Clydesdales – Value Run

Not much to add.  We had 3 options Value loop to Walmart, a trail run through Baxter and a pineapple run through Baxter.  All were safe and returned without any skid marks. Peace out!

TClap |

Clydesdales 17.12

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 03/22/17
  • Pax: Gridlock, Mainframe, Anchorman, Chameleon (FNG), Spitz, Culture Club, Barry Manilow, Cottoneye, Elmer, Fire marshal Bill, Corruption, Deep Dish, Gilmore, Boehiem, Bass-o-matic, Tesh
  • Posted In: Clydesdales

Week 12 of 2017!  I awarded the prize of picking a route at Clydesdales this week.  To keep things simple it was the 1.5 mile loop of Market-Sutton-160.  For those that are looking for a run to just get loose (including yours truly) you can pick your miles with laps.


Welcome FNG Chameleon!  Good work to his father, Culture Club, for bringing him out.  Prayers go to the sick and those that were lost recently.  And pray for those that are participating in a CSAUP, that they remain healthy through the event.  Anchorman PSA: buy life insurance.

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Road running, trail running and rucking in the dark

  • QIC: Gridlock
  • When: 12/28/2016
  • Pax: Backdraft, Airborne, Carbomb, Lincoln Logs, Barry Manilow, Gecko, Repeat, Zima, Chaser, Spitz, Lugnut, Cornhole, Corruption, Bass-o-matic, Gridlock
  • Posted In: Clydesdales

15 of the PAX left from Starbucks in the gloom. We had a number of guys rucking with Spitz. Others braved the dark running the Baxter trail down towards New Grey Rock Road.

Those of us road running took a trip towards Fort Mill High

Start at Starbucks on 160. Cross I-77 and go to original Kingsley loop.
Right on to Munn Road towards Fort Mill High
Left on to Harris
Left on to 21
Left on to 160 and back to Starbucks for the short runners like me. (3.75 miles)
Others went to the Kingsley entrance on 21 and put in an additional mile or so. (Around 4.5 to 4.75 miles)

Announcements: Joe Davis next weekend! Remember, you can only do the 5k if running with a 2.0. Otherwise 10k it is!

COT & BOM: prayers for safe travels, prayers for our families, prayers for Car Bomb and his wife expecting a baby any day now.

Longshanks came stumbling in at the end looking for a coffee fix.

It was a pleasure working out with you guys. Have a great New Years!


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Fellowship Run around Starbucks

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 12/21/2016
  • Pax: Twister(Respect), Barry Manilow, Anchorman, Change Order, T-Chaser, Apache, Tater(Respect), Zima, Gekko, Tesh, Mainframe, Airborne, Boeheim, Longshanks
  • Posted In: Clydesdales

14 showed up at the Baxter Starbucks this cold morning to get their run on. I think 3-4 hit the trails (Clydestrails) with another 3-4 going with Anchorman on the moderate route. The rest did the following:

Run up Market St.
Turn Right on Sutton. Run down Sutton.
Turn right on 160. Run 160 towards Starbucks.
Turn right on Market.

Repeat 3 times for a little over 4.5 miles.

And while your at it. Try not to run alone. Run with at least one other person. Maybe 2 and get some fellowship in.


Announcements – Read your newsletter!! Joe Davis Run, Yeti, Christmas Eve Convergences – The Yard (The Fort) and Old Towne (The Rock).

Prayers – for those that have lost loved ones this year, safe travels, teachers.


Not much to say here other than enjoyed my conversations with Boeheim and Tater this morning. Good to have Tater back out.

Thanks Gridlock for the oppourtunity to lead.

Longshanks out.

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Round and round and round we went

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk
  • When: 11/15/2016
  • Pax: Rebel, Tater, Grid Lock, Handy Manny, Green Wave, Basomatic, Corruption, Change Order, Newman, Tesh, Chaser, Anchorman, Barry Manilow, Main Frame
  • Posted In: Clydesdales

15 men came, ran, prayed and we then went to work.

And somewhere in the middle we talked about the importance of relationships in our lives with a call to action to reach out to someone different than us that is hurting to reassure them that it will be ok.

TClap |

Clydesdales got options

  • QIC: Zima
  • When: 11/09/16
  • Pax: Rebel (Respect), Tesh, Twister (Respect), Gridlock, Bass-o-matic, Deacon, Boeheim, White Lightning, Rebar, Cake Boss, Trucker, Gears, Gekko, Culture Club, Anchorman, Change Order, Spitz (Respect), Cornhole (Respect), Zima (YHC)
  • Posted In: Clydesdales

This AO has become my new favorite. It has something for truly everyone. Yeah it’s a running workout, but probably has some of the finest #mumblechatter in the Fort. Guys who do kettlebell, they post here. Ruckers post here. Runners post, bootcampers post, heck FNGs post! I love the variety of the runs, loops and trails. Like the titles says, Clydesdales got options! I don’t want to sound redundant because our good man Barry Manilow did a great job describing what Clydesdales has become. If you haven’t read it, stop reading this and do so HERE.

Alright. Now that you’re back, here were the THANGS:

4 Mile (not easy) Jay’s Loop
-160 to Kingsbury (make a right)
-Right at Munn
-Right at Harris
-Right at Sam Smith (bigger climb than you think)
-Right at Sutton
-Right at Market all the way back to SBUX

5 Mile Out and Back
-160 to Sutton (make a left)
-Right at Mills Lane
-Left at Stratford Run
-Crossover New Gray Rock onto Harvest Pointe
-All the way down to the Culdesac and Back the way you came

Pineapple Loop
-I’m still not quite sure where this loops goes but I hear there is some meandering at times but the mumblechatter is of the highest quality

Great turnout this morning and I had a great run/chat with Tesh. The Marathon guys (Gears, Boeheim and Gekko) dusted us with their 8 min pace. Heard a few complaints about the “hilly” 4 miler but I bet it made y’all better. Final word on the election, no matter who is in office, God is still on his throne and in control. Thanks to Gridlock for the opportunity to Q.

New Thursday Moderate AO (Footloose) 0515 First Baptist Church
11/19 The Forging
11/19 Funhouse Soccer
11/11 Veterans Day Ruck and 2ndF 1800 (Bring the Family)
11/12 Empathy Discussion Continues 0600 Eternal Church
12/17 Christmas Party

Praise and Prayer
Prayers for Twister’s Daughter
Pray for our Leaders and Nation
Pray for Unity in our Country

Always and Honor!

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Working on your Margin

  • QIC: Cornhole
  • When: 11/02/16
  • Pax: Newman, Change Order, Cake Boss, Cotton Eye, Culture Club, Handy Manny, Barry Manilow, Bass-o-matic, Main Frame, Tesh, White Lightening, Bullwinkle, Short Sale (respect), Rebel (respect), Freebird, Chaser, World Wide Leader, Zima, Repeat, Cheddar, Corruption, Cobra Kai, Anchor Man, Spits(respect), Lug Nut (respect), Gilmore, Twister(respect)
  • Posted In: Clydesdales

I think there’s a chance that this Clydesdale’s AO has a chance of making.  It’s really awesome to see the mix of running abilities gather together and truly optimizes what F3 is about.  The +/-2 rule was in effect considering the standard 2 ruckers count went from 27 at start to 28 at COT.

Spoke briefly about margin and areas where we are aimlessly neglecting those around us, self reflection or spending time in his word.

Had the always solid pineapple loop team.    A real testament to that this AO is all about.

I had a very elaborate running route planned but knowing how well these guys are at following directions I chose the wiser option of the standard Wal-Mart loop.

The ClydesTrails team is growing and from what I understand their pace is picking up too.

Ruckers grew from the usual two to three.

Where are you margin weaknesses?  Attending these F3 workouts is one area that you have improved your margin.  Where in your normal day to day activities can you become more diligent?

Appreciate the opportunity to lead this morning.

Cornhole Out.

TClap |

What Once Was Clydesdales

  • QIC: Barry Manilow
  • When: 10/26/16
  • Pax: Newman, Lugnut, Greenwave, Spitz, Anchorman, Culture Club, Mainframe, Rebel, MASH, Twister, Santini, Gridlock, Corruption, Stang, Deacon, Bullwinkle, Short Sale, Airborne, Bubba Gump, Chaser, Zima
  • Posted In: Clydesdales

What used to be Clydesdales is now a collection of runners of every shape and size. If you aren’t quite sure about your desire to run, come on out, start with one day a week. No man left behind.

Start with a count off and hope we can come back at the end with a +/- 2 variance.

Your options:
The Pineapple Loop: run with “those guys”, “the big guys”, the slow guys”. No man left behind, we’ll walk a bit if needed, and some will run through, SLOW, more like a mosey … this one goes about 3.25ish miles. No gear required.

Walmart: Someone always heads that way, run along the road, make sure someone has a light, the sidewalk is uneven. To Dam Road and back is about 3.8 miles … continue and circle Walmart and your number will be closer to 5 miles … Follow Corruption and you may end up at Gold Hill Road, 6+ miles round trip.

Clydes-Trails: Bring a light. I will never know what those trails look like.

Bisquit Run: To Hardees and back offers a well traveled 4.2 miles, turn around at WEP if 3.4 miles is more your pace … The Kingsley Loop will also add a 1/2 mile if 4.2 isn’t enough.

Ruck (I think): Only assuming that Spitz and Lugnut will let you join them for a 60 minute ruck, launching at 5am and joining COT at 6am.

Reassemble at COT (80% … apparently duty calls for many on Wednesday morning)


Prayers and Praises

Thanks to Gridlock for keeping this one rolling, 22 is a big and diverse group of PAX.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

TClap |

Backblast: Clydesdale’s run in the dark

  • QIC: Beats
  • When: 10/19/16
  • Pax: Green Wave, Corn Hole, Mainframe, Rebel, Gridlock, Chicken Hawk, Backdraft, Deacon, Corruption, Twister, Newman, Anchorman, Culture Club, Tesh, Moneypit, Zima, Orange Crush, Cobra Kai, Gilmore
  • Posted In: Clydesdales, The Fort

Twenty men came out this morning to stretch their legs and run in the gloom. This was my first Q since I started doing F3. Twister wanted something different than the Biscuit run or down to Wally World, so i took a page from Wapner’s workout and we took the streets and followed the new Kingsley loop. Anchorman and Gilmore lead a group on the Pineapple run and a few guys went to find some trails. Glad they made it back. I wouldn’t know where to go find them. Good times.

TClap |

Which Way Did They Go?

  • QIC: Tater
  • When: 10/05/16
  • Pax: Rebel (Respect), Cobra Kai, Trucker, Longshanks, Assassin, Anchor Man, Change Order, Greenwave, BassOMatic, Gridlock, Beats, Gilmore, CottonEye, FlatTire, Dano, Tesh, CultureClub, Mainframe, Aquaman, Senator Tressel (Respect), Twister (Respect), Zima, Tater (QIC)
  • Posted In: Clydesdales, The Fort

23 for Clydesdales. A warm 5:15 am welcome to Clydesdale first-timer and 1 day #HIM Dano. After the disclaimer, the PAX were encouraged to think about a time when Mercy was extended. Mercy – not getting what we do deserve. Three herds left from Starbucks for an early morning run, finally cooler weather with low humidity. The Original Clydesdales took off through Baxter Village, another herd took a more brisk pace through the village and the Third Herd went on a traditional Biscuit Run. In a rare moment in Clydesdale history the entire group was back by COT. It is always a pleasure and an honor.


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