Viking Metal forever 🤟🏻

WARMUP: we did some COP and jogging back and forth
THE THANG: AMRAP with partner and chalk it was accountability and inspiring
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: perspective!!
Are you attacking the day or dreading the day?
Are you moving forward or looking back?
Abram…aka Abraham settling in bethel was halfway from AI (dump) and God’s eventual permanent place for him
We are halfway from our past and our permanent and eternal destination….are you looking forward?? Are you ready??
Get your mind and spirit right!

8 From there he moved to the hill country on the east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. And there he built an altar to the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord.

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Helping your brother bear his burden

WARMUP: SSH, Morrocan Night Club, Down Dog, Up dog, Merkins, Seated Surfers, KB squats

THE THANG: We began with a short mosey to the curb and back. Picked up our bells and lined up on a line in the parking lot. 50 man makers were called. It’s a lot. And it’s reminiscent of many of the burdens we carry. The PAX were challenged to push through and persevere. In turn, any PAX who finished was tasked to go take the bell of his brother and lighten the load. Demonstrating how we share the load with our brothers in need. No one goes alone.

After the glorious man makers, we moseyed to a more lit area for some station work. There were the following stations in a circle:
+Split Leg Squats 10 each leg
+Single Leg Deadlifts 10 each leg
+Calf Raises 20
+John Deere(lat pulls) 10 each arm
+American Hammers 20 IC
++The method of movements were bear crawls and overhead carries.
We completed 2 laps around the circle or so before COT.

COT: Praises for the acceleration of the Fort and the leadership were shared. Thanks for the opportunity to Q and participate in Q school week.

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Tour of The Mill

WARMUP: Big Lap, COP: SSH X 20
10 count: Imperial Walkers, windmill, squat, merkins, lunge/reverse lunge, shoulder taps, Low Slow squats, mountain climbers, SSHX20, 5 OYO Burpees
THE THANG: Classic pearls on a string. Sequence of exercises: Merkins, Squats, PlankJacks, Lunge, SSH. Count sequence: 10, 9, 8, etc. Run stops: Church of Christ, Loom, Hobos, Animal Hospital, another church, Town Hall, 3rd church, even another church, you get the idea.
MARY: Don’t compare yourself to others.
COT: Prayers for children. Wisdom, understanding and peace.

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Yoga Mat is Gear

Warm Up: SSH, IW, HW, Good Morning, Squats, Around the World

Thang: Groups of two rotating through stations
Deck Squats – Swings
Side Lunge – Lawnmower Pulls
Knee-tar N’Diaye – Half Kneeling Press (on preset yoga mats)
Flip the Tire
Racked Squat R/L
Racked Lunge R/L
Overhead Press R/L

Closed out with Cleans and Burpee Snatches

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What idiot called this?

PAX showed up expecting for Shady to be on Q (which explains the large numbers). They had to settle for me, but I’m just happy to be Shady’s understudy. Hope he gets back to 100% soon

SSH, IW, HW, Shoulder Taps, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Merkin

Extra weight. PAX had rucks, sandbags, and bells galore in honor of Gear MAYhem

3 groups
1 took a lap and did swings for the 6
2 groups carried weight the length of the parking lot, did 10 merkins, 15 squats, and came back.

Then we rotated. After everyone got to run we add weight

Between each set of 3 rounds:
(With no extra weight on)
5 manmakers
5 cleans (each side)
5 overhead presses (each side)

We got through 3 sets of 3 rounds

At one point during set 3, I causally and in a very neutral tone mentioned that my grip was shot. Vuvuzela pointed out that he’d never heard anybody gripe about their own Q so much. Maybe I mentioned something earlier too?

MARY: Uhaul Q-jacked for Mary a little early by my clock, but he doesn’t like manmakers.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter, lots of community impact going on!

COT: doing one thing really well is better than 5 things done halfway. Bear reminded us today that form matters. Do a good squat.

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Official Manion WOD

Manion WOD
29 squats with ruck (with sandbags when available)
1/4 mile ruck (shared sandbags) some PAX run it
7 rounds

With about 10 minutes left on the clock @PunchList led us on some much needed broga.

-convergence/invergence tomorrow at WEP
-AMRAP for Autism event tomorrow at Mathew’s Sport Complex

@What did led us on prayer, thank you for your visit brother!

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Playlist Perfection

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs, Tappy Taps
THE THANG: Four Corners
Curls, Squats, Lawn Mowers
Skull Crushers, Flutters, Chest Press
Shoulder Press, LBCs, Halos
UHauls, Calf Raises, Swings
2 laps completed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lunch today at Inizio’s, Con/Invergence next Saturday at WEP
COT: Prayers for heart surgery next week, marriages, health for family members…

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Light pole Tour of Pain

WARMUP: maybe one SSH
Ran around the outside of CRHS campus. Every light pole directly on your path stop and do exercises with KB. First 10 poles do 5 reps of first set. Next 10, 10 reps of 2nd. Next 10, 15 of 3rd set.



Tricep extensions
Calf raises

By the time we go to the front of the school and started the 3rd set BC ran back and pushed the 6 up to all finish for COT.


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