7 of Diamonds

SSH, Moroccan Nightclubs, Low Slow Squats, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, plank, downward dog, honeymooners

Had a variation of the 7 of diamonds
7 rounds, various exercises starting with 7 reps at round 1 with increasing by 7 reps up to round 4 then back down 7 reps. Round 1 is completed when you do the first exercise at all 4 corners. Repeat for remaining rounds.

Corners 1 & 3
7 Burpees, 14 Merkins, 21 Squats, 28 Flutter kicks, 21 sumo squats, 14 dips, 7 burpees
Jog from corner 1 to 2
Nur from corner 3 to 4

Corners 2&4
7 Burpees, 14 Dry docks, 21 lunges, 28 Peter Parker’s, 21 calf raises, 14 shoulder taps, 7 burpees
Karaoke from corners 2 to 3 and from 4 to 1

Wrapped up the last 5 minutes with some Mary’s led out by Twister

Check the newsletter

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What idiot called this?

PAX showed up expecting for Shady to be on Q (which explains the large numbers). They had to settle for me, but I’m just happy to be Shady’s understudy. Hope he gets back to 100% soon

SSH, IW, HW, Shoulder Taps, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Merkin

Extra weight. PAX had rucks, sandbags, and bells galore in honor of Gear MAYhem

3 groups
1 took a lap and did swings for the 6
2 groups carried weight the length of the parking lot, did 10 merkins, 15 squats, and came back.

Then we rotated. After everyone got to run we add weight

Between each set of 3 rounds:
(With no extra weight on)
5 manmakers
5 cleans (each side)
5 overhead presses (each side)

We got through 3 sets of 3 rounds

At one point during set 3, I causally and in a very neutral tone mentioned that my grip was shot. Vuvuzela pointed out that he’d never heard anybody gripe about their own Q so much. Maybe I mentioned something earlier too?

MARY: Uhaul Q-jacked for Mary a little early by my clock, but he doesn’t like manmakers.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter, lots of community impact going on!

COT: doing one thing really well is better than 5 things done halfway. Bear reminded us today that form matters. Do a good squat.

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Beaker Mayhem Beatdown

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs, Low Slow Squats, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Carolina Dry Docks, Plank to Downward Dog to Honeymooners
There were plenty of sandbags to go around.

PAX split up into groups of 3, each group with a sandbag and everyone with a KB.

Routine went as followed:
1 PAX jog/walk with the sandbag to the other end of the parking lot and back while the other 2 PAX perform workout. PAX 2 takes sandbag, goes to the other end and back while other 2 performs workout. This goes on until all 3 have carried the sandbag. Then workout switches.
After 2 workouts everyone planks up until the 6 gets in, then performs 7 manmakers as a group.

Repeat 2 more times

Workouts as followed:

Squats – Merkins – Manmakers
Beakers (A Uhaul with an added overhead press) – Rows – Manmakers
Flutter kicks – Calf Raises – Manmakers

Wrapped up with some Chest press – Freddie Mercury Jack Webs

Lots of mumble chatter about fupas and legs not working.

Great job guys! Thanks for the Q!

Beaker out!

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3rd Manion WOD with the AKA crew

WARMUP: mumblechatter

Manion WOD
29 squats with ruck (with sandbags when available)
1/4 mile ruck (shared sandbags)
7 rounds

We did an extra rounds as time allowed for extra credit

MARY: mumblechatter
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sign up for blood donations🩸
COT: prayers for families, kids and teachers during the last stretch of the school year

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Drop Thrill bday Q
16 SSH
19-7-2 =10
Cherry pickers
Moroccan nightclubs
Baby arm circles
Down dog stretch calves
Stretch arms across front and then behind head

Start walking

April 16, 1972
Leap year
16 Bobby hurlies

7 imperial walkers

2 giant pandas arrive in US. The first. Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing
2 Burpees

Apollo 16, 5th moon landing launched 1254 pm
16 squats
5 lunges
12 OH claps
54 sec Al gore

Cubs rookie pitcher hurls 4-0 no hitter against Phillies
9 Merkins

2 British soldiers killed by IRA
2 Burpees

Chinese year of Rat
Rat Crawl

Star sign Aries
First 30 degrees of the celestial longitude
30 LBCs
Also The Ram
16 Ram Kicks

Pope Benedict 16 born 1927
16 OH press
19 imperial walkers
27 hillbilly walkers

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Snakewood Sandbag Surprise

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Tappy Taps, Windmills

THE THANG: 4 Rounds
2 Turkish Get Ups
5 Burpee Snatches
Run a Lap

Head down the hill with bells.

Three Way Sandbag Surprise
Partner Farmers Carry KB’s Up and Back
Sand Bag Clean and Toss Up Hill
OH Press

The above three happened in rotating fashion.

MARY: 4 Minutes of Mary
Flutters x 15
American Hammers x 15
LBCs x 15
Protractor to the end

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party Coming… UHAUL will not be planning it.

COT: Prayers/Praises

Tootie & 2.0
Cable Guy & Family for their loss
UHAUL’s Nephew on the road to recovery
3D’s positive example smoking ribs with his 2.0

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Bushpit & Snakewood Sandbag Surprise

YHC picked up the Q last minute as a scheduling conflict arose. Always happy to help at the Snake Pit. Promised Turkish Get Ups and Burpee Snatches. Did not disappoint.

We had six in total (plus my #nutsniffer, Zoe), two from Bushwood and 4 from Snake Pit – so we formed together to be Bushpit/Snakewood. Also did not disappoint.


4 Rounds

2 Turkish Get Ups

5 Burpee Snatches

Run a Lap (.12 mile)


Head down the hill with bells.


Three Way Sandbag Surprise

Partner 1: Farmers Carry Heaviest Two KB’s Up and Back (Two Light Poles up)

Partner 2: Sand Bag Clean and Toss Up Hill

Partner 3: OH Press third KB

The above three happened in rotating fashion – when the Farmers Carrier returned they swapped movements, continuously throwing the sandbag up hill and back to COT.


4 Minutes of Mary

Flutters x 15

American Hammers x 15

LBCs x 15

Protractor to the end 


It was a glorious showing with good mumble chatter and positive conversation. You know, the usual stuff that keeps YHC coming back to F3 consistently.



Tootie & 2.0

Cable Guy & Family for their loss

UHAUL’s Nephew on the road to recovery

3D’s positive example smoking ribs with his 2.0


Appreciate YHC being allowed to lead again, 3D.


Punch List out.

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Light pole Tour of Pain

WARMUP: maybe one SSH
Ran around the outside of CRHS campus. Every light pole directly on your path stop and do exercises with KB. First 10 poles do 5 reps of first set. Next 10, 10 reps of 2nd. Next 10, 15 of 3rd set.



Tricep extensions
Calf raises

By the time we go to the front of the school and started the 3rd set BC ran back and pushed the 6 up to all finish for COT.


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4 Corners of The Ballroom

Welcome to Bonus Ass Kicking April

We had 19 at the Ballroom for a glorious 4 corners of pain!

Every morning we post, we go to one of the ‘corners’ of our region but in the end we are all one of The Fort PAX.

It was great to see so many PAX on this chilly March  morning. Special shout out to Beaker for posting for the second time in 2 days! Great job and keep posting, also great work 3D supporting him

The Thang:

We started off with a warm up:

15 SSH

15 Wind Mills

15 Imperial Walkers

Break out to groups at each corner.

Round 1 – mode of transportation- karaoke

Corner 1: 10 wide arm merkins, 20 mtn     climbers single count,

Corner 2: 10 big boys, 20 dying cockroaches do

Corner 3: 10 burpees, 20 grave diggers, single Ct

Corner 4 : 10 plank jacks , 20 Peter Parker’s

After all 4 corners were done we gathered at top of hill leading to bridge until the 6 was is in. Morrocacan Night clubs were done while we waited. We then moseyed down to the bridge and back as a recovery from the  4 corners.

Then it was onto Round 2!

Round 2 –  mode of transportation- nerr

C1:  15 jump squats, 15 low slow squats

C2:  15 box cutters, 15 American Hammers

C3: 15 monkey humpers, 15 Cherry Pickers

C4: 10 hand release Merkins, 20 SSH

After all 4 corners were done we gathered at top of hill leading to bridge until the 6 was is in. Morrocacan Night clubs were done while we waited. We then moseyed down to the bridge and back as a recovery from the  4 corners.

We completed a second set of rounds 1 and 2 substituting Moroccan Night clubs for flutters.

After the second set was completed, we did a

Batman Death March around the school with the 6 doing SSH

That brought us back to COT

Great work by all today

-Yard Sale

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I’m Back and Better Than Ever… Well, I’m Back at Least…

Following my 2 year hiatus I have returned and apparently been showing up enough to be voluntold that my fans have been waiting for my return to the Q… That or they had an opening and needed it filled, I chose to believe the former…

We started with a brief warm-up with some SSH, windmill, imperial walkers and hillbilly walkers and then began with the inflation impacted “Suns Out, Guns Out” buy in… 30 curls and 30 triceps extensions.  Following that  we turned on my little app with our very friendly coach and and began a little HIIT set to Foo Fighters in honor of their lost drummer.  Each exercise consisted of 4 sets of 30 seconds on and 10 second rest.  Every 3 exercises were separated by a more cardio based movement done in 2 sets of 50 seconds on and 10 seconds off

-Dead Lift

-Goblet Squat


-SSH (50 sec x 2)

-Pull Through



-Mountain Climbers (50 sec x 2)


-Calf Raises


-Swings (50 sec x 2)

Following these sets we returned to COT to buy out at 30 reps of curls and triceps extensions.

We had the honor of welcoming a new PAX member this morning.  Welcome Beaker.  It was great to meet you and hope to see you in the gloom soon

The we formed into COT with announcements and prayer requests

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