Power hour happy hour

WARMUP: Indian run around WEP trail, Cherry pickers,windmill,imperials
THE THANG: 2 rounds of sets below

Set 1:
50 Merks
25 diamond Merks
25 wide Merks
50 squats
25 lunges
25 monkey humpers
50 LBC
25 Big Boy
25 American hammer

Set 2:
50 Carolina dry dock
25 incline Merks
25 decline Merks

50 squats
25 Bobby hurleys
25 jump Squats

50 flutters
25 mountain climbers
25 second plank

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  sign up for fort Mill Retreat and learn how to respond in a dangerous situation of active shooters

COT:saying negative things out loud can make it 40x -70x more likely to happen

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Bags and blocks (my daughter built this workout…just saying.

WARMUP: Not much, we got right to it.

15 Flutter Presses
20 Single Leg Lunges
Max Man Makers
Weighted Walk
15 Thrusters
20 Curls
Max Merican Hammers
Weighted walk
15 Chair Crunches
20 Rows
Max Lateral Diamond Burpees

3 Rounds – All movements w/a variety of sandbags, Jerry cans, medicine balls, blocks.

MARY: No time for Miss Mary, eh I guess we can count the 200lb sandbag overhead presses.


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A Little Bit of Everything

WARMUP: 25 SSH, 25 Peach Pickers, 15 windmills, 15 Moroccan Night Clubs, Hillbillies, Toy Soldiers
Indian run around WEP while alternating mode of transport every trash can (run and bear crawl). Realized this was stupid and changed to running and bearcrawls where 6 runs to front.

Mosey to Monroe White road pendulum and conducted 11’s merkins and flutters at top of hills and 10 squats at bottom. Ended at 6 and 5 to complete other fun stuff.

Mosey to Print Shop and did 7’s with pull ups and big boys.

Mosey back to WEP stage. Did wall sits while passing Cindy back and forth.

Chumbawumba (I get Knocked down) doing burpee every time I get knock down is said. It’s said a lot especially at the end.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM Camp, read newsletter

COT: prayers for Clickbates friend John. Prayers for Layla, travel for cohiba and naked. And Lyla in Greenville. Praises for testimony by click bates FNG. God is good

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Lucky 7

WARMUP: mosey to nearby springs parking lot after climbing out of WEP.

Windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, tunnel touches and side straddle hops with burpees in between each exercise.

Mosey to the WEP path

THE THANG: Doing a lap around WEP, 5 burpees at each bench for lap 1, 10 hand release merkins at each bench for lap 2 and 15 squats for lap 3. After that, YHC handed off to Trucker for more “fun”.

Mosey to 160 – 5 squats
Mosey to springs wall parking lot – 5 clean sweeps
Mosey to parking lot at emmets – 20 flutters
Mosey to print shop- 5 pull-ups 5 irkins, repeat
Mosey to emmets – 20 flutters
Mosey to MP lot – 20 lbc
Mosey to spring lot – 10 leg raises
Mosey to other springs lot –
4 corners with seal jacks and ccd’s

MARY: Hello Dollys in cadence brought us to 0730.
COT: 5th core principle

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OG, Old School Smoker at WEP

Run around WEP path with stops for warm-up exercises:
Mountain Climbers
Hillbilly Walkers
Peter Parkers
Freddy Mercurys

OldBay on Q:
Ladder on far-side hill
– Imperial Walkers (1 at bottom) : Burpees (7 at top)

Run down to amphitheater stage
Partner Up for Dora – One partner run from amphitheater up path, then back and climb front of stage.
– 100 Merkins
– 200 LBCs
– 300 Squats

Handoff to ChickenHawk for 2nd half
Mosey to wall on far side of Springs building and partner.
– one partner does chin-ups on wall while other runs. Flapjack until 50 chin-ups done between partners.
– repeat with balls-to-the-wall (up, down, merkin)

Mosey to another wall. Pass coupon while pax take turns doing bear crawls.

Mosey back to COT for a bit of Mary.

Pax choice:
– American hammers
– Rosaledas
– Flutters (100, called by Walker)
– may have been more exercise, but I blacked out during the Flutters.

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Memorial Day WOD

– yes
– 10x Burpees / 22x various other exercises
– mosey around Amphitheatre
– rinse and repeat
– sandbag carry to stop sign and combined with other exercises
– by popular demand: Airborne Hip’s
– read newsletter
– was held

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Farewell Repeat Farewell

CakeBoss led mosey down trail towards Harris Street
Stop every 100 yards for exercise
Tap out (head spin 2.0) assisted 1st time with leading
Get to Harris street park and get partner. (Can’t do life without others in your life) partner 1 suicides
Partner 2 exercise (Merkin, leg lifts, CDDs)
Flip flop

Partner 1 bear crawl path full circle
Partner 2 5 burpees then chase #1

Mosey up Harris Street
Every 2nd light pole do 10 calf raises

Hand off to Pusher
DORA 1-2-3
Partner 1 runs around church
Partner 2 Merkins, big boys, squats

Mosey down street to spring’s old office park for some Mary

Jailbreak to COT

Repeat moving to Chucktown and will be missed as a leader in The Fort but we will pray for him and his growing family and know he will always be with us.

Pusher says take your vitamins and say your prayers and you’ll be strong like him👏🏻🥓🎸🔥

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Park Swings & Broga

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, MNC
Ran around the track at WEP stopping at each hanging swing (9 bench swing stops) performing a set of exercises at each swing
Round 1 – 10 burpees at each swing
Round 2 – 20 Merkins
Round 3 20 Squats
Round 4 – 20 LBCs
Finished with ~ 3 miles of running
Closed out with 10 minutes of Broga
COT: Closed in Prayer

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Tour De Fort Parks

SSH/Cherry Pickers/Imperial Walkers/Side Shuffles/Knees to Butt/High Knees/Kareoke
Mosey to Harris Street Park-25 count – Merkins, Big Boys, Sumo Squats.
Shuttles at basketball court 5x’s 10 Bobby Hurleys mid court and base line.
Mosey to Millstone Park-25 count -Carolina Dry Docks, Box Cutters, Lunges.
Mosey to Veterans Park – 25 count -Mike Tysons, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers
Mosey to Springs Global parking lot. W/ help of site Q Grinder complete Dora w/ Merkins and LBC’s.
Mosey to Pike parking lot and did wall sits until legs gave out and balls to wall last HIM standing.
Mosey back to WEP
MARY:Grinder led Jane Fonda workout.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Highway trash pick up, Canoli Run.

COT: prayers/praises for all the MOMS

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