A gear WO broke out @ The Stockade

WARMUP: Arrived early and set-up the Harris Teeter parking lot as a battleground to deliver pain. Gave the disclaimer and we moseyed from COT to the battleground where I had 5 stations set-up. We moseyed to 4of the stations and completed SSH/IC/x20 and then made sure the PAX understood each exercise to be performed at that station. Last mosey was to the 5th station, where exercises were explained, enough talk, time to get to work!
THE THANG: Broke the PAX into 4 groups. Groups were dispersed to each of the 4 perimeter stations. At each of the 4 perimeter stations there were 4 exercises. Each PAX had to complete the reps for all 4 exercises before their group could mosey to the 5th station located somewhat in the middle of the 4 perimeter stations. The 5th station was a list of ab exercises. Here’s the flow: Group 1 performs the workout at Station #1, once completed the group goes to the middle Ab Station and completes the reps for the 1st exercise listed. Once the group finishes the ab exercise they travel to Station #2. Once the exercises are completed by all PAX at Station #2 the group travels back to the middle Ab Station and completes the reps for the 2nd exercise listed. So forth and so on, you get the idea.
All perimeter stations were set-up utilizing the grocery cart storage areas in the parking lot.

Station #1
10 – Pullups ( use grocery cart storage equipment, there is a place to modify to inverted rows as well )
20 – Overhead Presses w/ Cindy
20 – KB swings with 45lb. KB
30 – Unilateral Waves w/ Heavy Rope ( just count how many times you throw an arm up for reps )

Station #2
10 – Chin-ups
20 – 10ea arm – bent over rows with 45lb DB
20 – Lat Pulls w/Cindy
20 – Curls w/ Cindy

Station #3
10 – Switch Grip Pull-ups
10 – Overhead Sandbag Toss w/ 45lb sandbag
20 – CDDs with feet on the rail of the grocery cart storage equipment
20 – Tricep Extensions w/Cindy

Station #4
10 – Switch Grip Pull-ups
20 – Bent over rows w/Cindy
10 – Slam Ball throws w/ 30lb slam ball
10 – Man Makers w/Cindy

Station #5 ( Abs )
100 – LBCs
90 – Flutters ( single count )
80 – Freddy Mercury’s ( single count )
70 – American Hammers ( single count )
60 – Mountain Climbers ( single count )
50 – Reverse Crunches
40 – Big Boys
30 – Straight Lower Leg Lifts
20 – V-Sits
1 minute Plank
The group who tolerated my presence almost made 2 complete trips around the battleground, so it’s safe to say PAX completed 6-8 perimeter stations and made 5-7 trips to the Ab station. Great work fellas!!!

MARY: No time left for Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB10K, D2D, Rooster, upcoming CSAUPs, Bethel Men’s shelter
COT: Prayers were lifted up! God bless!

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Coordinated Q Attack @ The Fort

WARMUP: Grinder and I were part of a small group planning for an event on Tuesday night. When we started to map out our plan for the event day Grinder had a great idea – why not start the day off Co-Qing The Fort! How could I say no to an opportunity like that. After further conversation a coordinated attack was planned for any PAX that wanted to brave the pain at The Fort!
Grinder took the warmup with SSH/InCadence/x23 , WM/IC/x10, IW/IC/x11, CP/IC/x10 then moseyed around the amphitheater to finish the warm-up.
THE THANG: Grinder’s half of the workout continued with a modified suicide set-up in the COT parking lot. Base cone in the parking lot = starting position, then 5 other cones were placed in equal distances from one another all the way to the top of the hill. Each cone has an increasing rep count: 10/20/30/40/50. Start at the base cone and complete 5 burpees, run to the next cone and perform the called exercise, then run back to the base cone and complete 5 burpees, then run to the 2nd cone and complete 20 reps of the called exercise, then run back to the base cone and complete 5 burpees, so forth and so on. First called exercise was SSH. To break of the routine Grinder through in Airborne’s Hip Exercise routine, then we went right back to the modified suicide routine and this time the exercise called was LBCs and the base cone burpee count was 3. Finished right on time to hand it over to Ruby Slippers.
Since Grinder had us on our feet most of his time, decided to give the PAX a break let them walk with their arms instead. Moseyed to the amphitheater where I had 2 cones 20 ft apart on the back wall. PAX formed a single file line by the 1st cone. PAX began to perform burpees while the 1st PAX in line went BallsToWall at the 1st cone and proceeded to travel in that position down to the other cone. Upon exiting the cone area at the other end PAX were encouraged to keep performing burpees until the last PAX in the line completed the trip. Before entering the cone area each PAX gave the PAX in front of them that had just entered the cone area a 3 burpee head start. Once that routine was done asked the PAX to sit down on the side of the amphitheater with your legs hanging off the edge. PAX partnered up, 1st partner performed 10 BBsitups with feet hanging off the edge while other partner performed Flutters ( encouraged PAX to let their feet/legs drop below parallel ). Partners switched back and forth for 3 rounds.
Went back to the Wall of Pain routine, everything stayed the same except for the exercise routine in between the cones. This time, asked PAX to Plank Walk x 2 and then perform FeetonWallinPlankPosition Derkins x . PAX did this routine until they made it down to the other cone. Cone distance was set at 25 feet for this routine.
PAX were then asked to join me again to sit on the side of the amphitheater for another abblast routine. Same as before with partners and routine -Partner 1 performed 10 straight lower leg lifts while Partner 2 performed LBCs. Another 3 rounds.
Time was running out and I had 1 more routine. Asked the PAX to mosey to the playground. Partner up, find a pullup bar, Partner 1 does pullups to failure and then rests while partner 2 does pullups to failure. Did this for 5 rounds. My last round I did 3 pullups – arms were smoked!
MARY: Moseyed back to the COT parking lot and had time to complete SSH/IC/x21. DONE!!!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Show to Know!

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THE THANG: After sharing part of my story we proceeded to the football field for some pain.
During the WOD I shared more of my testimony and how I overcame and got through it…I also shared my word of the year “PATIENCE”. I lost it somewhere and need to find it again when it comes to my family.
MARY: No Mary WOD took up the whole 45 minutes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D Bar 10k, Men’s shelter
COT: prayers for family and patience

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Lack of Oxygen Edition

WARMUP: The morning started out rough as my cadence count was a bit off for around the 15th SSH. Then again with Windmills and Imperial Walkers. Made it through the Hillbilly Walkers okay though. I must be really out of practice.
THE THANG: We did a modified Dora where one partner started did squats while the other partner ran the parking lot triangle and at the 2nd corner did 20 merkins. We did that x 4 rounds. The next round was calf raises and the running partner did 20 Bobby Hurleys for 2 rounds. Then we went to do 4 corners with 25 burpees (a requirement b/c @slaptshot is the Site Q, then bear crawl the to next corner and did 25 squats, then at the 3rd corner did 25 merkins and ended at the 4th corner with 25 big boys. We did LBC’s until the 6 finished.
MARY: We got into plank and did 20 shoulder taps, held low plank for about 1 minute, rotated to high plank and did left and right arm high for about another minute and then time was called just before we went back down for low plank again.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Packet pickup is tomorrow at the Print Shop for D2D Bar 10k.
COT: Prayers for mental and physical healing of those all around us. Happy 10th Birthday to Eggo tomorrow.

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Progress over Perfection

It was a nice warm morning at ROF where we had 4…yes 4 FNG’s


Since tomorrow would’ve been my grandmothers 103’rd birthday we went ahead and did 103 burpees.

12 Burpees on EMOM for 8 minutes + 7 more for 103

At ROF Cousin Eddie is asking us to bring our story/challenges to our Q’s so I incorporated my story into the workout. First was laying the groundwork with what I struggle with.


Ten years ago on paper I was “good”. Had a great job, house, finishing my MBA and my first child was born. Underneath though, I was far from good. I constantly doubted myself, truth be told I didn’t like myself. While I had family and some friends I didn’t have “friends” not like F3. In a word, even though I was surrounded by ppl in a lot of ways I was alone. When stress came, and it did, I wasn’t equipped physically, mentally, or spiritually to deal with it. I didn’t have the positive outlets I needed. So I did the wrong things. I kept it inside, I ate or drank and escaped into lazy excuses. Long story short, I was at least 50-60lbs heavier then compared to what I am now. My first 5 K I finished around 40 minutes. So one day I made the call to get help. I made the call to talk to a therapist. It wasn’t an easy thing to admit but I needed it. Making that call was one of the best decisions of my life. It was the very start of me being able to turn my physical, mental, and spiritual health around. But a lot like a rock just starting to go downhill……that journey didn’t accelerate until about 4 years ago when I joined up with F3.

The doubts still remain….I weigh myself multiple times a day. It’s sounds dumb and unnecessary but it’s just how I check myself. For work I make it a point to be the first to log on/show up on my team each day. For faith I have my SL to continue to inspire me and give me perspective. I can say I am better now than I was….but that journey continues, there’s always a hill to climb and it’ll never end.

So With that, I incorporated 5 sayings/rules that have helped me along the way with different exercises.

Progress over Perfection
4 minutes Tabata Flutters /Lbcs Each Minute increase your total rep count. Push yourselves
Any Great thing isn’t accomplished alone
Bear Crawl Web 1 merkin to 4 bear crawl steps. All the way to 10-40. This was on the Football Field.
Anything worth doing is going to be hard.
25 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
15 HR Merkins Sprint down to the opposite Goal Line
Occham’s Razor – the simplest explanation/solution is usually the right one
Sprint to the 50 Do 10 Burpees
Sprint to the Goal Line and do 10 burpees
Staring at a hill….doesn’t make it smaller or easier.
Run to the top of the hill by the entrance and do 5 Merkins and 5 LBCS at the top of the hill. Run back down to the bottom and repeat running all the way to COT.

With 10 seconds left I let the Pax know how much I’m thankful for them and that I love them………then I asked them for 5 more burpees.

Honored to lead and to share!

Thank you all!

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Long Drive

WARMUP: The warmup was a slow mousey around the parking area….we did Windmills, Hillbilly Walkers, Imperial Walkers and Morrocan Nighclubs.
We did the first exercise the count was 5 then ran a lap around the parking lot, then repeat the exercise before and continue down the list in increments of 5 until you completed the list and rinse and repeat. Thank you to Slapshot for giving me the opportunity to lead and for giving great directions to the AO in the best hype video out there.
MARY: no Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Dam Bar 10k
COT: We prayed for safe travels and family

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Abide in me, and I in you!

WARMUP: Shared with the group some of my life experiences when trusting in something greater than myself vs. just trusting in myself. Show to know the details!
Mosey to the track
Completed 1 lap warm up with high knees, karaoke, & butt kickers.
Next phase of warm up routine had us standing on the goal line of the football field for sprints.
1st Sprint – 50 yard runway ( building up to top speed ) and then 50 yard sprint followed by 10 reps of each – merkins, big boys, squats
2nd Sprint – 25 yard runway and then 75 yard sprint followed by 10 reps of each – Shoulder Taps, V-Sits, Lunges
3rd Sprint – 20 yard runway and then 80 yard sprint followed by 10 reps of each – Alternating toe touches from plank position, Straight lower leg lifts, Jump Squats.
Group was adequately warmed.

THE THANG: As with the warm-up the theme was 100, as I need to be constantly reminded to completely trust ( 100% ).

1st Routine; 100 yard Bear Crawl with 100 merkins
Start on goal line of football field, bear crawl 25 yards and then perform 25 merkins, continue down the field until reaching the other goal line.

2nd Routine: 100 Burpee Mile
Complete 40 Burpees and then run a lap around the track
Complete 30 Burpees and then run a lap around the track
Complete 20 Burpees and then run a lap around the track
Complete 10 Burpees and then run a lap around the track

MARY: While others were finishing the main event routines, those that finished a little earlier did the following:
Choose 2 ab exercises that are easy to transition into
1st exercise conduct reps of 30
Go right into the 2nd exercise and keep going until time is called. Chose time interval of 90 seconds. Only had time to do 1 round – LBCs -> Flutters
Next rounds would have included Gas Pumpers -> Penguins and then Heels to Heaven -> Xs&Os

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter!!!
COT: Shared a few more tid bits of my story, prayers & praises!!!

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Working Hard at the Yard

WARMUP: Disclaimer was disclaimed and we started to mosey. Goal of warm up was to cover 1 mile with various exercises along the way. Exercises while moseying – karaokes, high knees, and butt kickers. First stop during warm up was by the front of the school. Low slow squats x10 in cadence and mountain climbers x12 in cadence. Then we partnered up, cumulative rep count of 100 with each partner doing alternating sets of 10 reps. While partner A was performing 10 step ups partner B was holding a wall sit. Keep switching until you hit 100 reps total. Moseyed to the next area for similar routine to warm up upper body. Partnered up, 100 cumulative reps, this time while partner A is performing 10 merkins partner B held 6 inches. Moseyed to a 3rd area for a similar routine for core. Partnered up, 100 cumulative reps, partner A performed 10 sit-ups while partner B performed flutters. Goal was met as we covered 1 mile.
THE THANG: Moseyed to the track layout in the bus parking lot. Created 2 routines to be completed in alternating fashion.

Mini MP, running with push ups around the track.
10 – Diamond Merkins, run 2 laps
15 – Derkins (feet on curb), run 2 laps
20 – Merkins, run 2 laps
25 – WideArm Merkins, run 2 laps

Routine on the inside of track layout:
Bear Crawl from the inside of the track layout to the middle of the oval (to the basketball hoops). Complete the listed exercise and the bear crawl back to the track layout. Exercises were:
10 – Split Lunge Jumps
15 – Jump Squats
20 – Squats
25 – SSH in cadence

Alternated by completing the first phase of the mini MP routine and then move right into the 1st phase of the bear crawl routine. Keep alternating until all 4 phases are complete. Ended right at 45 min, maybe went a few seconds over.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood drive, Bethel Men’s Shelter, Mental Health Awareness WOD, read your news letter.
COT: Love is a choice. What kind of choices are you making?

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Four Freedoms

Stockade Four Freedoms January 6th 2023 (1941)

Started with a run behind Harris Teeter and up to Grace Presb Church.
SSH (20x I/C)
Windmills (8x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (10x I/C)
Moroccan Nightclubs (10x I/C)
Low slow squats (10x I/C)
Big Arm Circles (6 forward, 6 backwards)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog, upward dog)

Short mosey run

Fish tracks routine:
Pax do the transportation and stop when instructed and do the exercise called.
Toy soldiers…stop and do Bobby Hurleys,
Lunge walk…stop and do squats,
Bear crawl…stop and do merkins,

Short mosey run back over to the shopping plaza.
Bench work: Incline Merkins, step ups, dips, squats, derkins, calf raises

Short run over to the wall nearby Dollar Tree:
Wall sits, BTW, and wall-tar-jai’s
Four Freedoms background/info delivered during wall sits. See summary at end of BB.

Short run to adjacent parking lot: found the cinder block and did:
Pass the ammunition: Pax do a curb plank, drag/pass the cinder block to the guy next to you, and so until the last guy then sends the block back to starting guy. Then all pax do curb merkins (3 I/C). repeat.

Run back to Grace church: Find the four cones in the parking lot.
Cone 1 “Freedom of Speech”: did 4 burpees,
run to Cone 2 “Freedom of Worship”: did 4 burpees,
run to Cone 3 “Freedom from Want”: did 4 burpees,
run to cone 4 “Freedom from Fear”: did 4 burpees.

Run back to shopping plaza.
Global running routine: Pax circle up, wrestling stance, side shuffle, stop and do: Smurf jacks, squats, monkey humpers.

Run to COT.
BURPEE-QUIZ time: Pax were asked, and correctly answered, what the Four Freedoms were, which President delivered the speech, and when was it delivered. Therefore, pax had to do only 8 burpees.
Mary: Freddies, flutters, box cutters.


Four Freedoms:
Context/background: by December 1940, Nazi Germany had taken over most of Europe and Britain/London was getting pummeled with the nightly blitz bombings. Japan was also making conquests in China and Korea. The US was separated from all of this, and many folks thought the isolationist stance should continue (people were still remembering the pain of WW One).
But FDR (newly elected to his third term as President) knew the US was basically the only nation capable of saving the democracies of the world.
In his State of the Union address on January 6th 1941, FDR laid out why the US should get more involved…the four basic freedoms of democracy was under attack:
Freedom of Speech
Freedom to Worship God in the manner that a man wants to.
Freedom from Want…economic security
Freedom from Fear…aggression of one nation to another

Eighty-two years later, we have Ukraine being attacked and their basic Freedoms under attack. Prayers for ClickBait, MarkTwian, and their crews in the work they are doing over there in Ukraine.

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You don’t feel rain when you are putting in the work!

– Mosey around the parking lot
– 40 SSH
– Plank for a message (had to be there to hear it)


At the pull up bars – Dora
– Each partner pair gets a coupon and a pull-up bar station
– 100 Derkins (feet on the coupon)
– 200 Bentover Rows
– 300 Curls
– While Partner A is doing Dora work, Partner B runs down the hill to the stop sign and Nur back. Perform 3 pull-ups before starting the Dora work. Continue switching until all reps are completed

Mosey to the football field

Cross the football field width wise down the yard lines. 5 burpees at each sideline
– [ ] Partner carry 10 & 20
– [ ] Bear crawl 30
– [ ] Crawl Bear 40

– 10 American Hammers
– 10 Flutters

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