Escalating in difficulting

For this workout, YHC borrowed heavily from a my Q while on vacation at Ocean Isle the week before.  As we often do in F3, however, it was made more difficult this time.  The focus for this workout was to remind ourselves that we can always dig deeper.  It was fast paced and after completing something that seemed difficult we moved onto something that sounded even more horrible.  Each PAX dug deep and crushed it.

Warm up:

  • Mosey lap around the parking lot
  • SSH X35
  • Merkin X 15
  • Mountain Climber X10
  • Windmill X10
  • Imperial Walker X10

The Thang:

Merkin Suicide

Line up on the line in front of Harris Teeter.  The parking lot has four small islands between Harris Teeter and Fort Mill BBQ.  5 Merkins on the line, then run to the first island, 5 merkins, run back to the start, for 5 merkins.  Then run to the first island again for 5 merkins, continue to the second island for 5 merkins, head back towards HT but stop at the first island again for 5 merkins.

With the suicide run and the requirement to stop for 5 merkins anytime you passed the island that was a total of 65 merkins broken up by a fair amount of running.

Dora 1,2,3

Partner up to complete a series of exercises together with your partner.

Partner 1 would complete the exercise while partner 2 would run the full length of the parking lot.

  • Bomb Jacks X100
  • Squats X200
  • Shoulder Taps X300 counting only the tap on the right shoulder

Partner Burpee Plank

Partner 1 would hold an elbow plank while partner 2 completed burpees.  After each burpee partner 2 will jump over their partner in the plank position.  This was completed in a ladder with one partner completing 10 burpees, switch for the other partner to complete 10 burpees.  Descend in number until complete.  10, 8. 6. 4. 2, Done.


This BB is late posting.  Announcements are outdated.

Thank you Decibel for the opportunity!

TClap |

Golden Corral – RUCK HEAVY

It was an awesome morning and 19 PAX showed up to put some work in.  11 of us went to get our RUCK on.  Maximus had reached out and asked if I would be interested in a Co-Q with him as I’ve been freeloading for long enough.  I was pumped for the opportunity and gladly accepted.


Grab a couple sandbags and ruck to our Warm-Up

Partner up and play a little catch me if you can… 5 Merkins

Shoulder Press

Upright Row


Tricep Extensions

Calf raises

Mary – Dead CockRoach, LBC, Flutter Kick

Then he passed the torch….

Indian run with merkins for two rotations through until we got back to the coupons (Ruck On for the rest of the WOD)

Picked up coupons and mosey to a nice gravel hill I found.  Two Groups, first group does squats while group 2 bear crawls up the hill . When six returns we switch.

5 burpees – OYO

Just for fun bear crawl up the gravel hill, then sprint to a marked destination

The PAX where in for a surprise, I drove up early that morning and dropped coupons for their enjoyment.

3 foot cement filled pipe – 7 foot cement filled pipe – 2 Sandbags – 5 gallon bucket filled with 4.5 gallons of water (the worst) – 30lb ammo can – (Add in the three previous sandbags we had that makes 10 coupons) – 11th Pax lost strap privlages.

Make our way to our next destination, while Rucking Heavy

Line up and grab some wall, Rucks on Laps, last guy passes his ruck down the line and sprints to catch it, then grabs some wall until the last guy gets his ruck back. (Gave us a chance to see who Rucks Heavy, and who carries a few barbie dolls)

Leave coupons mosey to a step up wall.

Partner 1 – 10 burpees while Partner 2 does step ups – switch and repeat

2 Double time laps around the oil change and back to repeat the wall rotation and pass.

Grab the coupons and make our way to my truck, we then caught the BC and did some Mary.

P & P

Mastodon, CAH, F3 Dads


Sick kids, Sen. Tressel family, Deacons wife (pregnant)


Was happy to lead and know I have a ton to work on but had a great time and can’t wait until the next time.  I mentioned during the WOD that typically the hardest part of a GoRuck event is carrying odd shaped coupons.  We get comfortable with our sand bags and logs.  So from now on if I Q expect some odd shaped coupons coming with.

Until next time, keep it on two wheels, RAD!

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Golden Corral , buffet of choices

It was a humid July morning at 18 HIM met for a assortment of pain.  12 choose YHC for BC and 4 WhatDid ruck beat down.  Zima and MacGivor went for a sweat fest run.  The 12 boot campers went off with me.

20 SSH

  1. 20IW

20 Moroccan Nightclubs

run 100% across parking lot, 10 bombjacks

Set up for a Rock Hill Wakkers Starfish (Change Order new what was coming):

100 merkins

100 LBC

100  Squats

50 Pike Presses, between each stations 10 burpies

Next up a Merkin Wave for 7 rounds . Crowd pleaser.

Jack Webb

Sprint back across parking lot for 10 more bombjacks.

series of Wall Sits including each PAx doing Bear Crawls.

finish up with another set of merkin wave.

.Annoucements, praises and prayers.

read your newsletter.

Always an honor to lead.






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A little modified Tri-Training in the Gloom

  • QIC: Gekko
  • When: 06/20/2017
  • Pax: Deacon, Bolt, Fishsticks, Falcon Crest, Change order, Old Bay, Maximus, Netscape, Spiderman, Catfish, Rad, Lil E, Bonsai, Skippy, Atticus,
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

I shared with the Pax that I am currently training for a Tri and Tuesday is usually my swim day, but I got the call from Decibel that I was on Q at GC, so I gladly put the Speedo away for a day and got the winkie ready.  I thought I would add little Triathlon spin to the workout today.  I introduced myself to a few new faces, no FNGs, disclaimer was given and the 8 Bootcampers were off. Moseyed to the back of HT for COP with SSHs, IW, Abe Vagoda (think slow windmill), Mtn Climbers, Merkins, Squats, MNC, Peter Parker, CDD, and finished with a new one to me, Howling Monkey(look it up if you want a nice quad burn)

The Thang

We started with the Swim portion of our Tri so to work the shoulders we did a nice round of Jack Webb.  I love being there when someone does this the first time, and they look at you like “nbd” and very soon realize “this sucks”

We them moved to our transition to the bike portion of our tri, and found a nice hill to run up and down to wok the quads. the plan was to do an 11 with LBCs and Merkins, but the clock wouldn’t allow it if we wanted to get our final leg of the tri in.

Finally transitioned to the run portion of the tri which was a long full lap around the perimeter of the HT parking lot making your way back to COT, at your 5k race pace(some modification required)

Finished up at COT with a Change Order lead 3 minutes of Mary

A good sweat was had by all. Welcome back Kotter to Skippy

Announcements: July 4th Convergence, 24 HOB – donations accepted, PAX wanted for Paradise AO on Saturdays.

Prayers/Praises: Praise for Deacon and his family for baby #4 on the way, Praises for Spiderman’s 2.0 improved behavior, Prayers for marriages in the Pax

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Ruckers at the Beach (Sand Bags)

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 06/20/2017
  • Pax: The Ruckers were: Rad, Deacon, Bolt, Bonsai, Spiderman, Lil E, Catfish (Yeah, Rock Hill)
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

It seemed like forever ago that I excitedly signed up for the Ruck Q at Golden Corral on 6/20 but the day was quickly approaching. After some reaching out to various PAX about who had rucks and who had sand bags, more than enough guys volunteered the necessary equipment. As typically happens, we got into some Twitter smack between the other Tuesday Q’s about whose workout will be better and where the real gladiators show up, etc, etc, etc. Love that we have many first-class options. So after a trip to discount retail store to pick up a workout dice (sort of) and some web browsing, I had the Weinke penned.

And on this humid (Soupy was the word of choice) morning, 16 PAX rolled in, 8 of which were toting “backpacks.” After Gecko gave the disclaimer to the PAX the Ruckers strolled to the back of my truck and feasted their eyes on some coupons with handles on them. Those, my friends, those are sand bags. Welcome.

The Thang
4 Pax grabbed the sand bags and lead us to the back of 9-round for the warm up.
Circle up and we rolled the “dice” to read off the exercise that landed on top. We modified slightly but if I remember correctly, the exercises were, Squats, High Knees, Burpees and SSH (your typical, run of the mill warm up). This happened for about 3mins or so.

Partner up with a sand bag (no ruck) and face each other on the white parking space lines. Partner 1 squats w/ the sand bag then chest-throws the bag to your partner’s feet. Partner 2 does the same and sends it back. Do this for 3mins.

Partner 1 lunges with each leg then fireman’s throw the sand bag to your partner’s feet. Partner 2 does the same then sends it back. Do this for 3mins.

No ruck and no sand for the Merkin Pyramid (more of a Merkin Plateau but you’ll get the idea)
1 Merkin with a 5sec rest at the top.
2 Merkins with a 5sec rest at the top.

Circle up:
Ruck curls x 20 then 5 man makers
Ruck cleans x 15 then 5 man makers
Upright rows x 15 then 5 man makers
Reverse lunges x 10ea leg then 5 man makers

Big boy sit-ups with rucks overhead x 15
Flutter kicks with the ruck press x 20 (I think but I lost count)
Chopsticks with rucks overhead x 12
American Hammer w/o rucks x 40 (4ct)

Move to the grass and partner up:
Partner 1 grabs the ruck, gets into a plank and drags the ruck left to right and back to left for a total of 10ea direction.
Partner 2 grabs a sand bag and takes it from the ground to over the shoulder and drops it to ground behind you. Do this until Partner 1 is finished.

Catch me if you can with your partner for about 50yds to the Harris Teeter brick wall while the partner does 5 flying squirrels.

Just walking with a backpack and throwing sand like a kid at the beach. No offense taken by the nay-sayers, just an invitation to join one morning (July 18 seems like a good morning).

Loved the opportunity WWL and Cobra Kai.

As you were…

TClap |

Buffet of Humidity

  • QIC: Mainframe
  • Pax: Pusher, Hasselhoff, Fish Sticks, Decibel, Falcon Crest, Lutefisk, Bonsai - Ruckers Twister & Repeat
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

8 boot-campers and 2 ruckers ignored the weather predictions and posted for a mostly rain free morning. No FNGs so we started with 5 burpees. Because why not?
Mosey to beside building: 5 burpees, 10 squats.
Mosey to circle behind apartments: 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 mtn climbers.
Mosey to top of hill: 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 mtn climbers, 20 LBCs.
Mosey to daycare parking lot: 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 mtn climbers, 20 LBCs, 25 SSH.
Mosey over to old Sonic. I thought we could use this space since it was covered but unfortunately it was like a cave. I needed a head-lamp to read the weinke so since we had no light and it wasn’t raining we returned to daycare lot.

Circle up for the 300. 10 exercises, 30 reps each. Sounds easy…
Merkins, Seal Jacks, Jump Lunges, Flutters, Scorpion CDDs
Lap around Sonic to break it up
Jump Squats, Freddie Mercs, Plank Jacks, Shoulder Touches, Toe Touches

Suicides, 6 reps.
Jack ladder: Plank Jacks on one end, Bomb Jacks in the middle, and Seal Jacks on the other end. 20:5:5, 15:5:10, 10:5:15, & 5:5:20.

Mosey back toward home.
Stop at bottom of hill: 20 LBCs, 15 mtn climbers, 10 squats, 5 burpees.
Stop near apartment garages: 15 mtn climbers, 10 squats, 5 burpees.
Times up, back to COT, and no one seemed to complain about missing out on the remaining burpees.

Announcements: Tons of things going on. Columbia mission trip support. Hog & Coyote. School fundraiser. A few others so read the newsletter.

Prayer requests: Manchester bombing victims, Fish Sticks increase in work travel.

Even though the rain held off, it was like 210% humidity this morning. Everyone looked like they had been rained on. Great work by everyone. Thanks to Decibel for opportunity!


TClap |

Be careful what you ask on Twitter

  • QIC: Bonsai
  • When: 5/16/2017
  • Pax: Maximus, Cornhole, Shady, Rad, Lil E
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

The evening before the workout I sent out a message on twitter asking who was the Q at Golden Corral for the Ruck WO.  I quickly got a response back saying it was wide open just for me.  Obviously I stepped up and took the Q.  For about the next 20 minutes I thought about trying to put together a winkie, but then I finally decided to wing it since I have participated in several WOs at GC and figured I could put something together.  So the moral to my story is don’t post something on Twitter or any other social media where other Pax are that you aren’t willing to lead.

10 Windmill IC
10 Hill Billy Walker IC
10 merkins IC – with ruck on

I have participated in quite a few ruck workouts at GC and every time we walk around to the back side of HT/ 9 Round I always think we are going to do something to incorporate the large tractor tire sitting on the sidewalk.  Every time we always continued right past it without stopping except for this time.

The Thang:
Split up in pairs and do the following:
1 – partner flip the tire from 9 Round to the end of building and back
2 – squats and run to cones and back – rotate with partner between squats and run until team 1 has finished
3 – LBCs and run – same rotation as #2

Once #1 finished all teams rotated to their next station after 5 Man Makers
Rinse and Repeat until completing all 3 stations

Mosey over behind the Tire Station for a modified version of Dora
100 merkins – with ruck
50 step ups on wall – with ruck
**Initially I called out 100 step ups but realized it would take forever to complete so being Q I modified

5 Man Makers
Gave pax a quick breather while I shared my thoughts on Maturity
Back to the wall for 25 more step ups as a group
15 more step ups as a group
5 Man Makers
10 more step ups as a group

After completing 100 step ups we moseyed over to the side of the HT for a 6-10 count wall sit
15 Dips IC

5 Man Makers

After all of this terrible stuff I still didn’t feel like a ruck workout is complete until you have to bear crawl.

Finally it was completed with a round of Homer and Marge until COT.

Honestly I found it to be very fun and challenging to Q on the fly.  However I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who has never been to a site to try and do this because it could be an epic failure.  With that said I still plan to do some prep work for my Q’s just so I have something to leverage if needed.

Thanks for allowing me to lead and great work by all Pax!


TClap |

4-Corner BLIMPS Accumulators

  • QIC: Old Bay
  • When: 05/16/2017
  • Pax: Lincoln Log, Olaf, Funhouse, Falcon Crest, ChaChing, Maximums, Senator Tressel, Boeheim, Elvis (FNG), Pusher, Rad, Shady, Lil'E, Jeevs, Repeat, WWL, Atticus, Jekyll, Lutefisk, Bonsai, Cornhole, Decibel, Smuggler, Mainframe, ChangeOrder, FlatTire, Oldbay
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

27 Pax showed out for some work at Golden Corral, and to enjoy perfect F3 weather (low 60’s, clear, and not too humid). After the disclaimer was issued, half a dozen or so ruckers split off with Bonsai at the helm. The remaining pax moseyed with YHC for some warm-up action behind the Harris Teeter. #Mumblechatter was strong, and the epicenter of it seemed to follow Pusher.


  • SSH x25 (IC)
  • Windmills x15 (IC)
  • Forward lunges
  • Reverse lunges
  • Imperial Walkers x15 (IC)
  • Peter Parkers x20 (IC)
  • Parker Peters x20 (IC)
  • Mountclimbers x15 (IC)

As we moseyed from behind Harris Teeter, we crossed paths with an FNG (later named “Elvis”) that was EH’ed by Boeheim. Elvis arrived late due AO location confusion. T-Claps for him searching us out and catching up to the pax. We landed at the Rite-Aid building for the main event: 4-Corner BLIMPS Accumulators

The Thang
For each “round” described below, all pax were to run to each corner of the Rite-Aid building and do BLIMPS exercises. For those unfamiliar with the shape of a square building, that means the exercises were repeated 4 times each round (once at each corner). After each round, leading pax planked until the 6 arrived. So we all started each round together.

Round 1- 1 burpee at each corner (running between corners)
Round 2 – 1 burpee, 2 step lunges at each corner
Round 3 – 1 burpee, 2 lunges, 3 Imperial walkers
Round 4 – 1 burpee, 2 lunges, 3 Imperial walkers, 4 merkins
Round 5 – 1 burpee, 2 lunges, 3 Imperial walkers, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks
Round 6 – 1 burpee, 2 lunges, 3 Imperial walkers, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 squats
Round 7 – 2 lunges, 3 Imperial walkers, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 squats
Round 8 – 3 Imperial walkers, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 squats
Round 9 – 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 squats
Round 10 – 5 plank jacks, 6 squats
Round 11 – 6 squats

We managed to get all 11 rounds in before heading to COT. For those curious about the numbers.
24 burpees
48 step lunges
72 imperial walkers
96 merkins
120 plank jacks
144 squats
Total Distance run: 1.8 miles (at least that what I thought I over heard Pusher/Funhouse say). That’s a health distance to put around a single building. Wouldn’t be surprised if Rite-Aid Security HQ was panicking.

Naked Man Moleskin
Welcome FNG “Elvis”, who tolerated YHC refusing to give any demos of the exercises, and was also denied the traditional 5 minutes of AbLab, since we were busy with the main event right up until 0600. Prayers were requested by Lutefisk who’s father is undergoing surgery, and mother who will be taking care of him, but is having some new health issues of her own. Also for Shady who lost his dad a few weeks ago and needs comfort and encouragement as he continues to grieve. Also, for the men giving it away by helping launch F3Cincinnati – wishing them safe travels and praises for their willingness to serve.

Excellent work by all this morning. Thanks to Decibel for allowing me to Q.

TClap |

Everybody clap your hands

  • QIC: Cable Guy
  • When: 4-25-17
  • Pax: Fun House, Decibel, Falcon Crest, Fish Sticks, Jeeves, Pusher, Mainframe, Deacon, Hasslehoff, Spud, Cable Guy
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

The rain held off for a Cable Guy beatdown that did not disappoint! At least I didn’t hear any complaining 🙂

10 started and 11 finished at the Golden Corral
After the disclaimer was given we took a nice mosey for about 1/2 mile to get our legs warm then circled up near Rite Aid to get really warm (Fun House even shared his appreciation of my COP, thanks for that!)

Circle up and start with 20 Seal Jacks
20 Plank Jacks
20 SSH
30 Mountain Climbers (Sorry Pusher)
20 Peter Parker
20 Parker Peter
20 Imperial Walker
20 LBC
20 Morrocan night club
20 Slow Squat

Partner up (size does not matter)
separate about 30 yards
1st round:
Partners run to the center and start with 10 partner handslap merkins
run back to start and return to center for 9 an repeat down to 1
2nd round:
Same as above but replace merkins with big boy sit-ups
3rd round:
Same as above but replace sit-ups with squats
4th round:
Start with 8 handslap burpees and work dow n to 1 (Crowd pleaser)

Finish off with one partner making a short lap around Rite-Aid while the other partner does LBC’s until you reach 500 cumulatively!

The End!

COT we talked about what we are thankful for! I mentioned a book that is helping me called “Don’t sweat the small stuff and it’s all small stuff”. If you have not read or listened to it please grab it on audible and listen to it in the car or wherever. Do your self a favor and just get the book!

TClap |

Retiring The 50

  • QIC: Cornhole
  • When: 04/11/17
  • Pax: Boot Campers - Decibel, Witch Hunt, Crash, Gekko, Old Bay, Chicken Hawk Ruckers - World Wide Leader, Twister, CSPAN, Gears, Sasquatch, Lung Nut, Wild Thing
  • Posted In: Golden Corral
When I found out that I was going to have the Q to close out my 50th year.  I knew exactly what I was going to do.  The infamous 50’s workout.
During the disclaimer I gave a little insight into what was about to happen and was suprised that I didn’t lose anyone to the rucking team.  So not to disappoint we were off.
Run around Parking Lot 50 SSH, 10 ea IW, Windmills , Squats, Merkins, Mt Climber
Mosey to 9 rounds
2 sets 25 – LBC, Mtn Climbers, Flutter Kicks, Peter Parkers, Hello Dollies, Parkers Peter
Mosey Behind HT
10 burbees x 5
Mosey to Express Wall
5 sets 10 ea Derkins, Dips, Step ups
Mosey to O’Rileys grass
Gather PVC Pipes
Jack Webs 1-5 to 5-25, 25 Tricep extensions
Jack Webs 6-30 to 10-50, 25 Tricep extensions
Mosey to COT
Magic Show, Donations to F3Foundation for – Can choose F3.
Happy hour at Carolina Beer Temple in Arsley.
CSPAN – youngest turns 16 today.
WWL – Spring break travels.  Easter.  Friend pregnancy complications. Friday night simulation event.
Decibel – Cricket – Brain tumor – have not heard results.  Uncle Bill – may have to go on Dialysis.
Appreciate Decibel allowing me to lead and close out my 50th year the way I opened it up.
Thought I would recap what this past year has brought me that would not have happened without F3.
Completed 3 Pathfinder Training programs which allowed me to complete multiple Go-Ruck Events
Completed Yeti and Hog & Coyote CSAUPs
Competed in over 15 running events including Joe Davis, P200, Ragnar Hurricane and 2 ultra’s
Participated and Que’d workouts in Houston, TX.
Participated in multiple incredible Convergences
All of these things were done with many of you by my side and could not have done it without the support and encouragement from all of you.
When we talk about this F3 thing changing lives  My entire mind set has changed and this was evident a couple weeks ago when I went back to Iowa.  On previous trips my thoughts were all about meeting friends and heading to the bar (yes that did happen on this trip also) but before I got there I reviewed the local parks for running trails and parking lots for solo boot camps.  While I didn’t get up and workout at 5:30 (you know that bar thing) I did run or workout everyday.  A couple of good friends started asking my about this change and they began to start evaluating where they are physically and thinking about better choices.  They researched the F3 and GORUCK websites.  One has even bought a ruck and bricks.  He’s targeting an event near the end of summer.  Sounds like another road trip.

Honored and Blessed to call you all Brothers.

Thank You!
TClap |