I don’t know much but I know Uhaul

Windmills, monacan Nite clubs, squats, merkins, sumo squats toy soldiers, lunges
3 sets of ten: 3 sets of 5 exercises 10 reps each take lap. Most got two full rounds in
Did some Mary with Bushwood
10 yr anniversary coming up
LOTS PRAYERS DOE health concerns. Praise for Battle Bots anniversary 👏🏻🥓

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Slash’s Slam

WARMUP: dynamic: exercise>Mosey>rinse/repeat

THE THANG: 4 Corners. Each corner had two exercises. Do exercise 1 run to middle for 3 burpees run back out to next corner. Complete rotation. Rinse/repeat with exercise 2. 10 reps each. Continue with 8 reps then 6 reps.
MARY: various all counted by Repeat

Armory is funny. How do you keep fresh what is essentially the same thing. Maybe that can be true for all workouts. T-Claps to those creative types that continue to push and find new wrinkles to keep pax engagement high. While four corners isn’t new, nor the exercises, hopefully the style and rep count kept it interesting.

Lots of #mumblechatter today. Mainly about the music selection (and the size of Repeats bell). We had two camps- I’ll just say the cut line was 45/older and 44/younger. The DJ spun the debut album of Cinderella. Hair band hierarchy. And while they may have sound all the same(to some), you knew every dang word. Lucky for 44 crowd- the entire record is only 35 minutes.

Lastly- there is no one like @slash. #Slam

Blood donation coming up mid July.
Final Countdown CSAUP this fall.

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Do you burn twice the calories when the humidity makes you sweat twice as much?

WARMUP: Not sure… I missed it! (Got us so early I thought I had too much time so I put some laundry away and then realized I did really bad travel math! Rolled in about 5:18)

Run (lap around 4 parking rows)
– 40 KB Swing
– 40 Curl
– 40 Goblet Squat
– 40 OH Press
– 10 Man Maker

Run (lap around 3 parking rows)
– 30 KB Swing
– 30 Curl
– 30 Goblet Squat
– 30 OH Press
– 10 Man Maker

Run (lap around 2 parking rows)
– 20 KB Swing
– 20 Curl
– 20 Goblet Squat
– 20 OH Press
– 10 Man Maker

Run (lap around 1 parking row)
– 10 KB Swing
– 10 Curl
– 10 Goblet Squat
– 10 OH Press
– 10 Man Maker

ANNOUNCEMENTS: It’s Hot Outside… and Kind of Humid

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Yard Work Completed!

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walker, Merkins, Rebel Merkins, Cherry Pickers, Stretching, M Nightclubs, Low slow squat.
THE THANG: Hill work (5’s) Squats and Burpees. Followed by Bear crawl with Merkins up the hill!  Mosey over to the benches on the bus line with a mini DORA completed. ( 50 Derkins, Dips, and Squats) 10 reps each partner while other partner planked.  Mosey down to Football field for some 100 yard work stopping at every 10 yd line for a mix of exercises.  Back to COT w 2 mins to spare.
COT; Wrapped up w prayers, graduation for kids, time-away from kids and remembering how much our kids and family mean to each of us.
Nice work!

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Damn you Maximus

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: Ruck 3 miles. Exercise every 0.5 mile. Incline Merkins, dips, calf raises, low slow squats and flutters

After Maximus Stacked Deck Wednesday, Beaker and 3D were hating life this morning.
MARY: Did you know?
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Misogi and F3 Dads
COT: prayers and praises for marriages

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A Stacked Deck at The Pit

WARMUP: Run the parking lot but only a very little. Some Windmills, Merkins and Imperial Walkers.

THE THANG: We played cards so for the newer guys, every number represents the rep count with face cards ascending in value. In general, the cards were shuffled relatively well.
Aces = 14 and a few wild cards.
In total:
Hearts: 104 Squats with weight overhead
Diamonds: 104 Thrusters
Clubs: 104 Clubs in cadence
Spades: 104 Upright Rows

MARY: Yes, a little at the end including Peter Parkers & American Hammers.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Keep an eye out for the Misogi details later today in Slack.
COT: You should’ve been there.
Until next time…

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Get your $hit off my lawn

WARMUP: Tinsel handled it

THE THANG: unload heavy gear and stack in middle of parking lot. (leave no trace) Split into teams. Pick home base and designated “front yard”. Set timer between 3-4 minutes. Go. Run from home base to junk pile and grab as much gear as you can and haul it over to opposing teams base and dump it on their front yard. Repeat until nothing remains in middle and if trimmer hasn’t sounded go to your own homebase and clear the crap out of your front yard. Different rounds the completion goal varied but the results were the same.

Q point of the week is Q2.02 which is Influence:Igniting a palpable desire for movement.

MARY: haven’t seen her… she must have been why that roll of carpet was so heavy.
COT: prayers for mental health, and to be conscious of having the best Impact (Q2.01) on others.

Honor to lead along side studs. Thanks to 3D for the opportunity and bringing the keg and other random gear. And to Tinsel for bringing all the sandbags and slam balls.
Coffee was brewed on site.
Stay frosty my friends,

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Snake Pit turned into a Keg party. 7 PAX decided to drink the pain this gloomy morning, whereas Bobber arrived late and was scared so decided to do Bushwood.

Pax carried 2 kegs, a sandbag, and a ruck, along with their respective kettlebells to the top of the hill. Did a short COP and mossy down the hill to the first intersection where storage building was. Came back up and paired up for an easy DORA. 100 KB swings, 200 squats, 300 LBCs w/KB. The partner carried one of the coupons down the hill to the second Bus sign and back.

once completed, carried all coupons and KB to Bus sign. half the group ran to the pull up bars to complete 5 pull-ups. The other half completed as many reps as the chose for curls, OH press, bent over rows, squats. Once the first group is back the second group runs to do pull-ups.

Mossy back to COT!

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Yoga Mat is Gear

Warm Up: SSH, IW, HW, Good Morning, Squats, Around the World

Thang: Groups of two rotating through stations
Deck Squats – Swings
Side Lunge – Lawnmower Pulls
Knee-tar N’Diaye – Half Kneeling Press (on preset yoga mats)
Flip the Tire
Racked Squat R/L
Racked Lunge R/L
Overhead Press R/L

Closed out with Cleans and Burpee Snatches

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