Locking Shields

WARMUP: stretching, mosey, and sprints
THE THANG: monkey humpers, Carolina dry docks, step ups, irkins, calf raises, wall sits, bear crawls, sprints, curls
MARY: 5 minutes of married with multiple call outs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM camp, 4th of July convergence
COT: prayers and praises by all pax

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Avoid the Joker

WARMUP: run, stretch, etc
THE THANG: deck of cards
Spade ♠️ = squats
Heart ❤️ = merkins
Diamond ♦️ = dips
Club = step ups
Jack = 10 burpees
Queen = 25 LBCs
King 👑 = bear crawl around circle
Ace = player choice
Joker = Slapshot Says!!!!!
MARY: no we ran out of time
COT: Fishsticks won poker with 3 of a kind (thanks to pulling two joker wild cards)

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Bitcoin’s Board of Bpainful Burpees

5 Bootcampers and 3 Runners got better with bootcamp routine below.

Mosey around the parking lot to warm-o-rama that includes,
Tunnel Touches/produce pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the bigger parking lot, for,
Lunge Walk
Toy Soldiers
Butt Kickers
High Knees

Then head to the Board of pain for 5, 10 and 15, at four lamp posts followed by incremental burpees,
Shoulder Taps
Mountain Climbers

Low Slow Squats
Calf Raises
Monkey Humpers

Freddie Mercury
Box Cutter

Scramble to get back to Shovel Flag for CoT.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the Newsletter, Lunch in Uptown, Hanging with Stang

COT: Prayers for families and traveling PAX

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All about Mark’s Ass

This morning started innocently enough. Good group of PAX showed up and as we were about to get started Change Order mentions his butt was sore from all the squats and lunges yesterday. So we mosey over to behind the tire shop to warm up. He immediately says he’s not sure he can do step ups on the wall so we start with windmills…then do step-ups. It all pretty much went downhill from here. Series of exercises using the wall: windmills, step-ups, SSHs, derkins, squats, inkerins, mtn climbers, more step-ups, overhead claps. From there mosey to the far end behind the center, past the ever-ripe dumpsters, for some shredder sets.

First set – 10 hand release merkins, 9 mtn climbers, 8 hr merkins, 7 mtn climbers…..down to 1 mtn climber then finish with 10 hr merkins.
2nd set – Legs, more Change Order mumblechatter: 10 squats, 9 lunges, 8 squats…..1 lunge then 10 squats.
3rd set – 10 hello dollies, 9 freddie mercs, 8 hello dollies….1 freddie merc then 10 hello dollies. Keep feet off ground for entire sequence.

Mosey up to parking lot in front of church. Series of cards on far end of lot. Each card has a group exercise and a hold exercise. While 1 PAX runs to get card, rest of PAX do the hold exercise. Then when PAX returns we do the group exercise. Group exercises were 10 burpees, 15 diamond merkins, 15 jump squats, etc while hold exercises were plank punches, squats, SSHs, etc. However it worked out the first couple of cards were mostly leg exercises so Change Order was really happy to talk about his ass soreness some more. Finished a round of this and then moseyed back to COT for a few abs. A little light on the miles today but we got in everything else. Thanks for the opportunity to lead today Slow Jams!

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Merkin Tuesday

Disclaimer given
Warm up
Up/down dog, with J Lo’s
Mosey to wall – wall sits while each Pax does 3 burpees
Mosey behind Jiffy Lube
 Step ups 20
 Erkins 25
 In/out abs 25
 One leg squats standing on wall 15
 Derkins 25
Go to HT parking lot
 Pair up – one pax does pull ups on cart  
 corrals while other does merkins 50/200

Mosey to church
 25 Squats OYO – run to circle, bear crawl around, head back to benches
 15 Step ups (each leg)
 20 more Derkins
 15 hello dollies
Head back to COT to do:
21 merkins & 21 LBCs (single count)
18 merkins & 18 LBCs (single count)
15 merkins & 15 LBCs (single count)
12 merkins & 12 LBCs (single count)
9 merkins & 9 LBCs (single count)
6 merkins & 6 LBCs (single count)
3 merkins & 3 LBCs (single count)

10 Freddie Mercuries IC

2 minutes of full body destroyer
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter, HIM camp and blood drive
COT: prayers

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Walls of Life

WARMUP: Mosey to the Walgreens parking lot. Did some MNC, HBW, PP, Plank, MC and Down/Up dog.
THE THANG: 1st wall at Walgreens with sits and off the wall 3 merkins. then, balls to the wall with 3 merkins. Repeat. Run to the Dunkin parking lot to use the pillars to repeat the same work but added wall mekins. Run to the new Tire company for more wall work and worked in some burpees. For fun, we completed a Jackweb on a grassy knoll. Ran to the old YMCA to repeat wall work and finally to Harris Teater for final wall work. Ran back to COT.
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 dads tomorrow
COT: Prayers for travel mercies, a mothers health, good life, family stress and praise for new jobs and better health!

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Pain day at the Stockade

WARMUP: gave a quick disclaimer, started with some SSH, windmills and up/down dog. Moseyed around the parking lot to loosen up and get the PAX ready for the beat down.

Ascending exercises shown below. With a lap around the small parking area we were near in between each completed set.
10 wine mixers
10 WM + 20 LBCs
10 WM + 20 LBCs + 30 CDD
…+ 40 walking lunges
…+ 50 Freddie mercuries
…+ 40 calf raises
…+ 30 dips
…+ 20 merkins
…+ 10 burpees

Some got to burpees, but we ran out of time and headed back to COT at 6:01.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter, blood drive
COT: prayer for items that stay in COT

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The Fort’s 1st Ever Ruck & BOWLING Workout

WARMUP: squats with spinal rotations and hamstring lengthening; plank exercises and mix in upward<>downward dog holds
THE THANG: Rucks on, carry 1-2 bowling pins, 1 pax carrying a 20# ball; ruck ~.2 miles, circle up and perform in cadence one set of one of the following exercises [1. squat hold with arm circles holding the bowling pin; 2. lunge hold with shoulder flexion overhead holding the bowling pin; 3. lateral lunge hold with shoulder abduction (lateral flexion) holding the bowling pin; 4. plank and gravediggers while holding the bowling pin]; THEN all pax places the pin in triangle formation, takes 10 walking lunge paces away from the bowling pin triangle, one pax “bowls” the 20# ball, and the number of remaining pins equals the number of manmakers that had to be completed; strikes were rewarded with 10 merkins.
BROGA: warriors and prayer twists
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kenya workout on Saturday
COT: We landed an FNG via a passerby while doing broga at the end. Strongly believe he (Mr. Burns) will be returning. Thanks for the Q opportunity, Sprocket!

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Pillars O’ Pain Accumulator

WARMUP: Mosey big lap, then some stuff
THE THANG: Pillars O’ Pain Accumulator. Cones with exercises, then run a lap. Odd cones = Big lap. Even cones = Small lap. Accumulate. Cones:
1) 10 Burpees
2) 20 Squats
3) 15 Merkins
4) 15 Lunges each leg
5) 20 Carolina Dry docks
6) 15 Jump Squats
7) 15 Mike Tyson Merkins
8) 20 4-count Plank Jacks
9) 20 Burpees
MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence this Saturday for Kenya. See Solo for opportunity coming to help at risk women in Rock Hill – Jumping Rope for hours it what it sounds like – Maximus and FishSticks excited to chant rymes and songs while jumping rope.
COT: Praise for men risking rejection and asking Kotters to come back out. Prayers to love our wives/M’s.

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