Tom Hall WOD

Thomas Lee Hall was the son of Fort Mill Mayor, William Lee Hall. He gave his life in WW1. Here’s the Citation from his Congressional Medal of Honor:

Having overcome two machine-gun nests under his skillful leadership, Sgt. Hall’s platoon was stopped 800 yards from its final objective by machine-gun fire of particular intensity. Ordering his men to take cover in a sunken road, he advanced alone on the enemy machine-gun post and killed five members of the crew with his bayonet and thereby made possible the further advance of the line. While attacking another machine-gun nest later in the day this gallant soldier was mortally wounded.

The main part of HWY 160 through Fort Mill was renamed from “[John Wilkes] Booth Street” to “Tom Hall Street.” His heroic deeds helped our town move on from its secessionist past.

118 Swings w/ cinder block
30 Squats w/ Block overhead
30 Merkins
(Sgt Hall was in COMPANY G of the Army’s 118TH INFANTRY, 30TH DIVISION)

Laps in front of sugar creek
One lap – just mosey (Sgt. Hall survived the first attack on the German position)
One lap – bear crawl/lunge walk/block carry (Sgt. Hall’s second attack was the one that took his life)

After each of the two laps, we sprinted the hill alone to honor Sgt Hall ordering his men to stay behind and advancing solo to take the German machine gun positions. At the pull-up bars: 5 pull-ups, 5 knees to chest, 5 L leg raises. 5 manmakers back down at the bottom of the hill for the 5 Germans he killed at bayonet point.

Rinse and repeat. We sprinted the hill 3 times.


Welcome FNGs Easy A & Portal

TClap |

Slippery When Wet

WARMUP: mosey to School Gym e trance
SSHs, Squats, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, windmills,
Mosey to main entrance of school
15 Dips, 10 Derkins, 10 step ups each leg
Mosey to front of school
10merkins, 10hillbilly walkers
Mosey to back of school
10merkins, 10imperial walkers
Mosey to back entrance of school
10merkins, 10hillbilly walkers
Mosey to Gym entrance
10merkins, 10Imperialwalkers
Mosey to main entrance
Perform 9 exercises while 1 pax acts as timer going around the iseloles triangle
Step ups
Shoulder Taps (plank)
Calf raises

3 rounds of each
Timer PAX did 1 mosey, 1 bear crawl, 1 backwards run
LBCS, Dying Cockroaches, Diamond Merkins, Freddy Mercury’s
Christmas party 12/16 at Airbornes
Happy Hour 5k for St Jude’s

YHC talked about topic on slack around disappointment and how it’s part of everyday because of the brokenness we live in. If we lived in Sky Qs intended paradise disappointment would not exist but because of The Fall, we live in disappointment. Question and challenge for each of us is how will we lead through it and rise above it and shine light into that disappointment. Be a leader and don’t swim in the missed opportunities but rejoice in moving forward.
Thank you Kaiser for the Q stick! Humbled and Grateful

TClap |

300 – The Spartan WOD

– 10x burpee + 20x MC (1:1) + short run
– 10x burpee + 20x Big Boys + short run
– 10x burpee + 20x Peter P. (1:1) + short run
– 10x burpee + 20x A. Hammer (1:1) + short run
– 10x burpee + 20x dips + short run
–> long run and rinse and repeat
– sandbag carry with some man-makers and squats
– read your newsletter
– was done throughout the workout with great mumblechatter

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“The Loredo”

WARMUP: 1 Lap Mosey with high knee, but kickers, and toy soldiers, 24 SSH, 10 Hillbilly Walkers, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Moroccan Nightclubs
#1 “The Loredo” (6 rounds)
24 EA – Squats
24 EA – Merkins
24 EA – Walking Lunges
#2 we moseyed to the bars
(6 rounds)
5 EA – Pullups
10 EA – Merkins
15 EA – Squats
20 EA – LBC’s
Once the 6 was done we did a lap around the parking lot
MARY: Gas Pumpers (not fun!) Flutters, American Hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your news letter
COT: Prayers for patience, health, and Punch Lists wife during her pregnancy.

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Honoring our Vet’s

– 22x SSH / 11x Windmill / 22x IW
– mosey complete round around WEP
– 11x exercises with 11x reps each
– after completing above mosey a round around WEP
– rinse and repeat
– had some time left for Jack Webb and Sally with squats
– read your newsletter
– was held

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The Sergeant Major


Mosey to the track

So in honor of Veterans Day I created a custom WOD in honor of my father Sgt Major Horace Pysher.

The reps are indicative of the units he’s served in throughout his career.

The Sergeant Major:

28 Burpees
1 mile run
28 Burpees
56 Big Boy Sit-ups
1 mile run
28 Burpees
56 Big Boy Sit-ups
112 HR Merkins
1 mile run
28 Burpees

All told it’s 3 miles + 112 burpees Sit-ups and Merkins.

(As we got to the end I offered a 200yrd bear crawl as a substitute to the 112 HR Merkins. )

Great push by all …Harry Carry was the #king of the day! 👊

Thanks to all who showed this morning and to all veterans for your service!

TClap |

Halloween Hootenanny

• Side Straddle Hops – 20
• Windmills- 10
• Imp Walkers – 10
• Merkins – 10 double
• Mtn Climbers – 10 double

Indian Run through parking lot to the Covered breezeway: person in rear sprints up front:
• 5 clap jump burpees (Belchers?)
• Squat in a row, Each person does 2 burpees all the way down the line.
• 20 Step-ups OYO
• Dying Cockroaches – 10 double
• LBCs – 10 double
Mosey to the wall:
• Balls to the wall with counts
• Wall Sits – Arms out– Hold for 10 count
• Recite the F3 Mission
• Recite the F3 Credo
Mosey to Cafeteria tables:
Partner work with one person running to the 3rd lamp post while the other did the following. Then switch.
• Dips
• Derkins
• taint crushers (butt touch squats)
• incline merkins
• Carolina Dry dock till the 6 came in
Mosey to pull-up bars:
One partner runs the bottom of the parking lot hill and does 3 burpees while their partner does pull-ups AMRAP. Switch off 2X.
Mosey to the bottom parking lot:
• One partner runs the length of the parking lot and back while the other does merkins, LBCs, American hammers AMRAP. Switch off for each exercise.
• Flutters till the 6 came in.
• Overhead claps- 2 count 30X
Mosey back to the flag

• Low slow squats
• Peter Parkers
• J-Los
• Indian Run around the parking lot

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of 2nd F happenings. Read your news letter.

COT: Prayers for mental heath, People in need around the world, Family, and the kids that are trick or treating tonight.

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WARMUP: Only if you showed up early.
THE THANG: The MURPH (in honor of Lt. Michael P. Murphy)
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile
MARY: Yes – Led by those that finished with time to spare.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Shieldlock challenge and various other happenings found in your weekly newsletter.
COT: It happened and was important for the 16 of us in that B.O.M.

TClap |

Jack Webs from Hell

SSH x 20
Merkins x 10
Peter Parker x 10
All IC

Part 1
Using the field in 10 yard increments
Starting at the end zone run to the 10 yard line do 1 burpee and at the push-up position do 4 merkins. Run back to the end zone.
Run to 20 yard line, 2 burpees with 4 merkins each time you go down (8 total merkins). Run back to end zone.
30 yd, 3 burpee 12 merkins. Run back.
Continue until the other end zone is reached which would be 10 burpees and 40 merkins.

Part 2
Similar to above,
Instead, nur to 10yd and do 4 squats. Run bank to end zone
Nur to 20yd line, 8 squats, run back to start.
Continue until finished.

11’s – Mountain climbers to dying cockroach.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: check the newsletter. 10 year started today. Post as often as you can.

TClap |

Old School Fort Workout

WARMUP: Drill bit warmup: Mosey around the park’s path, stopping every 1/10 of a mile to do 10 merkins, 15 squats and 20 ab exercises.  Hit 5 drill bits before moseying to back parking lot of Springs Global.
THE THANG: In parking lot: 10 merkins, lunge walk to opposite curb then 25 calf raises.  Rinse and repeat two more times.  Mosey to courtyard in front of Pike building.  5 derkins, 10 step ups, 15 calf raises in rip stick squat position.  Mosey to grassy hill across from veterans park.  NUR to the flat part of hill then do 10 merkins, run to the top of the hill and do 10 more merkins before running down the hill.  Rinse and repeat.  Mosey back to parking lot at Pike.  10 muscle ups followed by 1 minute of wall sits.  Mosey back to COT for Jack Webs and Hip exercises.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: all ao’s closed on Monday.  Meet at NAFO at 6:00 for 9/11 workout.

TClap |