Heroes from Gettysburg to Ukraine to Fort Mill

In the spirit of MLK, who fought for peace and justice, we tapped the history books to honor another minister from the battlefield. Fr. William Corby served for 3 years during the Civil War as chaplain to the 88th New York Infantry, which was one of the five regiments of the Irish Guard. He was at Gettysburg and a statue there memorializes his blessing of the Union troops on the 2nd day of the battle. His unit originally included 3,000 troops, and started the battle with 500, only to lose 200 to death, wounds or MIA. Fr Corby went on to become the president of the University of Notre Dame 2x later in his life.

WARMUP: SSH, Mtn climbers, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Carioca, Toy soldiers, Butt kickers, Run, Nur

THE THANG: In honor of Fr Corby and his regiment, we did 88 reps of three exercises as follow:
Round 1: Run lap then do 22 burpees (4 cycles)
Round 2: Run lap then do 22 Squats (4 cycles)
Round 3: Run lap then do 22 Mahktar N’Dyaes (4 cycles)

MARY: Flutters, Freddys, Box cutters, Big boys, LBCs, American Hammers, Planks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB 10k Jan 28; Murder Bunnies game 3 Wed 7p, Weekend in woods event in Blue Ridge, VA in late Feb

COT: Words from Clickbait, kidney donor request from Splinter, & prayers from Mark Twain

Thanks to Saw Dust for the Q stick. Always an honor to lead the heroes of The Fort!

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Ring-O-Fire and Ice

WARMUP: 10 SSH then mosey to field for 100 yard sprint and 100 yards of bear crawl
THE THANG: up and down the bleachers with a set of 15 dips at the end of each row, then to the hill for suicides, 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Big boys, 20 lunges (each leg) 25 squats, 20 Pull ups
MARY: Rebel merkins, upright flutters
COT: Shovel-flag hand off from Kaiser to Cousin Eddie

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Post Holiday Get Moving SL Run

WARMUP: Jog from house to meet PAX
THE THANG: HC & Ruby from from their hood to meet YHC & Shield along Starlight Drive. After that we weaved our way through Regal Manor, Balmoral and Fallbrook. Lots of talk about holidays, plans for next year and if working out in a hotel counts towards the post count for 2023. Most of us are shooing for 200 posts or more for ’23. Dropped of Shield back at his house, then YHC and HC and Ruby worked their way back home. Between 4.5 and 5.75 miles this am.
MARY: none
COT: Talked during the run.

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We’re Not in Kansas Anymore Toto

WARMUP: Mosey to the pull-up bars to seek shelter from the wind. Followed up with some SSH, Moroccan NC, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers.
THE THANG: EMOM with 30 second breaks in between. Order was Pull-ups, Squats with Block, Curls, Overhead Presses, LBC, Merkins, Flutters, Chest Press, Man Makers, Knees to Chest, Low Plank, KB Swings, SSH and Thrusters. Start over again.
MARY: Ran out of time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Eve Convergence. Bundle up! It’s gonna be cold! Blood a drive is coming up.
COT: What happens in COT stays in COT.

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Deck of Cards with Lots of Running

I rarely stray from NaFo for a workout, so it was nice to travel to another site today. Since I was on unfamiliar ground, I asked the group if they wanted a Deck of Cards of a EMOM workout, they chose the deck of cards. Always come prepared 😉
WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot, SSH, Moroccan NCs, Windmills and Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: Deck of Cards where Spades were sprints across the width of the parking lot (it was further than first expected). Diamonds where diamond merkins. Clubs where bear crawls the number of parking spaces. Hearts were American Hammers. Jokers were 20 burpees. After each PAX in the circle pulled a card, everyone ran a lap around the parking lot. We got through 4 rounds of everyone pulling a card. There were a lot of hearts and diamonds and thankfully not many spades but we did pull the King of Spades for 13 sprints back and forth across the parking lot right at the end. We ended up with about 2.3 mi during the session. Finished the last minute with SSH.
MARY: None as we had lots of American Hammers during The Thang.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Eve Convergence, 8 Blocks for Shield Locks.
COT: What happens in COT stays in COT.

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Tom Hall WOD

Thomas Lee Hall was the son of Fort Mill Mayor, William Lee Hall. He gave his life in WW1. Here’s the Citation from his Congressional Medal of Honor:

Having overcome two machine-gun nests under his skillful leadership, Sgt. Hall’s platoon was stopped 800 yards from its final objective by machine-gun fire of particular intensity. Ordering his men to take cover in a sunken road, he advanced alone on the enemy machine-gun post and killed five members of the crew with his bayonet and thereby made possible the further advance of the line. While attacking another machine-gun nest later in the day this gallant soldier was mortally wounded.

The main part of HWY 160 through Fort Mill was renamed from “[John Wilkes] Booth Street” to “Tom Hall Street.” His heroic deeds helped our town move on from its secessionist past.

118 Swings w/ cinder block
30 Squats w/ Block overhead
30 Merkins
(Sgt Hall was in COMPANY G of the Army’s 118TH INFANTRY, 30TH DIVISION)

Laps in front of sugar creek
One lap – just mosey (Sgt. Hall survived the first attack on the German position)
One lap – bear crawl/lunge walk/block carry (Sgt. Hall’s second attack was the one that took his life)

After each of the two laps, we sprinted the hill alone to honor Sgt Hall ordering his men to stay behind and advancing solo to take the German machine gun positions. At the pull-up bars: 5 pull-ups, 5 knees to chest, 5 L leg raises. 5 manmakers back down at the bottom of the hill for the 5 Germans he killed at bayonet point.

Rinse and repeat. We sprinted the hill 3 times.


Welcome FNGs Easy A & Portal

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12 Days of Christmas


Windmills (sloooow)
Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Upward dog
Downward dog
Peter Parker’s
Upward dog
Downward dog
Wide arm merkins


Mosey to pull up bars, had board set up with 12 days of Christmas…

Start with first day of Christmas, run to bottom of hill come back and do first and second day, so on and so forth

Kraken burpee
Knee tar jai
Sumo squats
Cindy press
Toes to bar
Diamond merkins
Calf raises
Man makers
Hello dollys
Freddy mercurys
Monkey humpers

No need
Christmas party, dam to dam

Discussion about patience and God’s timing, other prayers, had to be there

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Misty Morning Mahem

WARMUP: 25 SSH, 10 Hillbilly Walkers, 10 Windmills, 10 Mountain Climbers

THE THANG: start at COT, mosey to last island with a tree,
cut across to front island, mosey back to island by the bus loop, finish the box with a mosey back to COT. At each station:
• 10 burpees
• 20 lunges
• 30 merkins
• 40 squats
Repeat x4

Mosey to the wall
• Wall sits – each person does 5 Mike Tysons 2x
• 20 Calf Raises OYO
• 10 Derkins against the wall
• lunge walk back to COT

Covered Entry
• Steps ups
• Dips
• Derkins
• Wide arm Merkins

MARY: 30 LBCs, 10 Shoulder Taps, 15 peter parkers, 20 flutters

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of great feedback on my 2nd Q, all the stuff from the news letter

COT: prayers for family and jobs

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The Del & Davidson

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Moroccan NC
THE THANG: The Del & The Davidson

The Del:
25 Burpees
400 meter Run
25 Weighted Pull-Ups
400 meter Run
25 Handstand Push-Ups
400 meter Run
25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
400 meter Run
25 Burpees

The Davidson:
800 meter Run
10 Thrusters
600 meter Run
20 Cindy on your Back Squats
400 meter Run
30 Goblet Squats
200 meter Run
40 Bentover Rows

MARY: Chest Presses, Curls, Flutters, Hello Dollys, American Hammers, Freddie Mecurys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethal Men’s Shelter on Wednesday. No items need, just show up to serve. Register for the Christmas Party. Site Q Handoffs on Wednesday
COT: Prayers and Praises from all PAX.

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