#F3MentalBattle at The Coop

It was a powerful day across F3 Nation as men from all over gathered at their AOs to workout and to raise awareness for Mental Health, specifically Depression and Suicide. It’s a thing that we as men tend to shy away from discussing, and our brothers Aerobie and Miyagi out of F3Louisville put out the call to post and to start eroding the stigma of mental health challenges among men (including our Pax).

So, we warmed up, I shared a bunch of statistics, and we went to work.

A modified Dirty MacDeuce was on the menu that morning.
3 exercises, 22 reps each (for the 22 Vets that commit suicide every day), then run a lap around the track. We did arms, legs, core each round; and we attempted to get in as many rounds as we could in the time we had.

I don’t remember all the exercises that we did, there were Merkins, and Squats, and Flutters, and Dry Docks, and lunges, and Makthar N’Diayes, and a bunch of other stuff. The point, though, wasn’t the workout. I’ll tell a couple of things I did remember…

  • Suicide is the 7th leading cause of death among men in the US
  • Every man in the circle raised his hand when asked if they or someone they know had experienced some sort of mental health issue
  • One of the main contributing factors to mental health issues is a feeling of isolation

You are not alone. You are NEVER alone. Reach out. Don’t suffer in silence.

Helmet, out.

TClap |

Where are you cheating?

16 HIMs descended upon the Coop this AM for the DRP and a downpainment for the day. YHC volunteered to Q a few months ago when Punch List took over as  Site Q. IMHO the Site Q sets the tone and culture for the AO and is the most important building block of leadership in the 1st F. Punch List has continued the momentum from the past Q and has added his style. Honestly, I wanted to be a part of that momentum.

The topic was Choosing to Cheat written by Andy Stanley. This book has served as the Q point for previous workouts led by YHC and resonates with me after the most recent Q Source on M and the Jester. Despite all of my attempts to create relational rhythm across my #Concentrica, I simply can’t keep all of the plates spinning at once. When I choose to spin the M plate, my Mammon slows. When I choose to spin the Mammon plate, I notice my M plate, 2.0 plate and #shieldlock plate slow down. In every instance, I am choosing to cheat when I spin one plate vs. another plate. Something or someone is being cheated.

YHC asked the Pax this AM to choose not to cheat on the workout and away we went…

Mosey down the hill

SSHs x 30 (30 is the minimum)

Its x 15

Windmills x 10

CDDs x 15

10 Burpees

Mosey to next spot

10 Burpees

Peoples Chair x 3 ten counts

Squats x 20

Monkey Hummers x 10

10 Burpees

Mosey to pull up bars

10 Burpees

Group 1 – 10 pull ups

Group 2 -LBCs while we wait

Flapjack and then do it again

10 Burpees (We are up to 50)

Mosey behind the school

10 Burpees

Step Ups x 10

Dips x 10

Rinse and repeat

10 Burpees

Mosey to breezeway

10 Burpees

Big Boy situps x 15

Flutters x 15

Rinse and Repeat

10 Burpees

Mosey to parking lot

10 Burpees

Mosey to COT

IWs x 8

3 Burpees

Windmills x 8

2 Burpees

Total of 105 Burpees



  • Prayers and praise to Chicken Hawk and the impact of F3 at the Children’s Attention Home
  • Praise for Repeats Mom for her recent scan improvement with pancreatic cancer
  • Reminder about the Operation Sweet Tooth 8k on 3/30
  • Prayers for Esso who injured his back during the workout
  • Read the newletter

Thanks to Punch List for the opportunity.

Pusher out…

TClap |

The Coop 11:2019

15 PAX (The Coop consistently draws some solid numbers) gathered in one of (possibly…) our last coldish gloom in The Fort. A quick disclaimer and we were off. We got in 40 burpees to help alleviate the penalty burpees Wegmans accumulated for sleeping through a Q at Fire Ant on Tuesday. (We got mathematically to 600, but probably only 550 counting modifications.)


SSH x30
Mtn Climbers x30
TWSS induced bomb jacks
5 Burpees
IW x20
HW x20

Move to line
25%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 75%, 85%, 90%, 95%, full sprint, bear crawl, full sprint, Burpees

Message about acceleration


Mosey to pull up bars

Groups of 3
Derkin on hill
People’s chair with calf raise
Pull up


Started in the down position and called up/down. Roughly 5 reps each. Switch stations, rinse and repeat

Round 2
Derkin in Hill
People’s chair w/calf raises
Toes to bar

Mosey to elementary lot. Burpees

Curb up for 10 Mike Tyson’s and bear crawl to the other side. Rinse and Repeat.

Lunges Around the World x5 Burpees

Message on self-denial during Lent. Discussion of what we’re giving up. YHC – alcohol, Dirty Harry – alcohol, Esso – TV


Head to COT

Pigeon Lunge
Seated Forward Bend (held for awhile)


In this Lenten season, I find myself contemplating the Christian discipline of self denial that relates to accelerating man and issues that hinder acceleration (The Jester). A fast helps focus the mind to a higher purpose. During Lent, when I’d normally reach for a beer or some bourbon, I am forced to focus on why I chose to give that up for 40 days. I am reminded of what Jesus gave up for my salvation. I try to remain grateful for to opportunity to sacrifice something and be connected closer to his sacrifice. As a bonus, I can also analyze the times I just habitually reach for a beer instead of actually waiting until I want a beer.

My challenge as a Q is to build 2nd and 3rd F elements into the 1st F workout. For this Q, I  accelerated (and occasionally decelerated) most cadence counts to help emphasize the additional physical gain from moving faster or slower. And hopefully these tempo changes focused the PAX on accelerating in all 3Fs during Lent, much like Cake Boss’s 40 day challenge.

Thanks to Punch List for the opportunity to lead.

-Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Footloose: Fancy Free and Moderate

23 PAX gathered in the foggy gloom (24 at COT with Polaroid joining in after he hit his miles)

Started out with a VERY clear and complete disclaimer. See the full version at: Disclaimer

Mosey towards the Church of God parking lot. Sugar Bug fell about 30 yards in…..good thing the disclaimer was so thorough. Also good thing he popped right up and continued on. Went serpentine on the COG stairs to get the PAX all back in one place after the mosey spread us out.

Warm up:
SSH x10
Merkin x10
Held Plank
forced Bomb Jacks (TWSS – Kielbasa)
Mountain Climber (slow count) x10
Held Plank
more forced Bomb Jacks (TWSS – Kielbasa)
SSH x10
IW x10
HW x10
Spiderman Merkins x10
Hip Flexer stretch (Lizard Pose)
Al Gore
Al Gore + Moroccan Night Club x10
Hooneymooner–>Downdog combination

Partner up: Dora
100 merkins
200 squats
300 flutters

Mosey to giant wall
Wall Sit while PAX performed 5 burpees down the line

Message synopsis:
What is Moderate? What do you moderate?

Mosey back to FBC
Line up on a parking lot island:
Mike Tyson x10 –> bear crawl across to adjacent island
Rinse and Repeat

Lined up for called Lunges and Squats
Right Leg Lunge x5
Left Leg Lunge x5
Squats x5
Hold Squat w/ calf raise x5
Finished with Pigeon Lunge


It’s an honor to lead. Lots of respectable PAX out there today. These men working on getting better in their 50s and beyond are an inspiration. They push YHC to want to be better.

Welcome FNG: Hardwood
Convergence: Baxter Harris Teeter 3/8
Joe Davis Run 3/9
Operation Sweet Tooth 3/30

Band Camp Dismissed

TClap |