Iron Paradise

Since becoming the Site Q at The Coop YHC has been missing The Tomahawk. Luckily, 3D was gracious enough to swap AO’s for a day. Needless to say I was pretty excited.

10 PAX showed up 10 minutes early so we had some good mumble chatter in the darkness that is The Tomahawk parking lot. A few PAX snuck in as the clock struck 0515 and the disclaimer was disclaimed.

Mosey 400M without gear.

SSH x 42 at different tempos
Tappy Taps x 10
Low slow squat x 15
Al gores hold 30 seconds

While holding Al Gore discussed isolation and how it is terrible for men like us. Explained the shield lock and how being surrounded by like minded men who want to accelerate will hold you to a higher standard.

Merkins x 15
Downward dog
Honey mooner
Side plank left arm/leg high
Flap jack
Low six inch hold

Discussed isolation further in depth and explained how when we are alone we are more prone to attacks from the enemy.

Mosey to back side of school to discover a beautiful piece of 1×12 with fresh weinke written all over it.


Partner BOP w Light Pole Suicides

Partners will work toward the below exercises together. While one pumps the iron the other runs out and back to one of the five light poles down the backside of DBES. Partner one hits pole 1, swap, partner 2 hits pole 2, and so forth out to the farthest pole and back. Repeat until completing the BOP.

100 curls each arm
200 Swings
200 Tri Extensions
200 Goblet Squats
200 American Hammers
200 LBC’s

(This BOP may or may not have come from a prior workout at The Tomahawk).

We made it to the American Hammers as a group… then had to head back to COT. YHC had a BONUS on the backside of the board. That will have to happen another day. Maybe at The Armory on September 9… maybe…

In all, we got about 2.5 miles of running in. Not bad for a gear workout!

Got back to COT and had one minute to knock out some flutters with press x 16 (4 count).

Name a Rama


Shovel flag hand off at Footloose tomorrow.
Invergence is 9/6 at Rush Pavilion @ 1800. Sign up to bring some deliciousness.
Convergence is 9/7 at WEP @ 0630.
Bobber on VQ at WEP this Saturday @ 0630.

PAX in isolation, either on IR or in a dark place. Reach out to them.
Cancer. It’s seemingly everywhere.
New ventures for Training Wheels.
Family members with mental illness, and those who care so much about them.

Thanks 3D for the creative opportunity to lead at a different AO than my own site. Had a blast meeting some of the newer PAX.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Field of muggy dreams

12 boot campers in total for a humid, gloomy morning.

Warm Up
Mosey run
SSH (IC 13x)
Windmill (IC 13x)
Imperial Walker (IC 13x)
Low Slow Squats (IC13x)
Merkins (IC 13X)
Peter Parker (IC 13x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog

Thang 1: Field of Dreams (modified)
Count off by fours. 1’s to first base, 2’s to second base, 3’s to third base, 4’s to home plate.
Home plate: do 15 burpees then run to first base.
First base: do AMRAP of: Monkey humpers until relieved by home plate group
Second base: do AMRAP of: Incline Merkins until relieved
Third base: do AMRAP: LBC until relieved.
Repeat, and on subsequent “runs”do these:
First base: Imp walkers, Squats,
Second base: dips, step ups
Third base: Flutters, Mtn climbers,
We got two complete runs in.

Thang 2:
Merkins (IC 13X)
Sally routine, doing Leg lifts (two ruckers joined in for this)

Fini, COT

This was my 45th birthday and the first time I got to do a true birthday Q.  Truly a blessing to have another year in the books.  Looking forward to another year to try raise my family as God would have us to do.  AMDG!

TClap |

Epic Bomb Jack Chatter

if you weren’t aware of a CSAUP called the Sweati that was occurring this morning, then you choose to post at the Fort knowing that you will also sweat. YHC knew there was somethign brewing brewing prior to the WO as Liverpool tweeted out that he was visiting and Wegmans was joining; didn’t know that half the PAX were going to be Rock Hill PAX – great to see Italian Job, Pony Tail and Reborn standing there as YHC drove in. As the PAX were preparing for the WO, the mumble chatter began and never stopped.

PAX began running the loop and stopped for IW and Windmills, then continued running and stopped for mountain climbers, hillybilly walkers, then onto the playground. It isnt a Trucker WO without pullups, so 3 rounds of 5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats. Within the first round a call for bomb jacks occured, though YHC decided to bank them for later.

Ran to Pikes parking lot for 4 rounds of 2 counts of 10 wall sits, then line up at end of parking lot, run and hop over the wall, up the hill for 5 squats, ran back down for 5 diamond merkins. Repat 3 times.

Run to hill. Run up hill with 25LBCs at top 3xs. Sprint up the hill then mosey down. NUR up hill and wait on six.

Rugby sprints in Pike upper hill parking lot – placed this on weinke thinking Crab Cakes would have posted 🙁 7 or 8 rounds, can’t remember since the mumble chatter was epic and had to stop halfway for bomb jacks.

Run to Springs old complex for wall sit, dead hang off wall, 10 merkins, bear crawl to curb and lunge walk back.

Run to short wall around corner for 2 rounds of muscle ups. Run to playground for final set of 5 pullups, 10 merkins, and 15 squats.

Run to COT

The humidity was ridiculous, it turned into a sweati v2 but the mumble chatter with Liverpool and the Rock Hill PAX was nothing we have seen at The Fort in a LONG time!! It was impossible to remember all the great one-liners from movies and songs stated…..Thanks for crossing the river and stateline to post. As always, it was a blast!

TClap |