CSAUP at the Armory with a PAX full of Zombies due to time change

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk
  • When: 03/09/2015
  • Pax: McGruff, Deacon, Dark Helmet, Assassin, Destiny, Gridlock, Chedda, Spits, Huckleberry, Car Bomb, Green Wave, Long Shanks, Stang, Tatanka, Decibel
  • Posted In: The Armory

16 men got out of the sack extra early, felt like 3:30, rather than 4:30.  T-claps for Longshanks posting today after competing in two days worth of Tuff mudder.  Good thing and extra light day was scheduled at the Armory!

The Message:

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

The Thang:

Lap around the parking lot (side strattles, karaoke, butt kickers, high knees, backwards and sprint)




Mountain climber

CSAUP Challenge – carry your kettle bell and don’t let it touch the ground until 0600.

Mosey to knee wall (20/15/10)

– step ups

– dips

– skull crushers

 Mosey to back of parking lot (20/15/10)

– curb lunge pass through

– high rows

– plank rows

 Mosey to steps and partner up

– 100 curls

– 100 tri-extensions

– 100 lbc

While partner does sumo squat hops up steps and back down

 To the wall for wall sits

3 minutes of Mary


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Double Fisting

  • QIC: Gears
  • When: 03/02/15
  • Pax: Anchorman, Decibel, Crash, Catfish, Assassin, Dark Helmet, Pebbles, Cheddah, Gridlock, Spitz, Lugnut, Change Order, McGruff, Aquaman, Longshanks, Carbomb, Huckleberry, Green Wave, Tatanka, Trucker
  • Posted In: The Armory

21 Strong showed up for what they thought would be a stroll through Kettlebell park… Instead it turned into a double fisted romp around the Armory.  YHC had never Q’ed the Armory, and decided to try to mix it up a bit.


The Thang:

Short Mosey to Lot Behind Low Wall w/ KB


  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Windmills
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Mountain Climbers


Count off into 1s and 2s.

1s do KB exercise while 2 does lap and other exercise till 6 is in

  • 2 Kettle Bell Front Squat/CDD
  • Kettle Bell Upright Rows/Short Wall Derkins
  • Kettle Bell Deadlift/Burpees
  • Kettle Bell Swing/Short Wall Plank
  • 2 Kettle Bell Pull Press/LBC
  • Renegade Row (Crowd Pleaser)/Short Wall Dips


Mosey to Wall

  • 1s do People’s Chair with overhead KB hold
  • 2s do 20 Single Count Derkins IC



Mosey to hill lot for Triple Nickel (5 top, 5 bottom, 5 reps)

  • Bombjacks bottom
  • Squats Top


Mosey back to wall for Protractor Balls to the Wall (30/60/90/60/30) with 10 counts on each station. Repeato (30/90)


Mosey to Shovel Flag for COP with

  • Kettle Bell Flutter Kicks
  • Kettle Bell LBC
  • Plank Rows
  • Slow Freddy Mercury




Naked Man Moleskine

YHC stayed up too late last night with the M at a concert, but, even though I was bleary eyed this morning, I was determined for this to be a good time.  I decided to mix it up and do some double KB exercises…. some worked some did not (Renegade Rows comes to mind).  I appreciate the PAX being willing and pushing till the end.

Big props goes to Tatanka for showing up and being man enough to Modify where his injuries prevented him.

I enjoyed the pace of the PAX this morning and am thankful for the opportunity to VQ for this AO.  Hopefully I’ll be invited back.



Rumor is MudRun registration will be reopened.  Tatanka is setting up teams.

CAH went well, Kids really opened up.

Dredd and OBT coming to Rock Hill 05/02

Gastonia Launching in April, Clown Cars will be planned.

Hartsville Clown Car on March 21.

New Workout at Ballroom tomorrow behind Hardees on Gold Hill, New 3rd F CrossRoads after.

New Workout at The Swamp (Best Buy at Rivergate) Officially Launches on Friday along with Chick-N-Wisdom 2 at the Chick-Fil-A



Flat Tire, his wife, and family as they go through treatment for Breast Cancer

Praise for 13 Years of Marriage for Tatanka

Travel Protection for the PAX

21 Homeless housed at Change Order’s church.  Pray for those people and the ministry.


Honor to Serve.

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So much for Creativity

  • QIC: Trucker
  • When: 02/23/15
  • Pax: Trucker, Cake Boss, McGruff, Destiny, Change Order, Chetta, Gridlock, Dark Helmet, Solid State, Decible, Anchorman, Greenwave, Lug nut, Longshanks, Assassin, Spitz, Librarian, Aquaman, Chickenhawk
  • Posted In: The Armory

With YHC now traveling weekly to/from Raleigh on the train (best way to travel back and forth – try it some time!), he has plenty of time to develop some creative workouts for the PAX. Well, it appears that YHC failed from all the mumble chatter. Guess without pull-up bars YHC has trouble. Even with that, there weren’t too many 10 seconds. The Thang:

25 SSH
20 IW
10 windmills
20 Slowwwwwww squats (with a finisher of holding until all mumble chatter was done).

KB time with no breaks between (well sorta)
10/10 single are rows
15 merkins
20 squats
15 merkins
20 KB swings
10 burpees
20 standing chest press
10 burpees
20 upright rows
15 LBC
20 2-arm shoulder press
15 LBC
20 clean and press
15 flutter kicks
10/10 side lateral squats
15 merkins

mossy to back parking lot, sprint to first light pole & back, to second LP & back, to first LP & back

rinse and repeat KB circuit
rinse and repeat sprint circuit

Got through the third round of KB upto 1st burpee set.

PAX on their 6 for the Sheraton (named after an ab circuit I created while staying in Raleigh during the week): hold at 6 inches, raise and hold at 45 degrees, drop to 6 inches and hold, slow low flutter kicks, hold at 6inches without touching ground. Finished with 20 KB LBC’s.

As always an honor to Q even w/o being creative. Remember the 40 day challenge – give something up, do something new, and bring snacks/drinks for CAH. Prayers to Decible’s buddy who’s struggling in his marriage. Message from that prayer is to always grow in your relationship with your M, pray together, follow HIS words, and be great husbands and fathers. It has been tough on YHC with the weekly traveling and not having #accountability without F3 (and no, there are no AO’s near me since I don’t have a car) and I’m extremely thankful for the PAX for pushing us all and being #HIM.

One more plug for taking the train to Raleigh when you can!!! Well worth it (and helps my paycheck).


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40 Day Challenge for Children’s Attention Home

PAX of The Fort, Indianland and Rock Hill,

In 2014 we developed a great relationship with the Children’s Attention Home (CAH) of Rock Hill. Some of the events and things we partnered with them for included;

  • April Cereal Drive – 374 boxes
  • June Field day event
  • Lowes Home Improvement work days around the campus with a time of fellowship ending the week
  • Bike rides and playing games with the kids while visiting the home.

There are some big plans coming for 2015 that all of us will have an opportunity to serve and model what being a godly man looks like for the kids of CAH. 2/28 Launch of Workout at CAH!!!


Beginning Wednesday 2/18/15 we are starting a 40 day challenge that will include 3 dimensions. The 40 days will be the days of lent, ending on Easter Sunday 4/5/15. That’s only 6 weeks of serving and a little sacrifice.

This is not a ritual but a way to build a stronger relationship with God. When we get weak, regardless of this challenge, we should pray and relay on his strength to carry us. Jesus was the example of this during the passion. He knew what was coming but relied on God the Father to carry him through. This is a way to build spiritual muscles!!

Dimension #1 – Attend 20 workouts within the 40 days. That is 3.33 workouts per week. Very doable even for Red-eye.

Dimension #2 – Either give something up (Facebook, candy, snacks, beer, etc.) or take up something positive (reading, praying, poetry for your M, etc.)

Dimension #3 – We will be collecting items for Children’s Attention Home, just like cereal drive. No need to break the bank, but if all our PAX participates, we will make a difference for them this summer.

Here is what they requested:

  • Individual Wrapped Snacks like Lance crackers, Little Debbie’s, cookies, goldfish (Think Sam’s, Costco)
  • Gatorade – mix of flavors and think of kids with sizes in packs (small size, 10/12 pack)

Bring one of each or a couple of one item, whatever you can do!

Q;s will hold PAX accountable for #’s 1 & 2 in the COT. Be ready to be asked how many times you have posted and what you have given up or taken up.


Q’s will also collect items and pass them up to:

  • Cake Boss, Pusher, Chicken Hawk, Senator Tressel, Maximus, Pebbles, Peach

Idea men is to look beyond ourselves, challenge ourselves and get out of comfort zones while thinking about the sacrifice that has been made for you by our Sky Q.

Looking forward to how this challenge brings all of us together as a tighter PAX for our community.

Here are some of the committments men have made!! Good Job to all and others can send in theirs so we can hold each other accountable!!

  • Cake Boss – Donuts/Cake
  • Pusher – Desserts/Sweets
  • Hasselhoff – Alcohol
  • Crab Cakes – Soft Drinks/Be more present with kids
  • Cash – Alcohol
  • DD – Alcohol
  • Dark Helmet – Dessert after dinner
  • Zima – Chips/Read “Facing Your Giants” daily
  • Italian Job – Soda
  • Minuteman – No more speaking to gratify himself
  • Maximus – Kneel down to address/discipline kids
  • Rebel – Ice cream
  • Decibel – Read the Bible daily
  • Old Bay – Iced tea
  • Trucker – Snacks
  • Red Banjo – Ice Cream
  • Chaser – Restaurants/Fast Food
  • Dustin Jordan (F3 Name?) – Soft drinks
  • CSPAN – Mountain Dew
  • Change Order – Not eating after 7pm
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It’s Kettle bell time

  • QIC: Decibel
  • When: 02/09/2015
  • Pax: Anchor Man, Flacco, Crash, Blackhawk, Green wave, Catfish, Lug nut, Dark Helmet, Cheddar, 8 mile, Destiny, Newman, WWL, Deacon, Silent State, Spitz, Car Bomb, The Librian, Longshanks, Gears, Stang, Boy Band, Trucker, McGruff and Change Order
  • Posted In: The Armory

25 men came to the Armory for a beat down, one showed for a cool down from a 50k!  Respect to world wide leader for not only completing the 50k but posting two days later.

The Thang:

Warm up Lap

One Minute on 20 Seconds Off


Chest to Back Pullover

Two Handed Curl/Preacher Curl

Goblet Squat

5 burpees

Mosey to Station 1

KB Merkin

Figure 8

Back Lunge with pass through

Toe Taps

10 burpees

Mosey to Station 2


Upright Row

Dead Lift

20 Burpees

Mosey to Wall

Squat Curl

Shoulder Press

Stairway Wheel barrow


Mosey to Station 4

Chest Press

Peoples Chair

Skull Crushers

Balls to the wall

Mosey to Origination point

LBC with KB


Grave Diggers



Once again it was a pleasure to Q the Armory.  I hope that we got enough use out of the KB to justify the cost.  Welcome FNG 8 mile to the ranks.




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Well Crud – It’s Raining! (Wimper, wimper…)

  • QIC: Tatanka (Name represents a great leader, Sitting Bull, not the crying indian in the "Do Not Litter America" campaign of the 70's - Need to be more like Sitting Bull)
  • When: 01/12/15
  • Pax: Senator Tressel, McGruff, Anchorman, Decibel, Software, Chicken Hawk, Change Order, Grid Lock, Uncle Cracker, Solid State, Lug Nut, Spitz, Cake Boss, Tatanka and FNG Scuba Steve
  • Posted In: The Armory

So it appears YHC has a bit of a confidence issue lately.  Not sure why, but when Jekyll started rallying a mutiny to head to Indian Land (bunch of slackers over there anyway) for a high and dry tour of some parking garage, YHC got a bit testy on the Twitter machine and started calling people out, complaining, and generally feeling sorry for oneself that no one would show up for a wet, soggy Q at The Armory.  What a Nancy. #shameful #wuss Continue reading

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Armory Backblast 1/5/15

  • QIC: Longshanks - VQ
  • When: 01/05/15
  • Pax: Assassin, Aquaman, Chicken-Hawk, Uncle Cracker, Tatanka, Anchorman, Deacon, McGruff, Software, Greenwave, Spitz, Lugnut, Cheddar, Cake Boss, Destiny, Stang, Photobomb, Longshanks, War Eagle (FNG)
  • Posted In: The Armory

19 hard working men took on the dry gloom to lift things up and put them down at the #Armory.  Along the way they learned about what it takes to EXCEL – Encouragement, Xtra work (aka Xtra yard or Xtra mile), Commitment, Everyday, and Love. It’s hard to excel in anything without encouragement, doing xtra (more than what is required), commitment (keep going when things get tough), everyday (going through the grind daily to achieve success), love (difference between being good at something and excelling is to love what you are doing).

The Thang:

Warmup lap followed by:


Imperial Walker X 15 IC

Windmills X 15 IC

Mountain Climbers X 20 IC

Plank Jacks X 10 IC


Talk About Encouragement

1 PAX from each side of the line runs to the far light pole and back, while remaining PAX do kettlebell squats. Once running PAX return, 5 merkins, then back to kettlebell squats. Once each PAX has run, rinse and repeat with kettlebell swings instead of kettlebell squats.


Mosey over to small wall in middle of parking lot. Talk about Xtra.

Dips X 20 with weight in lap OYO

Step ups X 20 (10 each leg) with weight on chest OYO

Plank when finished

Rinse and Repeat


Mosey over to Church Wall. Talk about commitment

Wall sit with weight in lap

Wall sit with weight in front of chest (10 count), back to weight in lap (10 count)

Wall sit with weight above head (10 count), back to weight in lap (10 count)

Recover. Rinse and Repeat

Upright Row X 15 OYO

Bicep curl X 10 each arm OYO

Tricep Extension X 15 OYO

Plank when finished. Reverse and Repeat


Mosey back to where we started. Talk about Everyday

LBC’s X 25 IC

Russian Twist X 10 IC

Mountain Climbers X 25 IC

LBC’s X 15 IC

Merkins X 10 IC

Shoulder Press X 10 IC


Announcements – Joe Davis Run this Saturday – SIGN UP!!! Dredd Lead workout on January 24th


Talk About Love and Jesus’s Love for us. Difference between being good at something and excelling is loving what you are doing.


Prayers – Boeheim’s ankle, Troops that Cake Boss’s brother has been in contact with, those that are still injured.

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Leg Day at #TheArmoryF3

  • When: 12/22/14
  • Pax: Car Bomb, Gears, Jeckle, McGruff, & Spitz
  • Posted In: The Armory

YHC got a last minute call to Q the #TheArmory

High quality disclaimer…read the website…not a professional…read it in Hebrew or Greek…

Conditions were cold, rainy, and miserable.

6 men took the #RedPill as this is the type of morning the #fartsack feels oh so good.


Lively mumblechatter, and YHC got quickly into warmups and plankorama…and a parking lot lap.

Spitz and Gears were flying…

COP and started tossing iron for 25 minutes…focusing on curls, Cake Boss calves, and squats.

More mumble chatter with McGruff and Jekyll leading the discussions….Car Bomb and I were trying to keep up…

Mosey to overhang for ABLAB to 250 reps.

Mosey to wall to play pass the iron while sitting in people’s chair (crowd pleaser), fun group that seemed to enjoy the nonsense.



12/23/14 Fitness Test at WEP

12/24/14 Convergence at Coop (normal time = about an hour)

1/1/15 Baxter Trail Race

1/3/15 N. Augusta Road Show

1/10/15 Joe Davis Run

Merry Christmas


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  • QIC: Deacon
  • When: 12/15/14
  • Pax: Photo Bomb, Crash, Spitz, Black Hawk, McGruff, Change Order, Gears, Lug Nut, Solid State, Chicken Hawk, Boy Band, Assassin, Green Wave, Anchor Man and Cake Boss
  • Posted In: The Armory

Warm-up: SSHs (20x), IWs (20x), Slow Sumo Squats (15x), WMs (15x), MC (15x), Peter Parkers (15x), Dying Cockroach (20x)

In the main parking lot:

Drill 1: Jog to/from the light post, Right-Side Karaoke and back

Drill 2: Backpedal to/from light post, Right-side Shuffle and back

Kettle bell drills:

Drill 3: Swings (15x), Skull Crushers (15x), Curls (10x each side), sit in a squat w/the kettle bell when finished

Drill 4: Goblet Squats (15x), Kettle bell merkins (10x each side), Shoulder press (15x), sit in a squat w/the kettle bell when finished

Run a lap around the parking lot

Drill 5: Tricept extensions (10x each side), Figure 8s (10x), Flutters w/ kettle bell (30x, single count), sit in a squat w/the kettle bell when finished

Drill 6: Oblique press w/kettle bell (10x each side), Halos (5x each way), Russian twists (15x), sit in a squat w/the kettle bell when finished

Mosey to the sidewalk

Drill 7: Derkins (15x), Step ups (10 each side), Dips w/your left leg in the air(15x)

Drill 8: Incline merkins (15x), Jump ups (15x), Dips w/your right leg in the air(15x)

Drill 9: CCDs (15x), Dips w/your left leg in the air(15x), Dips w/your right leg in the pair(15x)

Partner Drills
– Line up at the light post

Drill 10: 50 chest presses (bench press) total and alternate runners to the light posts.

Drill 11: 50 curls total and alternate runners to the light posts.

COP: Chop sticks (20x), Heels to Heaven (20x)

As we approach this Christmas season, remember to thank God for His gifts. Share your gifts. Bless your wife with the gift of emotional presence which is more valuable than presents under the Christmas tree. Bless your children with the character-shaping gift of being a good example.

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A full course of four corners of pain and sprints on the side!!!

  • QIC: McGruff
  • When: 12/08/14
  • Pax: C-span, Tatanka, Who-Dat, Change Order, Green Wave, Boy Band, Anchorman, Solid State, Destiny, Lugnut, Duck Hunt, Photo Bomb, Crash, Spitz.
  • Posted In: The Armory

15 strong men showed up on this fine crisp morning to challenge the four corners of pain.  Here is what they did:

The Thang.

A little warm up of slow squats, windmills, mountain climbers, merkins, and SSH.

Mosey around the parking lot while we did some butt kickers, karoke, and high knees.

Circled up and counted off in fours.   We had four stations where we did the exercises on the Que cards for two minutes and rotated to the next station.

First round consisted off overhead swings, Murphy press, bombjacks, and merkins.  When we rotated we lunge walked with our bells to the next station.

This is where the fun started as we did three rounds of suicides across the parking lot.  Change Order suggested I was worried about him becoming big boned and that’s why we did all the running.   I said no way!!!!

second round consisted off rows, curls, skull crushers, and burpees.   Burpees were in honor of Trucker who Fartsacked it.

Back to the sprints where all had fun running up and down the parking lots.  We then circled up for a little AB LAB to finish out the morning.



Christmas Party this Friday at the Spratt building and don’t forget your gift for CAH.  Joe Davis run coming soon,  F3 dads on the 13th.   Several other announcements all on the F3 website.




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