAX…..Yes, a little masonry work with the cinder blocks (courtesy of of own Catfish)!!!!

We partnered up and and began some masonry work while our partner ran the length of the parking lot. Upon return, we switched and continued the cycle through:

Lat lifts Left

Lat lifts Right



Step ups

Lap with the block

We then took our final Mosey back to the AO

YHC explained the significance of the #shovelflag and how F3 has planted itself for good in Western York County.

We proceed to complete 10 Bombjacks to honor an F3 Brother this morning for being late.

I was honored to lead this group of #HIMs and welcome FNGs: Drifter, Chappie and Uhaul.

Prayers sent up for little Emma, 2 high risk pregnancies in 2 brothers’ family, Injured F3 brothers, and Family.

Until next time,



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It Takes Two

  • QIC: Pusher
  • When: 2/13/16
  • Pax: El Diablo, Frostbite, Freon, Rooney, Hasselhoff, Flat Tire, Barry Manilow, Magnum, Rebel, Skinner, Stang
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Since joining F3, I have learned a lot about accountability. Not necessarily the type of accountability that you read in self help book or see in Ted Talk. Don’t get me wrong, those are important reminders but they seem like far away visuals. The accountability that I have learned has been from the Pax and it is tangible. You can see it in improved fitness, Q leadership, CSAUP participation, fellowship and improved faith. You don’t need a Wikipedia definition, just open your eyes and look around you.

So that was the theme for the day and a loose reference to an old school rap song by Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock. And while their version may have a different meaning, I applied to have my brothers to hold me accountable and likewise for me to take on the same responsibility for them. No one can do this alone and no one has this figured out. My guess is that we all take one step closer when we lock shields with another man or men.

The Thang

Mosey behind the school




Mtn Climbers



Lamppost Push – 10 lampposts

Alternate Merkins and LBCs at each

Partner Up for Coca Cola 600

Partner 1 does lap/Partner 2 does exercise then flapjack

50 Burpees

150 LBCs

100 Lunges



Sumo Squats

Mosey to Wall

Partner 1 Wall Sits

Partner 2 25 Dips

Rinse and repeat 3 times

Partner Sit Ups x 10

Rinse and Repeat 3 times

Seal Team Sit Ups x 11

Mosey Home


Read the Weekly Email for upcoming events

Glad to have Skinner back and great to meet some new guys this AM. Lots of prayers spoken and unspoken. We lift these up to your Lord.

As always, it was a pleasure to lead and be a part of such a great group. Thanks for holding me accountable and making me better. Until next time…

TClap |

Pusher’s Pyramid of Pain

  • QIC: Catfish
  • When: 2/12/16
  • Pax: Popeye, Schrute, Italian Job, Water Boy, Bill Nye
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

So we’ve done Pusher’s Pyramid of Pain at PHOP a few times and when I checked it was in July that I q’ed it last.

Old Smoke Wagon was supposed to Co-Q with me but he bailed at the last minute, so YHC grabbed PPP and decided to get after it!

We all circled up several minutes before 5:15 and were discussing the nice breeze and how the 32° this morning felt a good bit chillier. At 0515 we blasted off, taking a lap around the shopping center, circling up in front of Bernie’s campaign office … hoping the “Bern” would provide some warmth – but alas it didn’t so we jumped head first into Pusher’s Pyramid.

The Pyramid is:

50 Merkins
40 Flutters
30 CDD
20 Jump Squats
10 Flying Squirrels (Normally there’s 20 FS and 10 JS but being a moderate AO YHC switched it)
10 Bombjacks
20 Derkins
30 Dips
40 Freddy’s
50 Jump Lunges

We all made it through one full pyramid, took a quick 10 count and moseyed to the end of the parking lot for some short intervals …

We wrapped it up with 10 minutes of Mary because there’s nothing like snow in the forecast to motivate you to get ready for bathing suit season!

The runners returned and we wrapped up with COT.

Announcements – The Dragon @ YCHS Saturday be there! – 2/20 is the Yeti … do it! – 2/27 @F3RockHills First F3 Dad’s work out … HC!!

As always, an honor to Q!

Catfish … Out!

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The Patriot – SB50 Style

  • QIC: Fusion & Cake Boss
  • When: 02/06/16
  • Pax: Rebound, Rosetta, Italian Job, Limp Biscuit, Catfish, FNG - Sawdust, FNG - Ice Man, Iron Horse, Peach, Fusion, Cake Boss
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Cool brisk Saturday morning in the Carolinas and 11 men came to The Patriot to warm up for SB50. We were doing anything to pass the time as the two week build up to the Super Bowl was taking forever. Just play the game already and enough with 2 weeks of pregame!!

Fusion had the Q and we took a mosey out to the fields for a warm up of sorts.

We did some Side Straddle Hops, Wind Mills, Imperial Walkers, couple of others and then it was on like Donkey Kong!!

The field was set up by Italian Job and teams were assigned and Ultimate Football was the balance of the warm up. Wish I knew who was on who’s team, but let’s say we were evenly paired as the game ended in tie I believe. Some quality passing by Peach and the stickum on my gloves came in handy for those just out of reach tosses. Iron Horse was just steam rolling over fellas and Limp Biscuit…..well enough said! 🙂

Game was great and it we definitely got gassed as we ran up and down the field. Seal team sit ups were pleasant and the burpees were special too, but the fun and fellowship made the pain all worth it.

Cake Boss took the last 20 mins and we lined up on the sideline for some ladder work.

1 bombjack, run 50 yards

1 bombjack, 2 merkins, run 50 yards

1 bombjack, 2 merkins, 3 Russian twists, run 50 yards

1 bombjack, 2 merkins, 3 Russian twists, 4, flutter kicks, run 50 yards

1 bombjack, 2 merkins, 3 Russian twists, 4, flutter kicks, 5 burpees, run 50 yards

1 bombjack, 2 merkins, 3 Russian twists, 4, flutter kicks, 5 burpees, 6 LBCs, run 50 yards

1 bombjack, 2 merkins, 3 Russian twists, 4, flutter kicks, 5 burpees, 6 LBCs, 7 squats, run 50 yards

1 bombjack, 2 merkins, 3 Russian twists, 4, flutter kicks, 5 burpees, 6 LBCs, 7 squats, 8 donkey kicks, run 50 yards

1 bombjack, 2 merkins, 3 Russian twists, 4, flutter kicks, 5 burpees, 6 LBCs, 7 squats, 8 Donkey Kicks, 9 jumping Lunges, run 50 yards

1 bombjack, 2 merkins, 3 Russian twists, 4, flutter kicks, 5 burpees, 6 LBCs, 7 squats, 8 Donkey Kicks, 9 jumping Lunges, 10 monkey humpers, run 50 yards

Mosey to COT:

Great PAX and Great Work! The encouragement and fun was awesome this day. The Rock Hill PAX have got it going on strong and I’m honored to be a part of it and humbled when asked to Q.

Many prayers for sick and jobs and family. reminds us that we live in a broken world and need Sky Q to give us wisdom, patience, direction. We talked about being leaders and first step in being a great leader is serving and being humble before Sky Q.

Peace brothers and see you in Da Gloom!

Cake Boss

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2/10/2016 Black Diamond Relaunch Party

  • QIC: Pebbles
  • When: 02/10/2016
  • Pax: Mr. Bean, Mario, Wild Turkey, Fire Hazard, Outback, JRR Tolken, Lex Luther, Soft Pretzel
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

A solid group of nine men decided reignite the Black Diamond Torch and beat down the path for all future Black Diamond PAX.

YHC promised a solid beatdown and hopefully came through.


I would prefer to just jump right in, but a warm-up is a necessary evil with all the blue hairs that showed up. I tried to keep it short. Just enough to get the blood moving.

SSH x 20

Imperial Walker x20

Windmill x 10

Squat x 20 (double counts)

The Thang

The first exercise was called “The 6 minute mile”. No demo needed.

3 laps around Loch Ness with a target time of 6 minutes.

This exercise on had a 30% success rate. JRR Token took an impressive lead and showed what he can do with some fresh wheels. He easily finished under the 6 minute mark.

The remaining PAX were not given the privilege of finishing and were intercepted and quickly ushered to the next station.

There was a little confusion during the mosey (potentially intentional on the part of the PAX) which led to a little more recovery  than YHC would have preferred. Once we regrouped, we completed 10 muscle ups on the retaining wall along the south side of Brixham Hill Ave.  The section of wall we used was between 5 and 6 ft and height.

After completing the the muscle ups, the PAX were ready to increase the difficulty and tackle the next challenge.

Mosey to the retaining wall on Conlan Cir.

The retaining wall on Conlan circle is approximately 200 feet in length.  It comprised of 11 sections that increase by approximately 1ft in height as the PAX travel from east to west along Conlan Cir.  The PAX used their muscle up technique to vault themselves over the wall beginning with the shortest wall (~3ft) and running around to the next wall section until failure.

Most PAX put in a Superhuman effort, typically reaching failure around 8 – 8.5 ft; however, Mario and Lex Luther, set the bar high with a maximum height of approximately 9.5 ft.

After completing the Zombie Apocalypse training portion of the workout.  YHC had the PAX stop for 10 more muscle ups (set at 7ft) at the Brixham Hill retaining wall while I thought of what to do next.

The following evolution was thrown together-

Begin on the east side of Loch Ness and run counter clockwise, stopping to complete the following stations:

station 1 – (south patio) 10 burpees

station 2- (west patio) 10 box jumps

station 3- (fit trail) 20 dips

station 4- (fit trail) 10 pull-ups

run out to the marriot parking lot

The PAX were given 6 minutes to complete the exercise.

This exercise had about a 50% graduation rate- much better than before.

With some impending gloom, I gave the PAX a little rest: aka 3 minutes of Mary

Following the Mary, we moseyed to a quiet, well lit corner of the parking lot, and got in a tight circle as I announced the closer.

The 10 minute 100 burpee challenge

Complete 10 1-minute rounds of burpees in the following set scheme. Any time left over in the round is yours for rest. (typically PAX finish the set between 25 and 40 seconds)

Rd1- 8

Rd2- 9

Rd3- 10

Rd4- 11





Rd9- 9

Rd10- 8

Total – 100

I saw some men beginning to fall out around round 4 and 5, but they re-established themselves after some encouragement from Mr. Bean and others and powered through.

After the 100 Burpee Challenge, the PAX came in for a quick huddle while I tried my best to speak some words of encouragement.  Following the Pep talk, the PAX were instructed to run to the top of the B-village parking deck, where we would rendezvous and call it a day. With only 4 minutes left, the PAX new they would have to be fast.

Everyone took off in a impressive manner…and then my calf exploded….

I was left in the dust, but was happy to see my F3 brothers waiting for me at the top of the parking deck returning their own words of encouragement as I hobbled to the top.

At this point, we were beyond the 615 deadline and completed a mobile COT.


Soft Pretzel is nominated for your next BD Q. Its sure to be a good one…as long as he doesn’t launch down in Lancaster, or where ever the hell he lives.

JRR Tolken is throwing down his “Lord of the Rings Trilogy Challenge”…if your not sure what that is, just stand next to him for about three minutes…I’m sure he’ll mention it.

Please pray for MT’s sister and her new baby.




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Pre-Blast Krispy Kreme Run 4 Reading

  • QIC: Schrute
  • When: 02/27/16
  • Pax: All Pax of The Fort, The Patriot, York, and any other Pax that want a good time.
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

One of the things we’re known for here in F3 Nation is our ability to do stupid things for no reason. We do them all the time through CSAUPs and other events. Here’s an opportunity to do something completely stupid, but for a great cause!

The Krispy Kreme Run 4 Reading is a 4 mile race, starting in #OldTown Rock Hill. You’ll run 2 miles to the Winthrop campus, scarf down a dozen donuts, then run 2 miles back to Fountain Park in Old Town. (There will be trash cans available throughout the route to make deposits). Rumor is that Burgundy finished 3rd last year and is going for the win this year. There are also options that do not include eating the donuts as you run, including a 4 mile run and a 1 mile relay on a team of 4 participants.

Who is it for? This run supports the York County Early Learning Partnership. This organization is a nonprofit that exists to support the health and development of children from ages 0-6 in York County. They do this through supporting literacy programs, the 4 Family Resource Centers (one in each school district in the county) that include medical clinics for uninsured children in York County.

Why is this important?

Educators know that the first 4 years of life can make all the difference for a child. A few facts:

  • Studies show that children entering Kindergarten may have as much of a vocabulary gap as eight years. That is because a child who has not been read aloud to may have limited vocabulary of a 2-year-old, while a child who has been read aloud to every day may have the vocabulary of a 10-year-old.
  • The average middle-income child has 100 hours of being read aloud to as compared to 25 hours for low-income children.
  • 35% of children arrive at kindergarten not prepared to learn (11% for York County).

Ok–so I’m in. What are the details?


Date/Time: Feb 27th at 8:30 AM

Location: Fountain Park in Rock Hill

Options: 4 Mile with eating doughnuts at Mile 2, 4 miles with carrying doughnuts, or 1 mile relay

We’ll likely meet up before the race to warm up and do what we do–likely at the Old Town AO behind Wells Fargo. (more info on the Twitter to come). I hope to see many of my F3 brothers out there as we continue to get the word out about F3.

Edit: Just found this coupon for half off on registration. Coupon

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No Post-SB Letdown in Old Town

  • QIC: Schrute
  • When: 02/08/16
  • Pax: Tinker Toy, Sgt. York, Italian Job, Creed, Boots, Van Wilder, Burgundy, Popeye, Schrute
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

I was honored to lead 8 of my brothers this morning for a bit of Palmetto 200 training in the Hot Box (the Garage) in Old Town Rock Hill.

At 5:15 sharp, we moseyed over to the Garage. Once there, we did the following:


SSH x 25

Windmill x 10

Merkin x 10

Moroccan Night Club x 20

Karaoke from one side of garage to other, come back the other direction

Butt Kickers from one side of garage to other, Toy Solider the other direction.

The Thang

AMRAP – Run to top of parking deck, 25 Merkins, back down on ramps, back up 25 Squats, back down on ramps, back up, 25 LBCs. Do as many as possible. Most guys got in at least 6 down and ups.

At 5:50-we moseyed for a spell.

Stop in front of the mural on Main Street covered by the scaffolding. Most of us pass this mural each week and don’t give it a second thought. This mural was painted last year by students from Ebinport Elementary and South Pointe High School. Unfortunately, the art teacher at Ebinport, Jimmie Matthews passed away Thursday night. As we looked at the mural, I asked the Pax one question: “What have you poured into another today?” Jimmie was well known for the many things he did for students and families around Rock Hill–and we’d all be challenged to follow his example.

We ran on to the alley beside COT for a bit of people’s chair. As we were in people’s chair, alarms went off letting us know it was 6 AM and time to get back to COT.


Continue to support Popeye as he launches F3 York

Donut Run on Feb 27th

2.0 workout coming on Feb. 27th (see more details soon)

Prayer requests:

Apollo Creed’s friend who is having housing issues

Young man that Tinker Toy has worked with for years to get settled

The family and friends of Jimmie Matthews, including the staffs of Ebinport Elementary and Independence Elementary (where he worked for over 20 years)

Everyone got in at least 3 miles, some more. Great work by all men today!

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