Block Party-palooza

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry pickers, windmill, grandpaJacks, moroccan night clubs, merkins
Mosey to the park
THE THANG: 10 Burpees, EMOM 6 mins
Lunge walk 30 yards, sprint 40 yards, Bear crawl 30yd, karaoke 40yd, Rev Karaoke 40yd, bear crawl, Nur
Ladders – 60 SSH, 50 Flutters, 40 Merkins, 30 monkey humpers, 20 BBS, 10 squat jumps, back up the ladder
MARY: Timed it perfectly
COT: Do good

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These telephone poles are too close together

WARMUP: mosey to behind WEP amphitheater for ssh, hillbilly walkers and windmills all in cadence
THE THANG: part 1 – run down ardrey st to Harris and back, stopping at each telephone pole for 2 burpees

Part 2 – grab a rock from behind the amphitheater. Carry the rock over your head to the upper lot and do 20 flutters – single leg count. Carry the rock back down to the lower lot over your head and do 20 merkins – do this 5 times

Part 3 – mosey to bottom Massey st hill. Run up Massey st hill to parking lot AFAP. Plank, down dog and honeymooner, then run to the opposite end of parking lot AFAP. Then lunge walk back across the lot while peach stand describes his “why”
COT: finished the “why” story

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Four Church Corners

WARMUP: SSH, IW, HW, Plank / Stretches
Mosey up Main Street to Baptist Church
Corner 1 – 30 Monkey Humpers
Run to corner 2
Corner 2 – 30 Merkins
Run to corner 3 – 30 squats
Run to corner 4
Corner 4 – 30 LBC’s
Rinse & repeat for 5 (ish) rounds
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence, Jaeger, Luca, RYN
COT: Always

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DORA in the Parks

8 started their day off strong with a chilly Dora in the Parks at Block Party. Here’s what we did:
Warm Up
– 10 SSHs (IC)
– 10 Seal Claps (IC)
– 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 10 Windmills (IC)

The Thang
Mosey to Millstone Park
– 20 Merkins
– 40 LBCs
– 60 Squats

Mosey to Confederate Park (repeat above)
Mosey to WEP (repeat)
Mosey to Harris Street Park (repeat)
Mosey to Veterans Park (repeat)

Totals: 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats, 3 miles

When you Q Block Party, Cubbie likes you to share your “why” because a man who has a “why” to live can bear almost any “how.”

My why is my desire to be reliable for those I love. I want to be able to carry the heavy things and the heavy burdens of my family and friends. F3 strengthens me physically, emotionally, and spiritually – making me resilient in the face of adversity.

Last month at Disney, my son and I were rushing to catch a bus from Hollywood Studios to Magic Kingdom. We had plans to meet my wife and daughter and this bus was the only way to get there on time. I could see it in the distance, loaded and ready to leave. I knew my 5-year-old’s legs couldn’t get there in time after a full day of walking, so I picked him up and ran to catch the bus (notching a couple kills on the way). Without F3, I’m not certain I would have made that move. This physical endurance is built by the Daily Red Pill.

To me, the COT is the best part of the workout. What we share is so valuable. We have the antidote to male loneliness in the form of genuine care and concern with a heavy dose of sophomoric humor and dynamic shame goading. It’s the perfect recipe for a man to feel included. Sharing our struggles lessens their effect and celebrating our wins doubles their impact. This is the mental and spiritual catalyst for impact and improvement.

So, what’s my “why?” You are. You make me a better man. You make me a better husband, father, friend, and leader. And that’s why I’ll keep coming for another 11+ years.


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swinging in the park

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walking, Low Slow Squat
THE THANG: Mosey to the amphitheater. Pax will start with 3 burpees. Then we performed the pendulum. PAX swing from the bathrooms to the first set of swings on the opposite side of the amphitheater. At the bathrooms there were 12 BBSU, at the swing 12 4-count flutters. Every round decrease by one on both sides. Always 3 burpees in the middle.

OnlyFans, Cubbie, and YHC made it to the 3 count with Skipper and Soup making 4 and Slash picking his way back to CoT earlier than the rest of us.

Mosey back with two extra stops for burpees. That means everyone should have had about 60 burpees in their morning diet.
MARY: enough time for 7-8 american hammerz
ANNOUNCEMENTS: stuff is happening
COT: Talked about trust

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SSHx20, Hillbilly Walker x 10, Imperial Walker x 10, Merkin IC x 10, Plank toe touches IC x 5

Ran up the hill
Did the following exercises EMOM.
– Run down and back up the hill EMOM for 10 min
– 15 merkins EMOM for 10.
– 30 squats EMOM for 5 min then down to 20 squats EMOM for the remaining 5
– 5 flying squirrels EMOM for 10 min.

MARY: None

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If not now, then when?

It was a crisp 25 degrees as YHC walked up to the shovel flag just after 0500hrs. Some of The Fort’s finest, but not all, began to arrive in varying conditions.
DISCLAIMER: The mumblechatter started early, YHC felt honored to have the usual suspects in attendance, so a strong disclaimer was shouted out.
Mosey to the pharmacy – Band Camp, in typical Weasel Shaker fashion, tried to push the pace since he was already warm from running to AO. CoP in pharmacy parking lot. Those suspects ramped up the heckling here, an endearing jester, but we pushed on:
– 25 SSH IC
– 10 LSS IC
– 10 Imperial Walkers IC
– 10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
– 10 MNCs IC
– Yoga

Moseyed down to the parking lot behind Italian Job’s rehearsal dinner. He reminisced for the PAX as we began The Thang.
– Lunges down 3 travel lanes
– Bear crawls back down 3 travel lanes
– Burpee broad jumps down 3 travel lanes
– Toy Soldiers down 3 travel lanes.

Moseyed to Pike parking lot at top of Massey. Shoulder taps for the 6. Partner up for DORA. One PAX runs to bottom of Massey and back while other does the following exercises.
– 100 Merkins
– 200 Squats
– 300 LBCs

Finished with enough time to hit the Pike wall for 3 rounds of burpee waterfall while we did wall sits.

MARY: Flutters

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D Bar, State of the Union tonight, Blood Drive!

COT: Stays in COT

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