Shield Beatdown

WARMUP: Our warmup was SSH, Slow Windmills, Imperial Walkers and Hillbilly Walkers followed by a short mosey.
THE THANG: There was a choice of exercises for each number. You could do one or a combo of both to reach the number.
125 SSH and Merkins
Run to Teeters and back

100 SQUATS and Mountain climbers
Run to Teeters and back

75 Bombjacks and Big Boy Situps
Run to Teeters and back

Run to Teeters and back

25 Shoulder Taps and LBC’s
Run to Teeters and back

Rinse and Repeat
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10 year Anniversary CSAUP
COT: Pray and Praises

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Yep…that is a lot of merkins


THE THANG: In preparation for IronPax 2022, we completed an IPC throwback WO from week 3 of 2020.

– Run 400m (which is conveniently 1 loop around the Harris Teater parking lot)
– 100 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 90 Squats
– Run 400m
– 80 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 70 Squats
– Run 400m
– 60 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 50 Squats
– Run 400m
– 40 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 30 Squats
– Run 400m
– 20 Merkins
– Run 400m
– 10 Squats
– Run 800m

Total work is 3 miles of running, 300 merkins and 250 squats

MARY: Nope

ANNOUNCEMENTS: A terribly off key version of happy birthday was sung for Long Duck (60) and White Hot (41), followed by 8 minutes of discussion around items that are in the newsletter.

COT: If you were there, you know.

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Buffet of Fun

WARMUP: Light jog around the lot and then circle up for some standard warm-ups: SSHs, wind-mills, Willie Mays Hayes (too confusing for some), Hillbilly Walkers, Merkins, & Mountain Climbers.
THE THANG: Mosey to apartment circle for Core 100: 25 hand release merkins, 25 big boys, 25 jump squats, 25 dips.
Mosey to back hill and break into 3 groups. G1 runs to fire station, does 10 bombjacks, then returns to fountain. G2 bear crawls around fountain. G3 runs to other neighborhood, does 5 burpees, then returns to fountain. 2 complete cycles through all 3 stations.
Mosey back to original circle for another Core 100: 25 Merkins, 25 LBCs, 25 Squats, 25 SSHs.
Mosey to side of Teeter appreciating the summer smells of the dumpsters behind GC. On side of building, PAX get into BTW, 2 PAX run to other building, do 5 bombjacks, return to BTW with next 2 going. After everyone completes, PAX get into people’s chair, 2 PAX bear crawl to other side for 5 merkins, then return with next 2 going. Time’s about up so back to cars for 20 American hammers. Recover.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter. Lots of upcoming events (invergence, convergence, CSAUP, anniversary events, volunteer events, etc).
COT: Lots of prayers for 2.0s health issues.
Thanks for the opportunity!

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Fresh Air

WARMUP: Intro and began mosey towards Dunkin Doughnuts. We completed 12 Moroccan knightclub, 12 windmills, 12 produce pickers and got into plank. Down dog and up dog stretching. The mosey to the field in front of the prep academy.
THE THANG: Part 1: Entered the field and saw 3 large tires but that was not going to be part of our fun. Asked Slap Shot to introduce what a Jack Webb was going to be and we completed 10 merchants and 40 overhead claps together as a group. Then Walked over to the parking lot at the prep academy.
Part two: It was DORA time. Broke into groups of 2 and completed 100 sumo squats, 200 American hammers and 300 calf raises. One man completed the exercise while the other ran the entire lot around all 4 islands. After we were done, it was mosey time to HT for wall work.
Part Three: We completed a set of balls to the wall. Everyone got up on the wall and 1 by 1 we ran 10 ft completed one burpee and ran back 10 ft. Then, we got into a wall sit. Then 1 by 1 we ran 10 ft completed 3 purpose and ran back 10ft. After we were done, had I started my message.
Message: I talked about the importance of making sure we always speak to our children and especially before they go on a mission trip. I missed an opportunity but was able to follow up with my son after I after I realized I missed that opportunity.. The main point is that our children are always listening we just need to talk.
MARY: Everyone picked an AB exercise.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dad bootcamps Saturdays this Month
COT: Prayers for safety for grassy knolls M and 2.0, change order for patience with his family this week, and pottholes friend who is recovering from long term covid

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Break Time at Golden Corral

We started the beautiful morning with a nice mosey around the dumpsters.  Thankfully, the one in the back had the aroma we were looking for.  Oh, the memories.

Circle Up:

10 Merkins, 20 Windmills,  15 CDD, 12 Cherry Perkins, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Parker Peters and 10 Peter Parkers.

Mosey to the front for some circle of Abs.

Low and behold her come the Ruckers and they needed some men to help them carry their coupons.  We joined them and did some Ruck Pushups, Coupon carries with shoulder press and squats and some Burpees.  We then carried the coupons to Napa where we parted ways.

We had an AMLAPs with 10 burpees, 20 CDD, 30 Squats, 40 LBC/Hello Dolly, 30 lunges, 20 Merkins and 10 Bomb Jacks then a lap.

Once finished we mosey to COT and ended with some boats and canoes, Cha Cha Planks, Windshield Wipers and X-O’s.

Good time was had by all.

Keep the Change Orders in your prayers.

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Danger Zone, B.O.M.B.S, ABC’s

10 – Side Straddle Hops
10 – Windmill
10 – Moroccan Night Club
10 – Cherry Pickers
10 – Merkins

While moseying to The Circle Fountain…

Danger Zone
PAX runs while Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins plays in the background. Every time the words “Danger Zone” are heard PAX does single squat then resumes running. End result is 3 and a half minutes of run with sporadic squats.

Similar to Dora 1-2-3 but more exercises. Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs to the other end of the end of the sidewalk and back. Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete. The exercises and reps are: 50- Burpees / 100- Overhead Claps / 150- Merkins / 200- Big Boy Sit-ups / 250- Squats.

Short message about pushing through the trials in your life. It’s only making you stronger to get through those tough times.

“Your life will be enlarged in proportion to the amount of iron you have endured, for it is in the shadows of your life that you will find the actual fulfillment of your dreams of glory. So do not complain about the shadows of darkness —in reality, they are better than your dreams could ever be. Do not say that the darkness of the prison has shackled you, for your shackles are wings —wings of flight into the heart and soul of humanity. And the gate of your prison is the gate into the heart of the universe. God has enlarged you through the suffering of sorrow’s chain.”

Mosey back to Parking lot

3 minute EMOM
10 Burpees
20 Merkins
30 Squats

Alphabet (or ABCs)
On your 6 – feet elevated like 6-inch hold – spell out the alphabet with your feet. All capital letters preferred.
Royale last Q at The Abyss – 5/18/22
DaVinci Art Raffle
New AO – The Yard starts tomorrow, Grassy Knoll on Q
Anxiety and Prayers for Families

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New perspectives

The theme for today was looking at things from a different perspective. That perspective was upside down nose to nose with a brick wall.


Disclaimer asking PAX to modify as needed – you know your limits, but also don’t be a wuss.


Warmup on side of HT:

20 Goofballs – increasing the pace to ludicrous speed by rep 20

10 merkins

10 moroccan night clubs

10 Carolina Dry docks

lean up against the wall and stretch the lats. I find that when doing shoulder work, warming up the shoulders and stretching the lats really helps me. Your mileage may vary


Part 1 – The wall

balls to the wall

10 count from PAX

shoulder taps – 5 each side

another 10 count

get off the wall


20 merkins

10 wall walks with a merkin

People’s chair

while holding people’s chair, leapfrog x2

Duck walks round 1 to really get after the quads

Crab walks round 2


Balls to the wall

10 Hand stand pushups – preferably without smashing your face on the sidewalk

optionally Carolina dry docks – know your limits here


Mozey to the other side of the parking lot near the Indian restaurant


Part 2 – The Pain

AMRAP (15 minutes)

5 burpees every minute on the minute

20 Squats

20 Lunges (10 each leg)

10 Diamond merkins

Bear crawl to other side and repeat


Part 3 – The calm before the storm

10ish minute AMRAP

20 Mountain climbers

20 LBCs

20 Flutters

10 Box cutters

skip to the other side


Part 4 – The Finisher

3 minute AMRAP – This is a sprint

10 jump squats

10 jump lunges (5 each leg)

10 wide arm merkins

sprint to other side


“That was sufficiently terrible” – Change Order

This took us straight into COT, where we discussed being better husbands.

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The Peacemaker


Very quick demo of what was coming. 12 exercises pulled from the intro dance to Peacemaker.
The board:

Oh, and everyone grab a 4.5lb paver for each hand. They’re brand new so the gloves are to keep your skin from being sliced open.


HIIT workouts with all 12 exercises. Everyone, just use the beat!
1. Squat lat pull w/alt leg raise
2. Dumbell scarecrow
3. Lat pulls w/alt high knees
4. Al Gore tricep extensions. Arms out, elbows turned UP
5. Apollo Ono with shrug/lat pull/whatever felt right
6. Overhead press (with optional pelvic thrust)
7. Lunges with full arm motion
8. Side arm lat raises
9. Hillbilly walker
10. Scarecrow again
11. Slow, full arm circles with one arm, holding the other out. Guitar hero style
12. overhead press to tricep extesion and back

We did the above for:
1. 90 seconds on, 20 seconds rest
2. Take a break with a long lap around the parking lot
3. 30 seconds on, 12 seconds rest
4. Two of each, straight down the line, try not to mess up or burpees
5. Everyone did fine, so 10 burpees as a reward
6. Two each one more time, because the ruckers needed to know what they were missing

Spotify playlist:

Video of our last two minutes is here (as caught by the TeslaCam):

Funhouse talking about what AKA is all about
Tinsel talks about the Manion WOD at Chupacabra on 4/29
YHC letting everyone know that we can soon start posting BBs in Slack, and to update your names or you won’t get tagged


Talked about F3 being open to all men. While YHC is reasonably certain that most of the men there was some flavor of christian, I asked men to bow their heads for a moment of murmuring silence. When complete I also said I don’t want to ignore things that are difficult in each others lives. grab the man next to you if you need to talk about something. This is CoT, and we trust.


I’d been thinking about this workout for weeks, basically the first time I saw the intro credits for Peacemaker, I knew I had to bring this to an AO near me. And it just so happened that I had the Swamp on AKA, so I watched that credit sequence over and over until I had a solid, awful, dumb, stupid workout ready to share with whatever AKA groupies were brave enough to drive out to Rivergate.
I knew it was going to make guys feel dumb, stupid, perhaps even embarrassed, but the smiles went on for miles, and the shoulders have been successfully melted. Mublechatter was epic, everyone had a great time, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have brought a fun, shoulder smoking Friday morning to The Fort. Thanks for putting me on the calendar, Slapshot!
Peacemaker intro:

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