Now that YHC is back in the world of site Q’s and has learned that I don’t need word press for a pre blast 😬, here’s your notification that we have brought back a Thursday AO to Fort Mill High – The Coach’s Box arrived last week albeit under the shadows of AKA.
Now that the Tour De Fort (AKA) is complete, I expect regular attendance from PAX who seek not just to accelerate their 1st F but to accelerate their leadership as well. I’ll expound a bit.
Many of you know my enthusiasm for leadership and its study. In moving the AO back here, the Coach’s Box was fitting as every Q, just like a good coach, will bring a leadership message to accompany their workouts (saying weinke would have felt a bit awkward there 😬).
Last week, Sugar Daddy gave us a great message from his former baseball coach. Work fast, change speeds, throw strikes. This week, Spiderman brings something new. Fogerty the week after. You get the idea.
This AO also is very proximate to Hanging with Stang – where anyone can (and should) conveniently stack their first and second F together. After all, we’re called to accelerate in all three F’s.
It was YHC’s intent to establish an AO that brought Acceleration, Leadership & Fellowship all in one experience. If you like the idea of that – you know where to post on Thursdays. I look forward to seeing all of you there very soon.