Buckets o pain

The buckets made a return to another AO since we last saw them at Slowburn.

With a warmup with our friends from Tomahawk we then took off to near the band practice area where we ran all over drawing exercise assignments from three distantly placed buckets o pain.

As the Q, I believe I was the loudest complainer of the morning and I made the whole thing up. Sad. (Looked good on paper.)

Prayers for Luka and DT.

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Iron Mike visits the Dentist

WARMUP: Mosey: Stretching, SSH, IMPERIAL WALKER, Merks, Squats, Arm Circles, LBCs,
THE THANG: Started with a mini DORA using DDS to break out the sweat. ( dips, derkins, squats) – using the benches in front of school and a short mosey to the Birthday rock and back. 100 each exercise. Pax then moved to the parking lot to utilize a curb for some Iron Mike Tyson’s and Bomb Jax for some 9s.
Pax then moved to side parking lot to knock out a mini ladder using 4 stops for the reps. 3 rounds completed with BOOGIE down taking the reigns for one round of the ladder exercises where the exercises were completed in cadence. Harry Carey offered up some Smurf Jax to assist w delivering the pain.
Closed out with some Merks and Ab work before Mary took over
MARY: 4 mins of Mary where each Pax participated
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli Run, Mike Doty 5k, Blood Drive….
COT: Prayers for Luka, Health and Blessings.

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Iron Mike visits the Dentist

WARMUP: Mosey: Stretching, SSH, IMPERIAL WALKER, Merks, Squats, Arm Circles, LBCs,
THE THANG: Started with a mini DORA using DDS to break out the sweat. ( dips, derkins, squats) – using the benches in front of school and a short mosey to the Birthday rock and back. 100 each exercise. Pax then moved to the parking lot to utilize a curb for some Iron Mike Tyson’s and Bomb Jax for some 9s.
Pax then moved to side parking lot to knock out a mini ladder using 4 stops for the reps. 3 rounds completed with BOOGIE down taking the reigns for one round of the ladder exercises where the exercises were completed in cadence. Harry Carey offered up some Smurf Jax to assist w delivering the pain.
Closed out with some Merks and Ab work before Mary took over
MARY: 4 mins of Mary where each Pax participated
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli Run, Mike Doty 5k, Blood Drive….
COT: Prayers for Luka, Health and Blessings.

TClap |

Two for Four Corners

Hats off to Sprocket for taking the red pill daily during April.

Run to WarmORama
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Four corners around the running tracks,

Station # 1:
25 Mountain Climbers
25 Plank Jacks
25 Squats

Station # 2:
25 Merkins
20 Lunges
25 SSH

Station # 3:
25 Calf raises
50 Skipping without rope
50 LBCs

Station # 4:
20 CDD
20 Freddie Mercury
20 Dying 🪳

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter
COT: Prayers for health and happiness

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Large Investments only. Start with 100…

Mosey to warm-o-rama an open section of the lot.
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Avoid HT Garbage can and head behind Express oil change for,
100 Step Ups

Run to the front lot for,
Toy Soldier/ Run
Lunge Walk/ Run
Karaoke Walk
Side Run

Head to the dollar store for 100 each with Partner Dora,
100 LBCs
100 Calf Raises
100 Arm Raises
100 Squats
100 Carolina Dry Docks
100 Lunges
100 Mountain Climbers
100 Skipping Without Rope
100 Shoulder Taps
100 Freddie Mercury
100 Merkins
100 Monkey Humpers
421 Burpees

As we could not get to burpees and ran out of time, One Burpee at 6 before CoT

ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA continues, Blood Drive, Read Newsletter
COT: Prayers said and unsaid, health for family and friends

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Not-so-free Free Throws

– Squat
– Cherry Picker
– Mountain Climbers
– Imperial walker
– Wind Mill

Mosey to Bottom hill (entrance) to select a coupon
Exercise, sprint, plank, 6 inches, jog:
– 10 curls
– 10 curls, 10 overhead
– 10 curls, 10 overhead, 10 sqts
– 10 curls, 10 overhead, 10 sqts, 10 tri
– 10 overhead, 10 sqts, 10 triceps
– 10 sqts, 10 triceps
– 10 triceps

Railroad Tracks up hill to parking lot.

Partner up for Catch Me If You Can:
– 20 SSH and toy soldiers
– 20 LBCs and lunges

THE THANG 3 – Team Free Throws
Pax split into 2 teams.
Alternating team members take a turn attempting a free throw.
Round 1
– Make it and the opposing team does 3 Bobby Hurleys.
– Miss it and the shooter’s team does 3 Bobby Hurleys while the shooter does 3 burpees.

Round 2 – We upped the stakes
– Make it and the opposing team does 3 burpees while the shooter’s team does 3 Bobby Hurleys
– Miss it and the shooter’s team does 3 burpees while the opposing team does 3 Bobby Hurleys

Between the 2 rounds (24 shots), only ONE was drained. Yikes.

– American Hammers
– LBCs
– Chopsticks
– Rosalitas

Great work by all!

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Break in the storm

WARMUP: 10 Each SSH, Cherry pickers, windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs
THE THANG: 11’s on the hill behind Harris Teeters Bomb Jacks and Burpees. Moseyed back to the parking and did 3 rounds of 4 corners. Big boys, LBC’s, Flutters, and American hammers.
MARY: 1 round
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Battle Bot leading 420 burpee’s on 4/20
COT:had to be there

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Pick-A-Card-Any Card

WARMUP: SSH, Abe Vigoda, Cherry Pickers, Mosey, bob & weave through traffic pylons. @Fogerty sighting
THE THANG: Stack of F3 cards, select two, do the exercise, run, rinse & repeat, Queen of Spades last card drawn for 25 burpees.
MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: See your newsletter
COT: Family & Health

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