Cherry poppin Q with some corners & such

WARMUP: side straddle hops, merkins, cherry pickers, moroccan night clubs
THE THANG: mosey to lower field for some 4 corners. each corner 10 bomb jacks, 20 merkins, 30 CDDs, 40 squats, 50 flutters with MOT between corners mosey & bear crawls. 2nd half mosey to basketball courts for rounds of sprints with reverse of first half (10 flutters, 20 squats, 30 CDDs, 40 merkins.
MARY: heel grabs, cockroaches, LBCs, 6 count burpees (aka a normal burpee?)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: BBQ & bourbon. Everyone donate to give the Bethel men some ham and show up Thursday. Sign up for Christmas party Dec 21.
COT: Thanks for all the feedback and the solid showing at my VQ! Won’t be the last.

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Interval mosey/stadium/BC

WARMUP: nah… mosey, set interval timer: 5min /1 min
Rounds 1,2,5,6- mosey AO
Rounds 3&4- Stadium Runs
1-min breaks- Allx25 rep:
Merkin, LBC, squat, flutter, CDD, big boy, step ups, box cutters, Mike Tyson‘s

MARY: nope no chicks… or other dudes for that matter
Back-blasts should still happen, even without someone prompting or incentivizing
COT: just YHC & @ SkyQ…

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Tour and More

Mosey to back lot –> WM, CP, HBW, yoga-esque stretch -> Mosey to islands
Appetizer –> 10 Big Boys, 15 Merkins, 20 Sumo Squats –> Lunge Walk to next island –> Repeat x 3

Mosey to top of hill via the yellow brick road

Palate Cleanser –> 5 Iron Mikes, 10 LSS, 15 American Hammers –> run to next island –> Repeat x 2

Entree –> partner up for 100 Dips, 200 Flutters, 300 Overhead Claps, 200 Step-ups, 100 Derkins while partner runs the track around Bball courts

Dessert — mumblechatter, flatulence, Cossack Squats

MARY: Negative
ANNOUNCEMENTS: see newsletter, swing those clubs today gents!
COT: prayers/praises. Challenge –> invite one person to post this week!

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Boot camp

Do 30 side straddle hops. Ran to the high school. Stop in the parking lot do lunge walks halfway down the parking spots, do 5 pushups, bear crawl the other half, do 5 burpees . Repeat back to the start. Split into partners. Do 100 drydocks, 200 big boys, 200 merkins, 200 American hammers, 100 squats in rotating fashion while the other runs to the end of the parking lot and back.

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Jackyl Lanterns

Imperial Walker
Hillbilly Walker
Downward Dog

Mosey to bottom parking lot
Parking lot bear crawl
Crawl 1 space do a burpee
Crawl another spaces do two burpees
Crawl 10 spaces
Lunge same deal
Lunge 1 space do a big boy sit up
Lunge another space do another sit up
Half bear crawl and half lunge walk final set in lot

Mosey to bottom of hill
100 merkins
200 squats
300 LBC

Partner runs to top of hill and returns

Bear crawl 3 lights up hill Mosey to COT


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Best AI Q yet!

WARMUP: Lap around the big bus loop. Definitely longer than I was expecting and hoping, but we made it.

THE THANG: Tabata lead by the Seconds Pro AI genius. 50 seconds on and 10 off. A lap around the small drop off loop every 5 exercises. Any time remaining on those 2 minutes was earned rest

Donkey Kicks
Calf Raises
Mountain Climbers
Side Straddle Hops
Al Gore
Box Cutter
Plank Jack
Dry Dock
Seal Jack
High Knees
Monkey Humper
Freddie Mercury

COT: It happened

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Inaugural Jackal

WARMUP: Ran to the far side of the complex where there was still pavement and started out with SSH, windmills, merkins, cherry pickers, low slow squats, honeymooners, downward dog. Covered off in the F3 mission.
THE THANG: 3 exercises, 25 reps each, 50 yards to run – do this 4x
– merkins (chest hits the ground)
– Squats (chin up, back straight)
– Flutters (4 count)

Next we ran about 150 yards and did 3 more exercises, 25 reps, mode of transportation was bear crawls, 50 yards.
– Lunges (single count)
– Freddy mercury (double count)

Took the off road run to COT area where we found benches and did 20 dips and 20 derkins.

Wrapped up with F3 credo and 5 core principles.
MARY: yes, a few rounds here
ANNOUNCEMENTS: importance of leading workouts leads to leading your family
COT: lots going on!

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Jackal’s 1st Field Trip

WARMUP: F3 Mission, Windmills and SSH
THE THANG: Burpees, Merkins and Squats to CRHS. Wall sits and B2W, parking spot workout, alternate grave diggers, LBC, shoulder taps, gas pumpers HR Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Plank Jacks, OH Claps, each island did Iron Mike buy-ins since nothing is ever really free. Mosey back to FCMS and did Bobby Hurley at the BB courts
MARY: Heels to heaven, penguins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence, Dredd
COT: prayers for many family and friends entering new season in their lives.

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