Currahee 3.30.2021

Catch Up Backblast 2/5


Buy In 

5 Count Sandbag GTSS

5 Count Sandbag Clusters (Clean & Thrust)

5 Count BAD w/Sandbag

5 Count Sandbag Get Up


Coupon Ruck w/heavy sand bags and water jugs around the school.



25-yard Duck Walk (5 Spaces), Walk Duck back

20 Ruck Squats

25-yard Duck Walk, Walk Duck back

20 push-ups

25-yard Duck Walk, Walk Duck back

20 Ruck High Pulls

25-yard Duck Walk, Walk Duck back

20 4-count flutter kicks, Walk Duck back

25-yard Duck Walk

20 4-count mountain climber, Walk Duck back

25-yard Duck Walk


Cash Out

5 Count Sandbag GTSS

5 Count Sandbag Clusters

5 Count BAD w/Sandbag

5 Count Sandbag Get Up


It sucked. We spent time under the 120, and everywhere else. Olaf said something profound (he usually always does), which I was planning to make the title of the backblast… but YHC slacked and didn’t write it down quick enough.

TClap |

The Hive 3.26.2021

YHC has been slacking lately and hadn’t posted any backblasts for recent Q’s. So… here is # one of five.


Thunder was rolling early the morning of the 26th, which indicated we would be under cover with our bells. The humidity was high and the PAX were scared. Only four strong HIM showed up to the workout.

Call today’s workout a PT test as it was a repeat of a COVID related beatdown from Band Camp. YHC struggled last year (3/25/2020) through the WOD and wanted to see if acceleration or deceleration had happened since. Luckily, acceleration occurred and YHC felt much better on the second iteration of the Bandcamp WOD.


See below screenshots for the deets. Instead of 20 normal burpees at the end we did 10 Mountain Climber Burpees (Flying Squirrel w/4-count mountain climber) and 10 double burpees (two push ups, two squats).


Punch List out.

TClap |

9 Lovers of Triceps

Where are all of the BB’s for The Armory? C’mon boys!

Warm-up of a mosey and some SSHs.

The Thang was ascending reps along the parking spots of Forest Hill Church. Line 1 = 1 Rep; Line 2 = 2 Reps…14 lines = 105 reps of each exercise. We Bearcrawled to each line…yay!

1. Curls
2. Swings
3. Double Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions
4. Skull Crushers
5…Dealers Choice of anything left on the board as time was almost up
a. Goblet Squats
b. Upright Rows
c. Chest Presses
d. Lunge Pass Thrus
e. Halos
f. Manmakers

Apparently Skull Crushers should never follow Tricep Extensions…my bad.

It’s always an honor to Q. Thanks goes out to Shatner for the opportunity. We prayed for a successful surgery and a quick recovery for him. And many other things.

TClap |

Q vs Q Week 1 – The JOC

Backblast! Q vs Q Week 1
Date: 3/3/2021
AO: #3-w-the-joc
PAX: @River Rat @Fresh Prince @Bill Nye @Italian Job @JAG @Schrute Hardwood, Maximus, Esso, Ruby Slippers, Punch List, Tinsel, Harry Carry, Trucker, Fish Sticks
FNGs: 0
Q: @Bill Nye and Maximus
Count: 15
Week 1 Update: 1- Bill Nye:
The parking lot beside the AO is divided into 6 parts. The PAX ran to the bottom of the parking lot and did 10 burpees before bearcrawling up to the next level.
Each level repeated all previous excerices and then added a new exercise to the ladder.
10 burpees- 50 total
20 v ups- 60 total
30 merkins- 90 total
40 squats- 80 total
50 LBCs- 50 totalRound 1- Maximus:
Shoulder Smoker: Carolina Dry Docks, Bear Crawl, Wide Arm Merkins, Crawl Bear, Peter Parker, Bear Crawl, Diamond Merkins, Ski AbsRound 3- Bill Nye
I assumed that oxygen deprivation would be kicking in at this point so I made this part simple. 11s. Run up the hill for prison cell burpees, run back down the hill for Ripstick squats.
Prison cell burpee- Merikin, lift your left leg towards your chest, merkin, lift your right leg towards your chest, merkin, jump up, overhead clap. That’s one.
Ripstick squats- Assume the AL Gore position. Perform a calf raise, pausing at the top. That’s one.Round 2- Maximus:
Starting at point on the Criterium Track closest to the parking lot:
Sprint 1/4mi: Rabbits (first to finish the sprint) do Burpees until the six completes 5 Burpees
Sprint 1/4mi: Rabbits do Merkins until the six completes 10 Merkins
Sprint 1/4mi: Once we finished this sprint, we were running out of time so we made our way to C.O.T.NMM:
This morning I(Bill Nye) got to meet several new brothers and I also led half of a pretty good beat down. It was a pleasure to push and sweat with my brothers from both sides of the river. Also, Maximus is a beast and I am looking forward to working out with him again soon. Get After It men! (edited) 
TClap |

WWII Murph

Audie L Murphy

First Lieutenant, US Army

Major, Texas Army National Guard

Audie Leon Murphy (20 June 1925 – 28 May 1971) was an American soldier, actor, songwriter, and rancher. He was one of the most decorated American combat soldiers of World War II. He received every military combat award for valor available from the U.S. Army, as well as French and Belgian awards for heroism. Murphy received the Medal of Honor for valor that he demonstrated at the age of 19 for single-handedly holding off a company of German soldiers for an hour at the Colmar Pocket in France in January 1945, then leading a successful counterattack while wounded and out of ammunition. 

He fought in Africa, Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, and Austria, receiving the Purple Heart three times, the Bronze Star twice, the Silver Star twice, and of course the Medal of Honor. When asked why he jumped onto a flaming anti tank gun to fight off a company of Germans (while killing 50+), Audie responded with “They were killing my friends.”

Later in his life. To draw attention to the problems of returning Korean War and Vietnam War veterans, Murphy spoke out candidly about his own problems with posttraumatic stress disorder.[99] It was known during Murphy’s lifetime as “battle fatigue” and “shell shock“, terminology that dated back to World War I. He called on the government to give increased consideration and study to the emotional impact of combat experiences, and to extend health care benefits to war veterans.[100][101] As a result of legislation introduced by U.S. Congressman Olin Teague five months after Murphy’s death in 1971, the Audie L. Murphy Memorial VA Hospital[102] in San Antonio, now a part of the South Texas Veterans Health Care System, was dedicated in 1973.


200 Yard Bear Crawl

100 Burpees

200 Merkins

300 Squats

200 Yard Bear Crawl

We honored Audie Murphy through the pain that is above. Strong work Shield and Trucker.

Punch List out.

TClap |

“Just the Facts, Ma’am.”

YHC picked up the Q yesterday from 3D after a message was shot across Slack. With little prep time I went into the annals of prior weinkes and pulled out a subtle burner. Four showed up with their bells and we headed to our section of CRHS for the morning.


Mosey out to far lot, drop bells


5 Burpees OYO

Bear crawl to next row

10 Goofballs (in honor of Geronimo)

5 burpees

Bear crawl to next row

10 Tappy Taps

Bear crawl to next row

10 Imperial Walkers

Crawl Bear back to KB



Five Stations 

15 Reps Each Stop

Method of Travel 

Round 1: Lunge walk

Round 2: Bear Crawl w/KB drag

Round 3: Lunge Walk

Row 1


Kid Launch

Row 2

One Legged RDL both sides

Row 3 

Tricep Extensions


Row 4

Goblet Squats

KB Swings 

Row 5 

Burpee Snatch

Run to end of lot and back

First round took about 13 minutes, so we kept pressing and were able to finish three rounds – that’s 405 reps in total not including the warm up. Nice job.


OH carry KB back to COT


Last Minute Mary (#LMM)

Z Press x 10

Flutter w/Press x 10



The group was small but close today. Good talk about sons and wrestling and career changes. No matter what stage of life you’re in, there is impact to be made on your family and community. Let that not be forgotten in the midst of our day to day.


Punch List out.

TClap |

Meat and Potatoes

YHC had the privilege to have the last Q of Fire Ant before the AO moves and is rebranded as “Currahee.” Plenty of good memories at FA, but Currahee will not disappoint with the new 0500 start time. 

Wegmans and YHC took a clown car to meet up with Repeat for an 0445 pre-ruck. Apparently pre rucking is the thing to do… as IT/Divac and Maximus/Olaf were also getting after it prior to our launch. 

We circled back to the shovel flag and the PAX were arriving in full force. Maximus knows how to bring the crowds for his Golden Corral Q. A few PAX decided to join YHC for the ruck portion. 

Maximus eloquently disclaimed the disclaimer, and we parted ways. 


Quick Warm Up Ruck/Shuffle to the YMCA Field

YHC started moving some tires around and Bonsai yells out “those tires have COVID.” Fortunately the intent was to use them as distance markers… nice try there Bonsai, but I ain’t no spring chicken. 


Iteration 1:

“Mosher” – 4 Rounds 

14 Ruck (Front Rack Position) Front Squats

25ft Lunge Walk w/ OH Hold

14 Strict Press

25f Bear Crawl w/ Ruck Drag

Plank hold w/feet on tire while the 6 finishes up


Iteration 2:

“Time Fuse”

50 Ruck Get Ups

50 Ruck Curls

50 Ruck Squats (Ruck On)

50 Ruck Swings

*Stop and perform 3 ruck burpees every 2 minutes.

YHC had an interval timer and was happy to announce the burpees every two minutes. The rain really picked up about halfway through this iteration. Thanks to Bonsai’s request – we remained slightly dryer by working out on the high ground in the field. Slightly…

Start heading back to COT via Lake Vista Blvd 


Iteration 3:


P1 Farmer Carry both rucks, P2 perform 10 Merkins. Chase, flap jack. 

Proceed to BoA ATM – Perform 10 Ruck Merkins together.

Shuffle back to COT – 4 minutes remain.


Iteration 4:


End with 5’s (the younger cousin of 7’s) of Burpees/Manmakers in front of Bubbles N’ Bows 

Complete. What a doozy! At this point everywhere on the ground was a puddle. There was no “damp” pavement. We were drenched. Felt like a kid again.



Dam to Damn Bar this weekend! Hit up Alcatraz to double down!

The Yeti is waiting for you to sign up. First weekend in March.



Praise for words of wisdom and the opportunity to learn from Pax who have gone before us in our current stages.

Prayers and praise for Splinter’s recovery after donating a kidney to a friend.

Prayers for those unspoken things that sit so deep in our hearts.


Divac, thanks for the nod – looking forward to embracing the suck at Currahee!

Punch list out.

TClap |


Two showed for the main event this morning, which led to great conversation between River Rat and YHC.

Disclaimer was disclaimed and we went to work.


Warm Up

Mosey to “crit track” around the grounds.

Stop at each arrow and do 5 burpees (we did 5 arrows in total) to get the blood flowing.


Iteration 1 – Suicides

Move to RV Lot – White RV hookups are Markers

Round 1 – Suicides tapping RV hookups 2/4/6/8

3 rounds – 33/66/100% pace


Round 2 – Suicides w/exercises tapping RV hookups

4/8/12/16 reps of each as you go farther out






Iteration 2 – Bleachers

Mosey to Bleachers – 


Step Ups


Box Jumps

10 reps then up and down bleachers twice between each movement (10 dips, 2 up/down, 10 Step Ups, 2 up/down, and so forth).



Iteration 3 – Track Work

Lap around BMX track with 5 burpees at each corner 


Iteration 4 – Parking Lot Tiers

Mosey long ways across top tier, do 10 squats.

Run back on tier below, do 10 merkins.


Iteration 5 – Mary

Crunchy Frog x 10

Freddy Mercury’s x 10

V Ups x 10

American Hammer x 10

Completed 1.5 rounds of the above four movements prior to 0600 striking.


The Rock Announcements – 

Men’s Shelter Dinner needs Q’s first Tuesday of every month.

The Fort Announcements – 

Dam to Damn Bar, Yeti



Overarching prayer request was for each of our M’s/2.0’s.


Atticus joined on the tail end after a long ruck to close us out at 3 PAX. As mentioned above, it was great conversation. By the time we were through, YHC had logged 4 miles. Thanks for the tap, River Rat.


Punch List out.

TClap |

Pyramid attempt at Fire Ant

On Christmas Eve, Divac introduced us to the way he was going to run The Fire Ant AO now that he is in charge. And guess what, it’s not for the faint of heart. That said, I had to live up to the billing.
In recent months, I’ve noticed a great way to challenge the PAX is to post the Weinke on the socials ahead of time. It also holds me accountable to planning the proper beatdown. So here goes:

Ruck 1 mile at a sub 14min/mi pace to TCES. Full disclosure, Punch List led us at a 13:37 pace…giraffe.

10 Man Makers
20 Lunges (ea leg)
30 Merkins (single ct)
40 Real Squats (you know what this means)
50 Mountain Climbers (left/right = 1)
60 LBC’s (single ct)
70 Curls
80 Peter Parkers (40 I/C) – I believe this is where the leaders ran out of time.
90 Bent Over Rows (45 I/C) – I was really looking forward to these!
100 Flutters w/ Press (50 I/C) – Surprise, Surprise. I was really, really looking forward to these.

Ruck 1 mile back to the Start Ex at a sub 14min/mi pace. We made it about .25mi and I abruptly stopped everyone for a Switzer. The new instructions were to Jail Break back to the Start Ex to complete as many Flutters/Press as you can until 0600. The leaders arrived at a 10:05 pace and a heart rate that neared, “explosive.”

COT practices with the Golden Corral bootcampers.


TClap |

Log PT

Disclaimer was spoken and we opened up the truck to grab some logs. These logs are pretty sizable, and range from 100-200 pounds. Two PAX per log.

Move the logs to the grass lot/field behind the church. Set logs down on one end of field. While P1 does circuit below, P2 either shoulder carries log out and back to set point or does end over end log flips. Flap Jack until each partner completes entire circuit. Not a DORA – each PAX does 20 of each movement. 

Circuit 1

20 Ruck Thrusters

20 Push ups with side ruck pulls (Ruck at your right side…do a push up and then pull your ruck to the other side with your left arm, push up, then pull it back with your right arm)

20 Ruck Burpees

Breathing intensifies…

Circuit 2

20 OH Squats

20 Squats Ruck up front

20 Ruck Swings



Partner up by height to make the log carry more… fair.

5 Ground to Shoulder each side

10 OH press w/log (alternating shoulders)

10 big boy sit ups w/log

10 log press while on back

Carry/Ruck logs back to COT… toss them into the truck.

Last Minute Mary

25 4 ct flutters w/ruck press

11 4 ct Dollies w/ruck pressed

5 big boy sit ups w/ruck on front


COT. Nice work, men.


Dam to Damn Bar is almost full!

F3 10 Year Convergence taking place

1/1/2021 where it all began.


Prayers for marriages. This past year has been good and bad with regard to time spent with spouses. Pray we take advantage of those added moments with our wives.

Prayers for my mother in law who is down and out with arthritis and sciatica.


Thanks to Divac for letting YHC pick up the Substi-Q from Spiderman at the last minute.

Punch List out.

TClap |