If not now, then when?

It was a crisp 25 degrees as YHC walked up to the shovel flag just after 0500hrs. Some of The Fort’s finest, but not all, began to arrive in varying conditions.
DISCLAIMER: The mumblechatter started early, YHC felt honored to have the usual suspects in attendance, so a strong disclaimer was shouted out.
Mosey to the pharmacy – Band Camp, in typical Weasel Shaker fashion, tried to push the pace since he was already warm from running to AO. CoP in pharmacy parking lot. Those suspects ramped up the heckling here, an endearing jester, but we pushed on:
– 25 SSH IC
– 10 LSS IC
– 10 Imperial Walkers IC
– 10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
– 10 MNCs IC
– Yoga

Moseyed down to the parking lot behind Italian Job’s rehearsal dinner. He reminisced for the PAX as we began The Thang.
– Lunges down 3 travel lanes
– Bear crawls back down 3 travel lanes
– Burpee broad jumps down 3 travel lanes
– Toy Soldiers down 3 travel lanes.

Moseyed to Pike parking lot at top of Massey. Shoulder taps for the 6. Partner up for DORA. One PAX runs to bottom of Massey and back while other does the following exercises.
– 100 Merkins
– 200 Squats
– 300 LBCs

Finished with enough time to hit the Pike wall for 3 rounds of burpee waterfall while we did wall sits.

MARY: Flutters

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D Bar, State of the Union tonight, Blood Drive!

COT: Stays in COT

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Me and Tesh did a workout alone. What did we do? I’ll never spill the beans!

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2024.51 Block Party

The patty-cake circuit. Half-mile loop (Academy, Williamson, Watson, Railroad) with 4 stations.
1. Big-boy sit-ups with partner, clap hands at the top
2. Merkins with partner, clap hands at the top
3. Squats with partner, clap feet at the top
4. Dead hang, clap hands with partner
Clap hands 10x at each station.

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Pavement Spa

Eight men showed up this morning for the party. Quick disclaimer, few steps back, warm-ups (SSHs, IWs, WMs).
Next, we moseyed to the Pharma. Plank exercises, merkins, Peter Parker, Wide Arm Merkins, Parker Peter, 6 inch hold.
We then made our way to the old Hardees parking lot. I thought it was repaved, but it was rough as sandpaper. Crab walk from one end to the other, stopping at each parking stripe for 10 LBCs. Back the other way, bear crawl with merkins at every stop. We were now soaking wet with bruised hands.
Jog to Unity church for a Dora (CDDs, Squats, Flutters), run to bottom of the hill and back.
We made our last stop at the Footloose AO. Keeping our same partners, Partner 1 ran to the end of the lot and back while Partner 2 bear crawled. Flipflop upon return.
Burpee lightpoles on the way back to COT
Few minutes of Mary at the flag.

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Cold & Smokey

WARMUP: Mosey to WEP and then proceeded to SSH, Windmill, Imperial Walkers, Moroccon NC, and Strawberry Pickers.
Phase 1: 2 Rounds of Cheese Shredder
Phase 2: Round 1- At each swing, we did (10) Merkins with a Mosey between each swing; Round 2- At each swing, we did (10) Squats with a Mosey between each swing; Round 3- At each swing, we did (10) Lunges with a Mosey between each swing; Mosey back to the AO
MARY: Burpees
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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A Tuesday Challenge

Mission Statement
Shoulder Tap
1 merkin
Mountain Climber
1 merkin
Peter Parker
1 merkin
Parker Peter
1 merkin

Mosey to the Nazarene then Print Shop stopping along the way for:
20 8 count burpees
18 squats
16 diamond merkins
14 flutters
12 CDD
10 bomb jacks
8 8 count burpees
6 diamond merkins
4 mountain climbers
2 flutters

At the print shop:
10 called dead-hang pullups
5 OYO pull ups
15 bulgarian split squats
Passing 10-count hang
15 derkins
Passing 10-count alternating arm hang (this one should have been done before the first round of pull ups)
15 dips

Mosey to the sight of the soon-to-be NOT Trader Joe’s
Sneaky Gorillas
Howling Monkeys

Mosey to the Church of God
10 Mike Tyson
Bear Crawl
10 Bomb Jacks
Lunge Walk back

Climb all the stairs

10 Mike Tyson

Mosey back to COT
Hold Al Gore for 0600

NMM: The mission is to invigorate male community leadership. Step up! You’re ready.

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Seagrams and 7s

F3 block party 11/18/2024

Cherry picker
Imperial Walker
Hillbilly Walker

The Thang:
7s – hill on Monroe White St
Tie touches

4s – Stairs FM Church of God
Sister Mary Catherine’s

4s – Bear Crawl – Parking lot of Church of God
Leg Lifts

Run back to COT

Black Betty on Spotify – Plank position. Merkin every time ‘Black Betty’ is said.


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Election Day Party

WARMUP: mosey to WEP. 50 SSH, IWs, Windmills, and Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: mosey to PIKE parking lot. Bear crawls every 10yds 15 merkins. Total of 100yds
Mosey to Walls 15 step ups single count 15 squats, 15 derkins 2 rounds, mosey to Massey Hill 11’s big boys at bottom burpees at top.
MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chritmas Party, Bourbon and bbq, Bethel, Thanksgiving convergence
COT: Vulnerability

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Too many merkins

Run to Hill
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers
Downward Dog

The Thang
100 CDD
200 Squats
300 Merkins
400 LBC
One does exercise, one runs up the hill
Bear Crawl up the hill
Return to COT

Bourbon BBQ
Trash pickup
Beers for Beetus
Men’s Shelter

Prayers for health and the country

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Figure it out

WARMUP: gathered up, ran to the top of the hill and into the parking lot. Quick round of SSH, 5 burpees, more SSH and 4 burpees. Low slow squat and some hillbilly walkers. Ran down the hill and to WEP playground.
THE THANG: Partner up for some Dora.
– 100 pull ups (realized there weren’t any pull up bars so you figured it out)
– 200 merkins
– 300 squats
– Timer was partner running around the playground

Ran to engineering parking lot in the front and found the wall. Did a wall sit where the pax held the sit while we went down line and did 5 press ups on the wall, 2x.

Wrapped by going to the big hill and did this 3x up and down.

MARY: we did this for about 2 min.
COT: of course

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