’88 Q – 071124 The Coach’s Box – Honoring Logan Gurley

Welcome and 5 core

FMHS Student Logan Gurley died July 8th just 3 days ago. He played basketball here at Fort Mill High School. Two numbers we will key in to tribute him are 16, his age. And 21 the jersey number shared in a photo online.

Mosey in front of the gym

L- 16 Lunges IC
O- Obama across FB field. (4 :bear: paces: 4 merkins Across parking lot about 40 yds)
(mosey next to FB stadium bleachers)
G- 16 Billy Goats IC (mosey to end zone)
A- 16 Apolo Ohnos
N- No Mercy ½ -¾ Mile
mid point of front stretch.
Jog to turn 1: bear crawl to turn 2.
Jog to mid point on back st. 16 merkins. Jog to turn 3: lunge to turn 4. Jog to starting point perform 16 squats.

Mosey to flags

21 Bobby Hurley

16 Elbow 2 Knee (E2K) IC flap Jack

Welcome to FNG Blueprint!

COT Quote from Logan’s dad:

“I want him to be remembered as a respectful young man, as a fighter.”

“Just to take him to his games again. Just to be there for him. Just to tell him, be safe out there, I love you.”

TClap |

Pain Train: Mike Tyson / Burpee Hill Edition

Warm Up:

– Imperial Walkers
– Moroccan Night Clubs
– Overhead Claps
– Raise the Roof

The Thing:

1. First Round:
– Mosey to the front of the school
– 5 Burpees
– 15 Carolina Dry Docks (CDD)
– 30 Straight Leg Feet-Together Squats

– Mosey to the bottom of the hill
– 20 Mike Tysons

– Mosey back to the start, circling around

1. Second Round:
– Rinse and repeat the first round

1. Third Round:
– 5 Burpees
– 15 CDD
– 30 Straight Leg Feet-Together Squats

– Mosey to the bottom of the hill
– 20 Mike Tysons
– 5 Kraken Burpees

– NUR to the top of the hill, then mosey back to the start, circling around

1. Fourth Round:
– 5 Burpees
– 15 CDD
– 30 Straight Leg Feet-Together Squats

– Mosey to the bottom of the hill
– 20 Mike Tysons
– 5 Kraken Burpees

– Basketball side shuffle to the top of the hill
– Walk to the light post, then Lt. Dan to the next light post

– Burpee broad jump from one light post to the light post lighting up the practice field

– Slosey back to COT


– On your 6, in cadence:
– 10 Big Boy Sit-ups
– 10 Worst Worst LBCs


– The Sweaty Barry
– Jaeger
– Tortoise and the Hare
– Sign-ups for the Dam to Dam are about 60 days away

Prayers & Praises:

– Mental health
– Physical health and illness
– New opportunities
– Travel
– Soon-to-be new member of a family and the M carrying that child

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Circuit of Circuits

WARMUP: windmills, SSH, Moroccan night club, butt kickers, hi knees, disco club (side ways run)
THE THANG: 3 circuits. Each repeats 3 times, adding 5 to each rep every repeat
1st circuit 10 mericans, 10 big boys, 10 SSH. On your own.
2nd circuit 10 dips, 10 shoulder taps, bear crawls. Add extra if you finish before your team of three so you all finish each workout at the same time.
3rd circuit 10 squats, 10 flutter kicks, 10 heels to sky. In cadence with your team of 3
Added some burpees to help keep mumblechatter down
Qsource: shared leadership. Work together as a team, and trust your team to do their part. Teams work better when everyone can be relied on
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter smack talk
COT: prayers and praises

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WARMUP: mosey to the football stadium – exercises with burpees in between.

THE THANG: on the hill – 50’s
50 merkins buy in
Run to 3rd light – 10 squats
Return to bottom – 40 merkins
Run to 3rd light – 20 squats
Return to bottom – 30 merkins
Run to 3rd light – 30 squats
Return to bottom – 20 merkins
Run to 3rd light – 40 squats
Return to bottom – 10 merkins

Run to top of hill – mosey to Citi lot off campus

6’s and 13’s – 6 rounds of 6 burpees and 14 squats. Modified burpees to Diamond merkins after 3 rounds.

Return to campus benches at the gym for Bulgarian split squats and five burpees and continue to COT.

MARY: not enough time
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the call, Warning Track.

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D-day at the Coaches Box

Today’s workout was about perspective. History provides the best perspective and on 6/6 we were reflecting on D-Day.

Started with a mosey towards the entrance of the high-school.

Stopped and did

10 Windmills IC

Mosey to the bottom of the hill right at the entrance.

To celebrate, honor, and remember the 80th anniversary of D-Day we executed the following:

80 seconds work
2:40 minutes recovery

80 HR Merkins
80 Squats
80 4ct Flutters
80Diamond Merkins
80 Calf Raises
80 LBCs

So the idea was all Pax do as many reps as possible in the 80 seconds then the “recovery” run was back to the top of the hill where we each did 6 burpees and then get back to the bottom. Any excess time left of the 2:40 is your “rest”.

The Pax loved this and looking at time we got through 7 rounds of this before breaking back towards COT.

On the way we stopped by the band lot and did a 80 yard bear crawl followed by 44 SSH to close us out.

One last note on perspective…. It’s easy for us to get caught up in the day to day but take a step back, reflect on how we all got here and the opportunities each day brings because of the sacrifices of others.

Thanks to Warning Track for the opportunity!

:punch: :punch: :pray:

TClap |

Abs, Abs and more abs

WARMUP: Windmills, Cherry pickers, SSH then mosey

THE THANG: 20 reps, 5 exercises: leg lifts, LBC’s, Big Boys, Flutters, heals to heaven, 1 lap after completion, 3 rounds total

Message on Q source topic of Missionality: getting out of the comfort zone and taking risk! Work in progress on the word familiarity! Mosey after message

20 Dips, lunge walk, 20 Merkins, bear crawl, 20 SSH’s, high knees, repeat 3 rounds. Same mode of transportation but last round was 20 Derkins, 20 squats, 20 mountain climbers

MARY: 5 burpees, box cutters, Freddy mercuries

ANNOUNCEMENTS: blood drive today

COT: prayer or praise from everyone

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Shoulder exhaustion-complete

WARMUP: Mosey-warm-up 51 SSH
THE THANG: Max shoulder reps 2:00 x2 each Merkins, Dips, CDD, Heels to heaven-

ending with 50 yard sprints-NUR 50 and repeat x4
MARY: out of time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3 events this summer
COT: mental health. alcoholism and I shared people usually do the opposite of what they need to, when depressed, they usually withdraw and isolate. They need connection with fellows.

multiple messages-

1.Listen with the intent to understand not to respond!

2.also be careful what you think about? what consumes your mind rules your life!

TClap |

Meeting Q1.12

string of pearls
5 merkins
5 lunges each leg
5 side lunges each side

Some other work throw in

7 total decided to meet with a Q who was willing to take responsibility for the outcome including calling off the workout if lightning presented itself. Zeus’s wrath was stayed and Odin’s ravens can attest to our https://f3nation.com/q/meeting/ (7+1=8)

– reminded us that idolatry takes many forms
– refused to yield
– The Brazilian martial arts motivate
– Wonder if (not present) knows about this
– layered up with 30lbs and then a rain jacket. The jacket was probably the more uncomfortable bit
– CS Lewis was mentioned by , but favors JRR Tolkien. Both complained about their lower extremities
– opened his mouth and the rain fell in. (not present) gave those instructions ages ago

You could livestream your way through a Sunday service, and still not connect on a single salient point of your belief system because you lack proximity to those whose mere presence helps hold you accountable. Might as well listen to a podcast and call it church.

So, you work to figure out your https://f3nation.com/lexicon/, but if you’re not meeting to accelerate your faith, then are you really accelerating much at all?

TClap |

Positive Habit Transfer

WARMUP: Mosey to school entrance
Merkins x20
Low Slow Squat x20
Imperial Walker x 25
THE THANG: Mosey to the hill at Hwy 21 Entrance
7s Merkins at the top Burpees at the bottom
Cohiba handed out a tongue lashing to a few pax for skipping last leg!
Mosey around campus
Bear Crawl, Lunge Walk, Dip Triangle x 5
Mosey over to the parking lot with yard lines
Suicide to the 50 yard line x2
100 yrd sprint to COT
MARY: Freddy Mercury x25
Flutters x20
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rock Hill convergence this morning (incredibly late backblast post)
COT: Make an IMPACT on your families, communities, and coworkers, by modeling positive habits!

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Coaches bring out the best

WARMUP: COP with some SSHs squats merkins, hilly billys and LBCs
Mosey to FB stadium for pain station 1
Mosey to FM HS sign past tennis courts for pain station 2
Mosey to back of HS bus drop for pain station 3
Mosey to old river view bus drop for pain station 4
Mosey to front of riverview for pain station 5
Mosey to COT
MARY: n/a
Cannoli Run
Rock Hill 10yr convergence

Spoke on Q1.10 Prayer
Each pain station had a topic
1) faith: belief in something bigger than self
2) What /What
WHAT will happen when I die?
WHAT does that mean about the way I should live?
3) be prepared for the next thing by communication with Sky Q
4) TAPs: if we say thoughts and prayers we better believe it or else it’s just works
5) Examples of when Sky Q showed up and was an answered prayer

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