Fort 12 Year Anniversary

THE THANG: Liberty led boot camp, 3D led Kettlebell and Time Machine led run
MARY: Dark Helmet rambled about cadence and people not keeping up with the rhythm of his glorious mane
ANNOUNCEMENTS: NASA presented the purpose of the Children’s Attention Home
COT: Esso talked about the purpose and greatness of the work being done by the Fort and Rock Hill regions.

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Thirty Twenty Ten

Total of six pax for an awesome morning of wind and rain. I had to lash the flag to a light pole as anything else would have resulted in “flag down!”
Count was three for bootcamp and three for IPC make-up.
Bootcampers had 1980’s tunes going and did the below.
Brief warmup: SSH, windmills, stretches.
Thang: 30-20-10
Pax do 30 reps of two exercises, then do 20 reps, then do 10 reps. Run a loop (we used the bus loop). Then proceed to the next pair of exercises. One exercise of each pair used a cinder block. The exercise pairs were:
Curls (w/ cindy) – Crunches
–run loop–
KB Swings – Flutters (count only right leg)
–run loop–
Merkins – goblet squat
–run loop–
OH Press – Pickle pointers
–run loop–
Chest press – big boy sit ups
–run loop–
Side bends – leg raises
–run loop—
Curls (w/ cindy) – Crunches
30-20-10 because (in my mind/experience) 30 is the limit to executing with good form. I tend to get sloppy after that. The get down and get up aspect between exercises adds something.

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The Yard: Why are we doing what we sre doing?

WARMUP: COP or Circle of Pain for old school readers
Some stretching and exercises to warm the body up for 10-15mins

Mosey to benches for
15 Dips and 10 Derkins 3 rounds OYO

Then plank on curb as each PAX bear crawl then replank 2 rounds

Mosey to Bball courts
PAX performs exercise while 1 pax runs around bball nets. Rinse and repeat through all PAX
2 rounds

Sprint to finish and hit COT
Each PAX shared their “Why”
I’d say the common theme was accountability and it was for themselves but also for the brothers next to them

Keep giving it away men!!

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The Slowest of Burns

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Picker, Moroccan Nightclub
1. THE THANG: Mosey, 50 Big Boy, 10 Imperial Walker, 10 Hillbilly Walker, 10 Merkin, Mosey, 50 Hello Dolly, 10 Imperial Walker, 10 Hillbilly Walker, 10 Merkin, Mosey, 50 LBC, 10 Imperial Walker, 10 Hillbilly Walker, 10 Merkin, Mosey, 50 Flutter Kick, 10 Imperial Walker, 10 Hillbilly Walker, 5 Merkin, Mosey, Toy Soldier, time for stretching, Lunge Walk to COT (50ish yards), 10 Imperial Walker, 10 Hillbilly Walker, 5 Merkin, 20 Heel Touch
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/28 Convergence
COT: Prayers for family and friends

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Jackal’s 1st Field Trip

WARMUP: F3 Mission, Windmills and SSH
THE THANG: Burpees, Merkins and Squats to CRHS. Wall sits and B2W, parking spot workout, alternate grave diggers, LBC, shoulder taps, gas pumpers HR Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Plank Jacks, OH Claps, each island did Iron Mike buy-ins since nothing is ever really free. Mosey back to FCMS and did Bobby Hurley at the BB courts
MARY: Heels to heaven, penguins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence, Dredd
COT: prayers for many family and friends entering new season in their lives.

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SubstiQ Ladder

WARMUP: Imperial Walker, Hillbilly Walker, Moroccan Night Club, Low Slow Squat
THE THANG: Ladder of Pain: go as far as you can maintaining proper form

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Another Round

WARMUP: Cherry Picker, Moroccan Night Club, Low Slow Squat, Mosey to location
THE THANG: Using light poles around the parking lot as locations, all exercises 18 count in cadence then (MOT) move to next location: Big Boy (Toy Soldier), Hello Dolly (Lunge Walk), Mountain Climber (Karaoke), Merkin (Karaoke-other side), Freddie Mercury (Bear Craw), SSH (Nur), Plank Jack (Toy Soldier), Flutter Kick (Mosey), Monkey Humper (walk back to location 1). Next, another round with 4 Burpees at each location with mosey to next light.
MARY: A bit
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Gold Tourney, Convergence, etc.
COT: Prayers lifted

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Iron Pax 2024 Week 0 – Wednesday

Jog around the 400m loop
Warmup exercises
The Thang
Kalsu – 100 thrusters
Start the 1-minute EMOM timer
Perform 5 burpees
As soon as you finish the burpees, start doing thrusters
When the timer goes off, do 5 burpees
Keep repeating this until you finish 100 thrusters
After 100 thrusters, run 400 meters
Reverse Kalsu – 100 burpees
Start your 100 burpees as soon as you get back
Don’t restart the EMOM timer. You are at the mercy of the timer as to when you get back
Each time the EMOM timer goes off, 5 thrusters
Perform burpees in between until you get to 100 burpees
Workout ends after your 100 burpees
Record your total time
Recovery Stretching
IPX 2024
Show To Know

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Para Sports at the Yard

The Thang:

Mosey to Black Top Area:  IW x15, MC x15, Peter Parker x15, Parker Peter x15, Windmill x10, Merkins x10

Mosey to small parking lot:  Bear Crawl 5 spaces- 5 burpees, Crab Walk 5 spaces 5 burpees, Crawl Bear 5 spaces 5 Bomb Jacks.  Lunge Walk 5 spaces- 5 Bomb Jacks,. Bunny Hop 5 spaces- bomb jacks and lunge 5 spaces bomb jacks

Mosey to benches:

20 dips and 10 urkins, Rinse and Repeat x2

Para Sports:

1 man does a lap in a wheelchair basketball chair while others do mary exercise he called.  x10

Dora 1,2,3- CDD, Squats and LBC

Thanks for having me J Cruise and the gang.  Definitely make it a point to get to AOs that you do not normally go to.


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