Bricklayers convention

WARMUP: 10x ssh, windmills, imp walks
THE THANG: there were 2 stations set up at opposite ends of the school, each with 6 assignments to complete, for example assignment 1 = 25 squats and 20 mike tysons, assignment 2 = 60 lbcs, etc.

Pax picked one station to complete assignment 1 and ran back to the middle to take a free throw. If they made it, they ran a lap around the track and proceeded to the other station to complete assignment 1 there, but if they missed, they did 10 derkens before doing their lap and going to the next station.

Pax alternated stations doing the next assignment each time with the free throw/lap/maybe derkens (probably derkens) after each assignment

Fun was had by all
MARY: nope
COT: prayers for career discernment and safety at our schools

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And Exercise!

THE THANG: Run Suicides using 3 light posts-2 sets
Mosey to back entry and have pax take turns calling the workout we would do as we ran to each light pole-
Rebound called merkins
Tesh called jump squats
Peach stand called big boys
Old bay called plank jacks
MARY: box cutters, American hammer, protractor, Freddy mercury, etc and so forth
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter, sign up for dam to dam sept 1st
COT:Prayers for Rebound (that were apparently very effective) as he was taking his mortgage exam soon after the workout, prayers for Tesh’s father for safe travels as he was going to the west coast to care for one of his loved ones, and praise for @Escargo for making it out for the first time in a while.

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The Shirtless Wonders

WARMUP: Change Order with stretching and other fun stuff
Trucker started off with some wind sprints between the light poles in the back parking lot. Merkins completed at the end of each round. Four rounds finished before next hand-off. Fishstix had next. Partner up, One partner bear crawled to the wall and completed 5 muscle ups and back to other partner. The other partner did the following exercises: HR Merkins (Rd1), CCD (Rd2), and Flutters (Rd3).
Hand-off to Mainframe. Partner burpees, each partner alternated doing burpees starting at 1, when the team reached 20, they ran a lap. Four rounds, lots of burpees.
Finished with Change Order broga

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Whetstone not Wet Stone

Cohiba led warmup where we ran to front of Elementary School and commenced with COP

Hand off to Kaiser where we ran bball courts behind middle school and performed a modified Dora
-dips, irkins, big boys

Hand off to CakeBoss
Mosey to side of elementary school

Partner one big boys
Partner two bear crawl

Partner one leg raises
Partner two bear crawl

Partner one LBCs
Partner two bear crawl

Partner one hellos dollys
Partner two suicide sprint

Partner one something
Partner two suicide sprint

Mosey to driveway for gasers between light poles
Last one all the way to COT

8/4: Convergence
8/5: Stuff the bus

Prayers and Praises recognized

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Light Pole Accumulators

– SSH (25)
– Windmills (10)
– Imperial Walkers (10)
– Hello Dollys (10)
– Box Cutters (10)
– Mountain Climbers (20)

Mosey to light poles along back entrance for light pole accumulator exercise.

1 rep at 1st light pole
2 reps at 2nd
3 reps at 3rd…etc.

When first pax gets to 9th light pole (and does 9 reps), run back to first light pole and sweep the rest of the pax.

Rinse and repeat with following exercises.

1. Flying Squirrels
2. Squats
3. Plank Jacks
4. Jump Squats
5. Merkins

YHC had more planned, but had to quit due to time. Clocked in 3.5 miles, according to Apple. Great work by all pax! Thanks Rebound for the opportunity to serve!

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The Fort Horsemen at the Colloseum

WARMUP: 15 SideStattleHops
8 (3 count) Michael Phelps
10 Moroccan night clubs
10 (3 count) V-ups
10 (3 count) dying cockroaches
10 (3 count) Mt. Climbers
10 (3 count) Peter parkers
10 (3 count) Parker Peters
10 (3 count) Hello Dollies
10 Box cutters
10 (3 count) Airplanes
8 (3 count) J-Lows

Dora – Partner 1 bear crawl down and toy soldiers back. Partner 2 does Turkish Get-ups until partner 1 gets back.
Two – 30 second 6 inch hold in plank position while resting in straight arm in plank position in between sets for 30 seconds. This allowed for my 2 minutes of sharing about the benefits of our SL.
Jack Webb Wheelbarrow style, partner up, partner performing the Jack Web gets into the wheelbarrow position with other partner holding his legs. Perform 1 merkin, then wheelbarrow 4 paces, then perform 2 merkins, then wheelbarrow 8 paces, so forth and so on until you reach the ultimate goal of 10-40. If the first partner attempting the wheelbarrow jack web needs a break he will remember where he was in the web upon stopping while his partner starts the same process. Keep swapping back and forth as many times as needed until both partners complete the series.
Ran a circuit around the school lot with six leg stations along the way. At each station do rep count of 15 for the first lap, then 20 for second lap, then 25 for 3rd lap.

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter, Come to the Testament on Wednesday.

COT: Prayers for deaths in the family of close friends, Praise for opportunity to serve others,

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KABOOM at Colosseum

WARMUP: Disclaimer only
THE THANG: 1776 reps of pain plus some running
COT: On this birthday of our country we added FNG Tang to our pax, EH’d by Mark Twain. Welcome brother! We sweat like crazy in the Gloom and let the familiar soreness settle in as the fireworks lit up the sky to honor our forefathers and our fellow Americans. Grateful to have been born in the USA and to share this life with my F3 brothers. May we stay United and foster Unity with those we meet each time we leave COT and enter the world around us. God Bless America!

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I’ve Never Done This Before

WARMUP: World’s shortest mosey (10yds), 5 Burpees, Mosey more, Shoulder Taps, Mosey more, SSH, Mosey more, Toy Soldiers, finish the Mosey to the back lot.
THE THANG: We had a circle of cones ~10yds out from the center cone. On the outside of the circle, we’d complete the round of exercises, 10 reps each, then bear crawl to the center cone for 2 wide-arm merkins, then crawl bear back to the outside circle and wait for the six.
Rd 1: 10 Carolina Dry Docks & 10 Peter Parkers
Rd 2: 10 Parker Peters & 10 Dips
Rd 3: 10 right side lunges & 10 left side lunges
Rd 4: 10 Slooooow Squats & 10 Jump Squats

Light Poles: This is something I’ve never done and had no idea how long it would take. Remember, not a pro and this is peer led.
Starting at the first light pole, run up two light poles, NUR back one, then 2 V-Ups.
From that point, run up two more light poles, NUR back one, 3 V-Ups.
Continue all the way up the hill to the 13th light pole, adding 1 more V-Up at each light pole.
Mosey back to the 1/2 wall I love so much and grab a partner.
Partner 1: 5 Over & Backs (more complicated than it should’ve been)
Partner 2: Burpees
As a group, 10 Muscle Ups.

MARY: Back at COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Independence Day Convergence, Stuff The Bus, HIM Camp
COT: Yes

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