F3 Dads 2nd F Star Wars


Make it a full on 2nd F weekend: December 20th, the day after the great F3 Christmas Party- (Thanks Funhouse!), we have another opportunity for 2nd F.  This is an F3 DADS event.  Bring your 2.0(s) boys and girls for the 3:50pm showing of Star Wars, The Force Awakens.

Here’s the deal:

  • What: Star Wars Movie
  • Who: All Pax and 2.0(s) (boys and girls) are invited.
  • When: Sunday December 20th
  • Where: Manchester Cinemas, Rock Hill, SC
    • Time: 3:50 show time.
  • Why: F3 Dads.  Spend time with our 2.0s and give them the same experience we had as kids.  And transport back to when we were kids ourselves.  Wearing your Han Solo jacket or Yoda ears is purely optional.

This is opening weekend and the screen cannot be reserved.  The 3:50 time slot will sell out.  Call the theater or book on line for this show time.  Currently there are 230 seats open.  I anticipate our group to be atleast 100-150 ppl.  25-50 Pax each with kids.  Book ASAP…that is, after you finish booking your tickets for the Christmas Party.

Q’s- talk up in your COTs



TClap |

Payment in the downpour

  • QIC: BackDraft
  • When: 11/09/2015
  • Pax: Stang, Apache, BackDraft
  • Posted In: The Armory

3 pax showed up for a wet beat down by backdraft. It could have been 1 if the other 2 did not have to show up to pay off a bet to a true Tennessee fan. 2 of us got the gloom started off early with a nice 51 burpees in the downpour as to not take away from the Qs workout even if one of them was the Q.

The beat down started right on time and 3 crazy warriors were hoping that a few more headlights would turn in but that never happened. Q gave a brief disclaimer and let the pax know that he took on this Q at 2230 the night before but it would not disappoint. It went something like this.

Mosey around parking lot

circle up for a quick warm-up. 20 SSH, 15 cherry pickers, 15 IWs, 10 windmills, 15 peter parkers, 10 Mtn Climbers.

Take another mosey around

Pick up kettle bells for a tabata beatdown of upper and lower.

right arm presses, left arm presses, right arm curls, left arm curls, goblet squats.


line up with kettle bells

10 reps each side curls than sprint to light and back.

KB swings 10 spint to light and back.

Mosey to wall

3 sets of wall sits and new exercise Backdraft came up with he calls SpiderBallz (Balls to wall but than peter parkers in the up position)

mosey back to COT

around the circle abs of each pax choice.

announcements read the newsletter.

Prayers to wheels who is on IR get back soon.

BackDraft out

TClap |

2015 Children’s Attention Home Angle Tree


We are partnering with CAH to give the PAX an opportunity to give back to the community in a small way. We are participating in an Angel tree for the Children’s Attention Home.

This Angel tree works a little differently than other tree’s you may have participated in the past. You are taking an Angel to purchase a gift for a general need rather than a specific child. These needs may be satisfied specifically during the Christmas season or throughout the year as new Children arrive or leave CAH.

We have volunteered to provide for the needs in three areas for the kids:

  1. Scooters, Skateboards, Ripsticks, Rollerblades, Helmets, Knee Pads  – All Sizes
  2. Card Games –  Go Fish, Old Maid, Uno, Phase 10, Skip Bo, Flash Cards, Playing cards
  3. Art Kits & Acrylic Paint – Jewelry Making, Beading, Scrapbooking, Origami Kits, etc.

** Note: CAH houses children from ages 18 months to 18+ years so you don’t necessarily need to just buy for the younger children.

Please bring your unwrapped gifts to any AO site Q (see weekly e-mail for Site Q list) through December 19th or to the Christmas Party on December 19th and they will funnel them back to me, Chicken Hawk.

TClap |

A Morning Swim at The Armory

  • QIC: Barry Manilow
  • When: 11/02/15
  • Pax: Dark Helmet, Socrates, Patton, Howitzer, Barry Manilow (YHC)
  • Posted In: The Armory

5 men made it to The Armory on the wet November morning (There might be a song in that).  All kidding aside, is was great to see headlights join Dark Helmet and I in the parking lot, my expectations were not high.

Disclaimer and a brief comment of where we may stay dry, but the boards were in place and we were off.

A traditional Armory warm-up mosey around the lot, 20 SSH, 20 IW, 20 Windmills, 20 Squats. Mosey with your bell to the front ledge (a 2ft incline). OYO 20 dips, 10 each step-ups, 10 derkins. Mosey to the big lot. NOTE: In a heavy rain … 2x4s, duck tape and Sharpie …

One end of the lot there are 8 KB exercises, on the other there are 8 w/o the bell. KB first, run around the edge to the others, then back.  We made it though the entire program once, then the KB side twice, with running in between.

KB side: 20 tricep extensions, 10 each arm curls, 10 goblet squats/10 overhead, 20 chest presses standing (Howitzer insisted we do the second round like it was originally written, on your 6 w/ flutter kick), 20 swings 2 handed, 10 rows each side, 10 each side clean & press, 10 each way figure 8s.

w/o the bell side: 10 merkins, bear crawl to the corner, 10 bombjacks, 5 burpees (yes, only 5 and modify if needed), 20 mountain climbers, 10 monkey humpers, air chair with 20 overhead claps, 10  carolina wet docks.

Back to COT. Safe travels to Howitzer as he is on his way to the Middle East.

This morning marked 6 months for this former sad clown. Honored to Q at The Armory, thanks to Dark Helmet for giving me the keys and Howitzer, Socrates & Patton for joining me on a tough morning.

TClap |

You were the ones out here… Work at the Armory.

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 10/26/15
  • Pax: Boy Band (RESPECT), Jerry McGuire, Barry Manilow, Assassin, Peabody, Ginsu, Howitzer, Chicken Hawk, CSPAN, Dark Helmet (YHC)
  • Posted In: The Armory

A beautiful, crisp, October morning. I love starting my week this way… Working out with my brothers in the gloom… I forgot to remind our Q for this AM (though it should have been on his calendar), so since it was a little my fault, I took an #ImpromptQ opportunity to lead. No sense in overtalking it, so here’s The Thang (more or less):

Warm Up with a lap around the parking lots, with a little dynamic warm up mixed in:
Some backwards running, toy solders, and knee-to-chest pulls as we jogged, then we circled up for some more:
25 SSH
25 Moroccan Night Clubs
20 Merkins
10 CDD
(I think there was something else in there, but so be it…)
Then we grabbed our bells and moseyed over to a different part of the lot where we would do some HIIT with the bells. With some variation (as I am documenting from my then oxygen deprived and already faulty memory) we worked for 1 minute on and 30 seconds off on the following:
– KB Swings
– Bicep curls (first one arm, then the other)
– Triceps extensions (two-handed)
– Clean and press (one arm, then the other)
– Goblet squats
– Upright rows
– Dead lifts
– Bent over rows (one arm, then the other)
– Chest presses (two-handed)
– We mixed in some sprints to the end of the lot and back
– We did some wall sitting and some BTTW
– Flutter kicks with the bell held above your chest
– LBCs with the bell
– Rosalita with the bell held above your chest
– Elbow plank
– other stuff I can’t remember

I know there was more, but I don’t recall it all… Sorry about that…

The main thinking I had this morning was that we often quit too early. We often push ourselves a little, but not ALL the way. We don’t leave everything we have out on the field of play/battle. If we are holding back, we cannot be fully useful to our purpose, our families, our careers, our friends, or our God. Though he is a terrible example of how to live your life, one of my favorite quotes is from Jordan Belfort“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” The game is won and lost in our minds. I reminded the men out there, that they are the ones who showed up. A lot of men, for whatever reason, didn’t. It is our job, the job of the men who show up, to reach to those who didn’t. To reach to those that are believing their internal BS story and not being who they were put here to be. I’ll leave you with one more quote that I love: “It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

Pray for our brothers and sisters who are hurting, struggling, or otherwise not able to live fully to their purpose…

Helmet, out.

TClap |

Kettlebell Burpeefest 120

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 10/12/2015
  • Pax: Stang, Boy Band, Assassin, Patton, javert, Socrates, Howitzer, Anchorman, Destiny, McGruff, Longshanks
  • Posted In: The Armory

Despite the mention on the twitter machine of running and burpees, 11 of the Forts finest showed up for the class at the Armory.  Disclaimer mentioned and off we go.

The Thang

Mosey lap around the parking lot with high knees, butt kickers, and karoake.  Circle up for warmup. SSH x 20, 5 burpees OYO, Windmills x10, 4 burpees OYO, Imperial walkers x 15, 3 burpees OYO, Mountain climbers x 15, Good Mornings x 10.

We then got in groups of 3 (one group of 2, McGruff and YHC).  Person A would be doing a count of an exercise, Person B would be doing as many reps as possible of a different exercise, Person C would be running.  When Person C gets back from running a lap, they take over the count from A,  A moves to B, B moves to C and runs a lap. LBC’s or Flutter kicks once finished.

First round – 120 Kettlebell burpess, tricep extensions

Second round – 100 goblet squats, bicep curls

Third round – 200 kettlebell swings, shoulder press

Everyone then did 25 deadlifts, 25 upright rows, 25 chest presses and 20 plank rows (10 each arm)

Finished with AB Lab of Chopsticks, Rosalitas, Protractor, Hello Dollys, and LBC’s


Announcements – Fastest 5K this Saturday, Joe Davis on January 9th

Prayers – Stangs wife Crystal having an MRI, PAX heading down to Columbia to help with flood recovery efforts

Moleskin – Always an honor to lead the Armory.  Thanks Dark Helmet!!  Little bit of grumbling during the 120 kettlebell burpees, but i serves as reminder that when you are going through hard times their are others with you to help you out an encourage.  We all go through hard times and tough stuff, but remember when you’re going through it, find your F3 brothers and ask for help.  You know they are more then willing but they have to know you need it.

TClap |

Loaves and Fishes… PAX please keep helping Columbia.

Loads, nay, tons of support has been poured out on the Columbia PAX, but we are far from out of the woods. Spiderman is trying to garner support for a Columbus day trip to help folks start the clean up process. There will be A LOT to do. If you’ve been following the news, twitter, etc., then you’ve seen the devastation. It’s not widespread like Katrina, but for those folks affected, it’s close to that level of devastation. We are also still taking donations.

SO DONATE! Bring supplies to your AOs tomorrow and the rest of the week: Dry food, water (LOTS OF WATER), toiletries, clothes, and especially blankets or other bedding. EVERYTHING and anything helps. If you can’t make that, then drop supplies by my house: 7183 Meyer Rd. (near The Coop) We will be taking more loads down tomorrow and all week long.

Thank you for your generosity thus far. Let’s keep it going.

Someone tonight as they were dropping supplies by said, “It’s not much, but it’s what we could do.” I said that a lot of “not muches” makes a whole pile of “somethings”.

It made me think of the stories of Christ feeding the 5,000; or the account of the Widow’s Mite. Men, let’s cast in what we have, add it to the growing stacks, and make a dent in the suffering of another human being. The little we can do WILL MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE. We are promised it is so…

Additionally, if you have the means and are so inclined, here’s the link to the GoFundMe site: http://gofundme.com/9x5mxfv8

Helmet out…

TClap |

Columbus Day in Columbia


As you know Columbia was hit very hard over the past weekend by severe weather.  Many of our F3 brothers, their families, and friends have been impacted.  Daily trips are already in motion to deliver water and other necessary items.  As the waters subside the clean up will begin.  Let’s converge on Columbia to help our brothers dig out and clean up.


Plan to cut limbs, shovel mud, carry furniture, etc.  We will coordinate with those in Columbia and refine the details as we get closer.

When: Columbus Day, Monday, October 12th.

  • Meet at 6:00 – 7:00 to collect donations
  • Depart 7:30am

Where:  Lowes by Baxter Parking Lot (Slo Burn)

  • 1640 Highway 160 West, Fort Mill, SC 29708

What to bring:

  • At least one case of water
  • Sawzall (battery powered)
  • trash bags
  • Face mask
  • Chainsaws
  • Loppers
  • Gloves
  • Rope
  • Hacksaws
  • Water
  • Shovels – (snow shovels and regular)

What to wear:

  • Solid Shoes or Boots
  • Jeans
  • F3 shirt
  • Gloves – I know you have some smelly ones somewhere that have seen their day in the gloom


A tetanus shot is highly advised for cleaning up a flood area.  You can get this taken care of at a CVS or Walgreens so please get this done.  Get this done in NC so you can complete it without a prescription.  Check your insurance coverage, I was able to get this done at no charge.

Please help us make an impact!

Count so far:


  • Spider-Man
  • Dark Helmet
  • Chicken Hawk
  • Deacon
  • Cerrano
  • Jekyll
  • Barry Manilow
  • Fish Sticks
  • Senator Tressel
  • Rebel
  • Smuggler
  • Boeheim
  • Jennifer Cameron – BAC
  • Hank Chou – BAC


Thank you!


TClap |

Saved by the (Kettle)Bell

  • QIC: Corruption
  • When: 10/05/15
  • Pax: Dark Helmet, Assassin, Boy band (Respect), Gevar, Barry Mannilow, Bass-o-matic, Huckleberry, Scrum, Deacon, FNG Bellhop
  • Posted In: The Armory

“Well I woke up in the morning and my alarm gave out a warning and I thought I’d never make it on time.”

11 of Fort Mills finest braved high wind and for a run- heavy beatdown at the Armory.  Mumble chatter immediately picked up when we took it off campus.  Just as YHC was about to give the disclaimer we  realized we had an FNG with no bell!  Helmet being the HIM that he is,  gave the new guy his heavy bell and went to the car to get a much smaller bell for himself.



Off campus run to Shuttferfly parking lot, then circle up.

20 X Sealjacks

15 X windmills

15 X Merikins

20 Mountainclimbers

3 X Honeymooners/ Six-inches

Mosey back to Church

The Thang:

Each exercise to be followed by a circuit around the Church parking lot.

Legs- 20 Goblet squats/  Lunge Press 10 each side/ 30 weighted calf raises

Back- 20 deadlifts/ bent-over row 10 each side/  15 Good mornings

Chest- 20 Derkins/ floor press 10 each side/  10 diamond merkins

Shoulders- 20 Russian Swings/ Single Arm military press 10 each arm/ Clean and Press 10 Each arm

Arms- 20 overhead tricep extensions/ 20 curb dips/ iso curls 10 each arm

Abs- 20 weighted LBCs/  20 Russian Twists/ 20 flutter kicks

Circle up in a plank-o-rama(Thanks Apache)  Going around the plank with each man sharing a prayer or a praise.

Finish with 40 flutter kicks.


Moleskin-  I want to thank Dark Helmet for the opportunity to Q.  Full disclaimer, anytime I Q there will be running involved.  Kudos to Deacon for being a HIM and paying it forward by bringing out FNG Bellhop.  Kudos to all of the guys that brought supplies and to Dark Helmet for collecting them.  Thoughts and prayers for our Columbia brothers.

TClap |

Be a #HIM and help out the Columbia Community

As you may (or may not) be aware, Columbia has been hit hard be storms and has gotten over 2 FEET of rain in the last couple of days. It’s a pretty bad situation for a good number of folks have had to evacuate and some have lost homes and other property.

There isn’t a ton we can do from this end until it stops raining, but we are mobilizing to collect supplies to deliver to our F3 PAX down there, so they can help Red Cross and others distribute to those in need.

Bring the following to AO’s where you post tomorrow and Tuesday: Food (dry), water, clothes, blankets, toiletries. Anything you’d need if you were suddenly rendered homeless. We are asking Site Q’s and Q for the day to collect and I will be in touch to collect it all to take it down to Columbia. We’ve been in touch with folks down there and he and I will be working out the delivery of goods.

If you want to donate go here: http://gofundme.com/9x5mxfv8

Please step up and help.

Helmet, out.

TClap |