8 Day’s Late

WARMUP: Mosey to South State Bank
20 SSH, 10 Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: Run to Gold Hill Middle Parking Lot: .56 Miles
20 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 LBC’s.
Run back to Bank: 20 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 LBC’s.
Run back to school and reduce reps by 5.
MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Amazing porta potty in front of the Firebirds! Saved me!!!!

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Dave Lyle to Gold Hill and back????


THE THANG: 1.75 out and back for a total of 3.5 miles. Option to add on 2 loops around the very large building for another half mile.
MARY: Yes – handful of the fast runners
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUP, Bethel Men’s Shelter, Litter Pick up coming soon, Canoli Run….
COT:Well done well attended and knocked out in a timely manner.

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burpees on a string

WARMUP: disclaim
THE THANG: big Loop – run down Dave Gibson – through school – up bus entrance – through Walmart parking lot – onto Hubert Graham toward TCES – right on Waterloo – Left on Henslow – right on Cameron creek – right on 160 – back to COT.

stop every 1/4 mile for exercise
first stop 15 SSH IC
each subsequent stop replace 1 SSH with 1 Burpee

4 miles
120 SSH IC
120 burpees

10 American Hammers IC
20 LBCs IC

grow rucks a plenty (see Olaf)
beers and burpees (see Decibel)

Important stuff

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Brayden Burpees

WARMUP: mosey through parking lot over to the light, cross 160 and down to bottom of Brayden
THE THANG: hill repeats- 10 squats at bottom, 10 merkins at first street, 10 flying squirrels at 2nd street, 10 burpees at the top. Rinse&Repeat
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence/invergence this Saturday

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Chicken Nuggies

It was a beautiful rainy morning after the superbowl. Thankful for all the PAX showing up. Quick disclaimer then we crossed 160 to Braden. Every time we passes the sign it was 12 merkins. Run down to the clubhouse for a simple plan in chicken nuggies increments:
6 burpees, 12 mtn climbers, 18 LBCs, run loop clockwise. Loop is up hill to sign, right down 160 to next Braden entrance, take a right and follow Emory back to clubhouse. 6 jump squats, 12 CDDs, 18 American Hammers, run loop in opposite direction. Keep repeating until time. Jog back to rainy COT. Gazelles got 5 loops in, others got less but everyone put the work in. Thanks for the nod Badlands!

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Kraken burpee

Merlin, side straddle hop
3.5 mile run
Stop 1 kraken burpee, stop 2 Mike Tyson, stop 3 Merkin
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q school March 1st
COT: family. Men staying calm, family with health issues

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Saying hello to Colosseum

THE THANG: Run to Colosseum, 15 Mac tar jai’s; run back to StL, 5 Jack Webb’s; repeat again; run, 15 CDD’s; run, 5 plank Webbs; repeated by the gazelles

Mini QSchool for 7 min: For pax that have never Q’d, schooling given on proper cadence; given an exercise to lead pax in: SSH, merkins, American hammers

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Running with burpees and such

WARMUP: None – it’s a disclaimer and we go
THE THANG: running with burpees, squats and side straddle hops every 1/4 mile. Get as much as you can. All of them.
MARY: only time for a few airborne hip exercises.
COT: 5th core principle

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There and back

THE THANG: Tega Cay and Back – 30-Merkins turns and shorter version runners 30 merkins at Banks 4.5m
MARY: Nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB10k Saturday, Kid friendly, D2D in Feb 17th
COT: Prayers for mental health, Marriages.

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