Board of pain while watching Bonsai try to throw a weighted ball onto the school roof

WARMUP: Lap around the lot with some SSH, Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, and Cherry Pickers


Board of Pain with rotating PAX being used as the timers:

Timing Movements:
– 25 Wall Balls (first time through the below list)
– 25 Slam Balls (second time through the list)
– 25 Over the shoulder sandbag toss (third time through but never made it to this one)

Rest was whatever time it took for the PAX doing the above movement to return to their bell and the next one to begin the timing movement

Remaining completed PAX board of pain consisting of:

– Swings
– Curls
– Squats
– Upright Rows
– Figure 8
– Bent Over Rows
– Chest Press
– Swings
– Halos
– Lunges
– Skull Crushers
– Snatch

Apparently swings are so great I put them on there twice. Bonsai had the quick idea to do one of the movements you missed during your timing round. Well thought out… clearly a man who is used to adjusting his Weinke on the fly…

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hog & Coyote is tomorrow, but if you didn’t know that, it is probably in your best interest to not make any decisions about it at this point

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Do you burn twice the calories when the humidity makes you sweat twice as much?

WARMUP: Not sure… I missed it! (Got us so early I thought I had too much time so I put some laundry away and then realized I did really bad travel math! Rolled in about 5:18)

Run (lap around 4 parking rows)
– 40 KB Swing
– 40 Curl
– 40 Goblet Squat
– 40 OH Press
– 10 Man Maker

Run (lap around 3 parking rows)
– 30 KB Swing
– 30 Curl
– 30 Goblet Squat
– 30 OH Press
– 10 Man Maker

Run (lap around 2 parking rows)
– 20 KB Swing
– 20 Curl
– 20 Goblet Squat
– 20 OH Press
– 10 Man Maker

Run (lap around 1 parking row)
– 10 KB Swing
– 10 Curl
– 10 Goblet Squat
– 10 OH Press
– 10 Man Maker

ANNOUNCEMENTS: It’s Hot Outside… and Kind of Humid

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We saw a bear

WARMUP: Ruck a lap
THE THANG: Deck of pain with mosey breaks every 7th card.

– Heart – Man Maker
– Diamond – Ruck Curl
– Clubs – Shoulder Press
– Spade – Ruck swing
– Heart – Calf Raises
– Diamond – Squat
– Clubs – Merkin
– Spade – BBS


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4 Men and a Robotic Bird

It was a muggy morning in The Fort, as 4 HIM decided to get up 15 minutes earlier than all of the land of milk🥛 and honey 🍯 and accelerate.

We rucked over near Dolce Lusso in Kingsley for some highlights and some stair work. The exercises was crazy eights which ended up being crazy nines. It was 8 Merkins at the bottom of the stairs, then we rucked two flights of stairs and did 1 Overhead Press on the other side of the stairwell. There was a total of 1.5 miles in stair work and a plethora of Merkins and Overhead Presses.

We then rucked around the Kingley loop to cap off the workout.

Back to COT for prayers and praises. 🙏🙏


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Where the heck do I Park

WARMUP: slow mosey with butt kickers, high knees, toy soldiers. 20 SSH, 10 windmills, 10 IW, 10 weedpullers.
THE THANG: combination of catch me if you can and adding an exercise each trip. During catch me if you can. 1 partner farmer carries the KB. Partner 2 does an exercise and catches then and switch. Do this until the exercise point.
Start with 10 KB Swing. Then onto round 1. Round 1 – 1 burpee. Add 10 rows each side to kn swings
Round 2 – 2 merkins.  Add 10 chest press each side
Round 3 – 3 jump Squats. Add 10 biceps curls each side.
Round 4 – 4 lunges. Add 20 squats
Round 5 – 5 LBC’s. Add 20 triceps extensions
Round 6 – 4 Carolina Dry docks. 10 shoulder press each side.

5 minutes of Mary to end the workout.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: do a CSAUP. Challenge yourself.
COT:Cohibas mom having knee surgery. SugarBug and his M with adoption situation.

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1st and 10 with KB

WARMUP: 20 SSH, 20 HBW, 20 MNC, 1 lap around the parking lot.

Take bells to starting point in the parking lot.

10 yard mark
20 Tricep extensions
10 Kurpees
Run to the 100y cone and back
20y mark
18 Tricep extensions
9 Kurpees
Longes to the next cone
30y cone
16Tricep extensions
8 Kurpees
Longes to the next cone
40y mark
14 Tricep extensions
7 Kurpees

50y   12-6
60y   10-5
70y    8-4
80y    6-3
90y    4-2
100y   2-1

On the way back
10 yard mark
20 Curls
20 KB swings
Run to 100y mark and back no KB
Longes to the next cone w/KB
20 yard mark
18 Curls
18 KB swings
Run to 100y mark and back
Longes to the next cone
16 Curls
16 KB swings
Run to 100y mark and back
Longes to the next cone
14 curls
14 KB swings
Ran out of time, omaha to COT

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2nd activities, H&C
COT:prayers for patients, for Uhaul’s nephew going through cancer treatment, prayer for Vuvu’s son for quick recovery on his broken leg, prays for Uhaul’s 21st year anniversary.

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This is what I get for bringing Tinsel COVID tests

WARMUP: Forgot this part. It was a ruck though… Warm ups are for the weak…

So Tinsel needed some approved COVID tests for his return from Mexico and I had a few left over so I told him Thursday night I would bring them to Chupacabra in the morning… His response was basically “Great! Can you Q too?” So this is what you get when that happens

Total miles: 2.11 on my watch

Basically went to TCES and back with some “discomfort stops” (not really bad enough to be actual pain…)

Halfway: 20 High-Pulls, 20 Overhead Press
Turn: 20 Squat, 20 Bent Over Rows
Halfway: 20 Squat, 20 High-Pulls
COT: 20 Overhead Press, 20 Curl

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A Stacked Deck at The Pit

WARMUP: Run the parking lot but only a very little. Some Windmills, Merkins and Imperial Walkers.

THE THANG: We played cards so for the newer guys, every number represents the rep count with face cards ascending in value. In general, the cards were shuffled relatively well.
Aces = 14 and a few wild cards.
In total:
Hearts: 104 Squats with weight overhead
Diamonds: 104 Thrusters
Clubs: 104 Clubs in cadence
Spades: 104 Upright Rows

MARY: Yes, a little at the end including Peter Parkers & American Hammers.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Keep an eye out for the Misogi details later today in Slack.
COT: You should’ve been there.
Until next time…

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A little of everything

Mosey from COT to larger parking lot. Did some SSH, Imperial walkers, and Hillbilly Walkers

A variation of 4 corners.
From corner 1
Bear crawled across 3 aisles with descending merkins at each aisle starting with 20 (20-15-10-5) to corner 2.

Ran down the length of the aisle to the other side of the lot to corner 3. Did lunge walks stopping at each aisle to do squats starting with 20 (20-15-10-5) to corner 4.

Ran back up to corner 1. In moving from corner 1 to 2, did 5 burpees at every light pole. Ran to corner 3 from 2 and then did 20 Freddy mercury’s at every light pole from corner 3 to 4.

Ran back to corner 1. Did a bit of broga. Then moseyed to the first speed bump at the bottom of the hill.

Did a variation of 11’s running up and down the hill, starting with bomb jacks at both top and bottom for 3 rounds, switched to merkins for 2.

Did some dips, karaokes and lunge walks

Went around the circle and everyone picked a workout for the last 5 minutes.

COT: Gratitude is everything.

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Deck of fun w/insurance

Started w/some stretchy things then mosey down to MS for 20 merkins, 20 squats, and LBC. Mosey for a while, 15 of each, mosey then 10, mosey some more for 5 each.

Deck of fun w/insurance:
♡ = hard release merkins
♧ = jump squats
◇ = big boys
♤ = monkey humpers
Ace=1, cards 1 – 8, do the reps at each of the three lines, suicide run style
9 – K (13 for those that are challenged), only do the rep at the far line
Each person pulls 2 cards. Before pulling cards PAX can decide if they want insurance. 5 burpees for insurance. If you take insurance and pull 2 high cards, group only does half of reps. But if one low and one high card then group does everything.

I think we made it through about 2 rounds. PAX took insurance about 75% of the time and it paid off 0% of the time. Anyway, something different to try and blend some running in with the normal deck of Death.

Also, not sure about Slash’s new diet but he needs to cut down on the fiber. Thank goodness we were outside and there was a breeze!

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