Beautiful Morning Beatdown

Rolling in late, had stepped up to start the beat down while I got out of the car. I gave a quick disclaimer and continued with a warm up of IW, SSH, LSS, runner’s stretch, merkins, MC.

Mosey around the campus. Every few hundred yards, circle up to hold a plank for the 6, then five merkins. Then continue. After about 5 minutes of moseying and merkins, an unnamed PAX asked whether there was a weinke for this workout to which I ~threatened~ answered, be careful what you wish for. We moseyed some more and after the second lap, we went to the railings at the back of the theater for supine rows x15 oyo. Mosey to more railings and more supine rows for a total of three sets & mosey back to COT to unload some kettlebells from my car

Partner up and each pair grab one of four kettlebells: 20LBs, 25LB, 35LB, 50LBs. With partner & bell slow mosey to the ~bottom of the hill~ adjacent parking lot. The bells are arranged from lightest to heaviest. Partner one does exercise with the kettlebell and partner two runs to the opposite side of lot, does and exercise and return, and switch. After each set, all pairs rotate up to the next bell, except the PAX who were on the 50LB, they get some relief by going to the start. We did this until all PAX got in reps with all the bells before starting a new round of exercises which were:
P1: KB swings, P2: 3 burpees
P1: one arm row, P2: 3 merkins
P1: thrusters, P2: 3 lunges 2is1
P1: Romanian DL, P2: 3 flutter 2is1

Riffle carry the bells back to COT, swapping with your partner or another PAX as needed.

It’s always an honor to lead in the Fort and always fun to challenge myself as I hope I challenged the PAX. Good work to everyone and let’s hope I didn’t scare away the FNG

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WARMUP: mosey to pike front entrance- 50 SSH, 25 IW, 25 Moroccans, 10 cherry Pickers. Some shuffling to work out the aches.
Mosey to walls at pike
-10 step ups single counts
-10 body ups
-10 Derkins
-mosey to stage
-Merkins, Big Boys, Squats, Dips, lunges, Carolina Dry Docks,
-Partner runs 1/4 mile while other partner works.
-Mosey to hill at WEP for 11’s. Big Boys at bottom and Burpee’s at top.
MARY: none
COT: everyone was intentional here and had a prayer or praise.

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B.O.T wants a HIVE Hat

WARMUP: SSH, CP, IW, we ran to the far side of the parking lot with kettlebells and Olaf lead us in some stretches
21-15-9 WOD
21 left arm clean snatches
21 jump over burpees
21 right arm clean snatches
21jump over burpees
15 left arm clean snatches
15 jump over burpees
15 right arm clean snatches
15 jump over burpees
9 left arm clean snatches
9 jump over burpees
9 right arm clean snatches
9 jump over burpees

Ran to the end of the parking lot with bells did some squats and lunges. Ran back to COT
COT: Closed in prayer

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An un”fort”unate series of events


Imp walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Michael Phelps
Plank- yoga stretches
Carolina dry docks

Sandbag carry to big hill, down trail. Hill is off on left side. Mode of transport was lunges and bear crawls alternating, everyone got to do all three..

Reverse bear crawl up hill


burpees at top of hill
Sandbag toss at bottom

A few finished and most got to 9 tosses, Walker was king

Sandbag carry back and to amphitheater

Ab lab

Lazy Dora

Partner planks with sandbag on back for 60sec, after a minute I changed it to 30 seconds and then we ended up back at a minute- would do it differently next time but it was still fun
Other person or two depending on group size do the following exercises for 2 sets each…

American hammers
Big boys

Rd 2 wall planks while holding coupons,

Calf raises
Monkey humpers

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Derby Days

Minor warm up
Jump Around House of Pain w burpees every time Jump is mumbled.
Horse Track with Pain Stations
1. Merkens, Dry Docks, Derkens
2. Squats, Bobby Hurleys, lunges
3. LBCs, flutters, hammers
4. Burpees
5. Dips, SSH, flutters
6. Jump squats, diamond merkens, plank

Got in 4 loops at least 2 miles.

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Traveling Suitcase

WARMUP: yes, we did some

THE THANG: travel the big parking lot suitcase carry stoping at the corners

Swings 10 sets of 10
Split Squats 3 sets of 12
Goblet Squats 3 sets of 12
Hand switch snatches 12
Lateral Lunge w/ Row 8

MARY: yea, core work is helpful

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I like big bells and I cannot lie

WARMUP: quick warmup
Mosey to other parking lot

3 laps- 10 or 20 reps depending on if it’s single or double-handed

First lap-Overhead carry

1st corner- Cleans
2nd – Skull crushers
3rd- Squat thrusters
4th- Halos (both directions)

2nd lap-MOT- Farmer carry

1st- Bent over rows
2nd- Curls
3rd – Tricep extensions
4th- Swings

3rd lap- MOT- Bear Crawl Drags

1st – pull throughs
2nd -Flutter press
3rd -Overhead press
4th- ran out of time

MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel, lots of Saturday events

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Golf training & conditioning

WARMUP: mosey, static stretching, cherry pickers, SSH, merkins, plank
THE THANG: Dora partner board of pain
100 each:
Man makers, OH Press, Merkins, Big Boy SU, KB Swings
MARY: n/a
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q vs Q Finals/ Rock vs Fort, 2nd annual HIM Camp, Jaeger CSAUP

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Groin Stretch

WARMUP: mosey to bank parking lot for SSH, WindMill, Peach Pickers, Imperial Walkers, groin stretch in cadence.
THE THANG: Mosey to 1st Baptist for Dora
– 100 Merkens mode of transportation bear crawl.
– 150 Big Boys mode of transportation bear crawl
Mosey to Monroe St Hills for Pendulum
– 10 burpees at top
– 20 LBCs at bottom
– 10 squats at top.
– Times and repeat
MARY: box cutters till 6
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel, canolli run, Rock Hill Anniversary, HIM Camp.
COT: what happens in COT stays in COT

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Wet at WEP

Wet morning, light rain, but it did not stop eight studs from coming out to the park and putting some work in. Warm ups in the parking lot. Next we traveled around the park stopping at each swing for 10 reps of merkins, squats, and LBCs.
We traveled up to the top parking lot, avoiding the divots and puddles. Shoulder shuffle on the sidewalk between the parking islands with 2 CCDs at every parking stripe. We ran it backwards to keep both shoulders in line.
Next, a lap around the park to the shovel flag. We used two sandbags alternating carrying them with the others performed an exercise.
Great job men.

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