2017 Board of Pain at The Abyss – 7/19/2017

17 brave souls showed up for everyone’s favorite summer tradition- the Board of Pain.   With the majority being first-timers I knew this was going to be fun.  There is not better representation of ‘You vs You’ than the #BoardOfPain.

The Thang: perform each exercise and the associated rep count.  You can not move on to next exercise until previous exercise is complete.  In between each exercise is a recovery run of 1/4 mile.  Below are the stats on the day.  Come back next week to compete against the others and yourself.

An amazing effort from all the Pax today, especially first timers.  The Board of Pain tests you both physically and mentally.  Below are resutls:

Went around the circle and everyone Pax was asked to give a pray or praise. Too many to remember but they were heard.

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Oshi Shinobu

What a great morning for a workout with 14 men at The Swamp.  We quickly split off as Ruckers, Runners and Bootcampers.  A short mosey led us to our 1st stop for the warmup:  15 SSH, 3-burpees, 10 Windmills, 3-burpees, 10 Moroccan Night Clubs, 3-burpees, 15 SSH, 3-burpees.

Good and warm we mosey’d to backside of Jush Fresh to the stairs.  Partner Up.  P1 Holds Plank, P2 runs stairs, Flip/Flop; P1 Flutter Kicks, P2 runs stairs, Flip/Flop; P1 Hello Dollies, P2 run stairs, Flip/Flop and finally P1 Wall Sits,  P2 runs stairs, Flip Flop.

Short stroll to the Fountain w/a round-a-bout version of 4-corners.  Working in Decending order w/4-stations;  8, 6, 4 and 2 reps at ea.  Starting at Fountain, Incline/Decline Merkins, run to top of lot, Squats, run around to fountain, step-ups (ea leg), run to bottom of lot, burpees and back to fountain.  Rinse and repeat to next descending count.

I wanted to do something a little different with the PAX this am and introduce a little Jiu Jitsu warmup so we mosey’d over by the Q’s truck and pick up some Martial Arts belts.  Partner up, P1 places belt around himself and sprints while P2 offers resistance by holding him back across the lane.  Rinse&Repeat x 2.  From there we demonstrated what each warmup is for and how to execute it in BJJ with:  seated shrimping, breakdance, alligator crawl, gorilla walks, leg drag drills and finished w/another bout of the belt resistance drills w/new partners and ab-work.


Always a struggle getting moving in the am and putting our bodies through the workouts but love the results and who I get to do it with.  In Jiu Jitsu we always finish w/a bow and handshake to one other with the statement of “OSS!” also known as “ossu”, means Oshi Shinobu, which conveys the idea of “persevering when pushed”. In other words, never give up, have determination, grit and withstand the most arduous of training.

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Two years and counting

Two years ago, Jekyll invited me to WEP for my first workout.  I thought I was in pretty good shape, but little did I know what was in store for me.   I remember halfway through the workout thinking, this was a bad idea and would anyone notice if I lost my breakfast.  Luckily, I kept my stomach in check, but spent the afternoon on the couch recovering.  Since this first day, F3 has greatly impacted my life both  physically and mentally.

Quagmire  workout – 7/17

After the disclaimer, we moseyed to the front of Best Buy for some dynamic stretches:

Butt Kickers

Knees to Chest


Soccer stretches

Next, we took a short jog to COP for warm-ups:

SSH, Space Invaders, Imperial Walker, Mountain Climbers, Plank with 6″ hold

Next, we partnered up for a game of catch me if you can.  Partner 1 ran around the parking lot while partner 2 jogged around the same  route.  Once Partner 1 caught up with Partner 2, they each did 5 burpees.  Rinse and repeat.

Once complete, we moseyed to the front of Marshalls for wall sits and calf raises.

We finished up the final 15 minutes with some cadence strength training.

First round:  Bearcrawl/Merkin  10/5

Second round:  Lunge/Squat  10/5

Third round:  Backward Bearcrawl/Carolina Dry Docks 10/5

Forth round:  Crabwalk/LBC: 10/10

Jailbreak to COT


Children’s Attention Home – Friday 7pm

F3 Dads – 10am at WEP

Read Newsletter


Prayers/ Praises:

Tater – Healing (eye)

Jekyll – Quality time with his 2.0s

Royale – Daughter’s B-day

Witch Hunt – Son starts baseball camp






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Squad Goals

20 Men (1 FNG) posted at the Swamp.  11 Ruckers went off to do Rucker things while 9 stayed with YHC for a little AMRAP.


We previewed the course and had a little COP including Windmills, Imperial Walkers, and Moroccan Night Clubs.


The Thang:

30 Minutes Partner AMRAP, Half a Mile Circuit with 7 stations:

  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 Big Boy Sit Ups
  • 20 Peter Parkers
  • 20 Parker Peters
  • 20 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 20 Side Straddle Hops
  • 1 Burpee x Lap Count

Moseyed to COT for 5 MOM:

  • Too many Flutters
  • Just enough American Hammers
  • A touch of Freddy Mercury


Naked Man Moleskin:

I had a Cake Boss worthy Homily to share this morning, but maintaining order is more important than imparting wisdom during the 1st F Q.  So, you get the abbreviated (and likely better thought out) version here.

At the beginning of the AMRAP, I asked the guys to partner up with a guy who was comparable fitness-wise.  I asked them to share how many laps they thought they could get around the course.  I have no idea what each guy said, but the intent was to push each other to meet that goal.  I stayed with the FNG and visiting Java from Raleigh.

The purpose of this, and what I wanted to close out with, is that if we aren’t setting goals, we are just going through the motions.  There was some chatter on the twitter machine about moderate workouts being #problematic.  Someone put it best when they said “as long as the guys are working to get better, that’s not an issue”.  So my question to all PAX, regardless of fitness level, is “what are your goals”.  My 1stF goals this year are to a.) run 1500 miles and b.) finish my second marathon in 3:30 or better for a PR.  The reason I put it here is because goals only matter if someone keeps you accountable for them (thus the partner AMRAP).

Every PAX should have a goal for all three F’s, because all 3 F’s are important.  Beyond the F’s, this branches out into your personal and professional life.

Set Goals, Don’t just Coast.   You’ll be amazed at what you can do.


Honor to Serve.


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