4/25 beatdown

WARMUP: SSH, windmills, hillbilly walkers, produce pickers. Honeymooner, down dog stretches. PLUS curb to curb 7’s starting with 1 dip, bear crawl to curb, 6 incline merkins, crab walk back to dips
THE THANG: Mosey across Gold Hill road. 4 corners starting at Crossroads corner, to McDonald’s corner, up to storage corner, to mavis corner with dealers choice 25x exercises at each stop.
MARY: stretches
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: prayers and praises

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Golden Corral Tour de Stank

WARMUP: SSH, Low Slow Squat, Windmills
THE THANG: A tour de stank around the Golden Corral
Stops involving transport were mostly in the wrong direction to make the course 1/2 mile.
Cholanadu: 25′ wheelbarrow, 50′ lunge walk
Front of Red Bowl: 15′ burpee broad jump up the little hill
North parking spaces: 20 BBSU (not reverse direction)
West dumpster territory: 70′ bear crawl
South HT wall: BTTW for 10 handstand pushups

Most got 5 laps, some got 6

MARY: Those who had time at CoT did some
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter

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Who need AKA?

WARMUP: Some SSH, Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs, Imperial Walkers & Hillbilly Walkers


Mosey over to the side of Harris Teeter and use there giant wall for a little work. Everyone grabbed a seat against it and had a 10 count waterfall kick us off down the line. We followed this up by a plank series with our feet on the wall (parallel, 45 degrees & B2W) 10 count at each. It was all so much fun we did it again.

Mosey back to the parking lot and completed a round of solo DORA style work. 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC. Run to the end of the lot and back whenever you were unable to continue or at least ever 1/4 of the set.

Once this was completed we continued to a board of pain for the final 10 minutes. Exercises were completed by all with a PAX in the center of the circle being the timer completing 10 man makers with a toss of the 30lb sandbag over the shoulder each time. We got through:

-Donkey Kicks
-Mountain Climbers
-Plank Jack
-High Knees

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Attend the Cannoli Run or answer to Twister…

COT: It happened

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Infinity’s Custom Cinder Box Nap House Irate Patron Power Station Dates

WARMUP: SSH, IW, HW, Shoulder Tap, MC, Peter Parker’s, yoga

THE THANG: Mosey around and hit some BLIMPS
5 burpees
10 lunges
15 Imperial Walkers
20 Merkins
25 Plank Jacks
30 Squats (sometimes Bulgarian Split Squats when we found picnic tables)

MARY: a bit of core interspersed, but not much. Quack Attack would not have approved

NMM: every PAX shared their biggest work failures. Grateful to hear how successful men have messed up. Even the “goo” culture shares our successes, but sharing our failures keeps us from feeling so alone when we screw up. Thanks to everyone for their vulnerability. As IJ said in COT, a failure is just a waypoint to someplace better. Let’s stay after it.

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Friendless Dora

WARMUP: ran around parking lot with a few exercises thrown in: butt kickers, high knees, shuffles. Circled up for: SSH, merkins, hillbilly walkers, squats, and some hamstring and back stretches.
THE THANG: Ran over by Indian restaurant (which has been a number of different local establishments but it sounds like this restaurant is PAX approved), we began the fun. Dora concept but no partner. 25x merkins, 25x squats, 25x (count right leg only) flutters. Run to other end of parking lot and rinse/repeat…back and forth for a total of 100x.

Stop 2 was over at the church parking lot – same idea, different exercises. 25x CDD, 25x single count lunges, 25x Freddy (right knee only)…total 100x.

Last stop was in the back parking lot, where the dumpster fumes were at a low. 15x variety merkins (5 diamond, 5 wide arm, 5 ranger), 30x variety claves (10 out, 10 reg, 10 in), 25x LBC. Run and rinse/repeat 4 total times.
MARY: left time for 2 exercises back at COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter and cannoli run
COT: prayers for health and families

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The Triangle of Doom

WARMUP: 3 PAX for BC, 1 Rucker!
mosey around back of Harris Teeter doing some dynamic stretching along the way. circle up for windmills, imperial walkers, and hill Billy walkers in cadence.

1. mosey back to the parking lot in front of 9 round and Lazy Day Liquors (top of triangle) 25 burpees
2. alternating modes of transportation between bear crawls and lunge walks towards Harris Teeter
3. In front of Rita’s, PAX performed 25 squats
4. Alternating modes of transportation between bear crawls and lunge walks to opposite end of parking lot
5. PAX completed 25 reps of Mary in cadence
6. Alternating modes of transportation between bear crawls and lunge walks back to top of the triangle
7. Rinse and repeat dropping rep count by 5 each time around

PAX completed 3 rounds and some cool down laps

MARY: completed in the triangle of doom
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Jaegar, read newsletter
COT: what said in COT stays in COT – show to know

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A trip to Sonic

WARMUP: Mosey down 160 to the daycare parking lot.
Produce Pickers
Plank – Down/Up dog
MNT climbers
THE THANG: Ran to Sonic for a DORA:
100 Big Boys
200 Flutters
300 Sumo Squats
400 SSH
Message: Stay intentional with you family through good and bad times.
Run to HT for some wall work.
BTTW with 1 Burpee
WS with 2 Burpees
MARY: SS, ST and Gears put on some extra AB work
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tomorrow down in RH, QVQ go support Poppins. End of March Q school
COT: Prayers for Bonsi Aunt May, Praise for SS family in town with his kids, HS for his boys playing baseball together ( pitcher and catcher) and travel mercies for GK family this week.

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Buffet of burpees

Low slow squat
Moroccan night clubs
Carolina dry docks
Shoulder taps

I wanted 100 burpees. So we did 100 burpees during the course of this workout

Balls to wall
Upside down the other way – ass to the wall

Run to old farm rd

20 burpees at bottom
20 merkins at top
LBCs for the six
Repeat 5x

20 jump squats at bottom
20 jump lunges at top
Big boys for the six
Repeat 5x (only made it 4x)

We interlaced the two movement sets a bit due to some complaining

Final sprint to the top of the hill

Flutters on stomach. I’m calling these Pouty boyz
More Mary


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Polygon of Pain

– Quick lap around the parking lot
– COP – SSH, Windmill, MNC, Cherry Pickers, Merkin and Plank

Polygon of Pain – Using the outer perimeter of the parking lot (roughly shaped like a pentagon), complete exercises with ascending reps (5 – 10 – 15 – 20 – 25) at each of the 5 stations…totaling 75 reps on each lap.
– Lap 1: Burpee
– Lap 2: CDD
– Lap 3: Jump Squat
– Lap 4: American Hammer
– Lap 5: Dips
– Lap 6: Overhead Clap
– Lap 7: Lunge
– Lap 8: LBC
– Lap 9: Merkin
– Lap 10: Shoulder Tap
– Lap 11: BBSU
– Lap 12: WAM

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