It Was Mostly Moderate

Slow MIle Run to Molokai Drive and back. Circle up in the fire dept parking lot for COP

COP: SSH x 20, windmill x 10, merkin x 10, jump squat x 20, Carolina dry dock x 10, cherry picker x 15, Morrocan night club x 40. Al Gore hold x 60s, Rosalita x 15, Freddie Merc x 20
Walk to the tall pull up bar: Burpee pull up x 5. Everyone gets a turn. While the Pax waited, we did Al Gore, plank hold, and LBC’s
Mosey to the ledge behind the baseball diamond for 11’s. Derkins and dips
Mosey to the playground and break into 3 groups. 2 rounds of pullups (10), ab exercises, and step ups
Mosey to the bottom of Tara Tea for mini quadzilla. Nur up the hill, 5 squats at the top, run down, 5 squats at the bottom, Repeat 2 more times.
Mosey to the soggy field for Airbornes Killer Abductor routine (crowd pleaser)
Ran out of time for Mary today
Dam to Damn bar 10K today!
Prayer for Change Order’s M’s work travel and for Uber’s co-workers affected by a layoff
The warm temps brought out the Pax today and the mumble chatter was in abundance. We covered a good bit of the AO , including the field which was a bit soggy. The whining about getting wet in the field was also in abundance – c’mon men! Back in the day, no one would have thought twice about laying down in a wet field…….It was a pleasure to lead the group today and always the best way to start off your Saturday mornings. Thanks for the Q spot, @Uber!

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Setting the Standard at the Ranch

Setting the standard is up to you. Identifying Exemplars who serve as the highest standard and focusing on their behaviors makes you better.

We did Death by with burpees, merkins, jump squats and big boys. It was awesome!

TClap |

Setting the Standard at the Ranch

Setting the standard is up to you. Identifying Exemplars who serve as the highest standard and focusing on their behaviors makes you better.

We did Death by with burpees, merkins, jump squats and big boys. It was awesome!

TClap |

Ashley Cummings and Nasty Gloves

Great to see DaVinci and Tinsel back out in the gloom but before we started warm up they stepped off to get some miles in and discuss recent design innovations in exterior illumination.

We did a couple of core warm ups then did a lap of catch me if you can. P1 does 5 HR merkins while P2 travels with both bags. P1 sprints to catch then swap. Always a quick way to get warm.

We moved to far side of field for main work. Crazy 8 which is 8 rounds of 8 reps of 8 exercises. 8 exercises were swings, merkin w/ruck pull thru, curls, lunges w/ruck overhead, bent over rows, mountain climbers, squats, and flutters w/press. Somehow merkins w/pull thrus are now forever to be called Ashley Cummings at Currahee. Show up and we’ll try to explain. Around the 2nd round fishstix offered Cicada some extra gloves he pulled out of somewhere. Cicada spent the next 2 rounds trying to determine what smelled like raw sewage, then the next 2 rounds getting over the dry heaves. Either fishstix used these to bear crawl thru the Golden Corral run off or used them to harvest choice meat from the TC deer culling. Pretty impressive for a set of gloves to funk up the outdoors. After throwing them away we finished the WOD and cashed out with 8 man-makers. Then we did various movements across the field: bear crawl, oh carry, fireman carry, and backwards oh carry. Recover, recover.

Back to COT. Great group this morning. Lots of mumblechatter helped the time fly by. Thx for the opportunity Sprocket.

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