Respawn of Tomahawk

WARMUP: 4:45 Prerun (Sherlock was conspicuously absent)

THE THANG: Disclaimer was disclaimed and the PAX were instructed to carry ~150lbs of extra coupons in addition to their bells on an Indian Run to the workout location…

The PAX moseyed their way on a poor form Indian Run to the field/hill adjacent to the basketball arena and circled up for the main event…a KB and Coupon Jacobs Ladder

PAX completed 10 reps of each exercise:
– KB Swings
– Single Arm Overhead Press (each arm)
– Overhead Tricep Extension
– Curls (each arm)
– Upright Rows
– Lawnmower Pulls (each arm)
– Merkins (1 hand on bell, switch halfway)
– Alternating Lunges (each leg)
– KB Goblet Squats
– KB Calf Raises

All of the coupons were picked up and moved to the top of the hill for 1 burpee, before returning all of the coupons back to the bottom of the hill

Rinse and repeat (reducing the KB and increasing the Burpee rep count by 1)

The PAX completed 5 rounds (45 reps of each exercise and 10 burpees) before needing to return to COT with all of the KBs and Coupons (0.6 miles round trip).

Great work by all! Glad to see the return of an OG AO in The Fort!!!

Thanks Birdcage for the opportunity!!!

MARY: We watched the Bushwood PAX complete some, too gassed to care!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Rooster, Burpees and BBQ, The Jaegar are all coming up; read your newsletter
COT: what was shared in COT stays in COT – show to know!!

TClap |

The Beast has Awakened

The Tomahawk was awaked and is not pleased with what it sees. This fabled AO is riddled with mystic and lore. Did it ever exist? Was there ever really an F3-Indian Land? Where did it go?

YHC is here to tell you Tomahawk was too much for this modern world. It was a place where men wore weight vests for the 5-mile pre-runs, then did kettlebell work outs for cool downs. I can assure you, the worst stories you have ever heard are watered down at best.

We are getting soft, and mushy. We talk too much. We lift things that weigh under 30LBS. We video stuff and talk about trendy topics.  It’s time for a rebirth by fire. Tomahawk is coming back to take teeth and kick names. There will be no fluff. Leave your Lululemon at home.

Launching 2-22-23 we will begin a Legends series where you can expect to see the royalty of AO pasted. YHC has an abundance of devilish delights for the coming months…so stay tuned.

There seems to be a vacancy at Catawba Ridge so we will plant our flag there and reclaim what is rightfully ours. You got what it takes?

TClap |

The Jack Web Phenomenon

WARMUP: plank <>upward dog <>downward dog (with variations), mix in exercises from plank position- merkin, Diamond merkin, plank jacks, Peter Parker’s, you get the idea
THE THANG: Webs!!!
1-5 sit-up-getup:4-20 single arm chest press (both with KB)
10-6 burpees on curb:40-24 calf raises with KB
1-5 Turkish getup:4-20 KB curls
10-6 goblet jump squats:40-24 hops with KB
1-5 big boy burpees:4-20 KB swings

Merkins on bell 5-4-3-2-1 each side : KB triceps 5×10
End with max merkins in 30”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam2Dam 10K on Saturday- Beaker and I are getting a 10K warmup starting at 9:45AM at the Print Shop and heading to the start line for the official 10K.

COT: prayers for my daughter who is not feeling well

TClap |

Is that a POLAR jockstrap?

WARMUP: some stuff
Everyone took a station. AMRAP while one person carried the sandbag out and back
Timer – Sandbag carry
Flutters with keg press
Squat thrusters
Triceps or skull crushers
American hammers

Hip flexors and some ab stuff

TClap |