sweep the leg-atraz

Warm up – SSH, windmill, imp walker, Moroccan night club

Run 5 minutes down point clear Dr and return

Bear crawl Dora- 100 merkins 200 squats 300 LBCs

Run 5 minutes down marquesas Ave and return

Death by burpees – 1 minute timer repeats. start with 4 burpees first minute. add 4 reps each minute until failure. after failure start with 4 merkins adding 4 additional every minute until failure

Run 5 minutes down tega cay Dr and return

HIIT 45 sec on 15 off – Bobby Hurleys, Hello Dolly, SSH, Freddies, Apollo ohnos, shoulder taps, goofballs

COT – get involved – bethel

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Training for the Prison Break

We had four strong for a solid day on the prison yard and a chance to run.

Mosey around the park with stops for warmups:  IW x 20, CDD x10, SSH x 34, Moroccan Nightclubs x20, Arm Circle x15, Reverse Arm Circle x15.

Mosey to play ground for a circuit x4:

5 burpees, 10 pull ups, 15 Merkins, 20 Lunges, 25 dips and 30 squats then a lap around the park.

Ab lab with 20 LBCs, 20 Hello Dollies and 20 flutters.

Once all completed we moseyed to the hill.  Nur up the then hill 5 times with one less burpee per time up the hill (5-4-3-2-1).

Mosey back to parking lot.

Finish with Freddy Mercury x20.

Great crew as always:  Uber continues to show tours of his van.  If you haven’t seen it get out to Alcatraz and check out his masterpiece.

Speaking of Masterpiece it was great to have him out.  I discovered you just have to have him over for some bourbon the night before and he will post.

Senator Tressel continues to accelerate in his bid for the Senior Olympics.  I believe his going for the all around metal.  He continues to drive us into the ground.

I was there and did all of it.


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Polygon of Pain

– Quick lap around the parking lot
– COP – SSH, Windmill, MNC, Cherry Pickers, Merkin and Plank

Polygon of Pain – Using the outer perimeter of the parking lot (roughly shaped like a pentagon), complete exercises with ascending reps (5 – 10 – 15 – 20 – 25) at each of the 5 stations…totaling 75 reps on each lap.
– Lap 1: Burpee
– Lap 2: CDD
– Lap 3: Jump Squat
– Lap 4: American Hammer
– Lap 5: Dips
– Lap 6: Overhead Clap
– Lap 7: Lunge
– Lap 8: LBC
– Lap 9: Merkin
– Lap 10: Shoulder Tap
– Lap 11: BBSU
– Lap 12: WAM

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Wheel of Gloom!!!

It was a little rainy but a lot windy for the Stockade debut of the Wheel of Gloom.

For those unfamiliar the wheel of gloom is each Pax taking turns spinning the Wheel. Each spot on the wheel denotes a workout with reps. Each rep is one point for the spinner… but all Pax do the exercises.

Exercises included burpees, Merkins, jump squats, LBCs, Freddy Mercury’s, Big Boys, among others.

The lighting round was a wheel of fortune type routine with correct letters earning points and wrong guesses resulting in LBCS.

Masterpiece solved the puzzle and racked up some big points.

Final round was a 1:00 minute Diamond Merkin Off between Masterpiece and Grassy Knoll.

Grassy won the final round and was given the chance to take a 4-pack of delicious White Claw OR choose what was in the box. Thankfully he chose the box and got a nice variety pack courtesy of Slapshots beer fridge. Masterpiece ended up with the Whiteclaw.

The point today was a decent workout with great fellowship. Thankful for those who showed. It was a fun time!

Until next time!

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February fun w/VQ and bear crawls

THE THANG: 11s merkins, big boy sits. wall sits while partner does 10 of any excercise Line up along the fence line of field #1
Round 1: Bear crawl to end of field. Stop at light posts for 5, 10, and 15 merkins, run back to the start.
Round 2: Lunge walk to the end of the field: 5, 10, 15 squats, run back.
Round 3: Crabwalk to the end of the field: 5, 10, 15 dips, run back.
Round 4: Run to the end of the field: 5, 10, 15 burpees, run back.

Mosey to the playground, split up into the 3 groups
Group 1: 10 pullups
Group 2: Reverse step ups until group doing pullups are finished. Flapjack with group 3
Group 3: Freddie Mercury’s until group doing pullups are finished. Flapjack with group 1
Rinse and repeat two more times, with group 2 changing to big boy sit ups and hello dolly
Mosey back to field #1 for mini-Mary:
Box cutters x 20
LBC’s x 20
End with the Body Destroyer.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check news letter, prayes for D2D pax
COT: we did it

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VDay ladder of death

WARMUP: some exercises in Cadence. Wall sit with bearcrawl to the end of the line, first round things while bearcrawl things we were thankful for. Next round, things we need to improve upon.
THE THANG: parking spaces numbered 100-5 by 10s. Complete 100 run to the end, run back to 90, do exercise, run to end and back to 80, continued all the way to 5 burpees and then started back at 100 with 10 less.
MARY: no time
COT: hug your loved ones

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BandCamp’s Revenge 🙄

WARMUP: Mosey to smooth pavement.  IW x 10;  WM x 10;  LSS x 10;  AP x 10

THE THANG:  Rugby Sprints – duh. 🙄 Ground exercise followed by hard sprint and back followed by quick recovery [TWSS!].   Times 5 reps times 3 sets.  

Talked about forgiveness (example – admit your sins to a trusted source – voice your forgiveness to others – get out of your head and on with your life).  

Move over to the Hill – you know the one 🤷🏻‍♂️.   5 Flying Squirrels followed by a sprint up and run back – x 3 times.  

MARY:  6-ish minutes of abdominal exercises – someone called them out – there – are you happy?!?

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Give to the Dam to Dam fundraising – it’s the actual point where F3 hits community leadership.  For real!

COT:   @Sprocket took us out because he’s the kind of guy you want covering your back – we prayed for all of our souls and the souls of those we love. Aye!

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Lucky stars


Potato pickers
Hillbilly walkers
Imperial walkers
Honey mooners
Downward dog
Parker peters
Shoulder taps
30 ssh


Star routine with cones at 5 points and inbetween we rolled dice to see what exercise we had to do- it was mostly ssh x30, but a couple merkins, burpees and squats mixed in: 3 rounds, blue cones, green cones then both!

Blue cone round

25 plank jacks
20 merkins
20 Star sits
25 LBS
15 monkey humpers

Green cone round

5 burpees
5 jump squats
5 jumping lunges
5 bomb jacks
5 polo ohnos

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster, Jaegar

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Pigskin/Frozen Tundra

7 pax showed up to Alcatraz on a balmy Saturday morning. Alcatraz has been host to and launched a bounty one liners, inside jokes and laugh lines. Saturday was no different. We added one about a fishing tackle shop. Had to be there.

WARMUP: we took laps around the field with intermittent squat walks, lunge walks and bear crawls.

1. Up and Over: Wall sit, bear crawl, run to fence. Scale/climb/hop over, run up hill, 10 bomb jacks, rinse repeat
2. Touch football. 5 burpees if get scored on.
3. Mary
4. 70/80/90/100 sprints

D2D coming up.
Jager coming up and is not about the German Digetif that many of you are accustomed to. Sign up. Something for everyone l.

Great thought for the day-
Love Bears Fruit- Henri Nouwen

“Can I give without wanting anything in return, love without putting any conditions on my love?”

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