It dit-int rain

We had a few at a damp parking lot, but no rain (U-haul.)

Started by stretching just enough to get Funhouse a little grumpy ’cause he could feel something coming.

A sampling of a few groups of exercises with a light jog in between:

KB Swings 15
Lawnmower Pulls 15 each arm
Tricept Extensions 15
Halo circles 20
Hillbilly Walker with Bell 10 each leg (20)

Squats 15
Deadlifts 20
KB Swings 20
Tricept Extensions 15
Around The World single count 20 

Lawnmower Pulls 15 each arm
Clean press 10 each arm (20)
Halo circles 20

Squats 15
Around The World single count 20
Shoulder Press 15

Lawnmower Pulls 15 each arm
Tricept Extensions 15
Deadlift 20
Clean press 10 each arm (20)

Unfortunately, at one point, we lost Funhouse. Something got pulled. Hope you are doing much better soon.

Prayers to the Cyclops fam.

We talked about the Mental Battle podcast dropping Friday with DH, DThrill and C-Span (who is moving to Dallas?)  Also great fellowship with the young turks who are married and engaged in being strong dads. I am glad to see so many under 40’s taking advantage of F3 and what it brings in building the I am Third. I am more than happy to chat about the mistakes I made as a young dad trying hard to make my mark (before F3 existed.)

Thanks to 3-D for the opportunity.

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Fantastic Four at Footloose

4 came to Footloose for some moderate work.

Mumble chatter varied… Dads doing cheer hair….diaper changes….Michael Jackson buying trains from Carowinds…

1 min per exercise,  10 sec rest

LBC, Rev Crunch, BB Situps, Heels to Heaven, Flutters, Superman, Freddie Mercury, Hello Dolly, Hillbilly Walkers, Imperial Walkers, Squats, Lunges, Calf Raises, Side Lunges, Air Drama, Monkey Humpers, Al Gore, Step Ups, Back Lunges

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No Arrival

40-some pax posted to the region’s Ground Zero at WEP for a smorgasbord of pain, from 6@6 to Millkshake to a tried and true BC beatdown.  A very explicit and thorough Disclaimer was pronounced by Dark Helmet for the benefit of our FNG, and then the pax blasted off.

The Thang

The recitation of the 5 Core Principles quickly failed to meet DOAH’s standard, leading to some burpees.

Mosey around the parking lot with some toy soldiers and knee lifts mixed in, with the pax following onto the bandshell stage.

COP proceeded including more core principles along with some Merkins and DOAH’s proclamation that maybe the FNG’s fitness surpassed that of many of the pax present.  {Yes, he’s good at stirring the pot whether he’s poking at the Q or Qing himself.}

More mosey and more warm up exercises until the pax reach the far side of the WEP.

Enter stage left — the BAOPS boys via Clown Car — Trucker, Smuggler, Change Order & Longshanks, who just couldn’t stand the thought  of missing out on the best 1st, 2nd & 3rd F in The Fort on this given Saturday.  {Pro move by whoever made that call!}

Partner up for wheel barrow…to the playground…Yes…to the playground!…where the fun really starts.  {Fishsticks promptly cruised 85% of the way there to prove to his FNG that no matter what DOAH says, the FNG’s fitness had room for improvement.}

At the playground, each partner does 50 (yes, Five-O!) pull ups.  {Jiffy cranked out 30 in rapid fire.}

Some core work followed including LBCs and Rosalitas among others.

Handoff to Double D

Run to the bottom of the hill

Jacob’s Ladder with Donkey Kicks at the bottom and Sumo Squats at the top.  Traverse to the top via Bear Crawl and run to the bottom.

Mosey back to the parking lot with some Mary led by Jekyll

Climb the Stairway to Heaven via lunge walks, pausing for Carolina Dry Docks at each lamp post, starting with 5 reps and adding 5 more at each successive post.

Mosey down to the monuments with some Mary led by Longshanks

Circle up for an FNG introduction to Jack Webb by Change Order

Run home for final 2 mins of Mary by Longshanks



A spirited pax at The Fort on this pleasant late winter morning!   Back to back weeks with a convergence at The Fort — thanks to the Alcatraz boys for adding their zeal to the day!

Maximus delivered the tailgate coffeeteria in the parking lot afterward and our FNG (EHed by Fishsticks) hung around long enough to learn the backstory of his name (Roy Kent) and to fill his rolodex with roofing customer prospects.

Welcome to Roy Kent!  Barry Manilow was quite vocal about the quality of the name and the importance of RK living up to it.  Well, if he doesn’t meet the mark, we can always default to what RK thought we named him — Rockette!

It was great to have Car Bomb among the pax today, fresh off his return trip from New Zealand, prior to his resettlement in another adventure.

The theme for the day was geared around the notion of life being an endless series of mountain climbs, peak after peak, with no arrival to the top in sight — ever.  Depressing, huh?  No, not for the HIMs of F3 and The Fort.  Give us the hard stuff.  We’re playing the long game and we know you can’t play it alone.  So keep posting, stay engaged with your brothers.  Together we’ll keep accelerating.

It was a treat to Q with DOAH for the first time.  We all look at him as just another member of The Fort, which of course he is.  At the same time, he also invests a huge amount of his life leading the 43 feet for the Nation.  Not only is it not easy being Frank {imagine how hard it must be for Traci his wife}, it’s also lonely at the top of any organization {how about leading one with 50,000 type A men?}, and it’s incredibly challenging to serve as the successor to any founder {would you want to try one Dredd’s shoes}.  Despite the small jabs, I say this with all seriousness — DOAH has taken on an extremely difficult challenge, one that he executes well with tremendous energy and virtue and that we all benefit from.  We’re fortunate that he calls The Fort “home” and that we get to take his crap on a regular cadence.  Thank you, DOAH!

Thanks to Grinder for the opportunity!  Always an honor to lead the men of this brotherhood!





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Push It Real Good

Arrived early to walk the parking lot, still trying to figure out the plan for the morning. One thing was certain, we needed to start fast, because it was cold!

9 PAX showed at the Snake Pit (and another 5 at Bushwood) on a cold and crisp morning. With the traditional tunes blaring, and the chatter already strong, YHC stepped into he ring and gave the disclaimer. Being my first kettlebell Q, a strong disclaimer was given. We ran off the boot campers and got started.

Warm Up
10 LSS IC – hold
10 MNC’s IC while in Low Squat Position
10 Windmills

Buy In
11’s (or 22’s – depending on your interpretation) with KB Merkins and Snatch’s. All reps were completed.

This warmed the PAX up real quick. Or perhaps it was the playlist that took some PAX back to their middle school dance days. Evidently, 12-13 year old’s did not realize what Salt-N-Peppa were talking about.

The Thang
Farmer’s carry over to the adjacent parking lot, where 4 stations were set up. Each station had 3 exercises with a goal of 20 reps per exercise. Between each station, PAX were to run quick lap around the parking lot.

Station 1
Curls – 10/each side
Goblet Squats
American Hammers

Station 2
Single Arm Thrusters – 10/each side
Tricep Extensions – 20 or 10/each side
Standing Oblique Crunch – 10/ each side

Station 3
Kettle Bell Swings
Single Leg Deadlift -10/each side
Halos – 10/each direction

Station 4
Lawnmower Pulls – 10/each side
Front Raises

Most made it through 6 stations. Then we farmer carried back to CoT. We had time for one set of LBCs, and the boot campers arrived back, though one was sitting in his truck? It was cold out.

Announcements. Prayers for recent loss within PAX family and workplace. Praise for Bitcoin’s new addition.

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Fort Mill Tour – No Charge

We had 20 men show up this morning at Block Party.  Alot more than I anticipated, but it’s good to have a big crowd.  After a quick disclaimer, we did the typical warm-up exercises (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills).

I explained to the Pax, we would be on the move this morning, touring Fort Mill.  Our first stop was the Hardee’s parking lot.  Once everyone arrived, we did the following exercises:

20 Squats

15 Merkins

10 LBCs

5 Burpees

Next stop was Unity Church on Tom Hall, instead of taking the shortest route, we ran down Spring Street to Leroy and met at the front of the church.  The same exercises were done by the Pax.  We continue our tour around town to the Church of God parking lot on Academy Street.   Once exercises were complete, we moved to the next stop, the parking lot across from the gas station on Spratt Street.

Our fifth stop was the Fort Mill Church of Nazarene on Harris Street.  We took the longer route up hilly Massey Street to Harris Street.  Again, another round of exercises.  Our last stop was Walter Elisha Park.

We then made our way back to COT for one last round of exercises. Total distance was a little over 3 miles. The continued theme from Monday’s Q, “No Shortcuts”.  We took the longer route to each location.  The routes were hilly and more difficult, but we are better than when we started this morning.  Keep getting after it.

Great job everyone!


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Bday Q brought to you by 18 and 45

Warmup 18 rep each


Imperial walkers

Hillbilly walkers


Cherry pickers

Morracan Nightclubs

Baby arm circles

Exercises 4 corners 15 10 10 10  at each corner respectively  Run between corners  


Hello dollies



Fwd Lunges


Calf raises


Side Lunges


Monkey Humpers


Carolina Dry docks

Freddie Mercuries

Mountain climbers

Box cutters

Makhtar N’Diayes

Back lunges

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5 showed for Snake Pit, 5 for Bushwood. Cohiba and YHC disclaimed and we went over the Five Core Principles of F3. The PAX got them right.

Grab your bell, mosey up the street to the band practice field lot.


YHC asked the PAX to partner up with someone of similar athleticism/fitness.

Pax vs Pax BOP

DORA style except each PAX keeps his number of reps a secret. Both PAX do the exercise for one set while the other does the out + back. After both go through one set, the PAX reveal to each other how many reps were completed.

Loser between the two partners makes up the difference with an additional exercise while the winner does a less intense exercise. It causes you to push yourself because you know your partner is also gunning to win each round. #ISI.

After explaining, Peabody asked what the curve was since he had a 50lb bell (as Dirty Harry would say: “big ____ swinging!”

So YHC upped the ante and told Peabody I’d share his bell – that way he wouldn’t complain when I beat him.

Round 1 – Quadzilla Up Hill to Bypass while partner does movement with KB.


Goblet Squat/American Hammers

Skull Crushers/American Hammers

Alternating Lunges/American Hammers

Round 2 – Straightaway Sprints Three Islands Out + Back


KB Swings/Flutter with Press

Curls/Flutter with Press

Halos/Flutter with Press

Round 3 – Bear Crawl to First Island Out + Back


KB Curl/Hello Dolly w/Press

OH Press (Spicy as 3D put it)/Hello Dolly w/Press

Tricep Extension/Hello Dolly w/Press


We finished the third round and Peabody/YHC were pretty gassed from trying to beat each other. Peabody threw it down this morning.


Back to COT, time for some Mary

Partner 1 does ab workout, partner two farmer carries both bells out and back.

American Hammers, Flutter Kicks.

Cohiba and the boys from Bushwood moseyed in and we finished off with some more flutters followed by box cutters.



All in all, a good workout today. No real message beside “how much harder are we willing to work when we know someone is trying to beat you?” We put the work in together and made the other pay for not doing as well. Iron sharpens iron. One man sharpens another.


Thanks for letting YHC jump in today, 3D.

Punch List out.

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51st Hive of 2021 – Cultural Credit

15 PAX gathered in the gloom. We started with one or two less, but by 0505 we were at 15 and nobody fell out….so I’m calling it a win.


Mosey further than PAX were expecting
Some Yoga
1 Burpee

1st movement

Head to the courtyard
15 Swings
5 Single Leg Deadlift
Bear Crawl w/ Bell (stop when Q calls for the next set)
15 Swings
Bear Crawl w/ Bell
15 Swings
Bear Crawl w/ Bell

2nd movement

Head to the outside of the gym
Try to keep the bell in your hands the whole time
8 goblet squats, suitcase carry w/ the left hand for about 40 feet
7 goblet squats, carry back w/ the kettlebell in the right hand
6 goblet squats, left hand suitcase walk
5 goblet squats, right hand walk
4 goblet squats, left hand walk
3 goblet squats, right hand walk
2 goblet squats, left hand walk
1 goblet squat, finished
Time under tension about 3 minutes

3rd movement

Back to the main parking lot. Line up facing the length of the lot and the practice field
5 Lawnmower Pulls each side
5 Racked Lunges each side
5 Snatches each side
Sprint to the other side and back (about 100yds)
10 Lawnmower Pulls each side
5 Racked Lunges each side
5 More Racked Lunges each side
3 Snatches each side
7 Snatches each side
Spring to the other side and back

Brief music history lesson. See NMM

4th movement

10 minutes of work
timer set for every minute
15 swings, 10 push-ups, rest the remainder of the minute
15 swings, 9 push-ups, rest
We made our way down to 15 swings, 1 push-up



(Naked Man Moleskine)
YHC likes to incorporate some kind of message to encourage 2nd or 3rd F acceleration (in myself as much as the PAX). There wasn’t a whole lot on my heart beside focusing on work (teaching music) lately; so, I went with a short music history lesson.

A Concerto is a piece for soloist and orchestra. It comes from a Latin word meaning to contend or to strive. These showcase pieces are written for a soloist to contend with their instrument or strive to demonstrate greatness. Concertos are presented in 3 movements…fast-slow-fast (Think of “movements” like sections or large chapters in a book)

A Symphony on the other hand is a piece for an orchestra. It comes from a Latin word meaning “to sound together” or “in harmony.” Symphonies are typically presented in 4 movements (although some symphonic composers famously break that mold with 5 or 6 movement works). The movements were initially grouped fast-slow-dance (European courtly dance)-fast. Later (early 1800s) that structure became fast-slow-joke (called a Scherzo)-fast. PAX can decide for themselves if the 3rd movement of the workout was a joke or not! 🙂 Composers eventually began changing the tempo within each movement and even linking different movements together with no pause (like binge watching something on Netflix).

Here’s a Concerto to check out: Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto no. 1
(the opening piano block chords in the first movement are a GREAT moment. Turn the speakers up!!)

Here’s a Symphony to check out: Brahms Symphony no. 4
(The height of sublimely invigorating music, German seriousness, attention to detail, and connection with tradition.* Try to follow the melodies as the move and evolve. Again…listen LOUD!)

BTW: audiences traditionally no longer clap between movements as a sign of unbroken contemplation, attention and general respect for the integrity of the larger work. However, most performances pre-1900 would have had a fairly raucous amount of applause between movements. Some audiences even demanded a movement be performed again before the orchestra could go on. So if you clap between movements, just know you’re following an older tradition than the one now common in our concert halls. And feel free to bring that up during intermission when someone looks at your side-eyed for clapping between movements. #Candor

Here endeth your cultural credit for the day

*As I wrote these notes about Brahms 4, I noticed they’re also things Uhaul gripes about working for a German company. No commentary; just thought that was an interesting connection worth thinking about.

An honor to lead as always. Thanks Airborne for the opportunity

12/24 Santa Boss 5k/10k – 0600 launch from Pantheon (Tega Cay Elementary)
12/24 Convergence – 0700 at Pantheon (still Tega Cay Elementary)

Video evidence in tweet form

Prayers for:
Praise from Straight-Up for a wonderful day yesterday
Praise from Drop Thrill on Xmas performances happening again with his vocal ensemble
Peabody’s co-worker that had a seizure
Pausing to actually enjoy this season with your kids, despite all the business of things that need to happen. (Thanks for this one Slash!)

Band Camp dismissed

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Thanksgiving Convergence 2021

68 PAX in attendance for a pre-thanksgiving beatdown and some fellowship on a brisk morning Thursday 11/25/2021.


With the anticipation of fried turkey, oreos and coffee brought by @Change Order, @Smuggler and @RubySlippers, mumble-chatter abounded,  until @Hardwood took the center and called attention at 0600 hours. Disclaimer was disclaimed and the call for new FNG’s was made, no new FNG’s was the lone blemish on the otherwise fantastic morning in my humble opinion.

Run options led by @Gekko and a Moderate group led by @TripleLindy set off as the rest of the PAX moseyed towards back of Springfield Elementary. First Destination was in parking lot way back by the Middle School.

Circled up and @Hardwood called out the following exercises:

SSH- 40


Downward Dogs and Honeymooners

Low & Slow Squats

Cyclops: Stay in Squat Position and complete Moroccan Nightclubs


The Thing

Series of Webs

Starting with Merkins and Overhead Claps

1×4 for 10 rounds of excruciating shoulder pain, mumble-chatter becoming more focused on the task at hand

more SSH 🤮

Next we completed ANOTHER WEB, worse than the last,

Shoulder Taps and Moroccan Nightclubs

1×4 for 10 more rounds that was never ever going to end

Lots of requests for Burpees strangely or anything other then arm workouts!


YHC began the 2nd half of the workout with more SSH

Mosey around to front of Middle School with 3 stops for 5 Burpees OYO, at the request of the PAX

Line up at bottom of small hill in front of school and explain the workout, AMRAP LEG CIRCUIT

Teams of 4 ish men cycle through three exercises at bottom of hill individually:

2 Squats

2 Split Lunges

2 Bomb Jacks

Next Broad Jump up Hill to top and complete the following:

2 V-ups

Bear Crawl to bench

2 Step Ups

Run around and down to bottom of hill stopping at cones for 2 burpees (two stops per lap)

Meet back at bottom of hill and repeat, only this time DOUBLE ALL REPS TO 4X

Goal is to complete 5 rounds or AMRAP, almost completed but just short of time before we had to get back to COT

YHC shared a article on Gratitude, and then @Shady shared the heart of the Fort, the success of @Seamstress initiative with the help of the PAX, @Seamstress shared his excitement and appreciation for the success of the event! Great job by all T-claps!

Finally we had a shovel hand-off YHC taking the Ranch from a long line of great site Q’s which I hope to make proud.

Then we were finally able to enjoy the fried delicacies and coffee! Cheers!



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Friday Funday at the Hive!

Started with simple Warmup

Workout was a circuit of exercises and running

A round was 30 reps of an exercise, run across one lane, 20 reps, run two lanes, 10 reps, run three lanes. Repeat with next exercise.





Dead Lifts

Overhead Press


Chest Press



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