Embrace what’s coming

WARMUP: Mosey around the small loop with butt kickers & toy soldiers mixed in. To that, add a few warm-up exercises.
THE THANG: Everyone gets the opportunity to complete the 60×60. This is where you start with a sand bag on the ground and hoist it over your shoulder and repeat for 60sec.
Now, partner up so there is 1 sand bag per partner group. Collectively, toss your sand bag around the big loop. Yes, the big one. Most PAX traded off after 5 throws. Pick up the 6 and help out where possible.
Everyone grab your bag and line up at one end of the parking lot, staring down our target ~75yds away.
Run to the other end, 25 American Hammers I/C
NUR back and 15 Dead Lifts with the bag.
Now, bear crawl to the other end, 25 Flutters I/C
NUR back and 15 Clean & Press
A few other exercises.
MARY: See above.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Petition from Poppins & Sofrito
COT: Indeed.

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Sandbag circuit

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan night clubs, cherry pickers
THE THANG: Dora partner workout.
One partner runs a loop in the parking lot or walks with bag to the end and back while the other partner does exercises.
100 Reps of each
– OH press
– sb to shoulder + calf raise, switch sides
– chest press
– tri extension
– Curls
– Bent over rows
50 manmakers

MARY: heels to heaven and the milker (JWOW special)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM camp, cannoli run, bethel
COT: Jeremy’s recovery from infection after brain surgery

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I love front squats

Dora with farmers carry, running and bear complexes (hang clean, front squat, press, back squat = 1 rep) around 60-70 reps completed with 800 meters for farmer carry. Bag toss overs with man makers. Finished by a row, press and front squat on repeat for five minutes.

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Sink roulette deck of cards

17 eager and excited pax showed up. Some brought sand bags, some brought just their willing attitude which was quickly put on point upon the pile of sandbags awaiting them.

After a quick run around the parking lot, a few in cadence SSH, followed by burpees, and that repeated a few times, it was time for business.

Deck of cards was the game. Rules were simple. Follow the count on the card and suit to the key on the paper.

Here’s the extra kitchen sink rule: for the 4 cards laid out, 1 card was chosen by a pax to either pick red or black. If correct, follow the card suit/count. If incorrect, penalty was double the count.

All exercises were done with your sandbag.

– 2-7 diamonds manmaker
– 8-Ace diamonds squats
– 2-7 spades lunge
– 8-Ace spades merkins (just do regular merkins
– 2-7 clubs clean and press
– 8-Ace clubs flutter w/ a press
– 2-7 hearts chest press
– 8-Ace hearts curls
– Joker gear carry shuffle 100 yards and then 1 min sandbag toss over shoulder, 100 yard shuffle
– A few “breaks” were added which included some slick run cool downs and a few gear shuffles with no bag toss

For the record, there were some incorrect cards chosen which were a crowd favorite as you’d expect.

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Sloppy Sink

8 men got better and wetter at the Kitchen Sink Wednesday morning. Here’s what we did.

– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 10 Windmills (IC)
Sandbag march around school
– 10 Sandbag Bench (IC)
– 2 Minute Sandbag Wall Sits
– 10 Calf Raises (IC)
Bear Crawl Drags the length of the parking lot
– 10 Squats (IC)
– 10 Bent over Rows (IC)
– 10 Curls (IC)
Lunges Walk with sandbag
– 10 Overhead press (IC)
– 10 American Hammers (IC)
– 10 Manmakers
Loop the Lot
– 10 Plank Pulls Merkins
– 10 Big Boys (IC)
– 10 Flutters with a press (IC)
Long loop around the lot with Shuffle mixed in.

Two days later and I still hurt, Spidey’s sandbag has been laid to rest, and everything is still wet. I’d say that’s a successful sink workout.

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2min Throwdown

WARMUP: Typical warm-up mosey with exercises mixed in.
THE THANG: 2min rounds of:
Over the shoulders
1min rest
Sand bag throw
Reverse lunge walk
1min rest
Upright Row
Flutters w/ bag overhead (or slightly behind you)
Run big loop
Forward lunge walk
Bent-over row
1min rest
Overhead Press
1min rest
COT: Indeed – You should get to one.

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Gunnery Sergeant Sudduth WOD

WARMUP: Disclaimer & Mosey towards soccer field upfront
THE THANG: Seven Complex Movements with Coupons
1. SandBag Balance Step Lunges x5 each leg
(Step for the lunge, recover and balance on one foot for 3 seconds)
2. SandBag Bear Hug Squats x 10
3. SandBag Bent Over Rows x10
4. SandBag Curls x 10
5. SandBag Kneeling Around the World
(Kneeling move sandbag over and around yourself 10 rotations to the left and 10 rotations to the right)
6. Plank Position & Lateral SandBag Drag x 10
7. SandBag over the shoulder throws x 10

1 Lap SandBag/Coupon Carry around the parking Lot
Rinse & Repeat !!!

4 Circuits completed by all.

MARY: “She was missed”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Church Mens, read the newsletter, remember to spay & neuter your pets.

COT: Stays in COT, Always Faithfull

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Sandbags: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

WARMUP: Acknowledgement that Divac’s Q is getting postponed until next week so you’re stuck with me. We chose the gift behind door #2 which means I would be coming up with this on the fly.
Mosey around the parking lot.
THE THANG: Workout consisted of farmer carries, overhead presses, bear crawls, bent over rows, curls, sand bag tosses, over-the-shoulder tosses and possibly some other stuff.
No 120lb sand bag was used in the making of this workout. Q was soft.
MARY: Integrated throughout.
COT: Principle #5

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