- Posted In: Golden Corral
10 faithful converged in the Abundant Hope Church parking lot for a change of pace workout with a guest Q.
The Thang:
3 warm up laps around church property
COP: 10 burpees (had to start off strong that this wasn’t going to be your typical Little Mike as Q workout!), 30 SSH, 20 squats, 20 imperial walkers, 10 squat-merkins, 20 mountain climbers, 10 merkins, 20 bicycles
Line em up facing the long way of parking lot.
Sprint down and back
Karaoke down and back
side shuffle down, sprint back, change sides-repeat
Lung walk down, lunge walk 1/2 cave man walk 1/2
Modified beat- suicide with 10 squats 1/2 way, 10 merkins at starting line
Repeat with backwards run and 5 burpees
Plank series
Frog jump 1/2, alligator merkins 1/2
Frog jump 1/2, peekaboo street jumps 1/2
6 MOM (Beacon departs a little early…. missed the 4th quarter)
Mosey to hill in front of church
Bear crawl to top of hill, 5 merkins, jog down, 10 squats, repeat for 5 cycles
Partner up, partner A wheel-barrels up, jog down, partner B wheel-barrels up, job down, 10 sumo squats- repeat for 5 cycles each
Moleskin: A solid hard work put in by all this morning. T-claps to Little Mike for keeping the mumble chatter going throughout the pax…. didn’t realize he was bilingual either…
Shout out to the Fort pax that joined this morning, Crab Cakes, Beacon, Cake Boss! Beacon and Cake Boss live a little too close for coming up with excuses for fartsacking on future posts.
BTW, who get’s named Iron Lady…. just saying….