WARMUP: Bandcamp took the warmup as YHC wrote in chalk in parking spaces. Shieldlocks do this for each other.
THE THANG: 5 min buy in. Carry a weight (ruck, kb, ruck plate) from the parking lot and up the hill over your head. Get to the top, 10 burpees, back down the hill with your toy over your head.
One we returned to parking lot, parking spaces were marked with 2 exercises and had weight in each space at varying sizes. Instructions were, do one exercise in the space and run to the top of the hill where you’d do another exercise written down starting at the top. Finish that 1 exercise and go back to the bottom spaces and grab a new space and perform exercise, then back up the hill for the 2nd exercise on the paper…and down and up, down and up.
Exercises in the spaces:
– 45 lbs (or 50+): 1. 30 shrugs 2. 100 calf raises
– 40 lb sandbag: 1. 20 man makers 2. 25 shoulder presses
– 35 lb: 1. 40 swings 2. 30 curls
– 30 lb: 1. 40 squats 2. 30 lunges
– 25 lb: 1. 25 tri extension 2. 30 rows
– 30 lb ruck: 1. 25 merkins 2. 30 chest press
Top of hill:
1. 10 burpees
2. 15 diamonds
3. 20 hand release
4. 25 wide arm
5. 30 merkins
6. 35 Rangers
7. 40 CDD
8. 45 plank jacks (this is as far as we got)
Some of us, BC, wore a weight vest because that’s what we do.
MARY: 1 min of American hammers
COT: luka and Vuvu, specter’s recent move