Bushwood Noob

WARMUP: Some of the usual
Mosey to gate building

People’s chair
5 merkin wave

Mosey to band tower for some circle time

Mosey back to stadium entrance for more merkins

Short mosey to find KB
Offset merkins pass down and back

Mosey to flag area and find pain randomizer

Mosey/suicide to 9 lines between islands


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Staying on Brand

Going into todays WO I was thinking I’d hold off on the merkins and the Burpees. Unfortunately , I couldn’t help myself.

While no pre-run today I did a pre-mosey with the vest and discovered all the other options that this site has. It’s a great place and I encourage PAX all over the fort to make the drive down to Catawba Ridge. It’s well worth it!


Mosey to the band lot where we would sprint every two islands followed by a recover mosey to the next island. We repeated this until the end of the lot.

Circled up near the car line.

15 SSH
10 MNC
3 Burpees
15 Seal Jacks
5 SLOOW Windmills
15 Mountain Climbers

Mosey to the bottom of the hill behind the football field.

2-Minute Drill

Each Pax are to perform:

25 Burpees
50 Jump Squats
75 LBC’s
100 4-CT Flutters
100 Hello Dolly’s
75 LBC’s
50 Jump Squats
25 Burpees

Every 2 minutes though they would be required to run to the next cone do Hand Release Merkins and then continue with the reps of the exercises.
The cones went from the bottom all the way to the top of the hill. Once at the Top of the hill Pax needed to run all the way back to the start stopping at each cone for additional HR merkins.

1 additional wrinkle in this routine is that I had a whistle. Every time I’d blow the whistle I would “audible” to another exercise or a new rep count. For Instance, I upped the HR merkins from 3-5-7 during this workout. In addition, I changed the total burpees from 25 to 35.

Everyone got done with this portion of the workout with about 8 minutes to spare so we ran to the last cone on the top of the hill and did 5 reps of each exercise then ran back down to the bottom of the hill. Doing 3 HR merkins at each cone on the way down and doing 10 HR merkins at the bottom of the hill. With just under 4 minutes left we ran the hill one more time doing 5 burpees and 10 flutter kicks on the way up at each cone.

We timed it so we got back to COT right at 6:00.

Appreciate Cohiba for the call and welcome Voltage all the way from Charleston!

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Let Go of the Those Little Burdens

WARMUP: Dynamic Run Warmup, followed by dynamic plank warm-up with a lot of upward<>downward dog interspersed
THE THANG: Each pax picked up (2) 2# weights (removed from my weight vest). Goal was to hold these for the remainder of the workout.
Round 1: Jack Webs 1-10 low-slow merkins with 4-40 overhead raises with some short hill running as the “rest period”
Round 2: 11’s- 1-10 bomb jacks and 10-1 seal jacks with short flat run in between
Round 3: wall sits for 4-count x10 reps of the following: curls, OH press, front raises, lateral raises, punches, and arm circles all with short mosey in between
Round 4: curb sit-up get-up 6, 5, 4 reps mixed with curb burpees 1, 2 reps (did not complete this round)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: prayers for @stinger’s friend Tommy with medical issues
COT: My group moseyed in about 4 mins late to meet the #ao-snakepit pax.
As prefaced on Slack, this was a Jekyll-inspired Q from one of the worst I’ve ever posted for. That being said, the worst part about this Q he had at the Ranch about 4 or 5 years ago was that instead of holding warm sand-filled little bags that we held today, Jekyll suggested holding 2 irregularly-shaped icebergs (rocks) for the 45 mins. I can still remember the pain I experienced in my hands after that workout to this day. I felt like a 90-year arthritic seamstress.
HOWEVER, the message I carry from that day still rings true. Two 2# bags are not heavy, but if you carry those little burdens long enough, that’ll weigh on you. Sometimes we’re not ready or feel we’re not able to let them go. Reach out to fellow pax, your church, family, friends. You all have people that love you that are willing to help. Will you let them? Are you ready to let these little burdens go?
Thanks to Cohiba for the opportunity to lead.
Hope you all enjoyed getting #squatched!

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MISSING: Slow Jams

WARMUP: Mosey, SSH, Windmills, Merkins and Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: First Set: (5) Rounds of Pull ups and Squats; Second Set: (3) Rounds of Burpees, Seal Jacks and Peter Parkers at Light Poles with 1st Round mode of transportation as Lunges, 2nd Round as Bear Crawl, and 3rd Round as Crab Walks. Third Set: (3) Rounds of Wall Sits and running to Third parking island and back to wall sit.
MARY: Merkins and LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10th Year Anniversary Events
COT: Family and Friends to get better in health.

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Cone O’Rama

WARMUP: Lite Run into various warmups
THE THANG: Cone O’Rama
8 cones, 8 exercise movements. Repeat for rounds adding # count each round. Changes to mode of transportation each time around.
MARY: Stretching- Pax agreed we need more of this.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sept CSAUP & FMCC donations led by #HIM @Beaker
COT: Rejoined SnakePit for COT

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Twisted Fox

SSHs, Windmills, Tapytaps

Strength exercise today was a 1 hand pushup negative. Sets of 2, 3 and 4 during the coarse of the workout
Anaerobic exercise was bear crawls (40 yds) followed by pullups (5) for 4 sets
There was also a SSH calf set. As well as a deadhang competition with core exercises (Cohiba won)

Ask Hardwood about a fox and Bobber if he ever passes the M’s “notice anything different?” test.

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Merkin Infused Happy Hour

WARMUP: 10 each/ Side straddle hop, windmill, imperial walkers, arm circles
THE THANG: Catawba ridge loop run with 10 pain stations.
1) 25 squats, 20 flutters, 15 merkins
2) 25 calf raises, 20 monkey jumpers, 15 merkins
3) 25 box jumps, 20 hello dollies 15 merkins
4) 25 lunges, 20 Am hammers, 15 merkins
5) 25 mountain climbers, 20 big boy sit-ups 15 merkins
6) 25 shoulder taps 20 burpees 15 merkins
7) 25 dips, 20 LBCs 15 merkins
8) 25 bent over rows w plate weight, 20
Weight flutters, 15 merkins
9) 25 tricep extension w dumbbell 20 bicep curls 15 merkins
10) 25 Ass kickers, 20 sumo squats 15 merkins
MARY: wall walls, merkins, cockroaches LBCs

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Tabata Combos

WARMUP: Moseyed out of the parking lot towards the hill behind the school. As we moseyed down the hill to the pull-up bar area we performed buttkickers, high knees, and karaoke x 2. Once we arrived at the pull-up bar area we performed Windmills x7, Tappy Taps x 10, MNC x 12, and SSH x 21 all in cadence.
THE THANG: Tabata format wo, 30 sec of exercise followed by 10 sec of rest. A round included 3 different exercises. Complete 2 sets of each exercise and then move to the next one. Once 2 sets of the 3rd exercise is completed run through the 3 exercises again but only 1 set of each. Target is 4 1/2 minutes of exercise with 1 1/2 minutes of rest per round.

1st Tabata Rnd:
Mountain Climbers ( 1 rep each leg ) into a Merkin Alt. Single Leg V-Up ( 1 rep each side ) into a Full V-Up
Alt. Side Lunges ( 1 rep each side ) into a Ski Squat Jump ( legs are close together )

In between Tabata rounds we strolled over to the pull-up bars.
1st pull-up bar routine: 5 reps of 1/2 pull ups ( only completing half the rep pulling up ), followed by 5 reps of 1/2 pull ups ( only completing half the rep coming down from apex ), followed by 5 full pull ups. Completed 2 rounds.

2nd Tabata Rnd:
Inch Worm Merkins
Alt. Freddy Ms into a full body crunch ( keep legs at 6 inches, complete Freddy M on each side and when body is fully extended go into a full body crunch bringing knees to chest and trying to touch your toes )
Alt. Backward Lunges into a Jump Squat

2nd Pull up bar routine: Pax that were waiting their turn gave the Pax on the bars 10 counts. PAX on the bars had to hold 3 different positions for a 10 count. 1st hold was chin above bar for a 10 count, 2nd hold was half way down for a 10 count, and 3rd hold was a dead hang. Completed 2 rounds.

3rd Tabata Rnd:
Apollo Onos x 3 into a Single Leg Burpee ( the Apollo’s are on a 3 count so you switch legs for the single leg burpees )
Broad Jump to Burpee followed by 2 SSH moving backwards ( gets you back to starting position from the broad jump )
Ski Abs ( 1 rep each side ) into a Plank Jack

Ran out of time so the fellas missed the final pull up bar round. Moseyed back to COT.

MARY: None needed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter on 8/4, CSAUP- The Final Countdown
COT: Lifted up marriages, health, and safe travels for traveling PAX.

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I’m Not A Runner?

Slight mosey to the road leading from the Fort Mill parkway entrance to the AO.
Some 21’s of SSH and IW/HW (alternating IW and HW every round of 5)
20 SSH & 1 IW
19 SSH & 2 IW

16 SSH & 5 IW


100 Merkins
200 LBCs
300 Squats
One partner runs ~70yards up and down the slight incline
Continued the 21’s from above for another 5 rounds.

5 burpees
Run the same distance as from the DORA
10 squats
10 Merkins
10 LBCs

Then wrapped up as many of the 21’s as possible before COT.

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1-Year Anniversary Pain Special

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Merkin, Hillbilly Walkers, Overhead Claps, Calf Raises, and Cherry Pickers
Pull ups and Stations= Round 1: Group 1 @ Pull Up Bar & Group 2 doing Burpees for 2 minutes; Round 2: Group 1 @ Pull Up Bar & Group 2 doing Squats for 1 minute; Round 3: Group 1 @ Pull Up Bar & Group 2 doing Seal Jacks for 1 minute
Tennis Courts Area= (12) Count/ Exercise for 3 Rounds and Run after each Round: Box Jumps, Derkins, I-Merkins, Dips, Shoulder Taps
Light Pole Transportation= Bear Crawl, Lunges, and Run Back to COT
Briefly talked about Q3.8 Candor
MARY: American Hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Beth Shelter and Blood Drive
COT: Patience

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